mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 14:33:54 +00:00
1769 lines
64 KiB
Executable File
1769 lines
64 KiB
Executable File
# Tests for Serval rhizome command-line operations.
# Copyright 2012-2015 Serval Project, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
source "${0%/*}/../testframework.sh"
source "${0%/*}/../testdefs.sh"
source "${0%/*}/../testdefs_rhizome.sh"
shopt -s extglob
setup_rhizome() {
if [ $A_IDENTITY_COUNT -ne 0 ]; then
set_instance +A
if [ $A_IDENTITY_COUNT -eq 1 ]; then
echo $SIDA >>sids
create_identities $A_IDENTITY_COUNT
for ((i=0; i!=A_IDENTITY_COUNT; ++i)); do
eval echo \"\$SIDA$i\" >>sids
if [ $B_IDENTITY_COUNT -ne 0 ]; then
set_instance +B
create_identities $B_IDENTITY_COUNT
for ((i=0; i!=B_IDENTITY_COUNT; ++i)); do
eval echo \"\$SIDB$i\" >>sids
assert [ $(sort sids | uniq | wc -l) -eq $((A_IDENTITY_COUNT + B_IDENTITY_COUNT)) ]
set_instance +A
set_rhizome_config() {
executeOk_servald config \
set debug.rhizome on \
set debug.rhizome_manifest on \
set debug.verbose on \
set log.console.level debug
doc_InitialEmptyList="Initial list is empty"
setup_InitialEmptyList() {
test_InitialEmptyList() {
executeOk_servald rhizome list
doc_AddNoAuthorNoManifest="Add with no author and no manifest file"
setup_AddNoAuthorNoManifest() {
executeOk_servald rhizome list
echo "A test file" >file1
echo "Another test file" >file2
test_AddNoAuthorNoManifest() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file1
assert_stdout_add_file file1 !.author !BK
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' "$PWD/file2"
assert_stdout_add_file file2 !.author !BK
doc_AddNoManifest="Add with no manifest file"
setup_AddNoManifest() {
executeOk_servald rhizome list
echo "A test file" >file1
echo "Another test file" >file2
test_AddNoManifest() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1
assert_stdout_add_file file1
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA "$PWD/file2"
assert_stdout_add_file file2
doc_AddManifestFieldUnsupported="Add with unsupported manifest field"
setup_AddManifestFieldUnsupported() {
executeOk_servald rhizome list
echo "A test file" >file1
echo "Another test file" >file2
echo "bogus=one" >file1.manifest
test_AddManifestFieldUnsupported() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file1
tfw_cat -v file1.manifest
assert_manifest_complete file1.manifest
assert_manifest_fields file1.manifest bogus=one
doc_AddManifestFieldUnsupportedArgs="Add with unsupported manifest field argument"
setup_AddManifestFieldUnsupportedArgs() {
executeOk_servald rhizome list
echo "A test file" >file1
echo "Another test file" >file2
test_AddManifestFieldUnsupportedArgs() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest '' bogus=two
assert_stdout_add_file file1
tfw_cat -v file1.manifest
assert_manifest_complete file1.manifest
assert_manifest_fields file1.manifest bogus=two
doc_AddNoAuthor="Add with no author makes manifest without BK"
setup_AddNoAuthor() {
echo "A test file" >file1
test_AddNoAuthor() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file1 file1.manifest
assert_manifest_fields file1.manifest !BK
assert_stdout_add_file file1 !.author !BK
doc_AddInvalidAuthor="Add with invalid author fails"
setup_AddInvalidAuthor() {
echo "A test file" >file1
test_AddInvalidAuthor() {
execute $servald rhizome add file 'not_a_valid_SID' file1
assertExitStatus '==' 255
assertStderrGrep '^ERROR:.*[Ii]nvalid .*[Ss][Ii][Dd]'
doc_AddNoAuthorEncrypted="Add encrypted payload with no author"
setup_AddNoAuthorEncrypted() {
echo "A test file" >file1
echo "crypt=1" >file1.manifest
test_AddNoAuthorEncrypted() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file1 file1.manifest
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr -v file1.manifest
assert_manifest_fields file1.manifest !BK
assert_stdout_add_file file1 !.author !BK
extract_stdout_secret file1_secret
executeOk_servald rhizome extract file $re_manifestid file1x $file1_secret
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert diff file1 file1x
doc_AddNonExistManifest="Add with non-existent manifest file"
setup_AddNonExistManifest() {
executeOk_servald rhizome list
echo "A test file" >file1
echo "Another test file" >file2
test_AddNonExistManifest() {
assert --error-on-fail [ ! -e file1.manifest ]
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file1
assert [ -r file1.manifest ]
assert_manifest_complete file1.manifest
assert_manifest_fields file1.manifest service=file name=file1
assert --error-on-fail [ ! -e file2.manifest ]
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA "$PWD/file2" file2.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file2
assert [ -r file2.manifest ]
assert_manifest_complete file2.manifest
assert_manifest_fields file2.manifest service=file name=file2
doc_AddManifest="Add with minimal manifest file"
setup_AddManifest() {
executeOk_servald rhizome list
echo "A test file" >file1
echo -e 'name=wah\ndate=12345' >file1.manifest
test_AddManifest() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr -v file1.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file1 name=wah
assert_manifest_complete file1.manifest
assert_manifest_fields file1.manifest service=file name=wah date=12345
doc_AddManifestArgs="Add with minimal manifest from arguments"
setup_AddManifestArgs() {
executeOk_servald rhizome list
echo "A test file" >file1
test_AddManifestArgs() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest '' name=wah date=12345
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr -v file1.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file1 name=wah
assert_manifest_complete file1.manifest
assert_manifest_fields file1.manifest service=file name=wah date=12345
doc_AddEmpty="Add with empty payload"
setup_AddEmpty() {
executeOk_servald rhizome list
test_AddEmpty() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA '' empty.manifest
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr -v empty.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file --manifest=empty.manifest ''
assert_manifest_complete empty.manifest
assert_manifest_fields empty.manifest service=file name= filesize=0
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDA --manifest=empty.manifest ''
doc_AddMissing="Attempt to add a file and manifest that don't exist"
setup_AddMissing() {
test_AddMissing() {
execute $servald rhizome add file $SIDA 'file1' 'file1.manifest'
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assertExitStatus '==' 255
doc_AddThenList="List contains one file after one add"
setup_AddThenList() {
executeOk_servald rhizome list
echo "A test file" >file1
echo "Another test file" >file2
test_AddThenList() {
# Add first file
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDA file1
# Add second file
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file2 file2.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDA file1 file2
doc_CleanVerify="Verify all bundles"
setup_CleanVerify() {
echo "File1" > file1
echo "File2" > file2
echo "File3" > file3
echo "File4" > file4
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file1 file1.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file1 !.author !BK
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file2 file2.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file2 !.author !BK
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file3 file3.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file3 !.author !BK
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file4 file4.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file4 !.author !BK
executeOk_servald rhizome list file
assert_rhizome_list file1 file2 file3 file4
test_CleanVerify() {
executeOk_servald rhizome clean verify
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
executeOk_servald rhizome list file
assert_rhizome_list file1 file2 file3 file4
doc_ExtractManifestAfterAdd="Export manifest after one add"
setup_ExtractManifestAfterAdd() {
echo "A test file" >file1
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest
extract_stdout_rowid rowid
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDA file1
extract_manifest_id manifestid file1.manifest
extract_manifest_version version file1.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehash file1.manifest
extract_manifest_BK BK file1.manifest
extract_manifest_date date file1.manifest
test_ExtractManifestAfterAdd() {
executeOk_servald rhizome export manifest $manifestid file1x.manifest
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
local size=$(( $(cat file1 | wc -c) + 0 ))
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^manifestid:$manifestid\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^version:$version\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filesize:$size\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filehash:$filehash\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^BK:$BK\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^date:$date\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^service:file\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^name:file1\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.readonly:0\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.secret:$rexp_bundlesecret\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.author:$SIDA\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.rowid:$rowid\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.inserttime:$rexp_date\$"
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 13
assert [ -e file1x.manifest ]
assert diff file1.manifest file1x.manifest
doc_ExtractManifestFileAfterAdd="Export bundle after one add"
setup_ExtractManifestFileAfterAdd() {
echo "A test file" >file1
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest
extract_stdout_rowid rowid
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDA file1
extract_manifest_id manifestid file1.manifest
extract_manifest_version version file1.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehash file1.manifest
extract_manifest_BK BK file1.manifest
extract_manifest_date date file1.manifest
test_ExtractManifestFileAfterAdd() {
executeOk_servald rhizome export bundle $manifestid file1x.manifest file1x
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 13
local size=$(( $(cat file1 | wc -c) + 0 ))
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^manifestid:$manifestid\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^version:$version\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filesize:$size\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filehash:$filehash\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^BK:$BK\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^date:$date\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^service:file\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^name:file1\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.readonly:0\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.secret:$rexp_bundlesecret\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.author:$SIDA\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.rowid:$rowid\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.inserttime:$rexp_date\$"
assert [ -e file1x.manifest ]
assert diff file1.manifest file1x.manifest
assert [ -e file1x ]
assert diff file1 file1x
doc_ExtractManifestFileFromExtBlob="Export bundle from external blob"
setup_ExtractManifestFileFromExtBlob() {
executeOk_servald config set rhizome.max_blob_size 0
echo "A test file" >file1
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest
extract_stdout_rowid rowid1
executeOk_servald config set rhizome.max_blob_size 1000
echo "Another test file" >file2
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file2 file2.manifest
extract_stdout_rowid rowid2
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDA file1 file2
extract_manifest_id manifestid1 file1.manifest
extract_manifest_version version1 file1.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehash1 file1.manifest
extract_manifest_BK BK1 file1.manifest
extract_manifest_date date1 file1.manifest
extract_manifest_id manifestid2 file2.manifest
extract_manifest_version version2 file2.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehash2 file2.manifest
extract_manifest_BK BK2 file2.manifest
extract_manifest_date date2 file2.manifest
test_ExtractManifestFileFromExtBlob() {
executeOk_servald rhizome export bundle $manifestid1 file1x.manifest file1x
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 13
local size=$(( $(cat file1 | wc -c) + 0 ))
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^manifestid:$manifestid1\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^version:$version1\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filesize:$size\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filehash:$filehash1\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^BK:$BK1\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^date:$date1\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^service:file\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^name:file1\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.readonly:0\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.secret:$rexp_bundlesecret\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.author:$SIDA\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.rowid:$rowid1\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.inserttime:$rexp_date\$"
assert [ -e file1x.manifest ]
assert diff file1.manifest file1x.manifest
assert [ -e file1x ]
assert diff file1 file1x
executeOk_servald rhizome export bundle $manifestid2 file2x.manifest file2x
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 13
local size=$(( $(cat file2 | wc -c) + 0 ))
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^manifestid:$manifestid2\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^version:$version2\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filesize:$size\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filehash:$filehash2\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^BK:$BK2\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^date:$date2\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^service:file\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^name:file2\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.readonly:0\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.secret:$rexp_bundlesecret\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.author:$SIDA\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.rowid:$rowid2\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.inserttime:$rexp_date\$"
assert [ -e file2x.manifest ]
assert diff file2.manifest file2x.manifest
assert [ -e file2x ]
assert diff file2 file2x
doc_LargePayload="Export huge bundle after one add"
setup_LargePayload() {
executeOk_servald config set debug.rhizome_store on
test_LargePayload() {
rhizome_add_file file1 100000
executeOk_servald rhizome export bundle $BID file1x.manifest file1x
assert [ -e file1x.manifest ]
assert diff file1.manifest file1x.manifest
assert [ -e file1x ]
assert diff file1 file1x
doc_CorruptExternalBlob="Corrupted payload fails to export"
setup_CorruptExternalBlob() {
executeOk_servald config set rhizome.max_blob_size 0
echo "A test file" >file1
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest
extract_manifest_id manifestid file1.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehash file1.manifest
assert cmp file1 "$SERVALINSTANCE_PATH/blob/$filehash"
echo "Replacement" >"$SERVALINSTANCE_PATH/blob/$filehash"
test_CorruptExternalBlob() {
execute --exit-status=255 $servald rhizome extract file $manifestid file1a
tfw_cat --stderr
doc_ExtractManifestToStdout="Export manifest to standard output"
setup_ExtractManifestToStdout() {
echo "A test file" >file1
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest
extract_stdout_rowid rowid
extract_manifest_id manifestid file1.manifest
extract_manifest_version version file1.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehash file1.manifest
extract_manifest_BK BK file1.manifest
extract_manifest_date date file1.manifest
test_ExtractManifestToStdout() {
executeOk_servald rhizome export manifest $manifestid -
assertStdoutLineCount '>=' 14
local size=$(( $(cat file1 | wc -c) + 0 ))
assertStdoutGrep --line=..13 --matches=1 "^manifestid:$manifestid\$"
assertStdoutGrep --line=..13 --matches=1 "^version:$version\$"
assertStdoutGrep --line=..13 --matches=1 "^filesize:$size\$"
assertStdoutGrep --line=..13 --matches=1 "^filehash:$filehash\$"
assertStdoutGrep --line=..13 --matches=1 "^BK:$BK\$"
assertStdoutGrep --line=..13 --matches=1 "^date:$date\$"
assertStdoutGrep --line=..13 --matches=1 "^service:file\$"
assertStdoutGrep --line=..13 --matches=1 "^name:file1\$"
assertStdoutGrep --line=..13 --matches=1 "^\.readonly:0\$"
assertStdoutGrep --line=..13 --matches=1 "^\.secret:$rexp_bundlesecret\$"
assertStdoutGrep --line=..13 --matches=1 "^\.author:$SIDA\$"
assertStdoutGrep --line=..13 --matches=1 "^\.rowid:$rowid\$"
assertStdoutGrep --line=..13 --matches=1 "^\.inserttime:$rexp_date\$"
assertStdoutGrep --line=14 --matches=1 "^manifest:"
replayStdout | $SED -n '14s/^manifest://p' >file1x.manifest
replayStdout | $SED -n '15,$p' >>file1x.manifest
cat file1.manifest >file1n.manifest
echo >>file1n.manifest
tfw_cat file1n.manifest file1x.manifest
assert diff file1n.manifest file1x.manifest
doc_ExtractManifestAfterAddNoAuthor="Export manifest after one add with no author"
setup_ExtractManifestAfterAddNoAuthor() {
echo "A test file" >file1
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file1 file1.manifest
extract_stdout_rowid rowid
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=0 file1
extract_manifest_id manifestid file1.manifest
extract_manifest_version version file1.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehash file1.manifest
extract_manifest_date date file1.manifest
test_ExtractManifestAfterAddNoAuthor() {
executeOk_servald rhizome export manifest $manifestid file1x.manifest
assert diff file1.manifest file1x.manifest
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 10
local size=$(( $(cat file1 | wc -c) + 0 ))
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^manifestid:$manifestid\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^version:$version\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filesize:$size\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filehash:$filehash\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^date:$date\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^service:file\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^name:file1\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.readonly:1\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.rowid:$rowid\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.inserttime:$rexp_date\$"
doc_ExtractManifestNonExistent="Export non-existent manifest"
setup_ExtractManifestNonExistent() {
test_ExtractManifestNonExistent() {
execute --exit-status=1 $servald rhizome export manifest $manifestid foo.manifest
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo.manifest ]
doc_ExtractManifestInvalidID="Export manifest using invalid ID"
setup_ExtractManifestInvalidID() {
test_ExtractManifestInvalidID() {
execute --exit-status=255 $servald rhizome export manifest 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEx foo.manifest
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo.manifest ]
execute --exit-status=255 $servald rhizome export manifest 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDE foo.manifest
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo.manifest ]
execute --exit-status=255 $servald rhizome export manifest foo.manifest
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo.manifest ]
doc_ExtractFileAfterAdd="Extract file after one add"
setup_ExtractFileAfterAdd() {
echo "A test file" >file1
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest
tfw_cat --stderr
extract_stdout_rowid rowid
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDA file1
extract_manifest_id manifestid file1.manifest
extract_manifest_version version file1.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehash file1.manifest
extract_manifest_BK BK file1.manifest
extract_manifest_date date file1.manifest
test_ExtractFileAfterAdd() {
executeOk_servald rhizome extract file $manifestid file1x
tfw_cat --stderr
assert diff file1 file1x
local size=$(( $(cat file1 | wc -c) + 0 ))
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 13
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^manifestid:$manifestid\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^version:$version\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filesize:$size\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filehash:$filehash\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^BK:$BK\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^date:$date\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^service:file\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^name:file1\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.readonly:0\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.secret:$rexp_bundlesecret\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.author:$SIDA\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.rowid:$rowid\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.inserttime:$rexp_date\$"
doc_ExtractFileMissing="Extract and export non-existent file"
setup_ExtractFileMissing() {
test_ExtractFileMissing() {
execute --exit-status=1 $servald rhizome extract file $BID foo
tfw_cat --stderr
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo ]
execute --exit-status=1 $servald rhizome export file $filehash foo
tfw_cat --stderr
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo ]
doc_ExtractFileInvalidID="Extract and export file using invalid ID"
setup_ExtractFileInvalidID() {
test_ExtractFileInvalidID() {
execute --exit-status=255 $servald rhizome extract file 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEx foo
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo ]
execute --exit-status=255 $servald rhizome extract file 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDE foo
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo ]
execute --exit-status=255 $servald rhizome extract file foo
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo ]
execute --exit-status=255 $servald rhizome export file 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEx foo
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo ]
execute --exit-status=255 $servald rhizome export file 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDE foo
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo ]
execute --exit-status=255 $servald rhizome export file foo
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo ]
doc_AddDeDuplicate="Add duplicate file does not create new bundle by default"
setup_AddDeDuplicate() {
executeOk_servald rhizome list
echo "A test file" >file1
echo "Another test file" >file2
echo "A test file, second version" >file1_2
# Add first file
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest
extract_stdout_secret file1_secret
# Add second file
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file2 file2.manifest
extract_stdout_secret file2_secret
# Make sure they are both in the list.
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDA file1 file2
test_AddDeDuplicate() {
# Add first file again - should return a "duplicate" status code and nothing
# should change in its manifests.
execute --exit-status=2 --stderr --core-backtrace $servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifestA
assert [ -s file1.manifestA ]
assert_stdout_add_file file1
extract_stdout_secret file1_dup_secret
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDA file1 file2
strip_signatures file1.manifest file1.manifestA
assert diff file1.manifest file1.manifestA
assert [ $file1_secret = $file1_dup_secret ]
# Repeat for second file.
execute --exit-status=2 --stderr $servald rhizome add file $SIDA file2 file2.manifestA
assert [ -s file2.manifestA ]
assert_stdout_add_file file2
extract_stdout_secret file2_dup_secret
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDA file1 file2
strip_signatures file2.manifest file2.manifestA
assert diff file2.manifest file2.manifestA
assert [ $file2_secret = $file2_dup_secret ]
doc_AddForceDuplicate="Add duplicate file with --force-new option"
setup_AddForceDuplicate() {
test_AddForceDuplicate() {
# Add first file again with the --force-new option. A new manifest
# should be created with a new ID.
executeOk_servald rhizome add file --force-new $SIDA file1 file1.manifestA
assert [ -s file1.manifestA ]
assert_stdout_add_file --manifest=file1.manifestA file1
extract_stdout_secret file1_dup_secret
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDA file1 file2 --manifest=file1.manifestA file1
strip_signatures file1.manifest file1.manifestA
assert ! diff file1.manifest file1.manifestA
assert [ $file1_secret != $file1_dup_secret ]
# Repeat for second file.
executeOk_servald rhizome add file --force-new $SIDA file2 file2.manifestA
assert [ -s file2.manifestA ]
assert_stdout_add_file --manifest=file2.manifestA file2
extract_stdout_secret file2_dup_secret
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDA file1 file2 --manifest=file1.manifestA file1 --manifest=file2.manifestA file2
strip_signatures file2.manifest file2.manifestA
assert ! diff file2.manifest file2.manifestA
assert [ $file2_secret != $file2_dup_secret ]
doc_AddMismatched="Add mismatched manifest/payload fails"
setup_AddMismatched() {
test_AddMismatched() {
# Try to add another file using an existing manifest, should fail with status
# code indicating inconsistency.
cp file1.manifest file1_2.manifest
# Exit status 6 means manifest and payload do not match (filesize/filehash).
execute --exit-status=6 --stderr --core-backtrace $servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1_2 file1_2.manifest
tfw_cat file1.manifest file1_2.manifest
# Output manifest should be the same as the re-used manigfest
assert --stderr cmp file1.manifest file1_2.manifest
# And rhizome store should be unchanged.
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDA file1 file2
doc_AddUpdateSameVersion="Add new payload to existing manifest with same version fails"
setup_AddUpdateSameVersion() {
cp file1.manifest file1_2.manifest
strip_signatures file1_2.manifest
$SED -i -e '/^date=/d;/^filehash=/d;/^filesize=/d' file1_2.manifest
tfw_cat -v file1_2.manifest
assert_manifest_fields file1_2.manifest !date !filehash !filesize version id
cp file1_2.manifest file1_2.manifest.orig
test_AddUpdateSameVersion() {
# Try to add another file using an existing manifest Id and Version, should
# fail and update the manifest file to show existing bundle's manifest.
tfw_cat -v file1_2.manifest
execute $servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1_2 file1_2.manifest
assertExitStatus --stderr '==' 1
tfw_cat -v file1_2.manifest file1.manifest
assert cmp file1_2.manifest file1.manifest
# And rhizome store should be unchanged.
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDA file1 file2
doc_AddUpdateNewVersion="Add new payload to existing manifest with new version"
setup_AddUpdateNewVersion() {
extract_manifest_version version file1_2.manifest
let version=version+1
$SED -i -e "/^version=/s/=.*/=$version/" file1_2.manifest
assert_manifest_fields file1_2.manifest version="$version"
test_AddUpdateNewVersion() {
tfw_cat -v file1_2.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1_2 file1_2.manifest
tfw_cat --stderr
assert_stdout_add_file file1_2 name=file1
assert_manifest_newer file1.manifest file1_2.manifest
# Rhizome store contents reflect new payload.
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDA file1_2 file2
doc_AddUpdateDiscoverAuthor="Add new payload to manifest with author discovery"
setup_AddUpdateDiscoverAuthor() {
test_AddUpdateDiscoverAuthor() {
tfw_cat -v file1_2.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file1_2 file1_2.manifest
tfw_cat --stderr
# Rhizome store contents have new payload.
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDA file1_2 file2
doc_AddUpdateNoAuthor="Cannot add new payload to authorless manifest"
setup_AddUpdateNoAuthor() {
executeOk_servald rhizome list
echo "A test file" >file1
echo "A test file, second version" >file1_2
# Add first file
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file1 file1.manifest
extract_stdout_secret file1_secret
assert_manifest_fields file1.manifest !BK
# Create second manifest
cp file1.manifest file1_2.manifest
strip_signatures file1_2.manifest
$SED -i -e '/^date=/d;/^filehash=/d;/^filesize=/d;/^version=/d' file1_2.manifest
tfw_cat -v file1_2.manifest
test_AddUpdateNoAuthor() {
execute $servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1_2 file1_2.manifest
tfw_cat --stderr
assertExitStatus '!=' 0
# Rhizome store contents still have old payload
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=0 file1
doc_AddUpdateNoAuthorWithSecret="Add new payload to authorless manifest with bundle secret"
setup_AddUpdateNoAuthorWithSecret() {
test_AddUpdateNoAuthorWithSecret() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file1_2 file1_2.manifest "$file1_secret"
tfw_cat --stderr
# Rhizome store contents have new payload, but it has lost its author (no BK
# field any more).
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=0 file1_2
doc_AddUpdateAutoVersion="Add new payload to existing manifest with automatic version"
setup_AddUpdateAutoVersion() {
$SED -i -e '/^version=/d' file1_2.manifest
assert_manifest_fields file1_2.manifest !version
test_AddUpdateAutoVersion() {
tfw_cat -v file1_2.manifest
sleep 0.001 # Ensure that at least one millisecond has elapsed
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1_2 file1_2.manifest
assert_manifest_newer file1.manifest file1_2.manifest
# Rhizome store contents reflect new payload.
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file1_2 file2
doc_AddUpdateArgs="Update existing bundle using manifest args"
setup_AddUpdateArgs() {
extract_manifest_id BID file1.manifest
cp file1.manifest file1_2.manifest
test_AddUpdateArgs() {
sleep 0.001 # Ensure that at least one millisecond has elapsed
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1_2 file1_2.manifest '' !version !filesize !filehash !date
assert_stdout_add_file file1_2 name=file1
assert_manifest_fields file1_2.manifest name=file1
extract_manifest_id BID2 file1_2.manifest
assert [ $BID = $BID2 ]
assert_manifest_newer file1.manifest file1_2.manifest
# Rhizome store contents reflect new payload.
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file1_2 file2
doc_AddServiceInvalid="Add with invalid service fails"
setup_AddServiceInvalid() {
echo "Message1" >file1
echo 'service=Fubar!' >file1.manifest
test_AddServiceInvalid() {
execute $servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assertExitStatus '!=' 0
doc_AddServiceUnsupported="Add with unsupported service succeeds"
setup_AddServiceUnsupported() {
echo "Message1" >file1
echo 'service=Fubar' >file1.manifest
test_AddServiceUnsupported() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
doc_AddUpdateNoAuthorWithPassphrase="Add and update authorless bundle with only secret passphrase"
setup_AddUpdateNoAuthorWithPassphrase() {
create_file file1 1k
create_file file1_2 2k
pass='On the Ning Nang Nong'
test_AddUpdateNoAuthorWithPassphrase() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file1 file1.manifest "#$pass"
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert_stdout_add_file file1 !.author '!BK'
assert_manifest_complete file1.manifest
extract_manifest_id BID file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=0 file1
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file1_2 file1_2.manifest "#$pass"
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert_stdout_add_file file1_2 !.author '!BK'
assert_manifest_complete file1_2.manifest
extract_manifest_id BID2 file1.manifest
assert [ "$BID" = "$BID2" ]
executeOk_servald rhizome extract file $BID file1x
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert diff file1_2 file1x
doc_AddUpdateWithPassphrase="Add and update bundle using secret passphrase"
setup_AddUpdateWithPassphrase() {
create_file file1 1k
create_file file1_2 2k
pass='On the Ning Nang Nong'
test_AddUpdateWithPassphrase() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest "#$pass"
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert_stdout_add_file file1 .author=$SIDA
assert_manifest_complete file1.manifest
extract_manifest_id BID file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file1
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1_2 file1_2.manifest "#$pass"
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert_stdout_add_file file1_2 .author=$SIDA
assert_manifest_complete file1_2.manifest
extract_manifest_id BID2 file1.manifest
assert [ "$BID" = "$BID2" ]
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file1_2
executeOk_servald rhizome extract file $BID file1x
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert diff file1_2 file1x
doc_EncryptedPayload="Add and extract an encrypted payload"
setup_EncryptedPayload() {
echo "Clear Text" >file1
echo -e "service=file\nname=private\ncrypt=1" >file1.manifest
test_EncryptedPayload() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert_stdout_add_file file1
assert_manifest_complete file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file1
extract_manifest_id BID file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome extract file $BID file1x
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert diff file1 file1x
extract_manifest_filehash filehash file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome export file $filehash file1y
assert ! diff file1 file1y
doc_RecipientIsEncrypted="Setting recipient triggers encryption by default"
setup_RecipientIsEncrypted() {
echo "Clear Text1" >file1
echo -e "service=file\nsender=$SIDA1\nrecipient=$SIDA2" >file1.manifest
echo "Clear Text2" >file2
echo -e "service=file\nrecipient=$SIDA2" >file2.manifest
test_RecipientIsEncrypted() {
# add file with sender & recipient
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA1 file1 file1.manifest
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert_stdout_add_file file1
assert_manifest_complete file1.manifest
assertGrep file1.manifest "crypt=1"
# add file sith only recipient
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA1 file2 file2.manifest
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert_stdout_add_file file2
assert_manifest_complete file2.manifest
assertGrep file2.manifest "crypt=1"
# test that both files can be decrypted
extract_manifest_id BID1 file1.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehash1 file1.manifest
extract_manifest_id BID2 file2.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehash2 file2.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome extract file $BID1 file1x
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert diff file1 file1x
executeOk_servald rhizome extract file $BID2 file2x
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert diff file2 file2x
# and that the stored files are obscured
executeOk_servald rhizome export file $filehash1 file1y
tfw_cat file1 -v file1y
assert ! diff file1 file1y
executeOk_servald rhizome export file $filehash2 file2y
tfw_cat file2 -v file2y
assert ! diff file2 file2y
doc_BroadcastNotEncrypted="Broadcast recipients are not encrypted by default"
setup_BroadcastNotEncrypted() {
echo "Clear Text" >file1
test_BroadcastNotEncrypted() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert_stdout_add_file file1
assert_manifest_complete file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file1
extract_manifest_filehash filehash file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome export file $filehash file1y
assert diff file1 file1y
doc_AddReuseManifest="Add --bundle copies fields from existing manifest"
setup_AddReuseManifest() {
echo "First content" >file1
echo "Second content" >file1a
echo -e "service=wazoo\nunexpected=true\nsender=$SIDB1\nnothing=here" >file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest
tfw_cat --stderr
extract_stdout_manifestid BID
test_AddReuseManifest() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file --bundle=$BID $SIDA file1a file1a.manifest '' !nothing something=there
tfw_cat --stderr
assert_manifest_fields file1a.manifest service=wazoo unexpected=true sender=$SIDB1 !nothing something=there
executeOk_servald rhizome export bundle $BID file1ax.manifest file1ax
assert diff file1a file1ax
doc_JournalAppend="Create and append to a journal"
setup_JournalAppend() {
echo "Part One" > file1
echo "Part Two" > file2
cat file1 file2 > file
test_JournalAppend() {
executeOk_servald rhizome journal append $SIDA "" file1
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert_stdout_add_file file1
extract_stdout_manifestid BID
executeOk_servald rhizome journal append $SIDA $BID file2
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
executeOk_servald rhizome extract file $BID filex
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert diff file filex
doc_JournalAppendNoHash="Appending to a journal should not rehash"
setup_JournalAppendNoHash() {
executeOk_servald config \
set rhizome.max_blob_size 0 \
set debug.rhizome on
echo "Part One" > file1
echo "Part Two" > file2
cat file1 file2 > file
test_JournalAppendNoHash() {
executeOk_servald rhizome journal append $SIDA "" file1
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert_stdout_add_file file1
extract_stdout_manifestid BID
extract_stdout_filehash HASH
assert [ $(ls "$SERVALINSTANCE_PATH/hash" | wc -l) -eq 1 ]
executeOk_servald rhizome journal append $SIDA $BID file2
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert [ $(ls "$SERVALINSTANCE_PATH/hash" | wc -l) -eq 2 ]
assertStderrGrep 'Reusing journal'
executeOk_servald rhizome extract file $BID filex
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert diff file filex
executeOk_servald rhizome export file $HASH file1x
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert diff file1 file1x
doc_JournalAppendSharedPayload="Journal append produces a shared payload"
setup_JournalAppendSharedPayload() {
executeOk_servald config set rhizome.max_blob_size 0
create_file file1 101
create_file file2 102
cat file1 file2 >file12
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file1
extract_stdout_filehash HASH1
assert cmp file1 "$SERVALINSTANCE_PATH/blob/$HASH1"
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file12
extract_stdout_filehash HASH12
assert cmp file12 "$SERVALINSTANCE_PATH/blob/$HASH12"
assert [ $(ls "$SERVALINSTANCE_PATH/blob" | wc -l) -eq 2 ]
test_JournalAppendSharedPayload() {
executeOk_servald rhizome journal append $SIDA "" file1
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert_stdout_add_file file1
extract_stdout_filehash addedhash
assert [ $addedhash = $HASH1 ]
assert [ $(ls "$SERVALINSTANCE_PATH/blob" | wc -l) -eq 2 ]
extract_stdout_manifestid BID
executeOk_servald rhizome journal append $SIDA $BID file2
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert_stdout_add_file file12 !name
extract_stdout_filehash addedhash
assert [ $addedhash = $HASH12 ]
assert [ $(ls "$SERVALINSTANCE_PATH/blob" | wc -l) -eq 2 ]
doc_JournalAddCreate="Cannot create a journal using file add"
setup_JournalAddCreate() {
echo "Part One" > file1
echo "tail=0" >file1.manifest
test_JournalAddCreate() {
# TODO: servald should return a status code reserved for this case, instead
# of the 4 error (which means "invalid manifest")
execute --exit-status=4 --stderr $servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
doc_JournalAddUpdate="Cannot update a journal using file add"
setup_JournalAddUpdate() {
echo "Part One" > file1
executeOk_servald rhizome journal append $SIDA "" file1
assert_stdout_add_file file1
extract_stdout_manifestid BID
executeOk_servald rhizome extract bundle $BID file1x.manifest file1x
assert diff file1 file1x
extract_manifest_version version file1x.manifest
let version=version+1
$SED -i -e "/^version=/s/=.*/=$version/" file1x.manifest
assert_manifest_fields file1x.manifest version="$version"
test_JournalAddUpdate() {
# TODO: servald should return a status code reserved for this case, instead
# of the 4 error (which means "invalid manifest")
execute --exit-status=4 $servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1x file1x.manifest
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
doc_AppendFile="Cannot append to a non-journal"
setup_AppendFile() {
echo "Part One" > file1
echo "Part Two" > file2
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert_stdout_add_file file1
extract_stdout_manifestid BID
test_AppendFile() {
# TODO: servald should return a status code reserved for this case, instead
# of the 4 error (which means "invalid manifest")
execute --exit-status=4 $servald rhizome journal append $SIDA $BID file2
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
doc_MeshMSAddCreate="First add MeshMS creates manifest"
setup_MeshMSAddCreate() {
echo "Message1" >file1
echo -e "service=MeshMS1\nsender=$SIDA\nrecipient=$SIDB1" >file1.manifest
test_MeshMSAddCreate() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file1
assert_manifest_complete file1.manifest
extract_manifest_crypt crypt file1.manifest
assert [ $crypt = 1 ]
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file1
extract_manifest_id BID file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome extract file $BID file1x
assert diff file1 file1x
doc_MeshMSAddGrow="Subsequent add MeshMS updates manifest and removes old payload"
setup_MeshMSAddGrow() {
executeOk_servald config set rhizome.clean_on_open on
echo "Message1" >file1
echo -e "service=MeshMS1\nsender=$SIDA\nrecipient=$SIDB1" >file1.manifest
test_MeshMSAddGrow() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file1
assert_manifest_complete file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file1
extract_manifest_id id file1.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehash file1.manifest
extract_manifest_BK bk file1.manifest
local -a ofilehashes=()
for m in 2 3 4 5; do
echo -e "id=$id\nBK=$bk\nservice=MeshMS1\nsender=$SIDA\nrecipient=$SIDB1" >file1.manifest
echo "Message$m" >>file1
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file1
extract_manifest_id idx file1.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehashx file1.manifest
extract_manifest_BK bkx file1.manifest
assert --message="manifest ID remains the same" [ "$idx" = "$id" ]
assert --message="manifest BK remains the same" [ "$bkx" = "$bk" ]
assert --message="filehash is for new file" [ "$filehash" != "$filehashx" ]
executeOk_servald rhizome extract file "$id" file1x
assert --message="extracted payload is correct" diff file1 file1x
for ofilehash in "${ofilehashes[@]}"; do
execute --exit-status=1 --stderr $servald rhizome export file "$ofilehash"
doc_MeshMSAddMissingSender="Add MeshMS without sender fails"
setup_MeshMSAddMissingSender() {
echo "Message1" >file1
echo -e "service=MeshMS1\nrecipient=$SIDB1" >file1.manifest
test_MeshMSAddMissingSender() {
execute $servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest
assertExitStatus --stdout --stderr '!=' 0
doc_MeshMSAddMissingRecipient="Add MeshMS without recipient fails"
setup_MeshMSAddMissingRecipient() {
executeOk_servald rhizome list
echo "Message1" >file1
echo -e "service=MeshMS1\nsender=$SIDA" >file1.manifest
test_MeshMSAddMissingRecipient() {
execute $servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest
assertExitStatus '!=' 0
doc_MeshMSAddMissingAuthor="Add MeshMS without author uses sender"
setup_MeshMSAddMissingAuthor() {
echo "Message1" >file1
echo -e "service=MeshMS1\nsender=$SIDA1\nrecipient=$SIDA2" >file1.manifest
test_MeshMSAddMissingAuthor() {
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file1 file1.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file1 !.author !BK
assert_manifest_complete file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file1
doc_ListFilter="List manifests by filter"
setup_ListFilter() {
echo "File1" > file1
echo "File2" > file2
echo "File3" > file3
echo "File4" > file4
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file1 file1.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file1 !.author !BK
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file2 file2.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file2 !.author !BK
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file3 file3.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file3 !.author !BK
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file4 file4.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file4 !.author !BK
test_ListFilter() {
executeOk_servald rhizome list file
assert_rhizome_list file1 file2 file3 file4
executeOk_servald rhizome list file 'file%'
assert_rhizome_list file1 file2 file3 file4
executeOk_servald rhizome list '' 'file2'
assert_rhizome_list file2
doc_MeshMSListFilter="List MeshMS manifests by filter"
setup_MeshMSListFilter() {
echo "Message1" >file1
echo -e "service=MeshMS1\nsender=$SIDA1\nrecipient=$SIDA2" >file1.manifest
echo "Message2" >file2
echo -e "service=MeshMS1\nsender=$SIDA1\nrecipient=$SIDA3" >file2.manifest
echo "Message3" >file3
echo -e "service=MeshMS1\nsender=$SIDA1\nrecipient=$SIDA4" >file3.manifest
echo "Message3" >file4
echo -e "service=MeshMS1\nsender=$SIDA2\nrecipient=$SIDA3" >file4.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file1 file1.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file1 !.author !BK
assert_manifest_complete file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file2 file2.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file2 !.author !BK
assert_manifest_complete file2.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file3 file3.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file3 !.author !BK
assert_manifest_complete file3.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file4 file4.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file4 !.author !BK
assert_manifest_complete file4.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file1 file2 file3 file4
test_MeshMSListFilter() {
executeOk_servald rhizome list file
executeOk_servald rhizome list MeshMS1
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file1 file2 file3 file4
executeOk_servald rhizome list '' '' $SIDA1
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file1 file2 file3
executeOk_servald rhizome list '' '' $SIDA2
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file4
executeOk_servald rhizome list '' '' $SIDA3
executeOk_servald rhizome list '' '' $SIDA4
executeOk_servald rhizome list '' '' '' $SIDA1
executeOk_servald rhizome list '' '' '' $SIDA2
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file1
executeOk_servald rhizome list '' '' '' $SIDA3
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file2 file4
executeOk_servald rhizome list file '' '' $SIDA3
executeOk_servald rhizome list '' '' '' $SIDA4
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file3
executeOk_servald rhizome list '' '' $SIDA1 $SIDA4
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file3
executeOk_servald rhizome list '' '' $SIDA2 $SIDA4
executeOk_servald rhizome list '' '' $SIDA2 $SIDA3
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 file4
doc_ImportForeignBundle="Import a bundle created by another instance"
setup_ImportForeignBundle() {
set_instance +A
echo "Hello from A" >fileA
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA fileA fileA.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file fileA
set_instance +B
test_ImportForeignBundle() {
executeOk_servald rhizome import bundle fileA fileA.manifest
assert_stdout_import_bundle fileA
# Exit status 1 means bundle is already in store
execute --exit-status=1 --stdout --stderr $servald rhizome import bundle fileA fileA.manifest
assert_stdout_import_bundle fileA
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=0 fileA
doc_ImportOwnBundle="Import a bundle created by same instance"
setup_ImportOwnBundle() {
set_instance +B
echo "Hello from B" >fileB
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDB2 fileB fileB.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file fileB
extract_stdout_rowid rowid
extract_manifest_id manifestid fileB.manifest
extract_manifest_version version fileB.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehash fileB.manifest
extract_manifest_BK BK fileB.manifest
extract_manifest_date date fileB.manifest
assert [ -e "$SERVALINSTANCE_PATH/rhizome.db" ]
rm -f "$SERVALINSTANCE_PATH/rhizome.db"
executeOk_servald rhizome list
test_ImportOwnBundle() {
executeOk_servald rhizome import bundle fileB fileB.manifest
assert_stdout_import_bundle fileB
# Bundle author and sender are unknown, so appears not to be from here
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=0 fileB
# Extracting the manifest discovers that it is ours.
executeOk_servald rhizome extract bundle $manifestid fileBx.manifest fileBx
tfw_cat --stderr
assert cmp fileB.manifest fileBx.manifest
assert cmp fileB fileBx
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 13
local size=$(( $(cat fileB | wc -c) + 0 ))
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^manifestid:$manifestid\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^version:$version\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filesize:$size\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filehash:$filehash\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^BK:$BK\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^date:$date\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^service:file\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^name:fileB\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.readonly:0\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.secret:$rexp_bundlesecret\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.author:$SIDB2\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.rowid:$rowid\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^\.inserttime:$rexp_date\$"
# Now bundle author should be known, so appears to be from here
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --author=$SIDB2 fileB
doc_ImportSelfSigned="Import a bundle with id matching identity"
echo "Self signed" > file
set_instance +A
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file file.manifest '' id=$IDA sender=$SIDA
extract_stdout_manifestid BID
assert [ "$BID" = "$IDA" ]
executeOk_servald rhizome list
set_instance +B
executeOk_servald rhizome import bundle file file.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome list
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
#TODO assert that .author == $SIDA
doc_ImportCombinedBundle="Create and import combined bundle"
setup_ImportCombinedBundle() {
# A "combined bundle" is a single file consisting of a payload with its
# manifest appended to the end.
echo "Hello from A" >fileA
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA fileA fileA.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file fileA
extract_manifest_id manifestid fileA.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehash fileA.manifest
extract_manifest_filesize filesize fileA.manifest
test_ImportCombinedBundle() {
# Create the combined bundle
executeOk_servald rhizome append manifest fileA fileA.manifest
# Import the combined bundle
set_instance +B
executeOk_servald rhizome import bundle fileA fileA
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^service:file$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^manifestid:$manifestid\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filehash:$filehash\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filesize:$filesize\$"
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=0 fileA
executeOk_servald rhizome export bundle $manifestid fileAx fileAx
assert diff fileA fileAx
doc_ImportCombinedZipBundle="Create and import combined zip bundle"
setup_ImportCombinedZipBundle() {
# A "combined bundle" is a single file consisting of a payload with its
# manifest appended to the end.
echo "Hello from A" >fileA
zip fileA.zip fileA
test_ImportCombinedZipBundle() {
# Create the combined bundle
executeOk_servald rhizome add file --zip-comment $SIDA fileA.zip fileA.manifest
extract_manifest_id manifestid fileA.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehash fileA.manifest
extract_manifest_filesize filesize fileA.manifest
# Import the combined bundle
set_instance +B
executeOk_servald rhizome import bundle --zip-comment fileA.zip fileA.zip
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^service:file$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^manifestid:$manifestid\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filehash:$filehash\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filesize:$filesize\$"
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=0 fileA.zip
executeOk_servald rhizome export bundle --zip-comment $manifestid fileAx.zip fileAx.zip
assert diff fileA.zip fileAx.zip
doc_ImportJournal="Import a journal bundle"
setup_ImportJournal() {
echo "Part One" > file1
echo "Part Two2" > file2
cat file1 file2 >file3
executeOk_servald rhizome journal append $SIDA "" file1
assert_stdout_add_file file1
extract_stdout_manifestid BID
executeOk_servald rhizome extract bundle $BID file1x.manifest file1x
assert diff file1 file1x
test_ImportJournal() {
# Import a journal bundle from a foreign instance.
set_instance +B
executeOk_servald rhizome import bundle file1x file1x.manifest
assert_stdout_import_bundle file1x
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=0 file1x
# Try to import the same journal bundle again, exit status 1 means bundle is
# already in store.
execute --exit-status=1 --stdout --stderr $servald rhizome import bundle file1x file1x.manifest
assert_stdout_import_bundle file1x
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=0 file1x
# Grow the journal and import it again.
set_instance +A
executeOk_servald rhizome journal append $SIDA $BID file2
assert_stdout_add_file file3 manifestid=$BID name=file1
executeOk_servald rhizome extract bundle $BID file3x.manifest file3x
assert diff file3 file3x
set_instance +B
executeOk_servald rhizome import bundle file3x file3x.manifest
assert_stdout_import_bundle file3x
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=0 file3x
setup_delete() {
executeOk_servald config set rhizome.clean_on_open off
rhizome_add_files file{1..4}
for i in {1..4}; do
extract_manifest_id BID$i file$i.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash HASH$i file$i.manifest
rhizome_clean() {
executeOk_servald rhizome clean
extract_stdout_keyvalue deleted_files 'deleted_orphan_files' '[0-9]\+'
extract_stdout_keyvalue deleted_fileblobs 'deleted_orphan_fileblobs' '[0-9]\+'
extract_stdout_keyvalue deleted_manifests 'deleted_orphan_manifests' '[0-9]\+'
doc_DeleteManifest="Delete a manifest from store"
setup_DeleteManifest() {
test_DeleteManifest() {
executeOk_servald rhizome delete manifest "$BID2"
tfw_cat --stderr
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list file{1,3,4}
execute --exit-status=1 --stderr $servald rhizome export manifest "$BID2"
executeOk_servald rhizome export file "$HASH2" file2x
assert diff file2 file2x
assert [ $deleted_files = 1 ]
assert [ $deleted_fileblobs = 0 ]
assert [ $deleted_manifests = 0 ]
doc_DeletePayload="Delete a payload from store"
setup_DeletePayload() {
test_DeletePayload() {
executeOk_servald rhizome delete payload "$BID3"
tfw_cat --stderr
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list file{1..4}
executeOk_servald rhizome export manifest "$BID3"
execute --exit-status=1 --stderr $servald rhizome export file "$HASH3" file3x
assert [ $deleted_files = 0 ]
assert [ $deleted_fileblobs = 0 ]
assert [ $deleted_manifests = 1 ]
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list file{1,2,4}
doc_DeleteBundle="Delete a bundle from store"
setup_DeleteBundle() {
test_DeleteBundle() {
executeOk_servald rhizome delete bundle "$BID4"
tfw_cat --stderr
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list file{1..3}
execute --exit-status=1 --stderr $servald rhizome export manifest "$BID4"
execute --exit-status=1 --stderr $servald rhizome export file "$HASH4" file4x
assert [ $deleted_files = 0 ]
assert [ $deleted_fileblobs = 0 ]
assert [ $deleted_manifests = 0 ]
doc_DeleteFile="Delete a file from store"
setup_DeleteFile() {
test_DeleteFile() {
executeOk_servald rhizome delete file "$HASH1"
tfw_cat --stderr
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list file{1..4}
executeOk_servald rhizome export manifest "$BID1"
execute --exit-status=1 --stderr $servald rhizome export file "$HASH1" file1x
assert [ $deleted_files = 0 ]
assert [ $deleted_fileblobs = 0 ]
assert [ $deleted_manifests = 1 ]
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list file{2..4}
doc_payloadTooBig="Fail to insert a payload that is larger than the database"
setup_payloadTooBig() {
executeOk_servald config set rhizome.database_size 32K
create_file file1 32K
execute $servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest
assertExitStatus '==' 7
doc_payloadUninteresting="Fail to insert a payload that is uninteresting"
setup_payloadUninteresting() {
executeOk_servald config set rhizome.clean_on_open yes
# Create Rhizome database, discover fixed space overhead.
executeOk_servald rhizome list
bytes_used=$($SED -n -e '/.*RHIZOME SPACE.*USED bytes=\([0-9]\+\).*/{s//\1/p;q}' "$TFWSTDERR")
assert [ -n "$bytes_used" ]
executeOk_servald config set rhizome.database_size $((bytes_used + 65535))
create_file file1 32K
create_file file2 32K
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest
execute $servald rhizome add file $SIDA file2 file2.manifest
assertExitStatus '==' 7
doc_evictUninteresting="Evict a large payload to make room for smaller payloads"
setup_evictUninteresting() {
executeOk_servald config set rhizome.database_size 1M
create_file file1 512K
create_file file2 256K
create_file file3 128K
create_file file4 128K
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file2 file2.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file3 file3.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file4 file4.manifest
tfw_cat --stderr
assert [ $deleted_files = 0 ]
assert [ $deleted_fileblobs = 0 ]
assert [ $deleted_manifests = 1 ]
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list file{2,3,4}
doc_evictFreeSpace="Reduce database size due to insufficient free space"
setup_evictFreeSpace() {
create_file file1 512K
create_file file2 256K
create_file file3 128K
create_file file4 128K
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file2 file2.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file3 file3.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file4 file4.manifest
test_evictFreeSpace() {
executeOk_servald config \
set rhizome.min_free_space 1M
# only 640K free...
export SERVALD_FREE_SPACE=655360
assert [ $deleted_files = 0 ]
assert [ $deleted_fileblobs = 0 ]
assert [ $deleted_manifests = 1 ]
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list file{2,3,4}
runTests "$@"