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synced 2025-03-11 15:03:56 +00:00
Fix endless recursion if error or debug logged while reading config file Fix 'config del' logic Log messages made before log file can be opened are buffered and written once the file is open Do not log to file in ANDROID version, just to Android's log system
423 lines
11 KiB
423 lines
11 KiB
Serval Distributed Numbering Architecture (DNA)
Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Paul Gardner-Stephen
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "serval.h"
/* This predicate function defines the constraints on configuration option names.
foo bar
@author Andrew Bettison <andrew@servalproject.com>
int is_configvarname(const char *arg)
if (arg[0] == '\0')
return 0;
if (!(isalnum(arg[0]) || arg[0] == '_'))
return 0;
const char *s = arg + 1;
for (; *s; ++s)
if (!(isalnum(*s) || *s == '_' || (*s == '.' && s[-1] != '.')))
return 0;
return s[-1] != '.';
#define MAX_CONFIG_VARS (100)
static char *config_buffer = NULL;
static char *config_buffer_top = NULL;
static char *config_buffer_end = NULL;
static unsigned int confc = 0;
static char *confvar[MAX_CONFIG_VARS];
static char *confvalue[MAX_CONFIG_VARS];
static int reading = 0;
static char *grow_config_buffer(size_t needed)
size_t cursize = config_buffer_end - config_buffer;
size_t used = config_buffer_top - config_buffer;
size_t newsize = used + needed;
if (newsize > cursize) {
// Round up to nearest multiple of CONFIG_BUFFER_ALLOCSIZE.
newsize = newsize + CONFIG_BUFFER_ALLOCSIZE - ((newsize - 1) % CONFIG_BUFFER_ALLOCSIZE + 1);
char *newbuf = realloc(config_buffer, newsize);
if (newbuf == NULL) {
WHYF_perror("realloc(%llu)", newsize);
return NULL;
ssize_t dif = newbuf - config_buffer;
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i != confc; ++i) {
confvar[i] += dif;
confvalue[i] += dif;
config_buffer_end = newbuf + newsize;
config_buffer_top = newbuf + used;
config_buffer = newbuf;
char *ret = config_buffer_top;
config_buffer_top += needed;
return ret;
static int _read_config()
char conffile[1024];
if (!FORM_SERVAL_INSTANCE_PATH(conffile, "serval.conf"))
return -1;
size_t size = 0;
confc = 0;
FILE *f = fopen(conffile, "r");
if (f == NULL) {
if (errno != ENOENT)
return WHYF_perror("fopen(%s)", conffile);
} else {
if (fseeko(f, (off_t) 0, SEEK_END) == -1) {
WHYF_perror("fseeko(%s, 0, SEEK_END)", conffile);
return -1;
off_t tell = ftello(f);
if (tell == -1) {
WHYF_perror("ftello(%s)", conffile);
return -1;
size = tell;
if (fseeko(f, (off_t) 0, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
WHYF_perror("fseeko(%s, 0, SEEK_SET)", conffile);
return -1;
if (grow_config_buffer(size) == NULL) {
return -1;
if (fread(config_buffer, size, 1, f) != 1) {
if (ferror(f))
WHYF_perror("fread(%s, %llu)", conffile, (unsigned long long) size);
WHYF("fread(%s, %llu) hit EOF", conffile, (unsigned long long) size);
config_buffer = NULL;
return -1;
if (fclose(f) == EOF)
return WHYF_perror("fclose(%s)", conffile);
config_buffer_top = config_buffer_end = config_buffer + size;
char *c = config_buffer;
char *e = config_buffer_top;
unsigned int linenum;
char *problem = NULL;
char *extra = "";
for (linenum = 1; !problem && c < e; ++linenum) {
if (*c == '#') {
// skip comment lines
while (c < e && *c != '\n')
} else if (*c == '\n') {
// skip empty lines
} else if (c < e - 1 && *c == '\r' && c[1] == '\n') {
// skip empty lines
c += 2;
} else if (confc < MAX_CONFIG_VARS) {
char *var = confvar[confc] = c;
while (c < e && *c != '=' && *c != '\r' && *c != '\n')
if (c < e && *c == '=') {
*c++ = '\0';
if (is_configvarname(var)) {
confvalue[confc] = c;
while (c < e && *c != '\r' && *c != '\n')
if (c < e && *c == '\n') {
*c++ = '\0';
} else if (c < e - 1 && *c == '\r' && c[1] == '\n') {
*c++ = '\0';
*c++ = '\0';
} else {
problem = "missing end-of-line";
} else {
problem = "invalid variable name: ";
extra = var;
} else {
problem = "missing '='";
} else {
problem = "too many variables";
if (problem)
return WHYF("Error in %s at line %u: %s%s", conffile, linenum, problem, extra);
return 0;
/* Set a flag while reading config, to avoid infinite recursion between here and logging
that could be caused by any WHY() or WARN() or DEBUG() invoked in _read_config(). The
problem is that on the first log message, the logging system calls confValueGet() to
discover the path of the log file, and that will return here.
static int read_config()
if (reading)
return -1;
reading = 1;
int ret = _read_config();
reading = 0;
return ret;
int confLocked()
return reading;
int confVarCount()
if (!config_buffer && read_config() == -1)
return -1;
return confc;
const char *confVar(unsigned int index)
if (!config_buffer && read_config() == -1)
return NULL;
if (index >= confc) {
WHYF("Config index=%u too big, confc=%u", index, confc);
return NULL;
return confvar[index];
const char *confValue(unsigned int index)
if (!config_buffer && read_config() == -1)
return NULL;
if (index >= confc) {
WHYF("Config index=%u too big, confc=%u", index, confc);
return NULL;
return confvalue[index];
const char *confValueGet(const char *var, const char *defaultValue)
if (var == NULL) {
WHYF("NULL var name, returning default value: %s", defaultValue ? defaultValue : "NULL");
return defaultValue;
if (!config_buffer && read_config() == -1) {
if (defaultValue)
WARNF("Config option %s: using default value: %s", var, defaultValue);
return defaultValue;
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i != confc; ++i)
if (strcasecmp(confvar[i], var) == 0)
return confvalue[i];
return defaultValue;
int confValueGetBoolean(const char *var, int defaultValue)
const char *value = confValueGet(var, NULL);
if (!value)
return defaultValue;
int flag = confParseBoolean(value, var);
if (flag >= 0)
return flag;
WARNF("Config option %s: using default value %s", var, defaultValue ? "true" : "false");
return defaultValue;
int64_t confValueGetInt64(const char *var, int64_t defaultValue)
const char *start = confValueGet(var, NULL);
if (!start)
return defaultValue;
const char *end = start;
long long value = strtoll(start, (char **)&end, 10);
if (*start && !*end && end != start)
return value;
WARNF("Config option %s: '%s' is not an integer, using default value %lld", var, start, (long long) defaultValue);
return defaultValue;
int64_t confValueGetInt64Range(const char *var, int64_t defaultValue, int64_t rangemin, int64_t rangemax)
int64_t value = confValueGetInt64(var, defaultValue);
if (value >= rangemin || value <= rangemax)
return value;
WARNF("Config option %s: configured value %lld out of range [%lld,%lld], using default value %lld",
var, (long long) value, (long long) rangemin, (long long) rangemax, (long long) defaultValue);
return defaultValue;
void confSetDebugFlags()
if (config_buffer || read_config() != -1) {
unsigned int setmask = 0;
unsigned int clearmask = 0;
int setall = 0;
int clearall = 0;
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i != confc; ++i) {
char *var = confvar[i];
if (strncasecmp(var, "debug.", 6) == 0) {
unsigned int mask = debugFlagMask(var + 6);
if (mask == 0)
WARNF("Unsupported debug option '%s'", var);
else {
int flag = confParseBoolean(confvalue[i], var);
if (flag != -1) {
if (mask == DEBUG_ALL) {
if (flag) {
//DEBUGF("Set all debug flags");
setall = 1;
} else {
//DEBUGF("Clear all debug flags");
clearall = 1;
} else {
if (flag) {
//DEBUGF("Set %s", var);
setmask |= mask;
} else {
//DEBUGF("Clear %s", var);
clearmask |= mask;
if (setall)
debug = DEBUG_ALL;
else if (clearall)
debug = 0;
debug &= ~clearmask;
debug |= setmask;
int confParseBoolean(const char *text, const char *option_name)
if (!strcasecmp(text, "on") || !strcasecmp(text, "yes") || !strcasecmp(text, "true") || !strcmp(text, "1"))
return 1;
if (!strcasecmp(text, "off") || !strcasecmp(text, "no") || !strcasecmp(text, "false") || !strcmp(text, "0"))
return 0;
WARNF("Config option %s: invalid boolean value '%s'", option_name, text);
return -1;
int confValueSet(const char *var, const char *value)
if (!config_buffer && read_config() == -1)
return -1;
if (!is_configvarname(var))
return WHYF("Cannot %s %s: invalid variable name", value ? "set" : "delete", var);
if (value == NULL) {
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < confc; ++i) {
if (strcasecmp(var, confvar[i]) == 0) {
for (; i < confc; ++i) {
confvar[i] = confvar[i + 1];
confvalue[i] = confvalue[i + 1];
return 0;
} else {
if (confc >= MAX_CONFIG_VARS)
return WHYF("Cannot set %s: too many variables", var);
size_t valuelen = strlen(value);
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i != confc; ++i) {
if (strcasecmp(var, confvar[i]) == 0) {
char *valueptr = confvalue[i];
if (valuelen > strlen(valueptr)) {
if ((valueptr = grow_config_buffer(valuelen + 1)) == NULL)
return -1;
strcpy(confvar[i], var);
confvalue[i] = strcpy(valueptr, value);
return 0;
size_t varlen = strlen(var);
char *buf = grow_config_buffer(varlen + 1 + valuelen + 1);
if (buf == NULL)
return -1;
confvar[confc] = strcpy(buf, var);
confvalue[confc] = strcpy(buf + varlen + 1, value);
return 0;
int confWrite()
if (config_buffer) {
char conffile[1024];
char tempfile[1024];
FILE *outf = NULL;
if (!FORM_SERVAL_INSTANCE_PATH(conffile, "serval.conf"))
return -1;
if (!FORM_SERVAL_INSTANCE_PATH(tempfile, "serval.conf.temp"))
return -1;
if ((outf = fopen(tempfile, "w")) == NULL)
return WHYF_perror("fopen(%s, \"w\")", tempfile);
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i != confc; ++i)
fprintf(outf, "%s=%s\n", confvar[i], confvalue[i]);
if (fclose(outf) == EOF)
return WHYF_perror("fclose(%s)", tempfile);
if (rename(tempfile, conffile)) {
WHYF_perror("rename(%s, %s)", tempfile, conffile);
return -1;
return 0;