mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 17:56:47 +00:00
The REST Rhizome import request now requires the 'id' and 'version' query parameters to either both be supplied or neither, and fails if they do not match the manifest that is supplied in the request body. Added a test case for this. Added a test case to ensure that if the 'id' and 'version' query parameters cause a hit (already in store) then the response is sent immediately without reading the request body. Improve the documentation for the REST Rhizome import request.
1685 lines
73 KiB
Executable File
1685 lines
73 KiB
Executable File
# Tests for Serval DNA HTTP Rhizome RESTful interface
# Copyright 2013-2015 Serval Project, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
source "${0%/*}/../testframework.sh"
source "${0%/*}/../testdefs.sh"
source "${0%/*}/../testdefs_json.sh"
source "${0%/*}/../testdefs_rhizome.sh"
shopt -s extglob
setup() {
setup_curl 7
set_instance +A
executeOk_servald config \
set api.restful.users.harry.password potter \
set api.restful.users.ron.password weasley \
set api.restful.users.hermione.password grainger
if [ -z "$IDENTITY_COUNT" ]; then
create_identities $IDENTITY_COUNT
start_servald_instances +A
wait_until servald_restful_http_server_started +A
get_servald_restful_http_server_port PORTA +A
finally() {
teardown() {
set_extra_config() {
set_rhizome_config() {
executeOk_servald config \
set debug.http_server on \
set debug.httpd on \
set debug.rhizome_manifest on \
set debug.rhizome_store on \
set debug.rhizome on \
set debug.verbose on \
set log.console.level debug
doc_AuthBasicMissing="HTTP RESTful missing Basic Authentication credentials"
test_AuthBasicMissing() {
executeOk curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.output \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.headers \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
assertStdoutIs '401'
assertGrep http.headers "^WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Serval RESTful API\"$CR\$"
assertJq http.output 'contains({"http_status_code": 401})'
assertJq http.output 'contains({"http_status_message": ""})'
teardown_AuthBasicMissing() {
tfw_cat http.headers http.output
doc_AuthBasicWrong="HTTP RESTful incorrect Basic Authentication credentials"
test_AuthBasicWrong() {
executeOk curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.output \
--trace-ascii curl1.trace \
--dump-header http.headers \
--basic --user fred:nurks \
tfw_preserve curl1.trace
assertStdoutIs '401'
assertGrep http.headers "^WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Serval RESTful API\"$CR\$"
assertJq http.output 'contains({"http_status_code": 401})'
assertJq http.output 'contains({"http_status_message": ""})'
executeOk curl \
--silent --fail --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.output \
--trace-ascii curl2.trace \
--dump-header http.headers \
--basic --user ron:weasley \
tfw_preserve curl2.trace
assertStdoutIs '200'
teardown_AuthBasicWrong() {
tfw_cat http.headers http.output
doc_CORS_Request="HTTP RESTful allow local cross site requests, and deny remote ones"
executeOk curl \
--silent --fail --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.output \
--trace-ascii curl1.trace \
--dump-header http.headers \
--header "Origin: http://localhost" \
--request "OPTIONS" \
tfw_preserve curl1.trace
assertStdoutIs '200'
assertGrep http.headers "^Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://localhost$CR\$"
assertGrep http.headers "^Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS$CR\$"
assertGrep http.headers "^Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization$CR\$"
executeOk curl \
--silent --fail --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.output \
--trace-ascii curl2.trace \
--dump-header http.headers \
--header "Origin: http://localhost:1234" \
--request "OPTIONS" \
tfw_preserve curl2.trace
assertStdoutIs '200'
assertGrep http.headers "^Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://localhost:1234$CR\$"
executeOk curl \
--silent --fail --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.output \
--trace-ascii curl3.trace \
--dump-header http.headers \
--header "Origin: null" \
--request "OPTIONS" \
tfw_preserve curl3.trace
assertStdoutIs '200'
assertGrep http.headers "^Access-Control-Allow-Origin: null$CR\$"
executeOk curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.output \
--trace-ascii curl4.trace \
--dump-header http.headers \
--header "Origin: http://malevolent.site.com" \
--request "OPTIONS" \
tfw_preserve curl4.trace
assertStdoutIs '403'
executeOk curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.output \
--trace-ascii curl5.trace \
--dump-header http.headers \
--header "Origin: http://localhost.malevolent.site.com" \
--request "OPTIONS" \
tfw_preserve curl5.trace
assertStdoutIs '403'
executeOk curl \
--silent --fail --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.output \
--trace-ascii curl6.trace \
--dump-header http.headers \
--header "Origin: http://localhost" \
--basic --user ron:weasley \
tfw_preserve curl6.trace
assertStdoutIs '200'
executeOk curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.output \
--trace-ascii curl7.trace \
--dump-header http.headers \
--header "Origin: http://malevolent.site.com" \
--basic --user ron:weasley \
tfw_preserve curl7.trace
assertStdoutIs '403'
teardown_CORS_Request() {
tfw_cat http.headers http.output
doc_RhizomeList="HTTP RESTful list 100 Rhizome bundles as JSON"
setup_RhizomeList() {
rhizome_add_bundles $SIDA 0 $((NBUNDLES-1))
assert [ "$ROWID_MAX" -ge "$NBUNDLES" ]
test_RhizomeList() {
executeOk curl \
--silent --fail --show-error \
--output bundlelist.json \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.headers \
--basic --user harry:potter \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
tfw_cat http.headers bundlelist.json
tfw_preserve bundlelist.json
assert [ "$(jq '.rows | length' bundlelist.json)" = $NBUNDLES ]
transform_list_json bundlelist.json array_of_objects.json
tfw_preserve array_of_objects.json
for ((n = 0; n != NBUNDLES; ++n)); do
if [ "${ROWID[$n]}" -eq "$ROWID_MAX" ]; then
# The first row must contain a non-null token string.
assertJq array_of_objects.json \
{ name:\"file$n\",
doc_RhizomeListNewSince="HTTP RESTful list Rhizome bundles since token as JSON"
setup_RhizomeListNewSince() {
set_extra_config() {
executeOk_servald config set api.restful.newsince_timeout 60s
# Use REST interface to add bundles, not CLI, in order to avoid a database
# locking storm
rhizome_use_restful harry potter
rhizome_add_bundles $SIDA 0 5
executeOk curl \
--silent --fail --show-error \
--output bundlelist.json \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.headers \
--basic --user harry:potter \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
assert [ "$(jq '.rows | length' bundlelist.json)" = 6 ]
transform_list_json bundlelist.json array_of_objects.json
token=$(jq --raw-output '.[0][".token"]' array_of_objects.json)
assert [ -n "$token" ]
test_RhizomeListNewSince() {
for i in 1 2 3; do
fork %curl$i curl \
--silent --fail --show-error \
--no-buffer \
--output newsince$i.json \
--trace-ascii curl$i.trace \
--basic --user harry:potter \
wait_until [ -e newsince1.json -a -e newsince2.json -a -e newsince3.json ]
rhizome_add_bundles $SIDA 6 10
for i in 1 2 3; do
wait_until grep "${BID[10]}" newsince$i.json
for i in 1 2 3; do
if [ $(jq . newsince$i | wc -c) -eq 0 ]; then
echo ']}' >>newsince$i.json
assert [ $(jq . newsince$i.json | wc -c) -ne 0 ]
transform_list_json newsince$i.json objects$i.json
tfw_preserve curl$i.trace newsince$i.json objects$i.json
for ((n = 0; n <= 5; ++n)); do
assertJq objects$i.json "contains([{id:\"${BID[$n]}\"}]) | not"
for ((n = 6; n <= 10; ++n)); do
assertJq objects$i.json \
{ name:\"file$n\",
assert_http_response_headers() {
local file="$1"
assertGrep --matches=1 "$file" "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Id: ${BID[$n]}$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 "$file" "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Version: ${VERSION[$n]}$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 "$file" "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Filesize: ${SIZE[$n]}$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 "$file" "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Filehash: ${HASH[$n]}$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 "$file" "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-BK: ${BK[$n]}$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 "$file" "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Date: ${DATE[$n]}$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 "$file" "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Name: \"${NAME[$n]}\"$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 "$file" "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Service: file$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 "$file" "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Author: ${AUTHOR[$n]}$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 "$file" "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Secret: ${SECRET[$n]}$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 "$file" "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Inserttime: ${INSERTTIME[$n]}$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 "$file" "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Rowid: ${ROWID[$n]}$CR\$"
doc_RhizomeManifest="HTTP RESTful fetch Rhizome manifest"
setup_RhizomeManifest() {
rhizome_add_bundles $SIDA 0 2
test_RhizomeManifest() {
for n in 0 1 2; do
executeOk curl \
--silent --fail --show-error \
--output bundle$n.rhm \
--trace-ascii curl$n.trace \
--dump-header http.headers$n \
--basic --user harry:potter \
tfw_cat http.headers$n bundle$n.rhm
tfw_preserve curl$n.trace bundle$n.rhm
for n in 0 1 2; do
assert diff file$n.manifest bundle$n.rhm
assert_http_response_headers http.headers$n
doc_RhizomeManifestNonexist="HTTP RESTful fetch non-existent Rhizome manifest"
setup_RhizomeManifestNonexist() {
test_RhizomeManifestNonexist() {
executeOk curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.content \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.headers \
--basic --user harry:potter \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
tfw_cat http.headers http.content
assertStdoutIs 404
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=0 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code:"
assertGrep --matches=0 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message:"
assertJq http.content 'contains({"http_status_code": 404})'
assertJq http.content 'contains({"http_status_message": "Bundle not found"})'
assertJq http.content 'contains({"rhizome_bundle_status_code": 0})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.content '.rhizome_bundle_status_message' "bundle new to store"
doc_RhizomePayloadRaw="HTTP RESTful fetch Rhizome raw payload"
setup_RhizomePayloadRaw() {
rhizome_add_bundles $SIDA 0 1
rhizome_add_bundles --encrypted $SIDA 2 3
test_RhizomePayloadRaw() {
for n in 0 1 2 3; do
executeOk curl \
--silent --fail --show-error \
--output raw.bin$n \
--trace-ascii curl$n.trace \
--dump-header http.headers$n \
--basic --user harry:potter \
tfw_preserve curl$n.trace
tfw_cat http.headers$n raw.bin$n
for n in 0 1 2 3; do
assert cmp raw$n raw.bin$n
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle already in store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 2$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload already in store.*$CR\$"
assert_http_response_headers http.headers$n
doc_RhizomePayloadRawNonexistManifest="HTTP RESTful fetch Rhizome raw payload for non-existent manifest"
setup_RhizomePayloadRawNonexistManifest() {
test_RhizomePayloadRawNonexistManifest() {
executeOk curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.content \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.headers \
--basic --user harry:potter \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
tfw_cat http.headers http.content
assertStdoutIs 404
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=0 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code:"
assertGrep --matches=0 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message:"
assertJq http.content 'contains({"http_status_code": 404})'
assertJq http.content 'contains({"http_status_message": "Bundle not found"})'
assertJq http.content 'contains({"rhizome_bundle_status_code": 0})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.content '.rhizome_bundle_status_message' "bundle new to store"
doc_RhizomePayloadRawNonexistPayload="HTTP RESTful fetch non-existent Rhizome raw payload"
setup_RhizomePayloadRawNonexistPayload() {
set_extra_config() {
executeOk_servald config set rhizome.max_blob_size 0
rhizome_add_bundles $SIDA 0 0
rhizome_delete_payload_blobs "${HASH[0]}"
test_RhizomePayloadRawNonexistPayload() {
executeOk curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.content \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.headers \
--basic --user harry:potter \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
tfw_cat http.headers http.content
assertStdoutIs 404
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle already in store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload new to store.*$CR\$"
assertJq http.content 'contains({"http_status_code": 404})'
assertJq http.content 'contains({"http_status_message": "Payload not found"})'
assertJq http.content 'contains({"rhizome_bundle_status_code": 1})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.content '.rhizome_bundle_status_message' "bundle already in store"
assertJq http.content 'contains({"rhizome_payload_status_code": 1})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.content '.rhizome_payload_status_message' "payload new to store"
doc_RhizomePayloadDecrypted="HTTP RESTful fetch Rhizome decrypted payload"
setup_RhizomePayloadDecrypted() {
rhizome_add_bundles $SIDA 0 1
rhizome_add_bundles --encrypted $SIDA 2 3
test_RhizomePayloadDecrypted() {
for n in 0 1 2 3; do
executeOk curl \
--silent --fail --show-error \
--output decrypted.bin$n \
--trace-ascii curl$n.trace \
--dump-header http.headers$n \
--basic --user harry:potter \
tfw_preserve curl$n.trace
tfw_cat http.headers$n decrypted.bin$n
for n in 0 1 2 3; do
assert cmp file$n decrypted.bin$n
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle already in store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 2$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload already in store.*$CR\$"
assert_http_response_headers http.headers$n
doc_RhizomePayloadDecryptedForeign="HTTP RESTful cannot fetch foreign Rhizome decrypted payload"
setup_RhizomePayloadDecryptedForeign() {
rhizome_add_bundles --encrypted $SIDA 0 0
set_instance +B
rhizome_add_bundles --encrypted $SIDB 1 1
executeOk_servald rhizome export manifest "${BID[1]}" file1.manifest
set_instance +A
executeOk_servald rhizome import bundle raw1 file1.manifest
test_RhizomePayloadDecryptedForeign() {
executeOk curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output decrypted.bin$n \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.headers$n \
--basic --user harry:potter \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
tfw_cat http.headers$n decrypted.bin$n
assertStdoutIs 419
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle already in store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 5$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*incorrect bundle secret.*$CR\$"
doc_RhizomePayloadDecryptedNonexistManifest="HTTP RESTful fetch Rhizome decrypted payload for non-existent manifest"
setup_RhizomePayloadDecryptedNonexistManifest() {
test_RhizomePayloadDecryptedNonexistManifest() {
executeOk curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.content \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.headers \
--basic --user harry:potter \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
tfw_cat http.headers http.content
assertStdoutIs 404
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=0 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code:"
assertGrep --matches=0 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message:"
assertJq http.content 'contains({"http_status_code": 404})'
assertJq http.content 'contains({"http_status_message": "Bundle not found"})'
assertJq http.content 'contains({"rhizome_bundle_status_code": 0})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.content '.rhizome_bundle_status_message' "bundle new to store"
doc_RhizomePayloadDecryptedNonexistPayload="HTTP RESTful fetch non-existent Rhizome decrypted payload"
setup_RhizomePayloadDecryptedNonexistPayload() {
set_extra_config() {
executeOk_servald config set rhizome.max_blob_size 0
rhizome_add_bundles $SIDA 0 0
rhizome_delete_payload_blobs "${HASH[0]}"
test_RhizomePayloadDecryptedNonexistPayload() {
executeOk curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.content \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.headers \
--basic --user harry:potter \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
tfw_cat http.headers http.content
assertStdoutIs 404
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle already in store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload new to store.*$CR\$"
assertJq http.content 'contains({"http_status_code": 404})'
assertJq http.content 'contains({"http_status_message": "Payload not found"})'
assertJq http.content 'contains({"rhizome_bundle_status_code": 1})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.content '.rhizome_bundle_status_message' "bundle already in store"
assertJq http.content 'contains({"rhizome_payload_status_code": 1})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.content '.rhizome_payload_status_message' "payload new to store"
doc_RhizomeInsert="HTTP RESTful insert new Rhizome bundles"
setup_RhizomeInsert() {
for n in 1 2 3 4; do
create_file file$n $((1000 + $n))
create_file nfile$n $((1100 + $n))
eval author[$n]=\$SIDA$n
echo "name=blarg" >manifest1
echo "crypt=1" >manifest2
echo -e "service=wah\ncrypt=0" >manifest4
test_RhizomeInsert() {
for n in 1 2 3 4; do
[ -n "${author[$n]}" ] && authorargs=(--form "bundle-author=${author[$n]};type=serval/sid;format=hex")
execute curl \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output file$n.manifest \
--trace-ascii curl1-$n.trace \
--dump-header http.header$n \
--basic --user harry:potter \
"${authorargs[@]}" \
--form "manifest=@manifest$n;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@file$n${payload_filename[$n]:+;filename=\"${payload_filename[$n]}\"}" \
tfw_preserve curl1-$n.trace
tfw_cat http.header$n file$n.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 201
extract_http_header BID[$n] http.header$n Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Id "$rexp_manifestid"
extract_http_header VERSION[$n] http.header$n Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Version "$rexp_version"
extract_http_header SIZE[$n] http.header$n Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Filesize "$rexp_filesize"
extract_http_header HASH[$n] http.header$n Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Filehash "$rexp_filehash"
extract_http_header DATE[$n] http.header$n Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Date "$rexp_date"
extract_http_header ROWID[$n] http.header$n Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Rowid "$rexp_rowid"
extract_http_header INSERTTIME[$n] http.header$n Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Inserttime "$rexp_date"
extract_http_header SECRET[$n] http.header$n Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Secret "$rexp_bundlesecret"
extract_http_header SERVICE[$n] http.header$n Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Service ".*"
assert [ ${SIZE[$n]} -eq $((1000 + $n)) ]
assert [ "${SERVICE[$n]}" = "${service[$n]}" ]
extract_manifest_id BID file$n.manifest
extract_manifest_version VERSION file$n.manifest
extract_manifest_filesize SIZE file$n.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash HASH file$n.manifest
extract_manifest_date DATE file$n.manifest
extract_manifest_service SERVICE file$n.manifest
assert [ "$BID" = "${BID[$n]}" ]
assert [ "$VERSION" = "${VERSION[$n]}" ]
assert [ "$SIZE" = "${SIZE[$n]}" ]
assert [ "$HASH" = "${HASH[$n]}" ]
assert [ "$DATE" = "${DATE[$n]}" ]
assert [ "$SERVICE" = "${SERVICE[$n]}" ]
if [ -n "${name[$n]}" ]; then
extract_http_header NAME[$n] http.header$n Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Name ".*"
http_unquote_string NAME[$n]
assert [ "${NAME[$n]}" = "${name[$n]}" ]
extract_manifest_name NAME file$n.manifest
assert [ "$NAME" = "${NAME[$n]}" ]
if [ -n "${author[$n]}" ]; then
extract_http_header AUTHOR[$n] http.header$n Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Author "$rexp_sid"
assert [ "${AUTHOR[$n]}" = "${author[$n]}" ]
extract_http_header BK[$n] http.header$n Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-BK "$rexp_bundlekey"
extract_manifest_BK BK file$n.manifest
assert [ "$BK" = "${BK[$n]}" ]
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list \
--fromhere=1 \
--author=${author[1]} file1 \
--author=${author[2]} file2 \
--author=${author[3]} file3 \
--fromhere=0 \
--author=${author[4]} file4
for n in 1 2 3 4; do
executeOk_servald rhizome extract bundle ${BID[$n]} xfile$n.manifest xfile$n
assert diff xfile$n.manifest file$n.manifest
assert diff file$n xfile$n
for n in 1 2 3 4; do
$SED -e '/^version=/d;/^date=/d;/^filehash=/d;/^filesize=/d' xfile$n.manifest >nmanifest$n
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output nfile$n.manifest \
--trace-ascii curl2-$n.trace \
--dump-header http.headers$n \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=@nmanifest$n;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@nfile$n;filename=\"nfile$n\"" \
tfw_preserve curl2-$n.trace
tfw_cat http.headers$n nfile$n.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
if [ -n "${author[$n]}" ]; then
assertStdoutIs 201
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload new to store.*$CR\$"
assertStdoutIs 419
assertJq nfile$n.manifest 'contains({"http_status_code": 419})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case nfile$n.manifest '.http_status_message' "missing bundle secret"
doc_RhizomeInsertBoundaries="HTTP RESTful insert of various payload lengths"
setup_RhizomeInsertBoundaries() {
test_RhizomeInsertBoundaries() {
for n in `seq 1 10`
create_file file$n $((7200 + ($n * 50)))
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output file$n.manifest \
--trace-ascii curl$n.trace \
--dump-header http.header$n \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=@manifest$n;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@file$n" \
tfw_preserve curl$n.trace
tfw_cat http.header$n file$n.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 201
doc_RhizomeInsertAnon="HTTP RESTful update anonymous Rhizome bundle"
setup_RhizomeInsertAnon() {
create_file file1 1001
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file1 file1.manifest
extract_stdout_secret SECRET
assert_manifest_fields file1.manifest !BK
$SED -e '/^version=/d;/^date=/d;/^filehash=/d;/^filesize=/d' file1.manifest >file2.manifest
assert_manifest_fields file2.manifest !version !date !filehash !filesize
create_file file2 1002
test_RhizomeInsertAnon() {
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output ifile2.manifest \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "bundle-secret=$SECRET;type=rhizome/bundlesecret;format=hex" \
--form "manifest=@file2.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@file2" \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
tfw_cat http.header ifile2.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 201
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload new to store.*$CR\$"
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=0 --manifest=ifile2.manifest file2
doc_RhizomeInsertAnonPassphrase="HTTP RESTful insert and update anonymous Rhizome bundle with passphrase secret"
setup_RhizomeInsertAnonPassphrase() {
create_file file1 1001
create_file file2 1002
pass="This Too Shall Pass"
test_RhizomeInsertAnonPassphrase() {
# Create the bundle with file1
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output ifile1.manifest \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "bundle-secret=#$pass;type=rhizome/bundlesecret;format=hex" \
--form "manifest=;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
tfw_cat http.header ifile1.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 201
assert_manifest_complete ifile1.manifest
assert_manifest_fields ifile1.manifest !BK
extract_manifest_id BID ifile1.manifest
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=0 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-BK:"
extract_http_header SECRET http.header Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Secret "$rexp_bundlesecret"
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=0 --manifest=ifile1.manifest file1
# Update the bundle to file2
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output ifile2.manifest \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "bundle-secret=#$pass;type=rhizome/bundlesecret;format=hex" \
--form "manifest=;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@file2" \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
tfw_cat http.header ifile2.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 201
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=0 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-BK:"
assert_manifest_complete ifile2.manifest
assert_manifest_fields ifile2.manifest !BK
extract_manifest_id BID2 ifile2.manifest
assert [ "$BID" = "$BID2" ]
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=0 --manifest=ifile2.manifest file2
doc_RhizomeInsertPassphrase="HTTP RESTful insert and update Rhizome bundle with passphrase secret"
setup_RhizomeInsertPassphrase() {
create_file file1 1001
create_file file2 1002
pass="This Too Shall Pass"
test_RhizomeInsertPassphrase() {
# Create the bundle with file1
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output ifile1.manifest \
--trace-ascii curl1.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "bundle-author=$SIDA;type=serval/sid;format=hex" \
--form "bundle-secret=#$pass;type=rhizome/bundlesecret;format=hex" \
--form "manifest=;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_preserve curl1.trace
tfw_cat http.header ifile1.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 201
assert_manifest_complete ifile1.manifest
extract_manifest_id BID ifile1.manifest
extract_manifest_BK BK ifile1.manifest
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-BK: $BK$CR\$"
extract_http_header SECRET http.header Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Secret "$rexp_bundlesecret"
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --manifest=ifile1.manifest file1
# Update the bundle to file2
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output ifile2.manifest \
--trace-ascii curl2.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "bundle-author=$SIDA;type=serval/sid;format=hex" \
--form "bundle-secret=#$pass;type=rhizome/bundlesecret;format=hex" \
--form "manifest=;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@file2" \
tfw_preserve curl2.trace
tfw_cat http.header ifile2.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 201
assert_manifest_complete ifile2.manifest
extract_manifest_id BID2 ifile2.manifest
extract_manifest_BK BK2 ifile2.manifest
assert [ "$BID" = "$BID2" ]
assert [ "$BK" = "$BK2" ]
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-BK: $BK$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Secret: $SECRET$CR\$"
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --manifest=ifile2.manifest file2
doc_RhizomeInsertEmpty="HTTP RESTful insert empty Rhizome bundle"
setup_RhizomeInsertEmpty() {
assert [ ! -s empty ]
test_RhizomeInsertEmpty() {
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output empty.manifest \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@empty;filename=\"lucky\"" \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
tfw_cat http.header empty.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 201
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload empty.*$CR\$"
extract_manifest_id BID empty.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list empty
executeOk_servald rhizome extract bundle $BID xempty.manifest xempty
assert [ ! -e xempty ]
assert diff xempty.manifest empty.manifest
doc_RhizomeUpdateToEmpty="HTTP RESTful update Rhizome bundle to empty"
setup_RhizomeUpdateToEmpty() {
assert [ ! -s empty ]
create_file nonempty 101
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA nonempty nonempty.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list nonempty
extract_manifest_id BID nonempty.manifest
test_RhizomeUpdateToEmpty() {
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output empty.manifest \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "bundle-id=$BID;type=rhizome/bid;format=hex" \
--form "manifest=;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@empty;filename=\"lethargic\"" \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
tfw_cat http.header empty.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 201
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload empty.*$CR\$"
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list empty
executeOk_servald rhizome extract bundle $BID xempty.manifest xempty
assert [ ! -e xempty ]
assert diff xempty.manifest empty.manifest
doc_RhizomeInsertLarge="HTTP RESTful insert 50 MiB Rhizome bundle"
setup_RhizomeInsertLarge() {
create_file file1 50m
test_RhizomeInsertLarge() {
execute --timeout=120 curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output file1.manifest \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
tfw_cat http.header -v file1.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 201
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload new to store.*$CR\$"
extract_manifest_id BID file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list file1
executeOk_servald rhizome extract bundle $BID xfile1.manifest xfile1
assert diff xfile1.manifest file1.manifest
assert cmp file1 xfile1
doc_RhizomeInsertMissingManifest="HTTP RESTful insert Rhizome bundle, missing 'manifest' form part"
setup_RhizomeInsertMissingManifest() {
echo 'File one' >file1
test_RhizomeInsertMissingManifest() {
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.body \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 400
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 400})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.body '.http_status_message' 'missing.*manifest.*form.*part'
executeOk_servald rhizome list
doc_RhizomeInsertManifestOverflow="HTTP RESTful insert Rhizome bundle, 'manifest' form part overflow"
setup_RhizomeInsertManifestOverflow() {
echo 'File one' >file1
{ echo -n 'foo='; create_file --omit="$LF" - 8185; echo; } >file1.manifest
test_RhizomeInsertManifestOverflow() {
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.body \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=@file1.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 422
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 422})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.body '.http_status_message' 'manifest.*too.*big'
executeOk_servald rhizome list
doc_RhizomeInsertIncorrectManifestType="HTTP RESTful insert Rhizome bundle, incorrect 'manifest' content type"
setup_RhizomeInsertIncorrectManifestType() {
echo 'File one' >file1
test_RhizomeInsertIncorrectManifestType() {
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.body \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=;type=rhizome-manifest/text" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 415
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 415})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.body '.http_status_message' 'unsupported content-type.*manifest.*form.*part'
executeOk_servald rhizome list
doc_RhizomeInsertIncorrectManifestFormat="HTTP RESTful insert Rhizome bundle, incorrect 'manifest' content format"
setup_RhizomeInsertIncorrectManifestFormat() {
echo 'File one' >file1
test_RhizomeInsertIncorrectManifestFormat() {
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.body \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text\"" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 415
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 415})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.body '.http_status_message' 'unsupported content-type.*manifest.*form.*part'
executeOk_servald rhizome list
doc_RhizomeInsertDuplicateManifest="HTTP RESTful insert Rhizome bundle, duplicate 'manifest' form part"
setup_RhizomeInsertDuplicateManifest() {
echo 'File one' >file1
echo 'name=wah' >file1.manifest
echo 'name=bee' >file2.manifest
test_RhizomeInsertDuplicateManifest() {
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.body \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=@file1.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "manifest=@file2.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 400
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 400})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.body '.http_status_message' 'duplicate.*manifest.*form.*part'
executeOk_servald rhizome list
doc_RhizomeInsertJournalForbidden="HTTP RESTful insert Rhizome bundle does not accept journals"
setup_RhizomeInsertJournalForbidden() {
echo 'File one' >file1
echo 'tail=0' >file1.manifest
test_RhizomeInsertJournalForbidden() {
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.body \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=@file1.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 422
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 422})'
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_message": "Cannot add a journal bundle (use append instead)"})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.body '.http_status_message' 'cannot add.*journal'
executeOk_servald rhizome list
doc_RhizomeInsertMissingPayload="HTTP RESTful insert Rhizome bundle, missing 'payload' form part"
setup_RhizomeInsertMissingPayload() {
echo 'File one' >file1
echo 'name=wah' >file1.manifest
test_RhizomeInsertMissingPayload() {
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.body \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=@file1.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 400
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 400})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.body '.http_status_message' 'missing.*payload.*form.*part'
executeOk_servald rhizome list
doc_RhizomeInsertDuplicatePayload="HTTP RESTful insert Rhizome bundle, duplicate 'payload' form part"
setup_RhizomeInsertDuplicatePayload() {
echo 'File one' >file1
echo 'File two' >file2
echo 'name=wah' >file1.manifest
test_RhizomeInsertDuplicatePayload() {
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.body \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=@file1.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
--form "payload=@file2" \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 400
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 400})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.body '.http_status_message' 'duplicate.*payload.*form.*part'
executeOk_servald rhizome list
doc_RhizomeInsertPartOrder="HTTP RESTful insert Rhizome bundle, 'payload' form part before 'manifest'"
setup_RhizomeInsertPartOrder() {
echo 'File one' >file1
echo 'name=wah' >file1.manifest
test_RhizomeInsertPartOrder() {
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.body \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "payload=@file1" \
--form "manifest=@file1.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 400
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 400})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.body '.http_status_message' 'missing.*manifest.*form.*part'
executeOk_servald rhizome list
doc_RhizomeInsertPartUnsupported="HTTP RESTful insert Rhizome bundle, unsupported form part"
setup_RhizomeInsertPartUnsupported() {
echo 'File one' >file1
echo 'name=wah' >file1.manifest
test_RhizomeInsertPartUnsupported() {
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.body \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=@file1.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
--form "happyhappy=joyjoy" \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 400
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 400})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.body '.http_status_message' 'unsupported.*form.*part'
assertJqGrep http.body '.http_status_message' 'happyhappy'
executeOk_servald rhizome list
doc_RhizomeInsertIncorrectFilesize="HTTP RESTful insert Rhizome bundle, incorrect filesize"
setup_RhizomeInsertIncorrectFilesize() {
echo 'File one' >file1
echo 'filesize=6' >file1.manifest
echo 'File two' >file2
echo 'filesize=100' >file2.manifest
test_RhizomeInsertIncorrectFilesize() {
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.body \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=@file1.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 422
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 422})'
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_message": "Inconsistent filesize"})'
assertJq http.body 'contains({"rhizome_payload_status_code": 3})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.body '.rhizome_payload_status_message' 'payload size.*contradicts manifest'
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.body \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=@file2.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@file2" \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 422
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 422})'
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_message": "Inconsistent filesize"})'
assertJq http.body 'contains({"rhizome_payload_status_code": 3})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.body '.rhizome_payload_status_message' 'payload size.*contradicts manifest'
executeOk_servald rhizome list
doc_RhizomeInsertIncorrectFilehash="HTTP RESTful insert Rhizome bundle, incorrect filehash"
setup_RhizomeInsertIncorrectFilehash() {
echo 'File one' >file1
test_RhizomeInsertIncorrectFilehash() {
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.body \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=@file1.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 422
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 422})'
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_message": "Inconsistent filehash"})'
assertJq http.body 'contains({"rhizome_payload_status_code": 4})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.body '.rhizome_payload_status_message' 'payload hash.*contradicts manifest'
executeOk_servald rhizome list
doc_RhizomeImport="HTTP RESTful Rhizome import"
setup_RhizomeImport() {
set_instance +B
create_file file1 100
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB file1 file1.manifest
extract_manifest_id manifestid file1.manifest
extract_manifest_version version file1.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehash file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome export manifest "$manifestid" file1.manifest
set_instance +A
test_RhizomeImport() {
# The first import with no 'id' and 'version' params adds the bundle to the
# store.
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--header 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' \
--output http.body \
--trace-ascii curl1.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=@file1.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_preserve curl1.trace
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertStdoutIs 201 # added to store
assertGrep http.header '100 Continue'
assertGrep http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Id: $manifestid$CR\$"
assertGrep http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Version: $version$CR\$"
assertGrep http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Filesize: 100$CR\$"
assertGrep http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Filehash: $filehash$CR\$"
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 201})'
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_message": "Created"})'
# Repeating the first import with no 'id' and 'version' params detects that
# the bundle is already in the store.
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--header 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' \
--output http.body \
--trace-ascii curl2.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=@file1.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_preserve curl2.trace
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertStdoutIs 200 # already in store
assertGrep http.header '100 Continue'
assertGrep http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Id: $manifestid$CR\$"
assertGrep http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Version: $version$CR\$"
assertGrep http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Filesize: 100$CR\$"
assertGrep http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Filehash: $filehash$CR\$"
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 200})'
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_message": "Bundle already in store"})'
# Repeating the first import with 'id' and 'version' query params, we get an
# early hit so the 'manifest' and 'payload' form parts can be omitted (and a
# dummy form part supplied to cause curl(1) to construct a POST request
# instead of GET) without error, because the server never tries to read the
# request body.
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--header 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' \
--output http.body \
--trace-ascii curl3.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form 'dummy=never-parsed' \
tfw_preserve curl3.trace
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertStdoutIs 200 # already in store
assertGrep --matches=0 http.header '100 Continue'
assertGrep http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Id: $manifestid$CR\$"
assertGrep http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Version: $version$CR\$"
assertGrep http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Filesize: 100$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=0 http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Filehash:"
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 200})'
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_message": "Bundle already in store"})'
doc_RhizomeImportLarge="HTTP RESTful Rhizome import 50 MiB"
setup_RhizomeImportLarge() {
set_instance +B
create_file file1 50m
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB file1 file1.manifest
extract_manifest_id manifestid file1.manifest
extract_manifest_version version file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome export manifest "$manifestid" file1.manifest
set_instance +A
test_RhizomeImportLarge() {
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--header 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' \
--output http.body \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=@file1.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertStdoutIs 201
assertGrep http.header '100 Continue'
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 201})'
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_message": "Created"})'
doc_RhizomeImportParamsBad="HTTP RESTful Rhizome import parameters must match manifest"
setup_RhizomeImportParamsBad() {
set_instance +B
create_file file1 100
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB file1 file1.manifest
extract_manifest_id manifestid file1.manifest
extract_manifest_version version file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome export manifest "$manifestid" file1.manifest
set_instance +A
test_RhizomeImportParamsBad() {
# The 'id' query parameter must match the manifest's ID.
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--header 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' \
--output http.body \
--trace-ascii curl1.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=@file1.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_preserve curl1.trace
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertStdoutIs 422
assertGrep http.header '100 Continue'
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 422})'
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_message": "query"})'
# The 'version' query parameter must match the manifest's version.
wrongversion=$((version + 1))
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--header 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' \
--output http.body \
--trace-ascii curl2.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=@file1.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_preserve curl2.trace
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertStdoutIs 422
assertGrep http.header '100 Continue'
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 422})'
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_message": "query"})'
doc_RhizomeJournalAppend="HTTP RESTful Rhizome journal create and append"
setup_RhizomeJournalAppend() {
echo 'File one' >file1
file1_size=$(cat file1 | wc -c)
echo "service=anything" >>manifest1
echo "name=hoopla" >>manifest1
echo "random=rubbish" >>manifest1
echo 'File two two two' >file2
file2_size=$(cat file2 | wc -c)
test_RhizomeJournalAppend() {
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output file1.manifest \
--trace-ascii curl1.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "bundle-author=$SIDA;type=serval/sid;format=hex" \
--form "manifest=@manifest1;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_preserve curl1.trace
tfw_cat http.header file1.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload new to store.*$CR\$"
assertStdoutIs 201
extract_http_header H_BID http.header Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Id "$rexp_manifestid"
extract_http_header H_VERSION http.header Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Version "$rexp_version"
extract_http_header H_SIZE http.header Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Filesize "$rexp_filesize"
extract_http_header H_HASH http.header Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Filehash "$rexp_filehash"
extract_http_header H_TAIL http.header Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Tail "$rexp_tail"
extract_http_header H_DATE http.header Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Date "$rexp_date"
extract_http_header H_ROWID http.header Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Rowid "$rexp_rowid"
extract_http_header H_INSERTTIME http.header Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Inserttime "$rexp_date"
extract_http_header H_SECRET http.header Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Secret "$rexp_bundlesecret"
extract_http_header H_SERVICE http.header Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Service ".*"
extract_http_header H_NAME http.header Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Name ".*"
http_unquote_string H_NAME
extract_http_header H_BK http.header$n Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-BK "$rexp_bundlekey"
extract_http_header H_AUTHOR http.header$n Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Author "$rexp_bundlekey"
assert [ $H_SIZE -eq $file1_size ]
assert [ "$H_SERVICE" = anything ]
assert [ "$H_NAME" = hoopla ]
assert [ "$H_AUTHOR" = $SIDA ]
extract_manifest_id BID file1.manifest
extract_manifest_version VERSION file1.manifest
extract_manifest_filesize SIZE file1.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash HASH file1.manifest
extract_manifest_tail TAIL file1.manifest
extract_manifest_date DATE file1.manifest
extract_manifest_service SERVICE file1.manifest
extract_manifest_name NAME file1.manifest
extract_manifest_BK BK file1.manifest
assert [ "$BID" = "$H_BID" ]
assert [ "$VERSION" = "$H_VERSION" ]
assert [ "$SIZE" = "$H_SIZE" ]
assert [ "$HASH" = "$H_HASH" ]
assert [ "$TAIL" = "$H_TAIL" ]
assert [ "$DATE" = "$H_DATE" ]
assert [ "$SERVICE" = "$H_SERVICE" ]
assert [ "$NAME" = "$H_NAME" ]
assert [ "$BK" = "$H_BK" ]
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list file1
executeOk_servald rhizome extract file "$BID" file1x
assert --message="extracted payload is correct" diff file1 file1x
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output file2.manifest \
--trace-ascii curl2.trace \
--dump-header http.headers \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "bundle-id=$BID;type=rhizome/bid;format=hex" \
--form "bundle-author=$SIDA;type=serval/sid;format=hex" \
--form "manifest=@manifest2;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@file2" \
tfw_preserve curl2.trace
tfw_cat http.header file2.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 201
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload new to store.*$CR\$"
doc_RhizomeJournalAppendSharedPayload="HTTP RESTful Rhizome journal append with shared payload"
setup_RhizomeJournalAppendSharedPayload() {
set_extra_config() {
executeOk_servald config set rhizome.max_blob_size 0
echo 'File one' >file1
echo 'File two two' >file2
cat file1 file2 >file12
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file1
extract_stdout_filehash HASH1
assert cmp file1 "$SERVALINSTANCE_PATH/blob/$HASH1"
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file12
extract_stdout_filehash HASH12
assert cmp file12 "$SERVALINSTANCE_PATH/blob/$HASH12"
assert [ $(ls "$SERVALINSTANCE_PATH/blob" | wc -l) -eq 2 ]
test_RhizomeJournalAppendSharedPayload() {
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output file1.manifest \
--trace-ascii curl1.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "bundle-author=$SIDA;type=serval/sid;format=hex" \
--form "manifest=@manifest1;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_preserve curl1.trace
tfw_cat http.header file1.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 201
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Filehash: $HASH1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 2$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload already in store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload already in store.*$CR\$"
assert [ $(ls "$SERVALINSTANCE_PATH/blob" | wc -l) -eq 2 ]
extract_http_header BID http.header Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Id "$rexp_manifestid"
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output file2.manifest \
--trace-ascii curl2.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "bundle-id=$BID;type=rhizome/bid;format=hex" \
--form "manifest=@manifest2;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@file2" \
tfw_preserve curl2.trace
tfw_cat http.header file2.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 201
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Filehash: $HASH12$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 2$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload already in store.*$CR\$"
assert [ $(ls "$SERVALINSTANCE_PATH/blob" | wc -l) -eq 2 ]
doc_RhizomeAppendNonJournalForbidden="HTTP RESTful Rhizome cannot append to non-journal"
setup_RhizomeAppendNonJournalForbidden() {
echo "File One" > file1
echo "File Two" > file2
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert_stdout_add_file file1
extract_stdout_manifestid BID
test_RhizomeAppendNonJournalForbidden() {
execute curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.body \
--trace-ascii curl.trace \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "bundle-id=$BID;type=rhizome/bid;format=hex" \
--form "manifest=@file2.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=text+binarysig" \
--form "payload=@file2" \
tfw_preserve curl.trace
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 422
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 422})'
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_message": "Cannot append to a non-journal"})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.body '.http_status_message' 'cannot append.*non.*journal'
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list file1
runTests "$@"