mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 22:43:54 +00:00
New ".rowid" output field from rhizome add, import, extract, export operations. (Also added missing ".inserttime" and "date" fields to some operations.) Use new "rhizome add file" .rowid output field to check output of of /restful/rhizome/bundlelist.json
1174 lines
43 KiB
Executable File
1174 lines
43 KiB
Executable File
# Tests for Serval rhizome operations.
# Copyright 2012 Serval Project, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
source "${0%/*}/../testframework.sh"
source "${0%/*}/../testdefs.sh"
source "${0%/*}/../testdefs_rhizome.sh"
shopt -s extglob
setup_rhizome() {
set_instance +A
echo "$SIDA1" >sids
set_instance +B
create_identities 4
echo "$SIDB1" >>sids
echo "$SIDB2" >>sids
echo "$SIDB3" >>sids
echo "$SIDB4" >>sids
assert [ $(sort sids | uniq | wc -l) -eq 5 ]
set_rhizome_config() {
executeOk_servald config \
set debug.rhizome on \
set debug.rhizome_manifest on \
set debug.rejecteddata on \
set debug.verbose on \
set log.console.level debug
doc_InitialEmptyList="Initial list is empty"
setup_InitialEmptyList() {
test_InitialEmptyList() {
executeOk_servald rhizome list
doc_AddNoAuthorNoManifest="Add with no author and no manifest file"
setup_AddNoAuthorNoManifest() {
executeOk_servald rhizome list
echo "A test file" >file1
test_AddNoAuthorNoManifest() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file1
assert_stdout_add_file file1 !author !BK
doc_AddNoManifest="Add with no manifest file"
setup_AddNoManifest() {
executeOk_servald rhizome list
echo "A test file" >file1
test_AddNoManifest() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file1
assert_stdout_add_file file1
doc_AddNoAuthor="Add with no author makes manifest without BK"
setup_AddNoAuthor() {
echo "A test file" >file1
test_AddNoAuthor() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file1 file1.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file1 !author !BK
assertGrep --matches=0 file1.manifest '^BK='
doc_AddInvalidAuthor="Add with invalid author fails"
setup_AddInvalidAuthor() {
echo "A test file" >file1
test_AddInvalidAuthor() {
execute $servald rhizome add file 'not_a_valid_SID' file1
assertExitStatus '==' 255
assertStderrGrep '^ERROR:.*[Ii]nvalid .*[Ss][Ii][Dd]'
doc_AddNoAuthorEncrypted="Add encrypted payload with no author"
setup_AddNoAuthorEncrypted() {
echo "A test file" >file1
echo "crypt=1" >file1.manifest
test_AddNoAuthorEncrypted() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file1 file1.manifest
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert_stdout_add_file file1 !author !BK
extract_stdout_secret file1_secret
assertGrep --matches=0 file1.manifest '^BK='
executeOk_servald rhizome extract file $re_manifestid file1x $file1_secret
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert diff file1 file1x
doc_AddNonExistManifest="Add with non-existent manifest file"
setup_AddNonExistManifest() {
executeOk_servald rhizome list
echo "A test file" >file1
test_AddNonExistManifest() {
assert --error-on-fail [ ! -e file1.manifest ]
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file1 file1.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file1
assert [ -r file1.manifest ]
assert_manifest_complete file1.manifest
assertGrep file1.manifest '^service=file$'
assertGrep file1.manifest '^name=file1$'
doc_AddManifest="Add with minimal manifest file"
setup_AddManifest() {
executeOk_servald rhizome list
echo "A test file" >file1
echo -e 'name=wah\ndate=12345' >file1.manifest
test_AddManifest() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file1 file1.manifest
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr -v file1.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file1 name=wah
assert_manifest_complete file1.manifest
assertGrep file1.manifest '^service=file$'
assertGrep file1.manifest '^name=wah$'
assertGrep file1.manifest '^date=12345$'
doc_AddEmpty="Add with empty payload"
setup_AddEmpty() {
executeOk_servald rhizome list
test_AddEmpty() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 '' empty.manifest
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr -v empty.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file --manifest=empty.manifest ''
assert_manifest_complete empty.manifest
assertGrep empty.manifest '^service=file$'
assertGrep empty.manifest '^name=$'
assertGrep empty.manifest '^filesize=0$'
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDB1 --manifest=empty.manifest ''
doc_AddThenList="List contains one file after one add"
setup_AddThenList() {
executeOk_servald rhizome list
echo "A test file" >file1
echo "Another test file" >file2
test_AddThenList() {
# Add first file
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file1 file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDB1 file1
# Add second file
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file2 file2.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDB1 file1 file2
doc_ExtractManifestAfterAdd="Export manifest after one add"
setup_ExtractManifestAfterAdd() {
echo "A test file" >file1
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file1 file1.manifest
extract_stdout_rowid rowid
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDB1 file1
extract_manifest_id manifestid file1.manifest
extract_manifest_version version file1.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehash file1.manifest
extract_manifest_date date file1.manifest
test_ExtractManifestAfterAdd() {
executeOk_servald rhizome export manifest $manifestid file1x.manifest
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 11
local size=$(( $(cat file1 | wc -c) + 0 ))
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^service:file$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^manifestid:$manifestid\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^version:$version\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.rowid:$rowid\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.inserttime:$rexp_date\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filehash:$filehash\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filesize:$size\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^date:$date\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.author:$SIDB1\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.secret:$rexp_bundlesecret\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.readonly:0\$"
assert [ -e file1x.manifest ]
assert diff file1.manifest file1x.manifest
doc_ExtractManifestFileAfterAdd="Export bundle after one add"
setup_ExtractManifestFileAfterAdd() {
echo "A test file" >file1
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file1 file1.manifest
extract_stdout_rowid rowid
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDB1 file1
extract_manifest_id manifestid file1.manifest
extract_manifest_version version file1.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehash file1.manifest
extract_manifest_date date file1.manifest
test_ExtractManifestFileAfterAdd() {
executeOk_servald rhizome export bundle $manifestid file1x.manifest file1x
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 11
local size=$(( $(cat file1 | wc -c) + 0 ))
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^service:file$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^manifestid:$manifestid\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^version:$version\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.rowid:$rowid\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.inserttime:$rexp_date\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filehash:$filehash\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filesize:$size\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^date:$date\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.author:$SIDB1\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.secret:$rexp_bundlesecret\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.readonly:0\$"
assert [ -e file1x.manifest ]
assert diff file1.manifest file1x.manifest
assert [ -e file1x ]
assert diff file1 file1x
doc_ExtractManifestFileFromExtBlob="Export bundle from external blob"
setup_ExtractManifestFileFromExtBlob() {
executeOk_servald config set rhizome.external_blobs 1
echo "A test file" >file1
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file1 file1.manifest
extract_stdout_rowid rowid1
executeOk_servald config set rhizome.external_blobs 0
echo "Another test file" >file2
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file2 file2.manifest
extract_stdout_rowid rowid2
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDB1 file1 file2
extract_manifest_id manifestid1 file1.manifest
extract_manifest_version version1 file1.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehash1 file1.manifest
extract_manifest_date date1 file1.manifest
extract_manifest_id manifestid2 file2.manifest
extract_manifest_version version2 file2.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehash2 file2.manifest
extract_manifest_date date2 file2.manifest
test_ExtractManifestFileFromExtBlob() {
executeOk_servald rhizome export bundle $manifestid1 file1x.manifest file1x
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 11
local size=$(( $(cat file1 | wc -c) + 0 ))
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^service:file$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^manifestid:$manifestid1\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^version:$version1\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.rowid:$rowid1\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.inserttime:$rexp_date\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filehash:$filehash1\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filesize:$size\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^date:$date1\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.author:$SIDB1\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.secret:$rexp_bundlesecret\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.readonly:0\$"
assert [ -e file1x.manifest ]
assert diff file1.manifest file1x.manifest
assert [ -e file1x ]
assert diff file1 file1x
executeOk_servald rhizome export bundle $manifestid2 file2x.manifest file2x
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 11
local size=$(( $(cat file2 | wc -c) + 0 ))
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^service:file$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^manifestid:$manifestid2\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^version:$version2\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.rowid:$rowid2\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.inserttime:$rexp_date\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filehash:$filehash2\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filesize:$size\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^date:$date2\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.author:$SIDB1\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.secret:$rexp_bundlesecret\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.readonly:0\$"
assert [ -e file2x.manifest ]
assert diff file2.manifest file2x.manifest
assert [ -e file2x ]
assert diff file2 file2x
doc_CorruptExternalBlob="A corrupted payload should fail to export"
setup_CorruptExternalBlob() {
executeOk_servald config set rhizome.external_blobs 1
echo "A test file" >file1
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file1 file1.manifest
extract_manifest_id manifestid file1.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehash file1.manifest
echo "Replacement" >$SERVALINSTANCE_PATH/$filehash
test_CorruptExternalBlob() {
execute --exit-status=255 $servald rhizome extract file $manifestid file1a
tfw_cat --stderr
doc_ExtractManifestToStdout="Export manifest to output field"
setup_ExtractManifestToStdout() {
echo "A test file" >file1
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file1 file1.manifest
extract_stdout_rowid rowid
extract_manifest_id manifestid file1.manifest
extract_manifest_version version file1.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehash file1.manifest
extract_manifest_date date file1.manifest
test_ExtractManifestToStdout() {
executeOk_servald rhizome export manifest $manifestid -
assertStdoutLineCount '>=' 11
local size=$(( $(cat file1 | wc -c) + 0 ))
assertStdoutGrep --line=..11 --matches=1 "^service:file$"
assertStdoutGrep --line=..11 --matches=1 "^manifestid:$manifestid\$"
assertStdoutGrep --line=..11 --matches=1 "^version:$version\$"
assertStdoutGrep --line=..11 --matches=1 "^\.rowid:$rowid\$"
assertStdoutGrep --line=..11 --matches=1 "^\.inserttime:$rexp_date\$"
assertStdoutGrep --line=..11 --matches=1 "^filehash:$filehash\$"
assertStdoutGrep --line=..11 --matches=1 "^filesize:$size\$"
assertStdoutGrep --line=..11 --matches=1 "^date:$date\$"
assertStdoutGrep --line=..11 --matches=1 "^\.author:$SIDB1\$"
assertStdoutGrep --line=..11 --matches=1 "^\.secret:$rexp_bundlesecret\$"
assertStdoutGrep --line=..11 --matches=1 "^\.readonly:0\$"
assertStdoutGrep --line=12 --matches=1 "^manifest:"
replayStdout | $SED -n '12s/^manifest://p' >file1x.manifest
replayStdout | $SED -n '13,$p' >>file1x.manifest
cat file1.manifest >file1n.manifest
echo >>file1n.manifest
tfw_cat file1n.manifest file1x.manifest
assert diff file1n.manifest file1x.manifest
doc_ExtractManifestAfterAddNoAuthor="Export manifest after one add with no author"
setup_ExtractManifestAfterAddNoAuthor() {
echo "A test file" >file1
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file1 file1.manifest
extract_stdout_rowid rowid
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=0 file1
extract_manifest_id manifestid file1.manifest
extract_manifest_version version file1.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehash file1.manifest
extract_manifest_date date file1.manifest
test_ExtractManifestAfterAddNoAuthor() {
executeOk_servald rhizome export manifest $manifestid file1x.manifest
assert diff file1.manifest file1x.manifest
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 9
local size=$(( $(cat file1 | wc -c) + 0 ))
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^service:file$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^manifestid:$manifestid\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^version:$version\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.rowid:$rowid\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.inserttime:$rexp_date\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filehash:$filehash\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filesize:$size\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^date:$date\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.readonly:1\$"
doc_ExtractManifestNonExistent="Export non-existent manifest"
setup_ExtractManifestNonExistent() {
test_ExtractManifestNonExistent() {
execute --exit-status=1 $servald rhizome export manifest $manifestid foo.manifest
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo.manifest ]
doc_ExtractManifestInvalidID="Export manifest using invalid ID"
setup_ExtractManifestInvalidID() {
test_ExtractManifestInvalidID() {
execute --exit-status=255 $servald rhizome export manifest 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEx foo.manifest
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo.manifest ]
execute --exit-status=255 $servald rhizome export manifest 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDE foo.manifest
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo.manifest ]
execute --exit-status=255 $servald rhizome export manifest foo.manifest
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo.manifest ]
doc_ExtractFileAfterAdd="Extract file after one add"
setup_ExtractFileAfterAdd() {
echo "A test file" >file1
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file1 file1.manifest
tfw_cat --stderr
extract_stdout_rowid rowid
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDB1 file1
extract_manifest_id manifestid file1.manifest
extract_manifest_version version file1.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehash file1.manifest
extract_manifest_date date file1.manifest
test_ExtractFileAfterAdd() {
executeOk_servald rhizome extract file $manifestid file1x
tfw_cat --stderr
assert diff file1 file1x
local size=$(( $(cat file1 | wc -c) + 0 ))
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 11
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^service:file$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^manifestid:$manifestid\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^version:$version\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.rowid:$rowid\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.inserttime:$rexp_date\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filehash:$filehash\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filesize:$size\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^date:$date\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.author:$SIDB1\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.secret:$rexp_bundlesecret\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.readonly:0\$"
doc_ExtractFileMissing="Extract and export non-existent file"
setup_ExtractFileMissing() {
test_ExtractFileMissing() {
execute --exit-status=1 $servald rhizome extract file $BID foo
tfw_cat --stderr
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo ]
execute --exit-status=1 $servald rhizome export file $filehash foo
tfw_cat --stderr
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo ]
doc_ExtractFileInvalidID="Extract and export file using invalid ID"
setup_ExtractFileInvalidID() {
test_ExtractFileInvalidID() {
execute --exit-status=255 $servald rhizome extract file 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEx foo
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo ]
execute --exit-status=255 $servald rhizome extract file 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDE foo
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo ]
execute --exit-status=255 $servald rhizome extract file foo
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo ]
execute --exit-status=255 $servald rhizome export file 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEx foo
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo ]
execute --exit-status=255 $servald rhizome export file 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDE foo
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo ]
execute --exit-status=255 $servald rhizome export file foo
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo ]
doc_AddDeDuplicate="Add duplicate file does not create new bundle by default"
setup_AddDeDuplicate() {
executeOk_servald rhizome list
echo "A test file" >file1
echo "Another test file" >file2
echo "A test file, second version" >file1_2
# Add first file
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file1 file1.manifest
extract_stdout_secret file1_secret
# Add second file
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file2 file2.manifest
extract_stdout_secret file2_secret
# Make sure they are both in the list.
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDB1 file1 file2
test_AddDeDuplicate() {
# Add first file again - nothing should change in its manifests, and it
# should appear that the add command succeeded (with perhaps some grumbling
# on stderr).
execute --exit-status=2 $servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file1 file1.manifestA
assert [ -s file1.manifestA ]
assert_stdout_add_file file1
extract_stdout_secret file1_dup_secret
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDB1 file1 file2
strip_signatures file1.manifest file1.manifestA
assert diff file1.manifest file1.manifestA
assert [ $file1_secret = $file1_dup_secret ]
# Repeat for second file.
execute --exit-status=2 $servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file2 file2.manifestA
assert [ -s file2.manifestA ]
assert_stdout_add_file file2
extract_stdout_secret file2_dup_secret
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDB1 file1 file2
strip_signatures file2.manifest file2.manifestA
assert diff file2.manifest file2.manifestA
assert [ $file2_secret = $file2_dup_secret ]
doc_AddForceDuplicate="Add duplicate file with --force-new option"
setup_AddForceDuplicate() {
test_AddForceDuplicate() {
# Add first file again with the --force-new option. A new manifest
# should be created with a new ID.
executeOk_servald rhizome add file --force-new $SIDB1 file1 file1.manifestA
assert [ -s file1.manifestA ]
assert_stdout_add_file --manifest=file1.manifestA file1
extract_stdout_secret file1_dup_secret
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDB1 file1 file2 --manifest=file1.manifestA file1
strip_signatures file1.manifest file1.manifestA
assert ! diff file1.manifest file1.manifestA
assert [ $file1_secret != $file1_dup_secret ]
# Repeat for second file.
executeOk_servald rhizome add file --force-new $SIDB1 file2 file2.manifestA
assert [ -s file2.manifestA ]
assert_stdout_add_file --manifest=file2.manifestA file2
extract_stdout_secret file2_dup_secret
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDB1 file1 file2 --manifest=file1.manifestA file1 --manifest=file2.manifestA file2
strip_signatures file2.manifest file2.manifestA
assert ! diff file2.manifest file2.manifestA
assert [ $file2_secret != $file2_dup_secret ]
doc_AddMismatched="Add mismatched manifest/payload fails"
setup_AddMismatched() {
test_AddMismatched() {
# Try to add another file using an existing manifest, should fail and leave
# the manifest file unchanged because the manifest's version field has not
# advanced.
cp file1.manifest file1_2.manifest
execute $servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file1_2 file1_2.manifest
assertExitStatus '!=' 0
assert diff file1.manifest file1_2.manifest
# And rhizome store should be unchanged.
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDB1 file1 file2
doc_AddUpdateSameVersion="Add new payload to existing manifest with same version fails"
setup_AddUpdateSameVersion() {
cp file1.manifest file1_2.manifest
strip_signatures file1_2.manifest
$SED -i -e '/^date=/d;/^filehash=/d;/^filesize=/d' file1_2.manifest
tfw_cat -v file1_2.manifest
assertGrep --matches=0 file1_2.manifest '^filehash='
extract_manifest_version '' file1_2.manifest # asserts has version= line
assertGrep file1_2.manifest '^id='
cp file1_2.manifest file1_2.manifest.orig
test_AddUpdateSameVersion() {
tfw_cat -v file1_2.manifest
execute $servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file1_2 file1_2.manifest
assertExitStatus --stderr '!=' 0
tfw_cat -v file1_2.manifest
assert cmp file1_2.manifest file1_2.manifest.orig
# And rhizome store should be unchanged.
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDB1 file1 file2
doc_AddUpdateNewVersion="Add new payload to existing manifest with new version"
setup_AddUpdateNewVersion() {
extract_manifest_version version file1_2.manifest
let version=version+1
$SED -i -e "/^version=/s/=.*/=$version/" file1_2.manifest
assertGrep --matches=1 file1_2.manifest "^version=$version$"
test_AddUpdateNewVersion() {
tfw_cat -v file1_2.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file1_2 file1_2.manifest
tfw_cat --stderr
assert_stdout_add_file file1_2 name=file1
assert_manifest_newer file1.manifest file1_2.manifest
# Rhizome store contents reflect new payload.
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDB1 file1_2 file2
doc_AddUpdateDiscoverAuthor="Add new payload to manifest with author discovery"
setup_AddUpdateDiscoverAuthor() {
test_AddUpdateDiscoverAuthor() {
tfw_cat -v file1_2.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file1_2 file1_2.manifest
tfw_cat --stderr
# Rhizome store contents have new payload.
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDB1 file1_2 file2
doc_AddUpdateNoAuthor="Cannot add new payload to authorless manifest"
setup_AddUpdateNoAuthor() {
$SED -i -e '/^BK=/d' file1_2.manifest
test_AddUpdateNoAuthor() {
tfw_cat -v file1_2.manifest
execute $servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file1_2 file1_2.manifest
tfw_cat --stderr
assertExitStatus '!=' 0
# Rhizome store contents have old payload, with the original author.
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDB1 file1 file2
doc_AddUpdateNoAuthorWithSecret="Add new payload to authorless manifest with bundle secret"
setup_AddUpdateNoAuthorWithSecret() {
test_AddUpdateNoAuthorWithSecret() {
tfw_cat -v file1_2.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file1_2 file1_2.manifest "$file1_secret"
tfw_cat --stderr
# Rhizome store contents have new payload, but it has lost its author (no BK
# field any more).
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=0 file1_2 --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDB1 file2
doc_AddUpdateAutoVersion="Add new payload to existing manifest with automatic version"
setup_AddUpdateAutoVersion() {
$SED -i -e '/^version=/d' file1_2.manifest
assertGrep --matches=0 file1_2.manifest '^version='
test_AddUpdateAutoVersion() {
tfw_cat -v file1_2.manifest
sleep 0.001 # Ensure that at least one millisecond has elapsed
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file1_2 file1_2.manifest
assert_manifest_newer file1.manifest file1_2.manifest
# Rhizome store contents reflect new payload.
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file1_2 file2
doc_AddUnsupportedService="Add with unsupported service fails"
setup_AddUnsupportedService() {
echo "Message1" >file1
echo 'service=Fubar' >file1.manifest
test_AddUnsupportedService() {
execute $servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file1 file1.manifest
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assertExitStatus '!=' 0
doc_EncryptedPayload="Add and extract an encrypted payload"
setup_EncryptedPayload() {
echo "Clear Text" >file1
echo -e "service=file\nname=private\ncrypt=1" >file1.manifest
test_EncryptedPayload() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file1 file1.manifest
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert_stdout_add_file file1
assert_manifest_complete file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file1
extract_manifest_id BID file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome extract file $BID file1x
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert diff file1 file1x
extract_manifest_filehash filehash file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome export file $filehash file1y
assert ! diff file1 file1y
doc_RecipientIsEncrypted="Sender & recipient triggers encryption by default"
setup_RecipientIsEncrypted() {
echo "Clear Text" >file1
echo -e "service=file\nsender=$SIDB1\nrecipient=$SIDB2" >file1.manifest
test_RecipientIsEncrypted() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file1 file1.manifest
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert_stdout_add_file file1
assert_manifest_complete file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file1
extract_manifest_id BID file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome extract file $BID file1x
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert diff file1 file1x
extract_manifest_filehash filehash file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome export file $filehash file1y
tfw_cat file1 -v file1y
assert ! diff file1 file1y
doc_BroadcastNotEncrypted="Broadcast recipients are not encrypted by default"
setup_BroadcastNotEncrypted() {
echo "Clear Text" >file1
test_BroadcastNotEncrypted() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file1 file1.manifest
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert_stdout_add_file file1
assert_manifest_complete file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file1
extract_manifest_filehash filehash file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome export file $filehash file1y
assert diff file1 file1y
doc_JournalAdd="Create and append to a journal"
setup_JournalAdd() {
echo "Part One" > file1
echo "Part Two" > file2
cat file1 file2 > file
test_JournalAdd() {
executeOk_servald rhizome journal append $SIDB1 "" file1
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert_stdout_add_file file1
extract_stdout_keyvalue BID 'manifestid' '[0-9A-F]\+'
executeOk_servald rhizome journal append $SIDB1 $BID file2
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
executeOk_servald rhizome extract file $BID filex
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert diff file filex
doc_AppendFile="Attempting to append to a non-journal fails"
setup_AppendFile() {
echo "Part One" > file1
echo "Part Two" > file2
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file1
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert_stdout_add_file file1
extract_stdout_keyvalue BID 'manifestid' '[0-9A-F]\+'
test_AppendFile() {
execute --exit-status=255 $servald rhizome journal append $SIDB1 $BID file2
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
doc_MeshMSAddCreate="First add MeshMS creates manifest"
setup_MeshMSAddCreate() {
echo "Message1" >file1
echo -e "service=MeshMS1\nsender=$SIDB1\nrecipient=$SIDB2" >file1.manifest
test_MeshMSAddCreate() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file1 file1.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file1
assert_manifest_complete file1.manifest
extract_manifest_crypt crypt file1.manifest
assert [ $crypt = 1 ]
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file1
extract_manifest_id BID file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome extract file $BID file1x
assert diff file1 file1x
doc_MeshMSAddGrow="Subsequent add MeshMS updates manifest and removes old payload"
setup_MeshMSAddGrow() {
executeOk_servald config set rhizome.clean_on_open on
echo "Message1" >file1
echo -e "service=MeshMS1\nsender=$SIDB1\nrecipient=$SIDB2" >file1.manifest
test_MeshMSAddGrow() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file1 file1.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file1
assert_manifest_complete file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file1
extract_manifest_id id file1.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehash file1.manifest
extract_manifest_BK bk file1.manifest
local -a ofilehashes=()
for m in 2 3 4 5; do
echo -e "id=$id\nBK=$bk\nservice=MeshMS1\nsender=$SIDB1\nrecipient=$SIDB2" >file1.manifest
echo "Message$m" >>file1
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file1 file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file1
extract_manifest_id idx file1.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehashx file1.manifest
extract_manifest_BK bkx file1.manifest
assert --message="manifest ID remains the same" [ "$idx" = "$id" ]
assert --message="manifest BK remains the same" [ "$bkx" = "$bk" ]
assert --message="filehash is for new file" [ "$filehash" != "$filehashx" ]
executeOk_servald rhizome extract file "$id" file1x
assert --message="extracted payload is correct" diff file1 file1x
for ofilehash in "${ofilehashes[@]}"; do
execute --exit-status=1 --stderr $servald rhizome export file "$ofilehash"
doc_MeshMSAddMissingSender="Add MeshMS without sender fails"
setup_MeshMSAddMissingSender() {
echo "Message1" >file1
echo -e "service=MeshMS1\nrecipient=$SIDB2" >file1.manifest
test_MeshMSAddMissingSender() {
execute $servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file1 file1.manifest
assertExitStatus '!=' 0
doc_MeshMSAddMissingRecipient="Add MeshMS without recipient fails"
setup_MeshMSAddMissingRecipient() {
executeOk_servald rhizome list
echo "Message1" >file1
echo -e "service=MeshMS1\nsender=$SIDB1" >file1.manifest
test_MeshMSAddMissingRecipient() {
execute $servald rhizome add file $SIDB1 file1 file1.manifest
assertExitStatus '!=' 0
doc_MeshMSAddMissingAuthor="Add MeshMS without author uses sender"
setup_MeshMSAddMissingAuthor() {
echo "Message1" >file1
echo -e "service=MeshMS1\nsender=$SIDB1\nrecipient=$SIDB2" >file1.manifest
test_MeshMSAddMissingAuthor() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file1 file1.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file1 !author !BK
assert_manifest_complete file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file1
doc_ListFilter="List manifests by filter"
setup_ListFilter() {
echo "File1" > file1
echo "File2" > file2
echo "File3" > file3
echo "File4" > file4
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file1 file1.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file1 !author !BK
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file2 file2.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file2 !author !BK
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file3 file3.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file3 !author !BK
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file4 file4.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file4 !author !BK
test_ListFilter() {
executeOk_servald rhizome list file
assert_rhizome_list file1 file2 file3 file4
executeOk_servald rhizome list file 'file%'
assert_rhizome_list file1 file2 file3 file4
executeOk_servald rhizome list '' 'file2'
assert_rhizome_list file2
doc_MeshMSListFilter="List MeshMS manifests by filter"
setup_MeshMSListFilter() {
echo "Message1" >file1
echo -e "service=MeshMS1\nsender=$SIDB1\nrecipient=$SIDB2" >file1.manifest
echo "Message2" >file2
echo -e "service=MeshMS1\nsender=$SIDB1\nrecipient=$SIDB3" >file2.manifest
echo "Message3" >file3
echo -e "service=MeshMS1\nsender=$SIDB1\nrecipient=$SIDB4" >file3.manifest
echo "Message3" >file4
echo -e "service=MeshMS1\nsender=$SIDB2\nrecipient=$SIDB3" >file4.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file1 file1.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file1 !author !BK
assert_manifest_complete file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file2 file2.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file2 !author !BK
assert_manifest_complete file2.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file3 file3.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file3 !author !BK
assert_manifest_complete file3.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file4 file4.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file4 !author !BK
assert_manifest_complete file4.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file1 file2 file3 file4
test_MeshMSListFilter() {
executeOk_servald rhizome list file
executeOk_servald rhizome list MeshMS1
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file1 file2 file3 file4
executeOk_servald rhizome list '' '' $SIDB1
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file1 file2 file3
executeOk_servald rhizome list '' '' $SIDB2
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file4
executeOk_servald rhizome list '' '' $SIDB3
executeOk_servald rhizome list '' '' $SIDB4
executeOk_servald rhizome list '' '' '' $SIDB1
executeOk_servald rhizome list '' '' '' $SIDB2
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file1
executeOk_servald rhizome list '' '' '' $SIDB3
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file2 file4
executeOk_servald rhizome list file '' '' $SIDB3
executeOk_servald rhizome list '' '' '' $SIDB4
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file3
executeOk_servald rhizome list '' '' $SIDB1 $SIDB4
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file3
executeOk_servald rhizome list '' '' $SIDB2 $SIDB4
executeOk_servald rhizome list '' '' $SIDB2 $SIDB3
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file4
doc_ImportForeignBundle="Can import a bundle created by another instance"
setup_ImportForeignBundle() {
set_instance +A
echo "Hello from A" >fileA
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA1 fileA fileA.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file fileA
set_instance +B
test_ImportForeignBundle() {
executeOk_servald rhizome import bundle fileA fileA.manifest
assert_stdout_import_bundle fileA
execute --exit-status=2 --stdout --stderr $servald rhizome import bundle fileA fileA.manifest
assert_stdout_import_bundle fileA
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=0 fileA
doc_ImportOwnBundle="Can import a bundle created by same instance"
setup_ImportOwnBundle() {
echo "Hello from B" >fileB
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB2 fileB fileB.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file fileB
extract_stdout_rowid rowid
extract_manifest_id manifestid fileB.manifest
extract_manifest_version version fileB.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehash fileB.manifest
extract_manifest_date date fileB.manifest
rm -f $SERVALINSTANCE_PATH/rhizome.db
executeOk_servald rhizome list
test_ImportOwnBundle() {
executeOk_servald rhizome import bundle fileB fileB.manifest
assert_stdout_import_bundle fileB
# Bundle author and sender are unknown, so appears not to be from here
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=0 fileB
# Extracting the manifest discovers that it is ours.
executeOk_servald rhizome extract bundle $manifestid fileBx.manifest fileBx
tfw_cat --stderr
assert cmp fileB.manifest fileBx.manifest
assert cmp fileB fileBx
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 11
local size=$(( $(cat fileB | wc -c) + 0 ))
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^service:file$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^manifestid:$manifestid\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^version:$version\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.rowid:$rowid\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.inserttime:$rexp_date\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filehash:$filehash\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filesize:$size\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^date:$date\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.author:$SIDB2\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.secret:$rexp_bundlesecret\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.readonly:0\$"
# Now bundle author should be known, so appears to be from here
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDB2 fileB
doc_ImportCombinedBundle="Create and import combined bundle"
setup_ImportCombinedBundle() {
set_instance +A
echo "Hello from A" >fileA
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA1 fileA fileA.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file fileA
extract_manifest_id manifestid fileA.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehash fileA.manifest
extract_manifest_filesize filesize fileA.manifest
test_ImportCombinedBundle() {
executeOk_servald rhizome append manifest fileA fileA.manifest
set_instance +B
executeOk_servald rhizome import bundle fileA fileA
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^service:file$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^manifestid:$manifestid\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filehash:$filehash\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filesize:$filesize\$"
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=0 fileA
executeOk_servald rhizome export bundle $manifestid fileAx fileAx
assert diff fileA fileAx
setup_delete() {
set_instance +A
executeOk_servald config set rhizome.clean_on_open off
rhizome_add_files file{1..4}
for i in {1..4}; do
extract_manifest_id BID$i file$i.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash HASH$i file$i.manifest
doc_DeleteManifest="Delete a manifest from store"
setup_DeleteManifest() {
test_DeleteManifest() {
executeOk_servald rhizome delete manifest "$BID2"
tfw_cat --stderr
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list file{1,3,4}
execute --exit-status=1 --stderr $servald rhizome export manifest "$BID2"
executeOk_servald rhizome export file "$HASH2" file2x
assert diff file2 file2x
doc_DeletePayload="Delete a payload from store"
setup_DeletePayload() {
test_DeletePayload() {
executeOk_servald rhizome delete payload "$BID3"
tfw_cat --stderr
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list file{1..4}
executeOk_servald rhizome export manifest "$BID3"
execute --exit-status=1 --stderr $servald rhizome export file "$HASH3" file3x
doc_DeleteBundle="Delete a bundle from store"
setup_DeleteBundle() {
test_DeleteBundle() {
executeOk_servald rhizome delete bundle "$BID4"
tfw_cat --stderr
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list file{1..3}
execute --exit-status=1 --stderr $servald rhizome export manifest "$BID4"
execute --exit-status=1 --stderr $servald rhizome export file "$HASH4" file4x
doc_DeleteFile="Delete a file from store"
setup_DeleteFile() {
test_DeleteFile() {
executeOk_servald rhizome delete file "$HASH1"
tfw_cat --stderr
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list file{1..4}
executeOk_servald rhizome export manifest "$BID1"
execute --exit-status=1 --stderr $servald rhizome export file "$HASH1" file1x
runTests "$@"