mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 16:45:23 +00:00
Correct the maximum DID length defined in "serval_types.h" from 32 to 31. Add a definition of the maximum identity Name length and use it instead of the bare constant 64, eg, in the MDP_DNALOOKUP request handling code. Introduce a dataformats.h function for validating an identity name, and use it to validate the 'name' parameter in the CLI 'keyring set' command. Add 'did' and 'name' parameter validation to the GET /restful/keyring/add and GET /restful/keyring/SID/set requests (#131). Rename keyring_set_did() to keyring_set_did_name() and assert that DID and Name lengths have been validated before storing in the keyring. Update the Keyring REST API tech document.
498 lines
16 KiB
498 lines
16 KiB
Serval DNA command-line interface
Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Serval Project Inc.
Copyright (C) 2016 Flinders University
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <assert.h>
#include "cli.h"
#include "fdqueue.h"
#include "str.h"
#include "strbuf_helpers.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "debug.h"
int cli_usage(const struct cli_schema *commands, const struct cli_schema *end_commands, XPRINTF xpf)
return cli_usage_args(0, NULL, commands, end_commands, xpf);
int cli_usage_parsed(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, XPRINTF xpf)
if (parsed->varargi == -1)
return cli_usage(parsed->commands, parsed->end_commands, xpf);
return cli_usage_args(parsed->argc - parsed->varargi, &parsed->args[parsed->varargi],
parsed->commands, parsed->end_commands, xpf);
static int cli_usage_print(const int argc, const char *const *args, const struct cli_schema *command, XPRINTF xpf)
int opt;
const char *word;
for (opt = 0; opt < argc && (word = command->words[opt]); ++opt)
if (strncmp(word, args[opt], strlen(args[opt])) != 0)
return 0;
for (opt = 0; (word = command->words[opt]); ++opt) {
if (word[0] == '|')
xprintf(xpf, " %s", word);
xputc('\n', xpf);
if (command->description && command->description[0])
xprintf(xpf, " %s\n", command->description);
return 1;
static int cmp_command(const void *one, const void *two)
const struct cli_schema *cone = *(const struct cli_schema **)one;
const struct cli_schema *ctwo = *(const struct cli_schema **)two;
unsigned i;
for (i=0; ; i++){
if (!cone->words[i] || !ctwo->words[i]){
if (cone->words[i])
return 1;
if (ctwo->words[i])
return -1;
return 0;
int r = strcmp(cone->words[i],ctwo->words[i]);
if (r)
return r;
int cli_usage_args(const int argc, const char *const *args, const struct cli_schema *commands, const struct cli_schema *end_commands, XPRINTF xpf)
unsigned count;
for (count=0; (!end_commands || &commands[count] < end_commands) && commands[count].function; ++count)
const struct cli_schema *cmds[count];
unsigned cmd;
for (cmd = 0; cmd < count; cmd++)
cmds[cmd] = &commands[cmd];
qsort(cmds, count, sizeof(struct cli_schema *), cmp_command);
unsigned matched_any = 0;
for (cmd = 0; cmd < count; cmd++){
if (cli_usage_print(argc,args,cmds[cmd],xpf)==1)
matched_any = 1;
if (!matched_any && argc) {
strbuf b = strbuf_alloca(160);
strbuf_append_argv(b, argc, args);
xprintf(xpf, " No commands matching %s\n", strbuf_str(b));
return 0;
/* Returns 0 if a command is matched and parsed, with the results of the parsing in the '*parsed'
* structure.
* Returns 1 and logs an error if no command matches the argument list, contents of '*parsed' are
* undefined.
* Returns 2 if the argument list is ambiguous, ie, matches more than one command, contents of
* '*parsed' are undefined.
* Returns -1 and logs an error if the parsing fails due to an internal error (eg, malformed command
* schema), contents of '*parsed' are undefined.
* @author Andrew Bettison <andrew@servalproject.com>
int cli_parse(const int argc, const char *const *args, const struct cli_schema *commands, const struct cli_schema *end_commands, struct cli_parsed *parsed)
int ambiguous = 0;
int matched_cmd = -1;
int cmd;
for (cmd = 0; (!end_commands || &commands[cmd] < end_commands) && commands[cmd].function; ++cmd) {
struct cli_parsed cmdpa;
memset(&cmdpa, 0, sizeof cmdpa);
cmdpa.commands = commands;
cmdpa.end_commands = end_commands;
cmdpa.cmdi = cmd;
cmdpa.args = args;
cmdpa.argc = argc;
cmdpa.labelc = 0;
cmdpa.varargi = -1;
const char *pattern = NULL;
int arg = 0;
unsigned opt = 0;
while ((pattern = commands[cmd].words[opt])) {
//DEBUGF(cli, "cmd=%d opt=%d pattern='%s' args[arg=%d]='%s'", cmd, opt, pattern, arg, arg < argc ? args[arg] : "");
unsigned patlen = strlen(pattern);
if (cmdpa.varargi != -1)
return WHYF("Internal error: commands[%d].word[%d]=\"%s\" - more words not allowed after \"...\"", cmd, opt, commands[cmd].words[opt]);
/* These are the argument matching rules:
* "..." consumes all remaining arguments
* "word" consumes one argument that exactly matches "word", does not label it (this is the
* "simple" case in the code below; all other rules label something that matched)
* "word1|word2|...|wordN" consumes one argument that exactly matches "word1" or "word2" etc.
* or "wordN", labels it with the matched word (an empty alternative, eg "|word" does not
* match an empty argument)
* (as a special case of the above rule, "|word" consumes one argument that exactly matches
* "word" and labels it "word", but it appears in the help description as "word")
* "<label>" consumes exactly one argument "ANY", records it with label "label"
* "prefix=<any>" consumes one argument "prefix=ANY" or two arguments "prefix" "ANY",
* and records the text matching ANY with label "prefix"
* "prefix <any>" consumes one argyment "prefix ANY" if available or two arguments "prefix"
* "ANY", and records the text matching ANY with label "prefix"
* "prefix<any>" consumes one argument "prefixANY", and records the text matching ANY with
* label "prefix"
* "[ANY]..." consumes all remaining arguments which match ANY, as defined below
* "[word]" consumes one argument if it exactly matches "word", records it with label
* "word"
* "[word1|word2|...|wordN]" consumes one argument if it exactly matches "word1" or "word2"
* etc. or "wordN", labels it with the matched word
* "[<label>]" consumes one argument "ANY" if available, records it with label "label"
* "[prefix=<any>]" consumes one argument "prefix=ANY" if available or two arguments
* "prefix" "ANY" if available, records the text matching ANY with label "prefix"
* "[prefix <any>]" consumes one argument "prefix ANY" if available or two arguments
* "prefix" "ANY" if available, records the text matching ANY with label "prefix"
* "[prefix<any>]" consumes one argument "prefixANY" if available, records the text matching
* ANY with label "prefix"
if (patlen == 3 && pattern[0] == '.' && pattern[1] == '.' && pattern[2] == '.') {
cmdpa.varargi = arg;
arg = argc;
} else {
int optional = 0;
int repeating = 0;
if (patlen > 5 && pattern[0] == '[' && pattern[patlen-4] == ']' && pattern[patlen-3] == '.' && pattern[patlen-2] == '.' && pattern[patlen-1] == '.') {
optional = repeating = 1;
pattern += 1;
patlen -= 5;
else if (patlen > 2 && pattern[0] == '[' && pattern[patlen-1] == ']') {
optional = 1;
pattern += 1;
patlen -= 2;
int oarg = arg;
const char *text = NULL;
const char *label = NULL;
unsigned labellen = 0;
const char *word = pattern;
unsigned wordlen = 0;
char simple = 0;
unsigned alt = 0;
if (patlen && *word == '|') {
if (patlen == 0)
return WHYF("Internal error: commands[%d].word[%d]=\"%s\" - empty words not allowed", cmd, opt, commands[cmd].words[opt]);
for (; word < &pattern[patlen]; word += wordlen + 1, ++alt) {
// Skip over empty "||word" alternative (but still count it).
if (*word == '|')
return WHYF("Internal error: commands[%d].word[%d]=\"%s\" - empty alternatives not allowed", cmd, opt, commands[cmd].words[opt]);
// Find end of "word|" alternative.
wordlen = 1;
while (&word[wordlen] < &pattern[patlen] && word[wordlen] != '|')
// Skip remaining alternatives if we already got a match.
if (text)
// Look for a match.
const char *prefix = NULL;
unsigned prefixlen = 0;
unsigned prefixarglen = 0;
const char *caret = strchr(word, '<');
if (wordlen > 2 && caret && word[wordlen-1] == '>') {
if ((prefixarglen = prefixlen = caret - word)) {
prefix = word;
if (prefixlen > 1 && (prefix[prefixlen-1] == '=' || prefix[prefixlen-1] == ' '))
label = prefix;
labellen = prefixarglen;
if (arg < argc) {
unsigned arglen = strlen(args[arg]);
if (arglen >= prefixlen && strncmp(args[arg], prefix, prefixlen) == 0) {
text = args[arg++] + prefixlen;
} else if (arg + 1 < argc && arglen == prefixarglen && strncmp(args[arg], prefix, prefixarglen) == 0) {
text = args[arg++];
} else {
label = &word[1];
labellen = wordlen - 2;
if (arg < argc)
text = args[arg++];
} else if (arg < argc && strlen(args[arg]) == wordlen && strncmp(args[arg], word, wordlen) == 0) {
simple = 1;
text = args[arg];
label = word;
labellen = wordlen;
assert(alt > 0);
if (arg == oarg && !optional)
if (labellen && text && (optional || !simple || alt > 1)) {
if (cmdpa.labelc >= NELS(cmdpa.labelv))
return WHYF("Internal error: commands[%d].word[%d]=\"%s\" - label limit exceeded", cmd, opt, commands[cmd].words[opt]);
cmdpa.labelv[cmdpa.labelc].label = label;
cmdpa.labelv[cmdpa.labelc].len = labellen;
cmdpa.labelv[cmdpa.labelc].text = text;
if (!repeating)
} else
//DEBUGF(cli, "cmd=%d opt=%d args[arg=%d]='%s'", cmd, opt, arg, arg < argc ? args[arg] : "");
if (!pattern && arg == argc) {
/* A match! We got through the command definition with no internal errors and all literal
args matched and we have a proper number of args. If we have multiple matches, then note
that the call is ambiguous. */
if (matched_cmd >= 0)
if (ambiguous == 1) {
NOWHENCE(WHY_argv("Ambiguous command:", argc, args));
NOWHENCE(HINT("Matches the following:"));
NOWHENCE(HINT_argv(" ", argc, commands[matched_cmd].words));
if (ambiguous)
NOWHENCE(HINT_argv(" ", argc, commands[cmd].words));
matched_cmd = cmd;
*parsed = cmdpa;
/* Don't process ambiguous calls */
if (ambiguous)
return 2;
/* Complain if we found no matching calls */
if (matched_cmd < 0) {
if (argc)
NOWHENCE(WHY_argv("Unknown command:", argc, args));
return 1;
return 0;
void _debug_cli_parsed(struct __sourceloc __whence, const char *tag, const struct cli_parsed *parsed)
strbuf t = strbuf_alloca(strlen(tag) + 3);
strbuf_putc(t, '{');
strbuf_puts(t, tag);
strbuf_putc(t, '}');
_DEBUG_argv(strbuf_str(t), parsed->argc, parsed->args);
strbuf b = strbuf_alloca(1024);
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < parsed->labelc; ++i) {
const struct labelv *lab = &parsed->labelv[i];
strbuf_sprintf(b, " %s=%s", alloca_toprint(-1, lab->label, lab->len), alloca_str_toprint(lab->text));
if (parsed->varargi >= 0)
strbuf_sprintf(b, " varargi=%d", parsed->varargi);
_DEBUGF_TAG(tag, "parsed%s", strbuf_str(b));
int cli_invoke(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context)
int ret = parsed->commands[parsed->cmdi].function(parsed, context);
int _cli_arg(struct __sourceloc __whence, const struct cli_parsed *parsed, char *label, const char **dst, int (*validator)(const char *arg), char *defaultvalue)
unsigned labellen = strlen(label);
if (dst)
*dst = defaultvalue;
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < parsed->labelc; ++i) {
if (parsed->labelv[i].len == labellen && strncasecmp(label, parsed->labelv[i].label, labellen) == 0) {
const char *value = parsed->labelv[i].text;
if (validator && !(*validator)(value))
return WHYF("Invalid '%s' argument \"%s\"", label, value);
if (dst)
*dst = value;
return 0;
/* No matching valid argument was found, so return default value. It might seem that this should
never happen, but it can because more than one version of a command line option may exist, one
with a given argument and another without, and allowing a default value means we can have a
single function handle both in a fairly simple manner. */
return 1;
/* Output primitive dispatch.
void cli_delim(struct cli_context *context, const char *opt)
(context->vtable->delim)(context, opt);
void cli_write(struct cli_context *context, const char *buf, size_t len)
(context->vtable->write)(context, buf, len);
void cli_puts(struct cli_context *context, const char *str)
(context->vtable->puts)(context, str);
void cli_printf(struct cli_context *context, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
(context->vtable->vprintf)(context, fmt, ap);
void cli_put_long(struct cli_context *context, int64_t value, const char *delim_opt)
(context->vtable->put_long)(context, value, delim_opt);
void cli_put_string(struct cli_context *context, const char *value, const char *delim_opt)
(context->vtable->put_string)(context, value, delim_opt);
void cli_put_hexvalue(struct cli_context *context, const unsigned char *value, int length, const char *delim_opt)
(context->vtable->put_hexvalue)(context, value, length, delim_opt);
void cli_put_blob(struct cli_context *context, const unsigned char *blob, int length, const char *delim_opt)
(context->vtable->put_blob)(context, blob, length, delim_opt);
void cli_start_table(struct cli_context *context, size_t column_count, const char *column_names[])
(context->vtable->start_table)(context, column_count, column_names);
void cli_end_table(struct cli_context *context, size_t row_count)
(context->vtable->end_table)(context, row_count);
void cli_field_name(struct cli_context *context, const char *name, const char *delim_opt)
(context->vtable->field_name)(context, name, delim_opt);
void cli_flush(struct cli_context *UNUSED(context))
/* Parsing validator functions.
#include "numeric_str.h"
#include "serval_types.h"
#include "dataformats.h"
#include "rhizome_types.h"
int cli_lookup_did(const char *text)
return text[0] == '\0' || strcmp(text, "*") == 0 || str_is_did(text);
int cli_path_regular(const char *arg)
return arg[0] != '\0' && arg[strlen(arg) - 1] != '/';
int cli_absolute_path(const char *arg)
return arg[0] == '/' && arg[1] != '\0';
int cli_optional_sid(const char *arg)
return !arg[0] || str_is_subscriber_id(arg);
int cli_optional_bundle_secret_key(const char *arg)
return !arg[0] || str_to_rhizome_bsk_t(NULL, arg) != -1;
int cli_bid(const char *arg)
return str_to_rhizome_bid_t(NULL, arg) != -1;
int cli_optional_bid(const char *arg)
return !arg[0] || is_xsubstring(arg, sizeof(rhizome_bid_t));
int cli_fileid(const char *arg)
return is_xsubstring(arg, sizeof(rhizome_filehash_t));
int cli_optional_bundle_crypt_key(const char *arg)
return !arg[0] || rhizome_str_is_bundle_crypt_key(arg);
int cli_uint(const char *arg)
register const char *s = arg;
while (isdigit(*s))
return s != arg && *s == '\0';
int cli_interval_ms(const char *arg)
return str_to_uint64_interval_ms(arg, NULL, NULL);
int cli_optional_did(const char *text)
return text[0] == '\0' || str_is_did(text);
int cli_optional_identity_name(const char *text)
return text[0] == '\0' || str_is_identity_name(text);