2021-02-15 15:23:51 +10:00
import boto3
2021-04-04 09:36:05 +10:00
import botocore.credentials
from botocore.awsrequest import AWSRequest
from botocore.endpoint import URLLib3Session
from botocore.auth import SigV4Auth
2021-02-15 15:23:51 +10:00
import json
import os
2021-04-04 09:36:05 +10:00
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
import sys, traceback
2021-04-28 21:32:22 +10:00
import uuid
2021-02-15 15:23:51 +10:00
2021-08-12 17:46:06 +10:00
# TODO , HEAD S3 object, if it's less than 24 hours check ES, else 302 to bucket
2021-04-04 09:36:05 +10:00
HOST = os.getenv("ES")
# get current sondes, filter by date, location
2021-08-12 17:46:06 +10:00
2021-04-04 09:36:05 +10:00
def history(event, context):
2021-08-12 17:46:06 +10:00
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
serial = str(event["pathParameters"]["serial"])
# if there's a historic file created for this sonde, use that instead
object = s3.Object('sondehub-history', f'serial/{serial}.json.gz')
2021-08-18 18:50:57 +10:00
2021-08-12 17:46:06 +10:00
2021-08-18 18:50:57 +10:00
lastModified = object.meta.data['LastModified']
if not lastModified + timedelta(hours=12) > datetime.now(timezone.utc):
return {"statusCode": 302, "headers": {"Location": f'https://{object.bucket_name}.s3.amazonaws.com/{object.key}'}}
2021-08-12 17:46:06 +10:00
except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
if e.response['Error']['Code'] == "404":
# Something else has gone wrong.
2021-04-04 09:36:05 +10:00
path = "telm-*/_search"
payload = {
"aggs": {
"3": {
"date_histogram": {
"field": "datetime",
"fixed_interval": "1s",
"min_doc_count": 1,
"aggs": {
"1": {
"top_hits": {
"size": 1,
"sort": [{"datetime": {"order": "desc"}}],
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [
{"match_all": {}},
"match_phrase": {
"serial": str(event["pathParameters"]["serial"])
results = es_request(payload, path, "POST")
output = [
2021-04-28 21:32:22 +10:00
{k: v for k, v in data["1"]["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"].items() if k != 'user-agent' and k != 'upload_time_delta'}
2021-04-04 09:36:05 +10:00
for data in results["aggregations"]["3"]["buckets"]
2021-04-28 21:32:22 +10:00
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
object = s3.Object('sondehub-open-data', 'export/' + str(uuid.uuid4()))
object.put(Body=json.dumps(output).encode('utf-8'), ACL='public-read', ContentType='application/json')
return {"statusCode": 302, "headers": {"Location": f'https://{object.bucket_name}.s3.amazonaws.com/{object.key}'}}
2021-02-15 15:23:51 +10:00
2021-04-04 09:36:05 +10:00
def es_request(payload, path, method):
# get aws creds
session = boto3.Session()
2021-02-15 15:23:51 +10:00
2021-04-04 09:36:05 +10:00
params = json.dumps(payload)
headers = {"Host": HOST, "Content-Type": "application/json"}
request = AWSRequest(
method="POST", url=f"https://{HOST}/{path}", data=params, headers=headers
SigV4Auth(boto3.Session().get_credentials(), "es", "us-east-1").add_auth(request)
2021-02-15 15:23:51 +10:00
2021-04-04 09:36:05 +10:00
session = URLLib3Session()
r = session.send(request.prepare())
return json.loads(r.text)
2021-02-15 15:23:51 +10:00
if __name__ == "__main__":
2021-08-18 18:50:57 +10:00
{"pathParameters": {"serial": "S5050020"}}, {}
2021-02-15 15:23:51 +10:00
2021-04-04 09:36:05 +10:00