2021-10-09 04:56:26 +00:00
import boto3
import botocore . credentials
from botocore . awsrequest import AWSRequest
from botocore . endpoint import URLLib3Session
from botocore . auth import SigV4Auth
import json
import os
from datetime import datetime , timedelta , timezone
import sys
import traceback
import http . client
import math
import logging
import gzip
from io import BytesIO
import base64
HOST = os . getenv ( " ES " )
2021-11-29 10:09:32 +00:00
from multiprocessing import Process
http_session = URLLib3Session ( )
def mirror ( path , params ) :
session = boto3 . Session ( )
headers = { " Host " : " search-sondes-v2-hiwdpmnjbuckpbwfhhx65mweee.us-east-1.es.amazonaws.com " , " Content-Type " : " application/json " , " Content-Encoding " : " gzip " }
request = AWSRequest (
method = " POST " , url = f " https://search-sondes-v2-hiwdpmnjbuckpbwfhhx65mweee.us-east-1.es.amazonaws.com/ { path } " , data = params , headers = headers
SigV4Auth ( boto3 . Session ( ) . get_credentials ( ) , " es " , " us-east-1 " ) . add_auth ( request )
r = http_session . send ( request . prepare ( ) )
2021-10-09 04:56:26 +00:00
def predict ( event , context ) :
path = " reverse-prediction-*/_search "
2021-10-10 22:58:57 +00:00
durations = { # ideally we shouldn't need to predefine these, but it's a shit load of data and we don't need want to overload ES
" 3d " : ( 259200 , 1200 ) , # 3d, 20m
" 1d " : ( 86400 , 600 ) , # 1d, 10m
" 12h " : ( 43200 , 600 ) , # 1d, 10m
" 6h " : ( 21600 , 120 ) , # 6h, 1m
" 3h " : ( 10800 , 60 ) , # 3h, 10s
" 1h " : ( 3600 , 40 ) ,
" 30m " : ( 1800 , 20 ) ,
" 1m " : ( 60 , 1 ) ,
" 15s " : ( 15 , 1 ) ,
" 0 " : ( 0 , 1 ) # for getting a single time point
duration_query = " 6h "
if (
" queryStringParameters " in event
and " duration " in event [ " queryStringParameters " ]
) :
if event [ " queryStringParameters " ] [ " duration " ] in durations :
duration_query = event [ " queryStringParameters " ] [ " duration " ]
else :
return f " Duration must be either { ' , ' . join ( durations . keys ( ) ) } "
if (
" queryStringParameters " in event
and " datetime " in event [ " queryStringParameters " ]
) :
requested_time = datetime . fromisoformat (
event [ " queryStringParameters " ] [ " datetime " ] . replace ( " Z " , " +00:00 " )
else :
requested_time = datetime . now ( timezone . utc )
( duration , interval ) = durations [ duration_query ]
lt = requested_time + timedelta ( 0 , 1 )
gte = requested_time - timedelta ( 0 , duration )
2021-10-09 04:56:26 +00:00
payload = {
" aggs " : {
" 2 " : {
" terms " : {
" field " : " serial.keyword " ,
" order " : {
" _key " : " desc "
} ,
" size " : 1000
} ,
" aggs " : {
" 1 " : {
" top_hits " : {
" _source " : True ,
" size " : 1 ,
" sort " : [
" datetime " : {
" order " : " desc "
} ,
" size " : 0 ,
" stored_fields " : [
" * "
] ,
" script_fields " : { } ,
" docvalue_fields " : [
" field " : " datetime " ,
" format " : " date_time "
] ,
" _source " : {
" excludes " : [ ]
} ,
" query " : {
" bool " : {
" must " : [ ] ,
" filter " : [
" range " : {
2021-10-10 22:58:57 +00:00
" datetime " : { " gte " : gte . isoformat ( ) , " lt " : lt . isoformat ( ) }
2021-10-09 04:56:26 +00:00
] ,
" should " : [
] ,
" must_not " : [ ]
if " queryStringParameters " in event :
if " vehicles " in event [ " queryStringParameters " ] and event [ " queryStringParameters " ] [ " vehicles " ] != " RS_*;*chase " and event [ " queryStringParameters " ] [ " vehicles " ] != " " :
for serial in event [ " queryStringParameters " ] [ " vehicles " ] . split ( " , " ) :
payload [ " query " ] [ " bool " ] [ " should " ] . append (
" match_phrase " : {
" serial.keyword " : serial
# for single sonde allow longer predictions
payload [ ' query ' ] [ ' bool ' ] [ ' filter ' ] . pop ( 0 )
logging . debug ( " Start ES Request " )
results = es_request ( payload , path , " GET " )
logging . debug ( " Finished ES Request " )
output = { x [ ' 1 ' ] [ ' hits ' ] [ ' hits ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' _source ' ] [ ' serial ' ] : x [ ' 1 ' ] [ ' hits ' ] [ ' hits ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' _source ' ] for x in results [ ' aggregations ' ] [ ' 2 ' ] [ ' buckets ' ] }
compressed = BytesIO ( )
with gzip . GzipFile ( fileobj = compressed , mode = ' w ' ) as f :
json_response = json . dumps ( output )
f . write ( json_response . encode ( ' utf-8 ' ) )
gzippedResponse = compressed . getvalue ( )
return {
" body " : base64 . b64encode ( gzippedResponse ) . decode ( ) ,
" isBase64Encoded " : True ,
" statusCode " : 200 ,
" headers " : {
" Content-Encoding " : " gzip " ,
" content-type " : " application/json "
def es_request ( payload , path , method ) :
# get aws creds
session = boto3 . Session ( )
params = json . dumps ( payload )
compressed = BytesIO ( )
with gzip . GzipFile ( fileobj = compressed , mode = ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( params . encode ( ' utf-8 ' ) )
params = compressed . getvalue ( )
headers = { " Host " : HOST , " Content-Type " : " application/json " ,
" Content-Encoding " : " gzip " }
request = AWSRequest (
method = method , url = f " https:// { HOST } / { path } " , data = params , headers = headers
SigV4Auth ( boto3 . Session ( ) . get_credentials ( ) ,
" es " , " us-east-1 " ) . add_auth ( request )
2021-12-11 05:17:41 +00:00
#p = Process(target=mirror, args=(path,params)).start()
2021-10-09 04:56:26 +00:00
session = URLLib3Session ( )
r = session . send ( request . prepare ( ) )
return json . loads ( r . text )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
# print(get_sondes({"queryStringParameters":{"lat":"-28.22717","lon":"153.82996","distance":"50000"}}, {}))
# mode: 6hours
# type: positions
# format: json
# max_positions: 0
# position_id: 0
# vehicles: RS_*;*chase
print ( predict (
{ " queryStringParameters " : {
" vehicles " : " "
} } , { }
) )
# get list of sondes, serial, lat,lon, alt
# and current rate
# for each one, request http://predict.cusf.co.uk/api/v1/?launch_latitude=-37.8136&launch_longitude=144.9631&launch_datetime=2021-02-22T00:15:18.513413Z&launch_altitude=30000&ascent_rate=5&burst_altitude=30000.1&descent_rate=5
# have to set the burst alt slightly higher than the launch