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synced 2025-03-15 16:45:23 +00:00
The static file server now sets the Content-Type of the response depending on the file name extension: .txt = text/plain; charset=utf-8 .htm .html = text/html; charset=utf-8 .json = application/json .rfm = rhizome/manifest; format=text+binarysig
192 lines
6.2 KiB
192 lines
6.2 KiB
Serval DNA essential server HTTP pages
Copyright (C) 2016 Flinders University
Copyright (C) 2015 Serval Project Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "serval.h"
#include "httpd.h"
#include "conf.h"
#include "overlay_address.h"
#include "overlay_interface.h"
#include "str.h"
#include "os.h"
#include "route_link.h"
DECLARE_HANDLER("/", root_page);
DECLARE_HANDLER("/static/", static_page);
DECLARE_HANDLER("/interface/", interface_page);
DECLARE_HANDLER("/neighbour/", neighbour_page);
DECLARE_HANDLER("/favicon.ico", fav_icon_header);
static int root_page(httpd_request *r, const char *remainder)
if (*remainder)
return 404;
if (r->http.verb != HTTP_VERB_GET)
return 405;
char temp[8192];
strbuf b = strbuf_local_buf(temp);
strbuf_sprintf(b, "<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"5\" ></head><body>"
"<h1>Hello, I'm %s*</h1>",
alloca_tohex_sid_t_trunc(get_my_subscriber(1)->sid, 16));
if (config.server.motd[0]) {
strbuf_puts(b, "<p>");
strbuf_html_escape(b, config.server.motd, strlen(config.server.motd));
strbuf_puts(b, "</p>");
strbuf_puts(b, "Interfaces;<br />");
int i;
if (overlay_interfaces[i].state==INTERFACE_STATE_UP)
strbuf_sprintf(b, "<a href=\"/interface/%d\">%d: %s, TX: %d, RX: %d</a><br />",
i, i, overlay_interfaces[i].name, overlay_interfaces[i].tx_count, overlay_interfaces[i].recv_count);
strbuf_puts(b, "Neighbours;<br />");
link_neighbour_short_status_html(b, "/neighbour");
if (is_rhizome_http_enabled()){
strbuf_puts(b, "<a href=\"/rhizome/status\">Rhizome Status</a><br />");
strbuf_puts(b, "</body></html>");
if (strbuf_overrun(b)) {
WHY("HTTP Root page buffer overrun");
return 500;
http_request_response_static(&r->http, 200, &CONTENT_TYPE_HTML, temp, strbuf_len(b));
return 1;
static int fav_icon_header(httpd_request *r, const char *remainder)
if (*remainder)
return 404;
http_request_response_static(&r->http, 200, &CONTENT_TYPE_FAVICON, (const char *)favicon_bytes, favicon_len);
return 1;
static int neighbour_page(httpd_request *r, const char *remainder)
if (r->http.verb != HTTP_VERB_GET)
return 405;
char buf[8*1024];
strbuf b = strbuf_local_buf(buf);
sid_t neighbour_sid;
if (str_to_sid_t(&neighbour_sid, remainder) == -1)
return 404;
struct subscriber *neighbour = find_subscriber(neighbour_sid.binary, sizeof(neighbour_sid.binary), 0);
if (!neighbour)
return 404;
strbuf_puts(b, "<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"5\" ></head><body>");
link_neighbour_status_html(b, neighbour);
strbuf_puts(b, "</body></html>");
if (strbuf_overrun(b))
return -1;
http_request_response_static(&r->http, 200, &CONTENT_TYPE_HTML, buf, strbuf_len(b));
return 1;
static int interface_page(httpd_request *r, const char *remainder)
if (r->http.verb != HTTP_VERB_GET)
return 405;
char buf[8*1024];
strbuf b=strbuf_local_buf(buf);
int index=atoi(remainder);
if (index<0 || index>=OVERLAY_MAX_INTERFACES)
return 404;
strbuf_puts(b, "<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"5\" ></head><body>");
interface_state_html(b, &overlay_interfaces[index]);
strbuf_puts(b, "</body></html>");
if (strbuf_overrun(b))
return -1;
http_request_response_static(&r->http, 200, &CONTENT_TYPE_HTML, buf, strbuf_len(b));
return 1;
static int static_file_generator(struct http_request *hr, unsigned char *buf, size_t bufsz, struct http_content_generator_result *result)
struct httpd_request *r=(struct httpd_request *)hr;
uint64_t remain = r->http.response.header.content_length + r->http.response.header.content_range_start - r->u.file.offset;
if (bufsz < remain)
remain = bufsz;
ssize_t bytes = read(r->u.file.fd, buf, remain);
if (bytes == -1)
return -1;
result->generated = bytes;
return (r->u.file.offset >= r->http.response.header.content_length + r->http.response.header.content_range_start)?0:1;
static void finalise_union_close_file(httpd_request *r)
if (r->u.file.fd==-1)
static int static_page(httpd_request *r, const char *remainder)
if (r->http.verb != HTTP_VERB_GET)
return 405;
char path[PATH_MAX];
if (!*remainder)
if (FORMF_SERVAL_ETC_PATH(path, "static/%s", remainder)==0)
return 500;
struct stat stat;
if (lstat(path, &stat))
return 404;
r->u.file.fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
if (r->u.file.fd==-1)
return 404;
// Set Content-Type header based on the extension of the file name. All text and html is assumed
// to be in UTF-8 encoding.
const struct mime_content_type *content_type = &CONTENT_TYPE_BLOB;
if (strcase_endswith(path, ".txt", NULL)) {
content_type = &CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT;
else if (strcase_endswith(path, ".htm", NULL) || strcase_endswith(path, ".html", NULL)) {
content_type = &CONTENT_TYPE_HTML;
else if (strcase_endswith(path, ".json", NULL)) {
content_type = &CONTENT_TYPE_JSON;
else if (strcase_endswith(path, ".rhm", NULL)) {
http_response_init_content_range(r, stat.st_size);
if (r->http.response.header.content_range_start){
if (lseek64(r->u.file.fd, r->http.response.header.content_range_start, SEEK_SET)){
WARNF_perror("lseek(%s)", path);
return 500;
http_request_response_generated(&r->http, 200, content_type, static_file_generator);
return 1;