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synced 2025-03-04 05:01:43 +00:00
Rename the logging primitive functions and utility functions, prefixing all with 'serval_log', eg: logMessage() -> serval_logf() etc. Add an XPRINTF xhexdump() function and use it to implement the serval_log_hexdump() utility, renamed from dump(). Add macros WHY_dump(), WARN_dump(), HINT_dump() and DEBUG_dump(), and use them everywhere. Remove the 'log.console.dump_config' and 'log.file.dump_config' configuration options; configuration is now dumped in every log prolog. The logging system now constructs the log prolog by invoking the new 'log_prolog' trigger, so that it no longer depends on the version string and configuration system. Any system that wants to present a message in the log prolog can define its own trigger, which calls standard log primitives to print the message. Split the logging system into a front-end (log.c) that provides the logging primitives and is independent of the configuration system, and a set of back-end "outputters" (log_output_console.c, log_output_file.c, log_output_android.c) that may depend on the configuration system and are decoupled from the front-end using the 'logoutput' link section. These log outputters are explicitly linked into executables by the Makefile rules, but could also be linked in using USE_FEATURE(). The USE_FEATURE() calls have _not_ been added to servald_features.c, so that different daemon executables can be built with the same feature set but different log outputs.
207 lines
7.8 KiB
Executable File
207 lines
7.8 KiB
Executable File
# Tests for Serval DNA logging.
# Copyright 2013 Serval Project, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
source "${0%/*}/../testframework.sh"
source "${0%/*}/../testdefs.sh"
setup() {
doc_LogStderrDefault="By default, only errors and warnings are logged to stderr"
test_LogStderrDefault() {
execute $servald log error 'hoopla'
assertExitStatus '==' 0
assertStderrGrep --matches=1 '^ERROR:.*hoopla$'
executeOk_servald log warn 'buckle'
assertStderrGrep --matches=1 '^WARN:.*buckle$'
executeOk_servald log info 'lymph'
assertStderrGrep --matches=0 'lymph'
executeOk_servald log debug 'eccles'
assertStderrGrep --matches=0 'eccles'
doc_LogStderrConfigAll="Configure all messages logged to stderr"
test_LogStderrConfigAll() {
executeOk_servald config set log.console.level debug
execute $servald log error 'hoopla'
assertExitStatus '==' 0
assertStderrGrep --matches=1 '^ERROR:.*hoopla$'
executeOk_servald log warn 'buckle'
assertStderrGrep --matches=1 '^WARN:.*buckle$'
executeOk_servald log info 'lymph'
assertStderrGrep --matches=1 'INFO:.*lymph$'
executeOk_servald log debug 'eccles'
assertStderrGrep --matches=1 'DEBUG:.*eccles$'
doc_LogStderrConfigNone="Configure no messages logged to stderr"
test_LogStderrConfigNone() {
executeOk_servald config set log.console.level none
executeOk_servald log error 'hoopla'
assertStderrIs ''
executeOk_servald log warn 'buckle'
assertStderrIs ''
executeOk_servald log info 'lymph'
assertStderrIs ''
executeOk_servald log debug 'eccles'
assertStderrIs ''
doc_LogFileDefault="By Default, all messages are appended to a configured file"
test_LogFileDefault() {
executeOk_servald config set log.console.level none
executeOk_servald config set log.file.path "$PWD/log.txt"
executeOk_servald log error 'hoopla'
assertGrep --matches=1 log.txt '^ERROR:.*hoopla$'
executeOk_servald log warn 'buckle'
assertGrep --matches=1 log.txt '^ERROR:.*hoopla$'
assertGrep --matches=1 log.txt '^WARN:.*buckle$'
executeOk_servald log info 'lymph'
assertGrep --matches=1 log.txt '^ERROR:.*hoopla$'
assertGrep --matches=1 log.txt '^WARN:.*buckle$'
assertGrep --matches=1 log.txt 'INFO:.*lymph$'
executeOk_servald log debug 'eccles'
assertGrep --matches=1 log.txt '^ERROR:.*hoopla$'
assertGrep --matches=1 log.txt '^WARN:.*buckle$'
assertGrep --matches=1 log.txt 'INFO:.*lymph$'
assertGrep --matches=1 log.txt 'DEBUG:.*eccles$'
doc_LogFileConfigLevel="Configure level of messages appended to a configured file"
test_LogFileConfigLevel() {
executeOk_servald config set log.console.level none
executeOk_servald config set log.file.level info
executeOk_servald config set log.file.path "$PWD/log.txt"
executeOk_servald log warn 'buckle'
assertGrep --matches=1 log.txt '^WARN:.*buckle$'
executeOk_servald log debug 'eccles'
assertGrep --matches=1 log.txt '^WARN:.*buckle$'
assertGrep --matches=0 log.txt 'DEBUG:.*eccles$'
executeOk_servald log error 'hoopla'
assertGrep --matches=1 log.txt '^WARN:.*buckle$'
assertGrep --matches=0 log.txt 'DEBUG:.*eccles$'
assertGrep --matches=1 log.txt '^ERROR:.*hoopla$'
executeOk_servald log info 'lymph'
assertGrep --matches=1 log.txt '^WARN:.*buckle$'
assertGrep --matches=0 log.txt 'DEBUG:.*eccles$'
assertGrep --matches=1 log.txt '^ERROR:.*hoopla$'
assertGrep --matches=1 log.txt 'INFO:.*lymph$'
doc_LogFileStderrFile="Log messages to stderr and a configured file"
test_LogFileStderrFile() {
executeOk_servald config set log.file.path "$PWD/log.txt"
executeOk_servald log info 'lymph'
assertGrep --matches=1 log.txt 'INFO:.*lymph$'
assertStderrIs ''
executeOk_servald log warn 'buckle'
assertGrep --matches=1 log.txt 'INFO:.*lymph$'
assertGrep --matches=1 log.txt '^WARN:.*buckle$'
assertStderrGrep --matches=1 '^WARN:.*buckle$'
executeOk_servald log debug 'eccles'
assertStderrIs ''
assertGrep --matches=1 log.txt 'INFO:.*lymph$'
assertGrep --matches=1 log.txt '^WARN:.*buckle$'
assertGrep --matches=1 log.txt 'DEBUG:.*eccles$'
execute $servald log error 'hoopla'
assertExitStatus '==' 0
assertStderrGrep --matches=1 '^ERROR:.*hoopla$'
assertGrep --matches=1 log.txt 'INFO:.*lymph$'
assertGrep --matches=1 log.txt '^WARN:.*buckle$'
assertGrep --matches=1 log.txt 'DEBUG:.*eccles$'
assertGrep --matches=1 log.txt '^ERROR:.*hoopla$'
doc_LogFileRotation="Log file rotation and deletion"
setup_LogFileRotation() {
executeOk_servald config set log.console.level debug \
set log.console.show_pid true \
set log.file.level warn
test_LogFileRotation() {
executeOk_servald config \
set log.file.directory_path "$PWD" \
set log.file.rotate 3 \
set log.file.duration 2s
assert --stderr --message="no log files yet" [ $(ls *.log 2>/dev/null | wc -l) -eq 0 ]
executeOk_servald log warn one
assert --stderr --message="one log file" [ $(ls *.log | wc -l) -eq 1 ]
log1=$(ls *.log | tail -n 1)
sleep 2.1
executeOk_servald log warn two
assert --stderr --message="two log files" [ $(ls *.log | wc -l) -eq 2 ]
log2=$(ls *.log | tail -n 1)
assert --stderr --message="ascending log file name" [ "$log2" != "$log1" ]
sleep 2.1
executeOk_servald log warn three
assert --stderr --message="three log files" [ $(ls *.log | wc -l) -eq 3 ]
log3=$(ls *.log | tail -n 1)
assert --stderr --message="ascending log file name" [ "$log3" != "$log1" -a "$log3" != "$log2" ]
sleep 2.1
executeOk_servald log warn four
assert --stderr --message="three log files" [ $(ls *.log | wc -l) -eq 3 ]
assert --stderr --message="first log file gone" ! [ -e $log1 ]
log4=$(ls *.log | tail -n 1)
assert --stderr --message="ascending log file name" [ "$log4" != "$log2" -a "$log4" != "$log3" -a "$log4" != "$log1" ]
doc_LogFileDirectoryAbsolute="Absolute log file directory path"
test_LogFileDirectoryAbsolute() {
executeOk_servald config \
set debug.verbose true \
set log.file.directory_path "$PWD/wakawaka"
executeOk_servald echo one
assert --message="exactly one log file" [ $(ls -d wakawaka/*.log | wc -l) -eq 1 ]
assertGrep wakawaka/*.log '^DEBUG:.*echo:argv\[1\]="one"$'
doc_LogFileDirectoryRelative="Relative log file directory path"
test_LogFileDirectoryRelative() {
executeOk_servald config \
set debug.verbose true \
set log.file.directory_path "../blah"
executeOk_servald echo one
assert --message="exactly one log file" [ $(ls -d "$SERVALINSTANCE_PATH/blah/"*.log | wc -l) -eq 1 ]
assertGrep "$SERVALINSTANCE_PATH/blah/"*.log '^DEBUG:.*echo:argv\[1\]="one"$'
doc_LogFileAbsolute="Absolute log file path"
test_LogFileAbsolute() {
executeOk_servald config \
set debug.verbose true \
set log.file.path "$PWD/log.txt"
executeOk_servald echo one
assertGrep log.txt '^DEBUG:.*echo:argv\[1\]="one"$'
doc_LogFileRelative="Relative log file path"
test_LogFileRelative() {
executeOk_servald config \
set debug.verbose true \
set log.file.directory_path "$PWD" \
set log.file.path "log.txt"
executeOk_servald echo one
assertGrep log.txt '^DEBUG:.*echo:argv\[1\]="one"$'
runTests "$@"