gardners cc09a0f994 Some database schema tweaks and additional checks on manifests when
importing (we now need to have either the key for the manifest, or to
be creating the manifest).
2011-12-20 15:48:26 +10:30

88 lines
3.4 KiB

#include "sqlite-amalgamation-3070900/sqlite3.h"
#include "sha2.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
typedef struct rhizome_manifest {
int manifest_bytes;
unsigned char manifestdata[MAX_MANIFEST_BYTES];
unsigned char manifesthash[crypto_hash_sha512_BYTES];
/* CryptoSign key pair for this manifest.
The filename as distributed on Rhizome will be the public key
of this pair, thus ensuring that noone can tamper with a bundle
except the creator. */
unsigned char cryptoSignPublic[crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_PUBLICKEYBYTES];
unsigned char cryptoSignSecret[crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_SECRETKEYBYTES];
int var_count;
char *vars[MAX_MANIFEST_VARS];
char *values[MAX_MANIFEST_VARS];
int sig_count;
unsigned char *signatureBlocks[MAX_MANIFEST_VARS];
unsigned char signatureTypes[MAX_MANIFEST_VARS];
/* 0x01 = CryptoSign signature of manifest */
/* 0x02 = CryptoSign signature of signatory */
int signature_errors; /* if non-zero, then manifest should not be trusted */
/* Absolute path of the file associated with the manifest */
char *dataFileName;
/* Set non-zero after variables have been packed and
signature blocks appended.
All fields below may not be valid until the manifest has been finalised */
int finalised;
/* When finalised, we keep the filehash and maximum priority due to any
group membership handy */
long long fileLength;
int fileHashedP;
char fileHexHash[SHA512_DIGEST_STRING_LENGTH];
int fileHighestPriority;
/* Whether we have the secret for this manifest on hand */
int haveSecret;
/* Whether the manifest contains a signature that corresponds to the
manifest id (ie public key) */
int selfSigned;
/* Version of the manifest. Typically the number of milliseconds since 1970. */
long long version;
int group_count;
char *groups[MAX_MANIFEST_VARS];
} rhizome_manifest;
extern long long rhizome_space;
extern char *rhizome_datastore_path;
extern sqlite3 *rhizome_db;
int rhizome_opendb();
int rhizome_manifest_createid(rhizome_manifest *m);
int rhizome_write_manifest_file(rhizome_manifest *m,char *filename);
int rhizome_manifest_sign(rhizome_manifest *m);
int rhizome_drop_stored_file(char *id,int maximum_priority);
int rhizome_manifest_priority(char *id);
rhizome_manifest *rhizome_read_manifest_file(char *filename);
int rhizome_hash_file(char *filename,char *hash_out);
int rhizome_manifest_get(rhizome_manifest *m,char *var,char *value_out);
long long rhizome_manifest_get_ll(rhizome_manifest *m,char *var);
int rhizome_manifest_set_ll(rhizome_manifest *m,char *var,long long value);
int rhizome_manifest_set(rhizome_manifest *m,char *var,char *value);
long long rhizome_file_size(char *filename);
void rhizome_manifest_free(rhizome_manifest *m);
int rhizome_manifest_pack_variables(rhizome_manifest *m);
int rhizome_store_bundle(rhizome_manifest *m,char *associated_filename);
int rhizome_manifest_add_group(rhizome_manifest *m,char *groupid);
int rhizome_store_file(char *file,char *hash,int priortity);
char *rhizome_safe_encode(unsigned char *in,int len);
int rhizome_finish_sqlstatement(sqlite3_stmt *statement);
int rhizome_bundle_import(char *bundle,char *groups[],int verifyP, int checkFileP, int signP);
int rhizome_manifest_finalise(rhizome_manifest *m,int signP);
char *rhizome_bytes_to_hex(unsigned char *in,int byteCount);
int rhizome_hex_to_bytes(char *in,unsigned char *out,int hexChars);