mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 15:03:56 +00:00
Caused by tests running so slowly that nodes become unreachable due to timeout before the assertion of reachability is made. The timeout was hard coded at five times the tick interval (2.5 seconds). Introduced new config options: mdp.iftype.*.reachable_timeout_ms and interface.*.mdp.reachable_timeout_ms to allow the timeout to be configured. Configure the timeout to 60 seconds in 'routing' tests. Changed the config schema to move options interfaces.*.mdp_tick_ms and interfaces.*.packet_interval into interfaces.*.mdp.tick_ms and interfaces.*.mdp.packet_interval (introduced new sub-struct 'mdp').
482 lines
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482 lines
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Serval DNA configuration
Copyright (C) 2012 Serval Project Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
/* This file contains definitions for the schema of the Serval DNA configuration file. See comments
* in "config.h" for a description of the internal configuration API.
* A configuration schema is set of nested structures and arrays. By convention, the top level, or
* root of the schema is called "main", but every structure and array has its own complete API which
* can be used by itself. So if there were two independent configuration files, both could be
* defined in this file, each with a conventional name for its own root element.
* A configuration file consists of lines of the form:
* FULLKEY "=" VALUE "\n"
* where FULLKEY has the form KEY [ "." KEY [ "." KEY [ ... ] ] ] and VALUE is any string not
* containing newline. Lines ending with "\r\n" have the "\r" stripped from the end of VALUE.
* Otherwise VALUE is preserved exactly, with all leading and trailing spaces intact.
* To describe a configuration file that looks like this:
* some.thing.element1=integer
* some.thing.element2=string
* some.list.foo.element1=integer
* some.list.foo.element2=string
* some.list.bar.element1=integer
* some.list.bar.element2=string
* another_thing=http://my.host.com:1234/path/to/nowhere
* the following schema would do:
* STRUCT(happy)
* ATOM(int32_t, element1, 0, int32_nonneg,, "An integer >= 0")
* STRING(80, element2, "boo!", str_nonempty, MANDATORY, "A non-empty string")
* ARRAY(joy,)
* KEY_STRING(3, happy, str)
* STRUCT(love)
* SUB_STRUCT(happy, thing,)
* SUB_STRUCT(joy, list,)
* STRUCT(main)
* SUB_STRUCT(love, some,)
* STRING(128, another_thing, "", uri,, "URL; protocol://hostname[:port][/path]")
* which would produce an API based on the following definitions (see "config.h" for more
* information):
* struct config_happy {
* int32_t element1;
* char element2[81];
* };
* struct config_joy {
* unsigned ac;
* struct config_joy__element {
* char key[4];
* struct config_happy value;
* } av[16];
* };
* struct config_love {
* struct config_happy thing;
* struct config_joy list;
* };
* struct config_main {
* struct config_love some;
* char another_thing[129];
* };
* A schema definition is composed from the following STRUCT and ARRAY definitions:
* STRUCT(name [, validatorfunc])
* element-declaration
* element-declaration
* ...
* where each element-declaration is one of:
* ATOM(type, element, default, repr, flags, comment)
* NODE(type, element, default, repr, flags, comment)
* STRING(strlen, element, default, repr, flags, comment)
* SUB_STRUCT(structname, element, flags [, default_label])
* NODE_STRUCT(structname, element, repr, flags [, default_label])
* ARRAY(name, flags [, validatorfunc])
* key-declaration
* value-declaration
* END_ARRAY(size)
* where key-declaration is one of:
* KEY_ATOM(type, repr)
* KEY_STRING(strlen, repr)
* and value-declaration is one of:
* VALUE_ATOM(type, repr)
* VALUE_STRING(strlen, repr)
* VALUE_NODE(type, repr)
* VALUE_SUB_STRUCT(structname)
* VALUE_NODE_STRUCT(structname, repr)
* For defining alternative STRUCT default settings:
* STRUCT_DEFAULT(name, default_label)
* default-declaration
* default-declaration
* ...
* where each default-declaration is one of:
* ATOM_DEFAULT(element, default)
* STRING_DEFAULT(element, default)
* SUB_STRUCT_DEFAULT(structname, element [, default_label])
* Every structure defined by STRUCT has its own, native default values as given by
* the 'default' parameter in each of its element declarations. The STRUCT_DEFAULT
* declaration defines a variation on the default values that can be used to give the
* structure alternative defaults when included as a SUB_STRUCT (or NODE_STRUCT) from
* within another structure. Not all the STRUCT's elements have to be defined within
* a STRUCT_DEFAULT definition; any omitted ones take the STRUCT's native default.
* For defining that one STRUCT can be treated as a subset of another:
* STRUCT_ASSIGN(substruct, superstruct)
* element-declaration
* element-declaration
* ...
* where element-declaration is exactly as for STRUCT(...) above.
* This generates a structure copy function that copies the given elements of 'substruct'
* into the equivalent elements of 'superstruct'; ie, both structures must have the same
* element names and types.
* The meanings of the parameters are:
* 'name'
* A label used to qualify this struct/array's API from the API components of other structs and
* arrays. This label does not appear anywhere in the config file itself; it is purely for
* internal code-related purposes.
* 'strlen'
* For STRING, LABEL_STRING and VALUE_STRING, gives the maximum length of the string. The
* string is declared as an array of char[strlen+1] to leave room for a terminating nul.
* 'size'
* For all ARRAYs, gives the maximum size of the array.
* 'type'
* Used for ATOM, NODE, LABEL_ATOM, VALUE_ATOM and VALUE_NODE declarations. Gives the C type
* of the element. For STRING, KEY_STRING and VALUE_STRING this is implicitly char[strlen+1].
* 'structname'
* Identifies a sub- structure by 'name' to nest in the enclosing struct or array.
* 'element'
* The name of the struct element and the key in the configuration file. This name does appear
* in the config file and also in the API, so that an option mamed "some.thing.element1" in the
* file is referred to as some.thing.element1 in the C code. Arrays are more complicated:
* "some.list.foo.element1" in the config file is referred to as some.list.av[n].value.element1
* in the C code, and some.list.ac gives the size of the some.list.av array.
* 'default'
* Only used for ATOM and NODE struct elements. Gives the default value for the element if
* absent from the config file.
* 'repr'
* The string representation. This name specifies a trio of functions, cf_opt_<repr>(),
* cf_fmt_<repr>() and cf_cmp_<repr>():
* - The cf_opt_<repr>() functions for ATOM, STRING, KEY_ATOM, KEY_STRING, VALUE_ATOM and
* VALUE_STRING take a (const char *) argument pointing to nul-terminated text. The
* <repr> functions for NODE and VALUE_NODE take a pointer to a COM node (const
* struct cf_om_node *), and are responsible for parsing the node's text and all of its
* descendents (children).
* - Each cf_fmt_<repr>() function is the inverse of cf_opt_<repr>. The cf_fmt_<repr>
* functions for ATOM, KEY_ATOM, KEY_STRING, VALUE_ATOM and VALUE_STRING all take a pointer
* to a const 'type', and produce a malloc()ed nul-terminated string which, if passed to
* cf_opt_<repr>(), would produce the same original value. If the value is invalid (outside
* the legal range) then cf_fmt_<repr> returns CFINVALID or CFEMPTY. The cf_fmt_<repr>
* functions for NODE and VALUE_NODE take a pointer to a const 'type' and produce a
* malloc()ed COM node (struct cf_om_node *) which, if passed to cf_opt_<repr> would produce
* the same original value.
* - Each cf_cmp_<repr>() function compares two values of the given 'type' and returns -1, 0
* or 1 to indicate the natural ordering of the values. These functions are used to detect
* when config elements have their default values, to avoid calling cf_fmt_<repr>(). They
* are also used to sort array keys.
* 'validatorfunc'
* A function that is called after the struct/array is fully parsed and populated. This
* function can perform validation checks on the whole struct/array that cannot be performed by
* the parse functions of each element in isolation, and can even alter the contents of the
* struct/array, eg, sort an array or fill in default values in structs that depend on other
* elements. Takes as its second argument the CFxxx code produced by the parser, and returns
* an updated CFxxx result code (which could be the same) as documented in "config.h".
* 'flags'
* A space-separated list of flags. At present only the MANDATORY flag is supported, which
* will cause parsing to fail if the given STRUCT element is not set in the config file. In
* the case of struct elements that are arrays, the config file must set at least one element
* of the array, or parsing fails.
* 'comment'
* A human-readable string describing the value of the configuration option. Must be
* informative enough to help users diagnose parse errors. Eg, "An integer" is not enough;
* better would be "Integer >= 0, number of seconds since Unix epoch".
* 'default_label'
* A label used to qualify an alternative STRUCT default set. These labels need only be unique
* for each given struct 'name', so different STRUCTs may re-use the same labels.
* @author Andrew Bettison <andrew@servalproject.com>
ATOM(bool_t, verbose, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, ack, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, dnaresponses, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, dnahelper, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, queues, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, timing, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, io, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, verbose_io, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, interactive_io, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, packetformats, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, gateway, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, keyring, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, security, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, mdprequests, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, mavlink, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, mavlink_payloads, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, mavlinkfsm, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, peers, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, overlayframes, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, overlayabbreviations, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, overlayrouting, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, overlayroutemonitor, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, overlayinterfaces, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, broadcasts, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, packettx, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, packetrx, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, packetradio, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, rejecteddata, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, slip, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, slipdecode, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, slipbytestream, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, packetconstruction, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, rhizome, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, rhizome_bind, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, rhizome_tx, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, rhizome_rx, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, rhizome_ads, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, rhizome_nohttptx, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, rhizome_mdp_rx, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, throttling, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, meshms, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, manifests, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, vomp, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, trace, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, profiling, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, externalblobs, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, linkstate, 0, boolean,, "")
ATOM(bool_t, show_pid, 1, boolean,, "If true, all log lines contain PID of logging process") \
ATOM(bool_t, show_time, 1, boolean,, "If true, all log lines contain time stamp") \
ATOM(int, level, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, log_level,, "Only log messages at and above this level of severity") \
ATOM(bool_t, dump_config, 1, boolean,, "If true, current configuration is dumped into start of log")
STRING(256, directory_path, "log", str_nonempty,, "Path of directory for log files, either absolute or relative to instance directory")
STRING(256, path, "", str_nonempty,, "Path of single log file, either absolute or relative to directory_path")
ATOM(unsigned short, rotate, 12, ushort,, "Number of log files to rotate, zero means no deletion")
ATOM(uint32_t, duration, 3600, uint32_time_interval,, "Time duration of each log file, zero means one file per invocation")
STRUCT_ASSIGN(log_format, log_format_file)
SUB_STRUCT(log_format_file, file,,)
SUB_STRUCT(log_format, console,, console)
SUB_STRUCT(log_format, android,, android)
STRUCT_DEFAULT(log_format, console)
ATOM_DEFAULT(show_pid, 0)
ATOM_DEFAULT(show_time, 0)
ATOM_DEFAULT(dump_config, 0)
STRUCT_DEFAULT(log_format, android)
ATOM_DEFAULT(show_pid, 0)
STRING(256, chdir, "/", absolute_path,, "Absolute path of chdir(2) for server process")
STRING(256, interface_path, "", str_nonempty,, "Path of directory containing interface files, either absolute or relative to instance directory")
ATOM(bool_t, respawn_on_crash, 0, boolean,, "If true, server will exec(2) itself on fatal signals, eg SEGV")
ATOM(uint32_t, uid, 0, uint32_nonzero,, "Allowed UID for monitor socket client")
ATOM(int32_t, tick_ms, -1, int32_nonneg,, "Tick interval")
ATOM(int32_t, packet_interval, -1, int32_nonneg,, "Minimum interval between packets in microseconds")
ATOM(int32_t, reachable_timeout_ms, -1, int32_nonneg,, "Inactivity timeout after which node considered unreachable")
ARRAY(mdp_iftypelist, NO_DUPLICATES)
KEY_ATOM(short, interface_type)
SUB_STRUCT(mdp_iftypelist, iftype,)
ATOM(bool_t, enable, 0, boolean,, "If true, OLSR is used for mesh routing")
ATOM(uint16_t, remote_port, 4130, uint16_nonzero,, "Remote port number")
ATOM(uint16_t, local_port, 4131, uint16_nonzero,, "Local port number")
ARRAY(argv, NO_DUPLICATES, vld_argv)
KEY_ATOM(unsigned short, ushort_nonzero)
VALUE_STRING(128, str)
STRING(256, executable, "", absolute_path, MANDATORY, "Absolute path of dna helper executable")
SUB_STRUCT(argv, argv,)
SUB_STRUCT(executable, helper,)
STRING(25, protocol, "http", protocol,, "Protocol name")
STRING(256, host, "", str_nonempty, MANDATORY, "Host name or IP address")
ATOM(uint16_t, port, RHIZOME_HTTP_PORT, uint16_nonzero,, "Port number")
KEY_STRING(15, str)
VALUE_NODE_STRUCT(rhizome_peer, rhizome_peer)
SUB_STRUCT(peerlist, peer,)
STRING(64, uri_path, "", absolute_path,, "URI path for HTTP add-file request")
ATOM(struct in_addr, allow_host, hton_in_addr(INADDR_LOOPBACK), in_addr,, "IP address of host allowed to make HTTP add-file request")
STRING(256, manifest_template_file, "", str_nonempty,, "Path of manifest template file, either absolute or relative to instance directory")
ATOM(sid_t, default_author, SID_ANY, sid,, "Author of add-file bundle if sender not given")
ATOM(rhizome_bk_t, bundle_secret_key, RHIZOME_BK_NONE, rhizome_bk,, "Secret key of add-file bundle to try if sender not given")
SUB_STRUCT(rhizome_api_addfile, addfile,)
ATOM(bool_t, enable, 1, boolean,, "If true, Rhizome HTTP server is started")
ATOM(bool_t, enable, 1, boolean,, "If true, Rhizome MDP server is started")
ATOM(bool_t, enable, 1, boolean,, "If true, Rhizome advertisements are sent")
ATOM(uint32_t, interval, 500, uint32_nonzero,, "Interval between Rhizome advertisements")
ATOM(bool_t, enable, 1, boolean,, "If true, server opens Rhizome database when starting")
ATOM(bool_t, fetch, 1, boolean,, "If false, no new bundles will be fetched from peers")
ATOM(bool_t, clean_on_open, 0, boolean,, "If true, Rhizome database is cleaned at start of every command")
ATOM(bool_t, clean_on_start, 1, boolean,, "If true, Rhizome database is cleaned at start of daemon")
STRING(256, datastore_path, "", absolute_path,, "Path of rhizome storage directory, absolute or relative to instance directory")
ATOM(uint64_t, database_size, 1000000, uint64_scaled,, "Size of database in bytes")
ATOM(bool_t, external_blobs, 0, boolean,, "Store rhizome bundles as separate files.")
ATOM(uint64_t, rhizome_mdp_block_size, 512, uint64_scaled,, "Rhizome MDP block size.")
ATOM(uint64_t, idle_timeout, RHIZOME_IDLE_TIMEOUT, uint64_scaled,, "Rhizome transfer timeout if no data received.")
ATOM(uint32_t, fetch_delay_ms, 50, uint32_nonzero,, "Delay from receiving first bundle advert to initiating fetch")
SUB_STRUCT(rhizome_direct, direct,)
SUB_STRUCT(rhizome_api, api,)
SUB_STRUCT(rhizome_http, http,)
SUB_STRUCT(rhizome_mdp, mdp,)
SUB_STRUCT(rhizome_advertise, advertise,)
ATOM(sid_t, service, SID_ANY, sid,, "Subscriber ID of Serval Directory Service")
STRING(INTERFACE_NAME_STRLEN, interface, "", str_nonempty,, "Interface name")
STRING(256, host, "", str_nonempty,, "Host Name")
ATOM(struct in_addr, address, hton_in_addr(INADDR_NONE), in_addr,, "Host IP address")
ATOM(uint16_t, port, PORT_DNA, uint16_nonzero,, "Port number")
KEY_ATOM(sid_t, sid)
STRUCT(network_interface, vld_network_interface)
ATOM(bool_t, exclude, 0, boolean,, "If true, do not use matching interfaces")
ATOM(struct pattern_list, match, PATTERN_LIST_EMPTY, pattern_list,, "Names that match network interface")
ATOM(short, socket_type, SOCK_UNSPECIFIED, socket_type,, "Type of network socket; stream, dgram or file")
ATOM(short, encapsulation, ENCAP_OVERLAY, encapsulation,, "Type of packet encapsulation")
STRING(256, file, "", str_nonempty,, "Path of interface file, absolute or relative to server.interface_path")
ATOM(struct in_addr, dummy_address, hton_in_addr(INADDR_LOOPBACK), in_addr,, "Dummy interface address")
ATOM(struct in_addr, dummy_netmask, hton_in_addr(0xFFFFFF00), in_addr,, "Dummy interface netmask")
ATOM(uint16_t, port, PORT_DNA, uint16_nonzero,, "Port number for network interface")
ATOM(bool_t, drop_broadcasts, 0, boolean,, "If true, drop all incoming broadcast packets")
ATOM(bool_t, drop_unicasts, 0, boolean,, "If true, drop all incoming unicast packets")
ATOM(uint16_t, drop_packets, 0, uint16_nonzero,, "Percentage of incoming packets that should be dropped for testing purposes")
ATOM(short, type, OVERLAY_INTERFACE_WIFI, interface_type,, "Type of network interface")
SUB_STRUCT(mdp_iftype, mdp,)
ATOM(bool_t, send_broadcasts, 1, boolean,, "If false, don't send any broadcast packets")
ATOM(bool_t, default_route, 0, boolean,, "If true, use this interface as a default route")
ATOM(bool_t, prefer_unicast, 0, boolean,, "If true, send unicast data as unicast IP packets if available")
ATOM(bool_t, debug, 0, boolean,, "If true, log details of every outgoing packet")
ATOM(bool_t, point_to_point, 0, boolean,, "If true, assume there will only be two devices on this interface")
ATOM(bool_t, ctsrts, 0, boolean,, "If true, enable CTS/RTS hardware handshaking")
ATOM(int32_t, uartbps, 57600, int32_rs232baudrate,, "Speed of serial UART link speed (which may be different to serial device link speed)")
ATOM(int32_t, throttle, 0, int32_nonneg,, "Limit transmit speed of serial interface (bytes per second)")
ATOM(int32_t, burst_size, 0, int32_nonneg,, "Write no more than this many bytes at a time to a serial interface")
ARRAY(interface_list, NO_DUPLICATES)
KEY_ATOM(unsigned, uint)
VALUE_NODE_STRUCT(network_interface, network_interface)
// The top level.
NODE_STRUCT(interface_list, interfaces, interface_list,)
SUB_STRUCT(log, log,)
SUB_STRUCT(server, server,)
SUB_STRUCT(monitor, monitor,)
SUB_STRUCT(mdp, mdp,)
SUB_STRUCT(dna, dna,)
SUB_STRUCT(debug, debug,)
SUB_STRUCT(rhizome, rhizome,)
SUB_STRUCT(directory, directory,)
SUB_STRUCT(olsr, olsr,)
SUB_STRUCT(host_list, hosts,)