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synced 2025-02-08 03:50:28 +00:00
Add a swift-client-api subdirectory containing a Swift source package and a Makefile.in that compiles it into the "ServalClient" Swift module using the Swift package manager. The Swift API contains the following classes: - ServalKeyring provides the operations: add, remove, set, list - AbstractId and its specialisation SubscriberId, already in near-final form, are data types for SID and the like - ServalRestfulClient (internal) uses an HTTP client to access the Serval DNA RESTful interface Improve the REST /keyring/set operation to only alter the DID or Name if the corresponding query parameter is supplied. Modify the internal keyring_set_did() function to only assign the DID or Name if the corresponding parameter is not a null pointer. The configure script ensures that the Swift build target version is 10.10 or later when compiling for Mac OS-X, so that the package manager will succeed. Add autoconf macros for the Swift package manager.
241 lines
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241 lines
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Serval DNA Swift API
Copyright (C) 2016 Flinders University
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
import Foundation
public class ServalKeyring {
public struct Identity {
public let sid : SubscriberId
public let identity : SubscriberId
public let did : String?
public let name : String?
public static func listIdentities(client: ServalRestfulClient = ServalRestfulClient(),
pin: String? = nil,
completionHandler: @escaping ([Identity]?, Error?) -> Void)
-> ServalRestfulClient.Request
var param = [String: String]()
if pin != nil { param["pin"] = pin }
return client.createRequest(path: "restful/keyring/identities.json",
query: param) { (statusCode, json, error) in
if let error = error {
completionHandler(nil, error)
guard statusCode! == 200 else {
completionHandler(nil, ServalRestfulClient.Exception.requestFailed(statusCode: statusCode!))
guard let json_top = json as? [String: Any] else {
completionHandler(nil, ServalRestfulClient.Exception.invalidJson(reason: "root is not JSON object"))
var column_count = 0
var sid_index = -1
var identity_index = -1
var did_index = -1
var name_index = -1
guard let header = json_top["header"] as? [String] else {
completionHandler(nil, ServalRestfulClient.Exception.invalidJson(reason: "missing 'header' element"))
for text in header {
if text == "sid" {
sid_index = column_count
else if text == "identity" {
identity_index = column_count
else if text == "did" {
did_index = column_count
else if text == "name" {
name_index = column_count
column_count += 1
guard sid_index != -1 else {
completionHandler(nil, ServalRestfulClient.Exception.invalidJson(reason: "missing 'sid' column"))
guard identity_index != -1 else {
completionHandler(nil, ServalRestfulClient.Exception.invalidJson(reason: "missing 'identity' column"))
guard let rows = json_top["rows"] as? [[Any]] else {
completionHandler(nil, ServalRestfulClient.Exception.invalidJson(reason: "missing 'rows' element"))
var identities : [Identity] = []
for row in rows {
guard row.count == column_count else {
completionHandler(nil, ServalRestfulClient.Exception.invalidJson(reason: "row has \(row.count) elements; should be \(column_count)"))
var opt_sid : SubscriberId?
var opt_identity : SubscriberId?
var did : String?
var name : String?
if sid_index != -1 {
guard let hex = row[sid_index] as? String else {
completionHandler(nil, ServalRestfulClient.Exception.invalidJson(reason: "sid value is not String"))
opt_sid = SubscriberId(fromHex: hex)
guard opt_sid != nil else {
completionHandler(nil, ServalRestfulClient.Exception.invalidJson(reason: "sid value is not hex: \(hex)"))
if identity_index != -1 {
guard let hex = row[identity_index] as? String else {
completionHandler(nil, ServalRestfulClient.Exception.invalidJson(reason: "identity value is not String"))
opt_identity = SubscriberId(fromHex: hex)
guard opt_sid != nil else {
completionHandler(nil, ServalRestfulClient.Exception.invalidJson(reason: "identity value is not hex: \(hex)"))
if did_index != -1 {
let value = row[did_index]
if value as? NSNull == nil {
guard let text = value as? String else {
completionHandler(nil, ServalRestfulClient.Exception.invalidJson(reason: "did value is not String: \(value)"))
if !text.isEmpty {
did = text
if name_index != -1 {
let value = row[name_index]
if value as? NSNull == nil {
guard let text = value as? String else {
completionHandler(nil, ServalRestfulClient.Exception.invalidJson(reason: "name value is not String: \(value)"))
if !text.isEmpty {
name = text
identities.append(Identity(sid: opt_sid!, identity: opt_identity!, did: did, name: name))
completionHandler(identities, nil)
private static func singleIdentityRequest(client: ServalRestfulClient = ServalRestfulClient(),
path: String,
query: [String: String] = [:],
successStatusCodes: Set<Int> = [200],
completionHandler: @escaping (Identity?, Error?) -> Void)
-> ServalRestfulClient.Request
return client.createRequest(path: path, query: query) { (statusCode, json, error) in
if let error = error {
completionHandler(nil, error)
guard successStatusCodes.contains(statusCode!) else {
completionHandler(nil, ServalRestfulClient.Exception.requestFailed(statusCode: statusCode!))
guard let json_top = json as? [String: Any] else {
completionHandler(nil, ServalRestfulClient.Exception.invalidJson(reason: "root is not JSON object"))
guard let json_identity = json_top["identity"] as? [String: Any] else {
completionHandler(nil, ServalRestfulClient.Exception.invalidJson(reason: "'identity' is not JSON object"))
guard let sid_hex = json_identity["sid"] as? String else {
completionHandler(nil, ServalRestfulClient.Exception.invalidJson(reason: "'sid' is not String"))
guard let identity_hex = json_identity["identity"] as? String else {
completionHandler(nil, ServalRestfulClient.Exception.invalidJson(reason: "'identity' is not String"))
guard let sid = SubscriberId(fromHex: sid_hex) else {
completionHandler(nil, ServalRestfulClient.Exception.invalidJson(reason: "invalid 'sid': \(sid_hex)"))
guard let identity = SubscriberId(fromHex: identity_hex) else {
completionHandler(nil, ServalRestfulClient.Exception.invalidJson(reason: "invalid 'identity': \(identity_hex)"))
let did = json_identity["did"] as? String ?? ""
let name = json_identity["name"] as? String ?? ""
completionHandler(Identity(sid: sid, identity: identity, did: did, name: name), nil)
public static func addIdentity(client: ServalRestfulClient = ServalRestfulClient(),
did: String? = nil,
name: String? = nil,
pin: String? = nil,
completionHandler: @escaping (Identity?, Error?) -> Void)
-> ServalRestfulClient.Request
var param = [String: String]()
if did != nil { param["did"] = did }
if name != nil { param["name"] = name }
if pin != nil { param["pin"] = pin }
return self.singleIdentityRequest(client: client,
path: "restful/keyring/add",
query: param,
successStatusCodes: [201],
completionHandler: completionHandler)
public static func removeIdentity(client: ServalRestfulClient = ServalRestfulClient(),
sid: SubscriberId,
pin: String? = nil,
completionHandler: @escaping (Identity?, Error?) -> Void)
-> ServalRestfulClient.Request
var param = [String: String]()
if pin != nil { param["pin"] = pin }
return self.singleIdentityRequest(client: client, path: "restful/keyring/\(sid.hexUpper)/remove", query: param, completionHandler: completionHandler)
public static func setIdentity(client: ServalRestfulClient = ServalRestfulClient(),
sid: SubscriberId,
did: String? = nil,
name: String? = nil,
pin: String? = nil,
completionHandler: @escaping (Identity?, Error?) -> Void)
-> ServalRestfulClient.Request
var param = [String: String]()
if did != nil { param["did"] = did }
if name != nil { param["name"] = name }
if pin != nil { param["pin"] = pin }
return self.singleIdentityRequest(client: client, path: "restful/keyring/\(sid.hexUpper)/set", query: param, completionHandler: completionHandler)