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synced 2025-03-10 22:43:54 +00:00
The CLI and server main loop now have no conditional JNI code. All JNI code has been moved into separate source files, which #include the new "jni_common.h" instead of <jni.h>. The "cli.h" header no longer includes <jni.h>, so the rest of the Serval source code is now unaffected by JNI definitions. The 'cf_limbo' global variable is now thread-local, so that each thread has its own independent copy of the loaded configuration. The JNI server entry point now calls cf_init() once. The new 'cf_initialised' flag prevents clobbering the config state by redundant calls to cf_init(). The CLI "stop" command now sends SIGHUP to the specific thread in which the server is running. This is achieved by writing the PID and TID (Linux Thread ID) into the pidfile, separated by a space, on systems that support the Linux gettid() and tgkill() system calls. The server's signal handler has been overhauled, and its logging improved.
460 lines
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460 lines
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Serval DNA JNI command-line entry points
Copyright (C) 2016 Flinders University
Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Serval Project Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <assert.h>
#include "jni_common.h"
#include "commandline.h"
#include "mem.h"
#include "os.h"
#include "str.h"
#include "strbuf_helpers.h"
#include "conf.h"
#include "debug.h"
struct cli_vtable cli_vtable_jni;
struct jni_context {
JNIEnv *jni_env;
int jni_exception;
jobject jniResults;
char *outv_buffer;
char *outv_current;
char *outv_limit;
/* Data structures for accumulating output of a single JNI call.
jclass IJniResults = NULL;
jmethodID putString;
jmethodID putLong;
jmethodID putDouble;
jmethodID putHexValue;
jmethodID putBlob;
jmethodID startTable;
jmethodID setColumnName;
jmethodID endTable;
static int outv_growbuf(struct jni_context *context, size_t needed)
assert(context->outv_current <= context->outv_limit);
size_t remaining = (size_t)(context->outv_limit - context->outv_current);
if (remaining < needed) {
size_t cursize = context->outv_current - context->outv_buffer;
size_t newsize = cursize + needed;
// Round up to nearest multiple of OUTV_BUFFER_ALLOCSIZE.
newsize = newsize + OUTV_BUFFER_ALLOCSIZE - ((newsize - 1) % OUTV_BUFFER_ALLOCSIZE + 1);
assert(newsize > cursize);
assert((size_t)(newsize - cursize) >= needed);
if ((context->outv_buffer = erealloc(context->outv_buffer, newsize)) == NULL)
return -1;
context->outv_current = context->outv_buffer + cursize;
context->outv_limit = context->outv_buffer + newsize;
return 0;
static void outv_write(struct jni_context *context, const char *buf, size_t len)
// Converts NUL chars to Modified UTF-8 NUL (c0 80) so that Java's UTF String will treat it as an
// embedded NUL.
size_t utflen = len;
const char *s;
for (s = buf; s != buf + len; ++s)
if (!*s)
if (outv_growbuf(context, utflen) == -1)
for (s = buf; s != buf + len; ++s)
if (*s)
*context->outv_current++ = *s;
else {
*context->outv_current++ = '\xc0';
*context->outv_current++ = '\x80';
assert(context->outv_current <= context->outv_limit);
static int put_string(struct jni_context *context, const char *str)
if (context->jni_exception)
return -1;
jstring jstr = NULL;
if (str) {
jstr = (jstring)(*context->jni_env)->NewStringUTF(context->jni_env, str);
if (jstr == NULL) {
context->jni_exception = 1;
return WHY("Exception thrown from NewStringUTF()");
(*context->jni_env)->CallVoidMethod(context->jni_env, context->jniResults, putString, jstr);
(*context->jni_env)->DeleteLocalRef(context->jni_env, jstr);
if ((*context->jni_env)->ExceptionCheck(context->jni_env)) {
context->jni_exception = 1;
return WHY("Exception thrown from CallVoidMethod(putLong)");
return 0;
static int put_byte_array(struct jni_context *context, jbyte *blob, jsize length, jmethodID method, const char *method_name)
jbyteArray arr = NULL;
if (context->jni_exception)
return -1;
arr = (*context->jni_env)->NewByteArray(context->jni_env, length);
if (arr == NULL || (*context->jni_env)->ExceptionCheck(context->jni_env)) {
context->jni_exception = 1;
return WHY("Exception thrown from NewByteArray()");
if (blob && length) {
(*context->jni_env)->SetByteArrayRegion(context->jni_env, arr, 0, length, blob);
if ((*context->jni_env)->ExceptionCheck(context->jni_env)) {
context->jni_exception = 1;
return WHY("Exception thrown from SetByteArrayRegion()");
(*context->jni_env)->CallVoidMethod(context->jni_env, context->jniResults, method, arr);
if ((*context->jni_env)->ExceptionCheck(context->jni_env)) {
context->jni_exception = 1;
return WHYF("Exception thrown from CallVoidMethod(%s)", method_name);
if (arr)
(*context->jni_env)->DeleteLocalRef(context->jni_env, arr);
return 0;
static int outv_end_field(struct jni_context *context)
// append terminating nul
if (outv_growbuf(context, 1) == -1)
return -1;
*context->outv_current++ = '\0';
context->outv_current = context->outv_buffer;
return put_string(context, context->outv_buffer);
static int initJniTypes(JNIEnv *env)
if (IJniResults)
return 0;
IJniResults = (*env)->FindClass(env, "org/servalproject/servaldna/IJniResults");
if (IJniResults==NULL)
return jni_throw(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "Unable to locate class org.servalproject.servaldna.IJniResults");
// make sure the interface class cannot be garbage collected between invocations in the same process
IJniResults = (jclass)(*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, IJniResults);
if (IJniResults==NULL)
return jni_throw(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "Unable to create global ref to class org.servalproject.servaldna.IJniResults");
putString = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, IJniResults, "putString", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
if (putString==NULL)
return jni_throw(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "Unable to locate method putString");
putLong = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, IJniResults, "putLong", "(J)V");
if (putLong==NULL)
return jni_throw(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "Unable to locate method putLong");
putDouble = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, IJniResults, "putDouble", "(D)V");
if (putDouble==NULL)
return jni_throw(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "Unable to locate method putDouble");
putHexValue = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, IJniResults, "putHexValue", "([B)V");
if (putHexValue==NULL)
return jni_throw(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "Unable to locate method putHexValue");
putBlob = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, IJniResults, "putBlob", "([B)V");
if (putBlob==NULL)
return jni_throw(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "Unable to locate method putBlob");
startTable = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, IJniResults, "startTable", "(I)V");
if (startTable==NULL)
return jni_throw(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "Unable to locate method startTable");
setColumnName = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, IJniResults, "setColumnName", "(ILjava/lang/String;)V");
if (setColumnName==NULL)
return jni_throw(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "Unable to locate method setColumnName");
endTable = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, IJniResults, "endTable", "(I)V");
if (endTable==NULL)
return jni_throw(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "Unable to locate method endTable");
return 0;
/* JNI entry point to command line. See org.servalproject.servald.ServalD class for the Java side.
JNI method descriptor: "(Ljava/util/List;[Ljava/lang/String;)I"
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_servalproject_servaldna_ServalDCommand_rawCommand(JNIEnv *env, jobject UNUSED(this), jobject outv, jobjectArray args)
int r;
// find jni results methods
if ((r=initJniTypes(env))!=0)
return r;
unsigned char status = 0; // to match what the shell gets: 0..255
// Construct argv, argc from this method's arguments.
jsize len = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, args);
const char *argv[len+1];
bzero(argv, sizeof(argv));
// From now on, in case of an exception we have to free some resources before
// returning.
static const char *EMPTY="";
struct jni_context context;
bzero(&context, sizeof(context));
struct cli_context cli_context = {
.vtable = &cli_vtable_jni,
.context = &context
jsize i;
for (i = 0; !context.jni_exception && i < len; ++i) {
const jstring arg = (jstring)(*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, args, i);
if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)){
context.jni_exception = 1;
}else if (arg == NULL) {
argv[i] = EMPTY;
} else {
argv[i] = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, arg, NULL);
if (argv[i] == NULL)
context.jni_exception = 1;
if (!context.jni_exception) {
// Set up the output buffer.
context.jniResults = outv;
context.outv_current = context.outv_buffer;
// Execute the command.
context.jni_env = env;
status = commandline_main(&cli_context, NULL, (int)len, argv);
// free any temporary output buffer
if (context.outv_buffer)
// Release argv Java string buffers.
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (argv[i] && argv[i]!=EMPTY) {
const jstring arg = (jstring)(*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, args, i);
if (arg)
(*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, arg, argv[i]);
// Deal with Java exceptions: NewStringUTF out of memory in outv_end_field().
if (context.jni_exception || (context.outv_current != context.outv_buffer && outv_end_field(&context) == -1))
return -1;
return (jint) status;
/* Output primitives for JNI.
static struct jni_context *jni_context(struct cli_context *cli_context)
return (struct jni_context *)(cli_context->context);
static void jni_delim(struct cli_context *cli_context, const char *UNUSED(opt))
DEBUGF(jni, "");
static void jni_write(struct cli_context *cli_context, const char *buf, size_t len)
DEBUGF(jni, "%s", alloca_toprint(-1, buf, len));
outv_write(jni_context(cli_context), buf, len);
static void jni_puts(struct cli_context *cli_context, const char *str)
DEBUGF(jni, "%s", alloca_str_toprint(str));
outv_write(jni_context(cli_context), str, strlen(str));
static void jni_vprintf(struct cli_context *cli_context, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
DEBUGF(jni, "%s, ...", alloca_str_toprint(fmt));
struct jni_context *context = jni_context(cli_context);
assert(context->outv_current <= context->outv_limit);
size_t avail = context->outv_limit - context->outv_current;
va_list aq;
va_copy(aq, ap);
int count = vsnprintf(context->outv_current, avail, fmt, aq);
if (count < 0) {
WHYF("vsnprintf(%p,%zu,%s,...) failed", context->outv_current, avail, alloca_str_toprint(fmt));
} else if ((size_t)count < avail) {
context->outv_current += count;
if (outv_growbuf(context, count) == -1)
avail = context->outv_limit - context->outv_current;
va_copy(aq, ap);
count = vsprintf(context->outv_current, fmt, aq);
if (count < 0) {
WHYF("vsprintf(%p,%s,...) failed", context->outv_current, alloca_str_toprint(fmt));
assert((size_t)count < avail);
context->outv_current += (size_t)count;
static void jni_put_long(struct cli_context *cli_context, int64_t value, const char *UNUSED(delim_opt))
DEBUGF(jni, "%" PRId64, value);
struct jni_context *context = jni_context(cli_context);
if (context->jni_exception)
(*context->jni_env)->CallVoidMethod(context->jni_env, context->jniResults, putLong, value);
if ((*context->jni_env)->ExceptionCheck(context->jni_env)) {
context->jni_exception = 1;
WHY("Exception thrown from CallVoidMethod(putLong)");
static void jni_put_string(struct cli_context *cli_context, const char *value, const char *UNUSED(delim_opt))
DEBUGF(jni, "%s", alloca_str_toprint(value));
struct jni_context *context = jni_context(cli_context);
if (context->jni_exception)
jstring str = NULL;
if (value){
str = (jstring)(*context->jni_env)->NewStringUTF(context->jni_env, value);
if (str == NULL) {
context->jni_exception = 1;
WHY("Exception thrown from NewStringUTF()");
(*context->jni_env)->CallVoidMethod(context->jni_env, context->jniResults, putString, str);
(*context->jni_env)->DeleteLocalRef(context->jni_env, str);
if ((*context->jni_env)->ExceptionCheck(context->jni_env)) {
context->jni_exception = 1;
WHY("Exception thrown from CallVoidMethod(putLong)");
static void jni_put_hexvalue(struct cli_context *cli_context, const unsigned char *value, size_t length, const char *UNUSED(delim_opt))
DEBUGF(jni, "%s", alloca_tohex(value, length));
struct jni_context *context = jni_context(cli_context);
put_byte_array(context, (jbyte*)value, length, putHexValue, "putHexValue");
static void jni_put_blob(struct cli_context *cli_context, const unsigned char *blob, size_t length, const char *UNUSED(delim_opt))
DEBUGF(jni, "%s", alloca_tohex(blob, length));
struct jni_context *context = jni_context(cli_context);
put_byte_array(context, (jbyte*)blob, length, putBlob, "putBlob");
static void jni_start_table(struct cli_context *cli_context, size_t column_count, const char *column_names[])
DEBUGF(jni, "%s", alloca_argv(column_count, column_names));
struct jni_context *context = jni_context(cli_context);
if (context->jni_exception)
(*context->jni_env)->CallVoidMethod(context->jni_env, context->jniResults, startTable, (jint)column_count);
if ((*context->jni_env)->ExceptionCheck(context->jni_env)) {
context->jni_exception = 1;
WHY("Exception thrown from CallVoidMethod(startTable)");
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i != column_count; ++i) {
jstring str = (jstring)(*context->jni_env)->NewStringUTF(context->jni_env, column_names[i]);
if (str == NULL) {
context->jni_exception = 1;
WHY("Exception thrown from NewStringUTF()");
(*context->jni_env)->CallVoidMethod(context->jni_env, context->jniResults, setColumnName, i, str);
(*context->jni_env)->DeleteLocalRef(context->jni_env, str);
if ((*context->jni_env)->ExceptionCheck(context->jni_env)) {
context->jni_exception = 1;
WHY("Exception thrown from CallVoidMethod(setColumnName)");
static void jni_end_table(struct cli_context *cli_context, size_t row_count)
DEBUGF(jni, "%zu", row_count);
struct jni_context *context = jni_context(cli_context);
if (context->jni_exception)
(*context->jni_env)->CallVoidMethod(context->jni_env, context->jniResults, endTable, (jint)row_count);
if ((*context->jni_env)->ExceptionCheck(context->jni_env)) {
context->jni_exception = 1;
WHY("Exception thrown from CallVoidMethod()");
static void jni_field_name(struct cli_context *cli_context, const char *name, const char *UNUSED(delim_opt))
DEBUGF(jni, "%s", name);
struct jni_context *context = jni_context(cli_context);
if (context->jni_exception)
jstring str = (jstring)(*context->jni_env)->NewStringUTF(context->jni_env, name);
if (str == NULL) {
context->jni_exception = 1;
WHY("Exception thrown from NewStringUTF()");
(*context->jni_env)->CallVoidMethod(context->jni_env, context->jniResults, setColumnName, -1, str);
(*context->jni_env)->DeleteLocalRef(context->jni_env, str);
if ((*context->jni_env)->ExceptionCheck(context->jni_env)) {
context->jni_exception = 1;
WHY("Exception thrown from CallVoidMethod(setColumnName)");
static void jni_flush(struct cli_context *UNUSED(cli_context))
DEBUGF(jni, "");
// nop
struct cli_vtable cli_vtable_jni = {
.delim = jni_delim,
.write = jni_write,
.puts = jni_puts,
.vprintf = jni_vprintf,
.put_long = jni_put_long,
.put_string = jni_put_string,
.put_hexvalue = jni_put_hexvalue,
.put_blob = jni_put_blob,
.start_table = jni_start_table,
.end_table = jni_end_table,
.field_name = jni_field_name,
.flush = jni_flush