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synced 2025-03-27 05:58:36 +00:00
git subtree pull --squash --prefix libsodium git@github.com:jedisct1/libsodium.git 1.0.14
92 lines
2.2 KiB
92 lines
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Special thanks to people, companies and organizations having written
libsodium bindings for their favorite programming languages:
Adam Caudill (@adamcaudill)
Alexander Morris (@alexpmorris)
Amit Murthy (@amitmurthy)
Andrew Bennett (@potatosalad)
Andrew Lambert (@charonn0)
Bruce Mitchener (@waywardmonkeys)
Bruno Oliveira (@abstractj)
Caolan McMahon (@caolan)
Chris Rebert (@cvrebert)
Christian Hermann (@bitbeans)
Christian Wiese (@morfoh)
Christian Wiese (@morfoh)
Colm MacCárthaigh (@colmmacc)
David Parrish (@dmp1ce)
Donald Stufft (@dstufft)
Douglas Campos (@qmx)
Drew Crawford (@drewcrawford)
Emil Bay (@emilbayes)
Eric Dong (@quantum1423)
Eric Voskuil (@evoskuil)
Farid Hajji (@fhajji)
Frank Siebenlist (@franks42)
Gabriel Handford (@gabriel)
Geo Carncross (@geocar)
Henrik Gassmann (BurningEnlightenment)
Jachym Holecek (@freza)
Jack Wink (@jackwink)
James Ruan (@jamesruan)
Jan de Muijnck-Hughes (@jfdm)
Jason McCampbell (@jasonmccampbell)
Jeroen Habraken (@VeXocide)
Jeroen Ooms (@jeroen)
Jesper Louis Andersen (@jlouis)
Joe Eli McIlvain (@jemc)
Jonathan Stowe (@jonathanstowe)
Joseph Abrahamson (@tel)
Julien Kauffmann (@ereOn)
Kenneth Ballenegger (@kballenegger)
Loic Maury (@loicmaury)
Michael Gorlick (@mgorlick)
Michael Gregorowicz (@mgregoro)
Michał Zieliński (@zielmicha)
Omar Ayub (@electricFeel)
Pedro Paixao (@paixaop)
Project ArteMisc (@artemisc)
Rich FitzJohn (@richfitz)
Ruben De Visscher (@rubendv)
Rudolf Von Krugstein (@rudolfvonkrugstein)
Samuel Neves (@sneves)
Scott Arciszewski (@paragonie-scott)
Stanislav Ovsiannikov (@naphaso)
Stefan Marsiske (@stef)
Stephan Touset (@stouset)
Stephen Chavez (@redragonx)
Steve Gibson (@sggrc)
Tony Arcieri (@bascule)
Tony Garnock-Jones (@tonyg)
Y. T. Chung (@zonyitoo)
Bytecurry Software
FSF France
Paragonie Initiative Enterprises
Python Cryptographic Authority
(this list may not be complete, if you don't see your name, please
submit a pull request!)
Also thanks to:
- Coverity, Inc. to provide static analysis.
- FSF France for providing access to their compilation servers.
- Private Internet Access for having sponsored a complete security audit.