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synced 2024-12-18 20:57:56 +00:00
Correct the maximum DID length defined in "serval_types.h" from 32 to 31. Add a definition of the maximum identity Name length and use it instead of the bare constant 64, eg, in the MDP_DNALOOKUP request handling code. Introduce a dataformats.h function for validating an identity name, and use it to validate the 'name' parameter in the CLI 'keyring set' command. Add 'did' and 'name' parameter validation to the GET /restful/keyring/add and GET /restful/keyring/SID/set requests (#131). Rename keyring_set_did() to keyring_set_did_name() and assert that DID and Name lengths have been validated before storing in the keyring. Update the Keyring REST API tech document.
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194 lines
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Serval DNA command-line interface
Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Serval Project Inc.
Copyright (C) 2016 Flinders University
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef __SERVAL_DNA__CLI_H
#define __SERVAL_DNA__CLI_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include "xprintf.h"
#include "log.h"
struct cli_parsed;
struct cli_context;
struct cli_schema {
int (*function)(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context);
const char *words[COMMAND_LINE_MAX_LABELS];
uint64_t flags;
#define CLIFLAG_PERMISSIVE_CONFIG (1<<0) /* Accept defective configuration file */
const char *description; // describe this invocation
struct cli_parsed {
const struct cli_schema *commands;
const struct cli_schema *end_commands;
unsigned int cmdi;
struct labelv {
const char *label;
unsigned int len;
const char *text;
unsigned labelc;
const char *const *args;
unsigned argc;
int varargi; // -1 means no var args
void _debug_cli_parsed(struct __sourceloc __whence, const char *tag, const struct cli_parsed *parsed);
#define DEBUG_cli_parsed(FLAG,parsed) do { if (IF_DEBUG(FLAG)) _debug_cli_parsed(__WHENCE__, #FLAG, parsed); } while (0)
int cli_usage(const struct cli_schema *commands, const struct cli_schema *end_commands, XPRINTF xpf);
int cli_usage_args(const int argc, const char *const *args, const struct cli_schema *commands, const struct cli_schema *end_commands, XPRINTF xpf);
int cli_usage_parsed(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, XPRINTF xpf);
int cli_parse(const int argc, const char *const *args, const struct cli_schema *commands, const struct cli_schema *end_commands, struct cli_parsed *parsed);
int cli_invoke(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context);
/* First, assign 'defaultvalue' to '*dst', to guarantee that '*dst' is in a
* known state regardless of the return value and provide the caller with an
* alternative way to check if an argument was found.
* Then, if there is an argument labelled 'label' present on the 'parsed'
* command line:
* - if a validator function was supplied (not NULL) and it returns false (0)
* when invoked on '*dst', return -1, otherwise
* - assign the argument's value as a NUL-terminated string to '*dst' and
* return 0.
* Otherwise, there is no argument labelled 'label', so return 1.
#define cli_arg(parsed, label, dst, validator, defaultvalue) _cli_arg(__WHENCE__, parsed, label, dst, validator, defaultvalue)
int _cli_arg(struct __sourceloc __whence, const struct cli_parsed *parsed, char *label, const char **dst, int (*validator)(const char *arg), char *defaultvalue);
/* Argument parsing validator runctions.
int cli_lookup_did(const char *text);
int cli_path_regular(const char *arg);
int cli_absolute_path(const char *arg);
int cli_optional_sid(const char *arg);
int cli_optional_bundle_secret_key(const char *arg);
int cli_bid(const char *arg);
int cli_optional_bid(const char *arg);
int cli_fileid(const char *arg);
int cli_optional_bundle_crypt_key(const char *arg);
int cli_interval_ms(const char *arg);
int cli_uint(const char *arg);
int cli_optional_did(const char *text);
int cli_optional_identity_name(const char *text);
/* Output functions. Every command that is invoked via the CLI must use
* exclusively the following primitives to send its response.
* The CLI output is organised as a sequence of 'fields'. The
/* Terminate the current output field, so that the next cli_ output function
* will start appending to a new field.
void cli_delim(struct cli_context *context, const char *opt);
/* Write a buffer of data to the current field, starting a new field if necessary.
void cli_write(struct cli_context *context, const char *buf, size_t len);
/* Write a null-terminated string to the current field, starting a new field if
* necessary. The terminating null is not included.
void cli_puts(struct cli_context *context, const char *str);
/* Write a formatted string to the current field, starting a new field if
* necessary.
void cli_printf(struct cli_context *context, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__ (( __ATTRIBUTE_format(printf,2,3) ));
/* Write a field consisting of a single long integer. May FATAL if the current field
* has already been written to.
void cli_put_long(struct cli_context *context, int64_t value, const char *delim);
/* Write a field consisting of a single string. May FATAL if the current field
* has already been written to.
void cli_put_string(struct cli_context *context, const char *value, const char *delim);
/* Write a field consisting of a buffer of data that should be represented in
* ASCII hex format, eg, SID, Bundle ID, crypto key. May FATAL if the current
* field has already been written to.
void cli_put_hexvalue(struct cli_context *context, const unsigned char *value, int length, const char *delim);
/* Write a field consisting of a buffer of binary data in unspecified format,
* ie, not necessarily text. FATAL if the current field has already been
* written to.
void cli_put_blob(struct cli_context *context, const unsigned char *blob, int length, const char *delim);
/* Write a list of column headers. The column headers must be followed by N *
* column_count fields, where N >= 0 is the number of rows in the table. After
* the last field, cli_end_table(N) must be called.
void cli_start_table(struct cli_context *context, size_t column_count, const char *column_names[]);
/* Write a count of the number of rows just written to a table that was started
* with cli_start_table(). This terminates the data portion of the table; no
* more rows may be written after this.
void cli_end_table(struct cli_context *context, size_t row_count);
/* Write a 'name' in a name-value field pair. This is used when writing an
* aggregate data item that could be represented using a struct in C. Each
* output field is prefixed with a text field containing its name; names are
* usually unique. This produces an even number of fields.
void cli_field_name(struct cli_context *context, const char *name, const char *delim);
/* Force all fields written so far to be sent to the CLI client; this may not
* have any effect.
void cli_flush(struct cli_context *context);
/* CLI encapulation. Every interface that can encapsulate the CLI must provide
* a vtable of operations that realise the above output primitives in terms of
* its own data channel.
struct cli_vtable {
void (*delim)(struct cli_context *context, const char *opt);
void (*write)(struct cli_context *context, const char *buf, size_t len);
void (*puts)(struct cli_context *context, const char *str);
void (*vprintf)(struct cli_context *context, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
void (*put_long)(struct cli_context *context, int64_t value, const char *delim);
void (*put_string)(struct cli_context *context, const char *value, const char *delim);
void (*put_hexvalue)(struct cli_context *context, const unsigned char *value, size_t length, const char *delim);
void (*put_blob)(struct cli_context *context, const unsigned char *value, size_t length, const char *delim);
void (*start_table)(struct cli_context *context, size_t column_count, const char *column_names[]);
void (*end_table)(struct cli_context *context, size_t row_count);
void (*field_name)(struct cli_context *context, const char *name, const char *delim);
void (*flush)(struct cli_context *context);
struct cli_context {
void *context;
struct cli_vtable *vtable;
#endif // __SERVAL_DNA__CLI_H