/* Serval DNA Rhizome storage Copyright (C) 2013 Serval Project Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include "serval.h" #include "rhizome.h" #include "conf.h" #include "strlcpy.h" #define RHIZOME_BUFFER_MAXIMUM_SIZE (1024*1024) uint64_t rhizome_copy_file_to_blob(int fd, uint64_t id, size_t size); int rhizome_exists(const rhizome_filehash_t *hashp) { uint64_t gotfile = 0; if (sqlite_exec_uint64(&gotfile, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FILES WHERE id = ? and datavalid = 1;", RHIZOME_FILEHASH_T, hashp, END) != 1) return 0; if (gotfile==0) return 0; uint64_t blob_rowid; if (sqlite_exec_uint64(&blob_rowid, "SELECT rowid " "FROM FILEBLOBS " "WHERE id = ?", RHIZOME_FILEHASH_T, hashp, END) == -1) return 0; if (blob_rowid !=0) return 1; // No row in FILEBLOBS, look for an external blob file. char blob_path[1024]; if (!FORMF_RHIZOME_STORE_PATH(blob_path, "%s/%s", RHIZOME_BLOB_SUBDIR, alloca_tohex_rhizome_filehash_t(*hashp))) return 0; struct stat st; if (stat(blob_path, &st) == -1) return 0; return 1; } /* Creates a row in the FILEBLOBS table and return the ROWID. Returns 0 if unsuccessful (error * logged). */ static uint64_t rhizome_create_fileblob(sqlite_retry_state *retry, uint64_t id, size_t size) { if (sqlite_exec_void_retry( retry, "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO FILEBLOBS(id,data) VALUES(?,?)", UINT64_TOSTR, id, ZEROBLOB, (int)size, END) == -1 ) { WHYF("Failed to create blob, size=%zu, id=%"PRIu64, size, id); return 0; } uint64_t rowid = sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(rhizome_db); if (config.debug.rhizome_store) DEBUGF("Inserted fileblob rowid=%"PRId64" for id='%"PRIu64"'", rowid, id); return rowid; } static int rhizome_delete_external(const char *id) { // attempt to remove any external blob char blob_path[1024]; if (!FORMF_RHIZOME_STORE_PATH(blob_path, "%s/%s", RHIZOME_BLOB_SUBDIR, id)) return -1; if (unlink(blob_path) == -1) { if (errno != ENOENT) return WHYF_perror("unlink(%s)", alloca_str_toprint(blob_path)); return 1; } if (config.debug.rhizome_store) DEBUGF("Deleted blob file %s", blob_path); return 0; } static int rhizome_delete_file_id_retry(sqlite_retry_state *retry, const char *id) { int ret = 0; rhizome_delete_external(id); sqlite3_stmt *statement = sqlite_prepare_bind(retry, "DELETE FROM fileblobs WHERE id = ?", STATIC_TEXT, id, END); if (!statement || sqlite_exec_retry(retry, statement) == -1) ret = -1; statement = sqlite_prepare_bind(retry, "DELETE FROM files WHERE id = ?", STATIC_TEXT, id, END); if (!statement || sqlite_exec_retry(retry, statement) == -1) ret = -1; return ret == -1 ? -1 : sqlite3_changes(rhizome_db) ? 0 : 1; } static int rhizome_delete_payload_retry(sqlite_retry_state *retry, const rhizome_bid_t *bidp) { strbuf fh = strbuf_alloca(RHIZOME_FILEHASH_STRLEN + 1); int rows = sqlite_exec_strbuf_retry(retry, fh, "SELECT filehash FROM manifests WHERE id = ?", RHIZOME_BID_T, bidp, END); if (rows == -1) return -1; if (rows && rhizome_delete_file_id_retry(retry, strbuf_str(fh)) == -1) return -1; return 0; } /* Remove a bundle's payload (file) from the database, given its manifest ID, leaving its manifest * untouched if present. * * Returns 0 if manifest is found, its payload is found and removed * Returns 1 if manifest or payload is not found * Returns -1 on error * * @author Andrew Bettison */ int rhizome_delete_payload(const rhizome_bid_t *bidp) { sqlite_retry_state retry = SQLITE_RETRY_STATE_DEFAULT; return rhizome_delete_payload_retry(&retry, bidp); } int rhizome_delete_file_id(const char *id) { sqlite_retry_state retry = SQLITE_RETRY_STATE_DEFAULT; return rhizome_delete_file_id_retry(&retry, id); } /* Remove a file from the database, given its file hash. * * Returns 0 if file is found and removed * Returns 1 if file is not found * Returns -1 on error * * @author Andrew Bettison */ int rhizome_delete_file(const rhizome_filehash_t *hashp) { return rhizome_delete_file_id(alloca_tohex_rhizome_filehash_t(*hashp)); } // TODO readonly version? static enum rhizome_payload_status store_make_space(uint64_t bytes) { uint64_t external_bytes; uint64_t db_page_size; uint64_t db_page_count; uint64_t db_free_page_count; // TODO limit based on free space? // No limit? if (config.rhizome.database_size==0) return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW; // TODO index external_bytes calculation and/or cache result if ( sqlite_exec_uint64(&db_page_size, "PRAGMA page_size;", END) == -1LL || sqlite_exec_uint64(&db_page_count, "PRAGMA page_count;", END) == -1LL || sqlite_exec_uint64(&db_free_page_count, "PRAGMA freelist_count;", END) == -1LL || sqlite_exec_uint64(&external_bytes, "SELECT SUM(length) " "FROM FILES " "WHERE NOT EXISTS( " "SELECT 1 " "FROM FILEBLOBS " "WHERE FILES.ID = FILEBLOBS.ID " ");", END) == -1LL ) return WHY("Cannot measure database used bytes"); if (config.rhizome.database_size < db_page_size*10) return WHYF("rhizome.database_size is too small to store anything"); const uint64_t limit = config.rhizome.database_size - db_page_size*4; uint64_t db_used = external_bytes + db_page_size * (db_page_count - db_free_page_count); if (bytes >= limit){ if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUGF("Not enough space for %"PRIu64". Used; %"PRIu64" = %"PRIu64" + %"PRIu64" * (%"PRIu64" - %"PRIu64"), Limit; %"PRIu64, bytes, db_used, external_bytes, db_page_size, db_page_count, db_free_page_count, limit); return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_TOO_BIG; } // If there is enough space, do nothing if (db_used + bytes <= limit) return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW; // penalise new things by 10 minutes to reduce churn time_ms_t cost = gettime_ms() - 60000 - bytes; sqlite_retry_state retry = SQLITE_RETRY_STATE_DEFAULT; // query files by age, penalise larger files so they are removed earlier sqlite3_stmt *statement = sqlite_prepare_bind(&retry, "SELECT id, length, inserttime FROM FILES ORDER BY (inserttime - length)", END); if (!statement) return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR; while (db_used + bytes > limit && sqlite_step_retry(&retry, statement) == SQLITE_ROW) { const char *id=(const char *) sqlite3_column_text(statement, 0); uint64_t length = sqlite3_column_int(statement, 1); time_ms_t inserttime = sqlite3_column_int64(statement, 2); time_ms_t cost_existing = inserttime - length; if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUGF("Considering dropping file %s, size %"PRId64" cost %"PRId64" vs %"PRId64" to add %"PRId64" new bytes", id, length, cost, cost_existing, bytes); // don't allow the new file, we've got more important things to store if (cost < cost_existing) break; // drop the existing content and recalculate used space if (rhizome_delete_external(id)==0) external_bytes -= length; sqlite3_stmt *s = sqlite_prepare_bind(&retry, "DELETE FROM fileblobs WHERE id = ?", STATIC_TEXT, id, END); if (s) sqlite_exec_retry(&retry, s); s = sqlite_prepare_bind(&retry, "DELETE FROM files WHERE id = ?", STATIC_TEXT, id, END); if (s) sqlite_exec_retry(&retry, s); sqlite_exec_uint64(&db_page_count, "PRAGMA page_count;", END); sqlite_exec_uint64(&db_free_page_count, "PRAGMA freelist_count;", END); db_used = external_bytes + db_page_size * (db_page_count - db_free_page_count); } sqlite3_finalize(statement); if (db_used + bytes <= limit) return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW; if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUGF("Not enough space for %"PRIu64". Used; %"PRIu64" = %"PRIu64" + %"PRIu64" * (%"PRIu64" - %"PRIu64"), Limit; %"PRIu64, bytes, db_used, external_bytes, db_page_size, db_page_count, db_free_page_count, limit); return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_UNINITERESTING; } enum rhizome_payload_status rhizome_open_write(struct rhizome_write *write, const rhizome_filehash_t *expectedHashp, uint64_t file_length) { if (file_length == 0) return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_EMPTY; write->blob_fd=-1; write->sql_blob=NULL; if (expectedHashp){ if (rhizome_exists(expectedHashp)) return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_STORED; write->id = *expectedHashp; write->id_known=1; }else{ write->id_known=0; } if (file_length!=RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET){ enum rhizome_payload_status status = store_make_space(file_length); if (status != RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW) return status; } time_ms_t now = gettime_ms(); static uint64_t last_id=0; write->temp_id = now; if (write->temp_id < last_id) write->temp_id = last_id + 1; last_id = write->temp_id; write->file_length = file_length; write->file_offset = 0; write->written_offset = 0; SHA512_Init(&write->sha512_context); return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW; } /* blob_open / close will lock the database, this is bad for other processes that might attempt to * use it at the same time. However, opening a blob has about O(n^2) performance. * */ // encrypt and hash data, data buffers must be passed in file order. static int prepare_data(struct rhizome_write *write_state, unsigned char *buffer, size_t data_size) { if (data_size <= 0) return WHY("No content supplied"); /* Make sure we aren't being asked to write more data than we expected */ if ( write_state->file_length != RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET && write_state->file_offset + data_size > write_state->file_length ) return WHYF("Too much content supplied, %"PRIu64" + %zu > %"PRIu64, write_state->file_offset, data_size, write_state->file_length); if (write_state->crypt){ if (rhizome_crypt_xor_block( buffer, data_size, write_state->file_offset + write_state->tail, write_state->key, write_state->nonce)) return -1; } SHA512_Update(&write_state->sha512_context, buffer, data_size); write_state->file_offset+=data_size; if (config.debug.rhizome_store) DEBUGF("Processed %"PRIu64" of %"PRIu64, write_state->file_offset, write_state->file_length); return 0; } // open database locks static int write_get_lock(struct rhizome_write *write_state) { sqlite_retry_state retry = SQLITE_RETRY_STATE_DEFAULT; if (write_state->blob_fd != -1 || write_state->sql_blob) return 0; if (write_state->file_length == RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET || write_state->file_length > config.rhizome.max_blob_size){ char blob_path[1024]; if (!FORMF_RHIZOME_STORE_PATH(blob_path, "%s/%"PRIu64, RHIZOME_BLOB_SUBDIR, write_state->temp_id)) return -1; if (config.debug.rhizome_store) DEBUGF("Attempting to put blob for id='%"PRIu64"' in %s", write_state->temp_id, blob_path); if ((write_state->blob_fd = open(blob_path, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR, 0664)) == -1) { WHYF("Failed to create payload file, id='%"PRIu64"'", write_state->temp_id); return -1; } if (config.debug.rhizome_store) DEBUGF("Writing to new blob file %s (fd=%d)", blob_path, write_state->blob_fd); }else{ // use an explicit transaction so we can delay I/O failures until COMMIT so they can be retried. if (sqlite_exec_void_retry(&retry, "BEGIN TRANSACTION;", END) == -1) return -1; if (write_state->blob_rowid == 0){ write_state->blob_rowid = rhizome_create_fileblob(&retry, write_state->temp_id, write_state->file_length); if (write_state->blob_rowid == 0) goto fail; } if (sqlite_blob_open_retry(&retry, "main", "FILEBLOBS", "data", write_state->blob_rowid, 1 /* read/write */, &write_state->sql_blob) == -1) goto fail; } return 0; fail: sqlite_exec_void_retry(&retry, "ROLLBACK;", END); return -1; } // write data to disk static int write_data(struct rhizome_write *write_state, uint64_t file_offset, const unsigned char *buffer, size_t data_size) { if (config.debug.rhizome_store) DEBUGF("write_state->file_length=%"PRIu64" file_offset=%"PRIu64, write_state->file_length, file_offset); if (data_size<=0) return 0; if (file_offset != write_state->written_offset) WARNF("Writing file data out of order! [%"PRId64",%"PRId64"]", file_offset, write_state->written_offset); if (write_state->blob_fd != -1) { size_t ofs = 0; // keep trying until all of the data is written. if (lseek64(write_state->blob_fd, (off64_t) file_offset, SEEK_SET) == -1) return WHYF_perror("lseek64(%d,%"PRIu64",SEEK_SET)", write_state->blob_fd, file_offset); while (ofs < data_size){ ssize_t r = write(write_state->blob_fd, buffer + ofs, (size_t)(data_size - ofs)); if (r == -1) return WHY_perror("write"); if (config.debug.rhizome_store) DEBUGF("Wrote %zd bytes to fd %d", (size_t)r, write_state->blob_fd); ofs += (size_t)r; } }else{ if (!write_state->sql_blob) return WHY("Must call write_get_lock() before write_data()"); sqlite_retry_state retry = SQLITE_RETRY_STATE_DEFAULT; if (sqlite_blob_write_retry(&retry, write_state->sql_blob, buffer, data_size, file_offset) == -1) return -1; } write_state->written_offset = file_offset + data_size; if (config.debug.rhizome_store) DEBUGF("Wrote %"PRIu64" of %"PRIu64, file_offset + data_size, write_state->file_length); return 0; } // close database locks static int write_release_lock(struct rhizome_write *write_state) { int ret=0; if (write_state->sql_blob){ ret = sqlite_blob_close(write_state->sql_blob); sqlite_retry_state retry = SQLITE_RETRY_STATE_DEFAULT; if (sqlite_exec_void_retry(&retry, "COMMIT;", END) == -1) ret=-1; write_state->sql_blob=NULL; } return ret; } // Write data buffers in any order, the data will be cached and streamed into the database in file order. // Though there is an upper bound on the amount of cached data int rhizome_random_write(struct rhizome_write *write_state, uint64_t offset, unsigned char *buffer, size_t data_size) { if (config.debug.rhizome_store) DEBUGF("write_state->file_length=%"PRIu64" offset=%"PRIu64, write_state->file_length, offset); if ( write_state->file_length != RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET && offset + data_size > write_state->file_length ) data_size = write_state->file_length - offset; struct rhizome_write_buffer **ptr = &write_state->buffer_list; int ret=0; int should_write = 0; // if we are writing to a file, or already have the sql blob open, or are finishing, write as much // as we can. if (write_state->blob_fd != -1 || write_state->sql_blob || buffer == NULL || write_state->file_length > config.rhizome.max_blob_size || write_state->file_offset > config.rhizome.max_blob_size) { should_write = 1; if (config.debug.rhizome_store) DEBUGF("Attempting to write (fd=%d, blob=%p, buffer=%p, len=%"PRId64", offset=%"PRId64")", write_state->blob_fd, write_state->sql_blob, buffer, write_state->file_length, write_state->file_offset); } else { // cache up to RHIZOME_BUFFER_MAXIMUM_SIZE or file length before attempting to write everything in one go. // (Not perfect if the range overlaps) uint64_t new_size = write_state->written_offset + write_state->buffer_size + data_size; if ( (write_state->file_length != RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET && new_size >= write_state->file_length) || new_size >= RHIZOME_BUFFER_MAXIMUM_SIZE ) should_write = 1; } uint64_t last_offset = write_state->written_offset; while(1){ // can we process this existing data block now? if (*ptr && (*ptr)->offset == write_state->file_offset){ if (prepare_data(write_state, (*ptr)->data, (*ptr)->data_size)){ ret=-1; break; } continue; } // if existing data should be written, do so now if (should_write && *ptr && (*ptr)->offset == write_state->written_offset){ struct rhizome_write_buffer *n=*ptr; if (write_get_lock(write_state)){ ret=-1; break; } if (write_data(write_state, n->offset, n->data, n->data_size)){ ret=-1; break; } write_state->buffer_size-=n->data_size; last_offset = n->offset + n->data_size; *ptr=n->_next; free(n); continue; } // skip over incoming data that we've already received if (offset < last_offset){ uint64_t delta = last_offset - offset; if (delta >= data_size) break; data_size -= delta; offset+=delta; buffer+=delta; } if (data_size<=0) break; // can we process the incoming data block now? if (data_size>0 && offset == write_state->file_offset){ if (prepare_data(write_state, buffer, data_size)){ ret=-1; break; } continue; } if (!*ptr || offset < (*ptr)->offset){ // found the insert position in the list size_t size = data_size; // allow for buffers to overlap, we may need to split the incoming buffer into multiple pieces. if (*ptr && offset+size > (*ptr)->offset) size = (*ptr)->offset - offset; if (should_write && offset == write_state->written_offset){ if (write_get_lock(write_state)){ ret=-1; break; } if (write_data(write_state, offset, buffer, size)){ ret=-1; break; } // we need to go around the loop again to re-test if this buffer can now be written }else{ // impose a limit on the total amount of cached data if (write_state->buffer_size + size > RHIZOME_BUFFER_MAXIMUM_SIZE) size = RHIZOME_BUFFER_MAXIMUM_SIZE - write_state->buffer_size; if (size<=0) break; if (config.debug.rhizome_store) DEBUGF("Caching block @%"PRId64", %zu", offset, size); struct rhizome_write_buffer *i = emalloc(size + sizeof(struct rhizome_write_buffer)); if (!i){ ret=-1; break; } i->offset = offset; i->buffer_size = i->data_size = size; bcopy(buffer, i->data, size); i->_next = *ptr; write_state->buffer_size += size; *ptr = i; // if there's any overlap of this buffer and the current one, we may need to add another buffer. ptr = &((*ptr)->_next); } data_size -= size; offset+=size; buffer+=size; continue; } last_offset = (*ptr)->offset + (*ptr)->data_size; ptr = &((*ptr)->_next); } if (write_release_lock(write_state)) ret=-1; return ret; } int rhizome_write_buffer(struct rhizome_write *write_state, unsigned char *buffer, size_t data_size) { return rhizome_random_write(write_state, write_state->file_offset, buffer, data_size); } /* If file_length is known, then expects file to be at least file_length in size, ignoring anything * longer than that. Returns 0 if successful, -1 if error (logged). */ int rhizome_write_file(struct rhizome_write *write, const char *filename) { int fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) return WHYF_perror("open(%s,O_RDONLY)", alloca_str_toprint(filename)); unsigned char buffer[RHIZOME_CRYPT_PAGE_SIZE]; int ret=0; while (write->file_length == RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET || write->file_offset < write->file_length) { size_t size = sizeof buffer; if (write->file_length != RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET && write->file_offset + size > write->file_length) size = write->file_length - write->file_offset; ssize_t r = read(fd, buffer, size); if (r == -1) { ret = WHYF_perror("read(%d,%p,%zu)", fd, buffer, size); break; } if (write->file_length != RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET && (size_t) r != size) { ret = WHYF("file truncated - read(%d,%p,%zu) returned %zu", fd, buffer, size, (size_t) r); break; } if (r && rhizome_write_buffer(write, buffer, (size_t) r)) { ret = -1; break; } if ((size_t) r != size) break; } if (write_release_lock(write)) ret = -1; close(fd); return ret; } void rhizome_fail_write(struct rhizome_write *write) { if (write->blob_fd != -1){ if (config.debug.rhizome_store) DEBUGF("Closing and removing fd %d", write->blob_fd); close(write->blob_fd); write->blob_fd=-1; char blob_path[1024]; if (FORMF_RHIZOME_STORE_PATH(blob_path, "%s/%"PRIu64, RHIZOME_BLOB_SUBDIR, write->temp_id)){ unlink(blob_path); } } write_release_lock(write); if (write->blob_rowid){ sqlite_exec_void_loglevel(LOG_LEVEL_WARN, "DELETE FROM FILEBLOBS WHERE rowid = ?;", INT64, write->blob_rowid, END); } while(write->buffer_list){ struct rhizome_write_buffer *n=write->buffer_list; write->buffer_list=n->_next; free(n); } } enum rhizome_payload_status rhizome_finish_write(struct rhizome_write *write) { enum rhizome_payload_status status = RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW; // Once the whole file has been processed, we should finally know its. if (write->file_length == RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET) { if (config.debug.rhizome_store) DEBUGF("Wrote %"PRIu64" bytes, set file_length", write->file_offset); write->file_length = write->file_offset; status = store_make_space(write->file_length); if (status!=RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW) goto failure; } // flush out any remaining buffered pieces to disk if (write->buffer_list){ if (rhizome_random_write(write, 0, NULL, 0)) { status = RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR; goto failure; } if (write->buffer_list) { WHYF("Buffer was not cleared"); status = RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR; goto failure; } } assert(write->file_offset <= write->file_length); if (write->file_offset < write->file_length) { WHYF("Only wrote %"PRIu64" bytes, expected %"PRIu64, write->file_offset, write->file_length); status = RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_WRONG_SIZE; goto failure; } if (write->file_length==0){ // whoops, no payload, don't store anything if (config.debug.rhizome_store) DEBUGF("Ignoring empty write"); goto failure; } rhizome_filehash_t hash_out; SHA512_Final(hash_out.binary, &write->sha512_context); SHA512_End(&write->sha512_context, NULL); if (write->id_known) { if (cmp_rhizome_filehash_t(&write->id, &hash_out) != 0) { WARNF("expected filehash=%s, got %s", alloca_tohex_rhizome_filehash_t(write->id), alloca_tohex_rhizome_filehash_t(hash_out)); status = RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_WRONG_HASH; goto failure; } } else write->id = hash_out; char blob_path[1024]; if (!FORMF_RHIZOME_STORE_PATH(blob_path, "%s/%"PRIu64, RHIZOME_BLOB_SUBDIR, write->temp_id)) { WHYF("Failed to generate external blob path"); status = RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR; goto failure; } // If the payload was written into an external blob (file) but is small enough to fit into a // SQLite blob, then copy it into a proper blob (this occurs if rhizome_open_write() was called // with file_length == RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET) and max_blob_size > RHIZOME_BUFFER_MAXIMUM_SIZE. int external = 0; if (write->blob_fd != -1) { external = 1; if (write->file_length <= config.rhizome.max_blob_size) { if (config.debug.rhizome_store) DEBUGF("Copying %zu bytes from external file %s into blob, id=%"PRIu64, (size_t)write->file_offset, blob_path, write->temp_id); int ret = 0; if (lseek(write->blob_fd, 0, SEEK_SET) == (off_t) -1) ret = WHYF_perror("lseek(%d,0,SEEK_SET)", write->blob_fd); else if ((write->blob_rowid = rhizome_copy_file_to_blob(write->blob_fd, write->temp_id, (size_t)write->file_length)) == 0) ret = -1; if (ret == -1) { WHY("Failed to copy external file into blob; keeping external file"); } else { external = 0; if (unlink(blob_path) == -1) WARNF_perror("unlink(%s)", alloca_str_toprint(blob_path)); } } if (config.debug.rhizome_store) DEBUGF("Closing fd=%d", write->blob_fd); close(write->blob_fd); write->blob_fd = -1; } if (write_release_lock(write)) { status = RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR; goto failure; } sqlite_retry_state retry = SQLITE_RETRY_STATE_DEFAULT; if (rhizome_exists(&write->id)) { // we've already got that payload, delete the new copy if (write->blob_rowid){ sqlite_exec_void_retry_loglevel(LOG_LEVEL_WARN, &retry, "DELETE FROM FILEBLOBS WHERE rowid = ?;", INT64, write->blob_rowid, END); } if (external){ if (unlink(blob_path) == -1) WARNF_perror("unlink(%s)", alloca_str_toprint(blob_path)); } if (config.debug.rhizome_store) DEBUGF("Payload id=%s already present, removed id='%"PRIu64"'", alloca_tohex_rhizome_filehash_t(write->id), write->temp_id); }else{ if (sqlite_exec_void_retry(&retry, "BEGIN TRANSACTION;", END) == -1) goto dbfailure; if (sqlite_exec_void_retry( &retry, "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO FILES(id,length,datavalid,inserttime) VALUES(?,?,1,?);", RHIZOME_FILEHASH_T, &write->id, INT64, write->file_length, INT64, gettime_ms(), END ) == -1 ) goto dbfailure; if (external) { char dest_path[1024]; if (!FORMF_RHIZOME_STORE_PATH(dest_path, "%s/%s", RHIZOME_BLOB_SUBDIR, alloca_tohex_rhizome_filehash_t(write->id))) goto dbfailure; if (rename(blob_path, dest_path) == -1) { WHYF_perror("rename(%s, %s)", blob_path, dest_path); goto dbfailure; } if (config.debug.rhizome_store) DEBUGF("Renamed %s to %s", blob_path, dest_path); }else{ if (sqlite_exec_void_retry( &retry, "UPDATE FILEBLOBS SET id = ? WHERE rowid = ?", RHIZOME_FILEHASH_T, &write->id, INT64, write->blob_rowid, END ) == -1 ) goto dbfailure; } if (sqlite_exec_void_retry(&retry, "COMMIT;", END) == -1) goto dbfailure; if (config.debug.rhizome_store) DEBUGF("Stored file %s", alloca_tohex_rhizome_filehash_t(write->id)); } write->blob_rowid = 0; return status; dbfailure: sqlite_exec_void_retry(&retry, "ROLLBACK;", END); status = RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR; failure: rhizome_fail_write(write); return status; } /* Import the payload for an existing manifest with a known file size and hash. Compute the hash of * the payload as it is imported, and when finished, check if the size and hash match the manifest. * If the import is successful and the size and hash match, return 0. If the size or hash do not * match, return 1. If there is an error reading the payload file or writing to the database, * return -1. */ enum rhizome_payload_status rhizome_import_payload_from_file(rhizome_manifest *m, const char *filepath) { assert(m->filesize != RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET); if (m->filesize == 0) return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_EMPTY; /* Import the file first, checking the hash as we go */ struct rhizome_write write; bzero(&write, sizeof(write)); enum rhizome_payload_status status = rhizome_open_write(&write, &m->filehash, m->filesize); if (status != RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW) return status; // file payload is not in the store yet if (rhizome_write_file(&write, filepath)){ rhizome_fail_write(&write); return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR; } return rhizome_finish_write(&write); } // store a whole payload from a single buffer enum rhizome_payload_status rhizome_import_buffer(rhizome_manifest *m, unsigned char *buffer, size_t length) { assert(m->filesize != RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET); if (m->filesize == 0) return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_EMPTY; if (length != m->filesize) { WHYF("Expected %"PRIu64" bytes, got %zu", m->filesize, length); return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_WRONG_SIZE; } /* Import the file first, checking the hash as we go */ struct rhizome_write write; bzero(&write, sizeof(write)); enum rhizome_payload_status status = rhizome_open_write(&write, &m->filehash, m->filesize); if (status != RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW) return status; // file payload is not in the store yet if (rhizome_write_buffer(&write, buffer, length)){ rhizome_fail_write(&write); return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR; } return rhizome_finish_write(&write); } /* Checks the size of the file with the given path as a candidate payload for an existing manifest. * An empty path (zero length) is taken to mean empty payload (size = 0). If the manifest's * 'filesize' is not yet set, then sets the manifest's 'filesize' to the size of the file and * returns 0. Otherwise, if the file's size equals the 'filesize' in the manifest, return 0. If * the file size does not match the manifest's 'filesize', returns 1. If there is an error calling * stat(2) on the payload file (eg, file does not exist), returns -1. */ enum rhizome_payload_status rhizome_stat_payload_file(rhizome_manifest *m, const char *filepath) { uint64_t size = 0; if (filepath[0]) { struct stat stat; if (lstat(filepath, &stat)) { WHYF_perror("lstat(%s)", alloca_str_toprint(filepath)); return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR; } size = stat.st_size; } if (m->filesize == RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET) rhizome_manifest_set_filesize(m, size); else if (size != m->filesize) { if (config.debug.rhizome_store) DEBUGF("payload file %s (size=%"PRIu64") does not match manifest[%d].filesize=%"PRIu64, alloca_str_toprint(filepath), size, m->manifest_record_number, m->filesize); return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_WRONG_SIZE; } return size ? RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW : RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_EMPTY; } static enum rhizome_payload_status rhizome_write_derive_key(rhizome_manifest *m, struct rhizome_write *write) { if (m->payloadEncryption != PAYLOAD_ENCRYPTED) return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW; // if the manifest specifies encryption, make sure we can generate the payload key and encrypt the // contents as we go if (!rhizome_derive_payload_key(m)) return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_CRYPTO_FAIL; if (config.debug.rhizome_store) DEBUGF("Encrypting payload contents for bid=%s, version=%"PRIu64, alloca_tohex_rhizome_bid_t(m->cryptoSignPublic), m->version); write->crypt=1; if (m->is_journal && m->tail > 0) write->tail = m->tail; bcopy(m->payloadKey, write->key, sizeof(write->key)); bcopy(m->payloadNonce, write->nonce, sizeof(write->nonce)); return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW; } enum rhizome_payload_status rhizome_write_open_manifest(struct rhizome_write *write, rhizome_manifest *m) { enum rhizome_payload_status status = rhizome_open_write( write, m->has_filehash ? &m->filehash : NULL, m->filesize ); if (status == RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW) status = rhizome_write_derive_key(m, write); return status; } // import a file for a new bundle with an unknown file hash // update the manifest with the details of the file enum rhizome_payload_status rhizome_store_payload_file(rhizome_manifest *m, const char *filepath) { // Stream the file directly into the database, encrypting & hashing as we go. struct rhizome_write write; bzero(&write, sizeof(write)); enum rhizome_payload_status status = rhizome_write_open_manifest(&write, m); switch (status) { case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_EMPTY: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW: break; case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_STORED: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_TOO_BIG: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_UNINITERESTING: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_WRONG_SIZE: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_WRONG_HASH: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_CRYPTO_FAIL: return status; default: FATALF("status = %d", status); } if (rhizome_write_file(&write, filepath) == -1) { rhizome_fail_write(&write); return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR; } status = rhizome_finish_write(&write); switch (status) { case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_EMPTY: assert(write.file_length == 0); assert(m->filesize == 0); break; case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW: assert(m->filesize == write.file_length); if (m->has_filehash) assert(cmp_rhizome_filehash_t(&m->filehash, &write.id) == 0); else rhizome_manifest_set_filehash(m, &write.id); break; case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_STORED: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_WRONG_SIZE: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_WRONG_HASH: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_CRYPTO_FAIL: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_TOO_BIG: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_UNINITERESTING: break; default: FATALF("status = %d", status); } return status; } /* Return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_STORED if file blob found, RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW if not found. */ enum rhizome_payload_status rhizome_open_read(struct rhizome_read *read, const rhizome_filehash_t *hashp) { read->id = *hashp; read->blob_rowid = 0; read->blob_fd = -1; if (sqlite_exec_uint64(&read->blob_rowid, "SELECT FILEBLOBS.rowid " "FROM FILEBLOBS, FILES " "WHERE FILEBLOBS.id = FILES.id" " AND FILES.id = ?" " AND FILES.datavalid != 0", RHIZOME_FILEHASH_T, &read->id, END) == -1) return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR; if (read->blob_rowid != 0) { read->length = RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET; // discover the length on opening the db BLOB } else { // No row in FILEBLOBS, look for an external blob file. char blob_path[1024]; if (!FORMF_RHIZOME_STORE_PATH(blob_path, "%s/%s", RHIZOME_BLOB_SUBDIR, alloca_tohex_rhizome_filehash_t(read->id))) return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR; read->blob_fd = open(blob_path, O_RDONLY); if (read->blob_fd == -1) { if (errno == ENOENT) { if (config.debug.rhizome_store) DEBUGF("Stored file does not exist: %s", blob_path); // make sure we remove an orphan file row rhizome_delete_file(&read->id); return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW; } WHYF_perror("open(%s)", alloca_str_toprint(blob_path)); return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR; } off64_t pos = lseek64(read->blob_fd, 0, SEEK_END); if (pos == -1) { WHYF_perror("lseek64(%s,0,SEEK_END)", alloca_str_toprint(blob_path)); return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR; } read->length = pos; if (config.debug.rhizome_store) DEBUGF("Opened stored file %s as fd %d, len %"PRIx64, blob_path, read->blob_fd, read->length); } read->offset = 0; read->hash_offset = 0; SHA512_Init(&read->sha512_context); return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_STORED; } static ssize_t rhizome_read_retry(sqlite_retry_state *retry, struct rhizome_read *read_state, unsigned char *buffer, size_t bufsz) { IN(); if (read_state->blob_fd != -1) { if (lseek64(read_state->blob_fd, (off64_t) read_state->offset, SEEK_SET) == -1) RETURN(WHYF_perror("lseek64(%d,%"PRIu64",SEEK_SET)", read_state->blob_fd, read_state->offset)); if (bufsz == 0) RETURN(0); ssize_t rd = read(read_state->blob_fd, buffer, bufsz); if (rd == -1) RETURN(WHYF_perror("read(%d,%p,%zu)", read_state->blob_fd, buffer, bufsz)); if (config.debug.rhizome_store) DEBUGF("Read %zu bytes from fd=%d @%"PRIx64, (size_t) rd, read_state->blob_fd, read_state->offset); RETURN(rd); } if (read_state->blob_rowid == 0) RETURN(WHY("blob not created")); sqlite3_blob *blob = NULL; if (sqlite_blob_open_retry(retry, "main", "FILEBLOBS", "data", read_state->blob_rowid, 0 /* read only */, &blob) == -1) RETURN(WHY("blob open failed")); assert(blob != NULL); if (read_state->length == RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET) read_state->length = sqlite3_blob_bytes(blob); // A NULL buffer skips the actual sqlite3_blob_read() call, which is useful just to work out // the length. size_t bytes_read = 0; if (buffer && bufsz && read_state->offset < read_state->length) { bytes_read = (size_t)(read_state->length - read_state->offset); if (bytes_read > bufsz) bytes_read = bufsz; assert(bytes_read > 0); int ret; do { ret = sqlite3_blob_read(blob, buffer, (int) bytes_read, read_state->offset); } while (sqlite_code_busy(ret) && sqlite_retry(retry, "sqlite3_blob_read")); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { WHYF("sqlite3_blob_read() failed: %s", sqlite3_errmsg(rhizome_db)); sqlite_blob_close(blob); RETURN(-1); } } sqlite_blob_close(blob); RETURN(bytes_read); OUT(); } /* Read content from the store, hashing and decrypting as we go. Random access is supported, but hashing requires all payload contents to be read sequentially. */ // returns the number of bytes read ssize_t rhizome_read(struct rhizome_read *read_state, unsigned char *buffer, size_t buffer_length) { IN(); // hash check failed, just return an error if (read_state->invalid) RETURN(-1); sqlite_retry_state retry = SQLITE_RETRY_STATE_DEFAULT; ssize_t n = rhizome_read_retry(&retry, read_state, buffer, buffer_length); if (n == -1) RETURN(-1); size_t bytes_read = (size_t) n; // hash the payload as we go, but only if we happen to read the payload data in order if (read_state->hash_offset == read_state->offset && buffer && bytes_read>0){ SHA512_Update(&read_state->sha512_context, buffer, bytes_read); read_state->hash_offset += bytes_read; // if we hash everything and the has doesn't match, we need to delete the payload if (read_state->hash_offset >= read_state->length){ rhizome_filehash_t hash_out; SHA512_Final(hash_out.binary, &read_state->sha512_context); SHA512_End(&read_state->sha512_context, NULL); if (cmp_rhizome_filehash_t(&read_state->id, &hash_out) != 0) { // hash failure, mark the payload as invalid read_state->invalid = 1; RETURN(WHYF("Expected hash=%s, got %s", alloca_tohex_rhizome_filehash_t(read_state->id), alloca_tohex_rhizome_filehash_t(hash_out))); } } } if (read_state->crypt && buffer && bytes_read>0){ if(rhizome_crypt_xor_block( buffer, bytes_read, read_state->offset + read_state->tail, read_state->key, read_state->nonce)){ RETURN(-1); } } read_state->offset += bytes_read; if (config.debug.rhizome_store) DEBUGF("read %zu bytes, read_state->offset=%"PRIu64, bytes_read, read_state->offset); RETURN(bytes_read); OUT(); } /* Read len bytes from read->offset into data, using *buffer to cache any reads */ ssize_t rhizome_read_buffered(struct rhizome_read *read, struct rhizome_read_buffer *buffer, unsigned char *data, size_t len) { size_t bytes_copied=0; while (len>0){ //DEBUGF("len=%zu read->length=%"PRIu64" read->offset=%"PRIu64" buffer->offset=%"PRIu64"", len, read->length, read->offset, buffer->offset); // make sure we only attempt to read data that actually exists if (read->length != RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET && read->offset + len > read->length) len = read->length - read->offset; // if we can supply either the beginning or end of the data from cache, do that first. if (read->offset >= buffer->offset) { assert(read->offset - buffer->offset <= SIZE_MAX); size_t ofs = read->offset - buffer->offset; if (ofs <= buffer->len){ size_t size = len; if (size > buffer->len - ofs) size = buffer->len - ofs; if (size > 0){ // copy into the start of the data buffer bcopy(buffer->data + ofs, data, size); data+=size; len-=size; read->offset+=size; bytes_copied+=size; continue; } } } if (read->offset + len > buffer->offset) { assert(read->offset + len - buffer->offset <= SIZE_MAX); size_t ofs = read->offset + len - buffer->offset; if (ofs <= buffer->len){ size_t size = len; if (size > ofs) size = ofs; if (size>0){ // copy into the end of the data buffer bcopy(buffer->data + ofs - size, data + len - size, size); len-=size; bytes_copied+=size; continue; } } } // ok, so we need to read a new buffer to fulfill the request. // remember the requested read offset so we can put it back uint64_t ofs = read->offset; buffer->offset = read->offset = ofs & ~(RHIZOME_CRYPT_PAGE_SIZE -1); ssize_t r = rhizome_read(read, buffer->data, sizeof buffer->data); read->offset = ofs; buffer->len = 0; if (r == -1) return -1; buffer->len = (size_t) r; } return bytes_copied; } void rhizome_read_close(struct rhizome_read *read) { if (read->blob_fd != -1) { if (config.debug.rhizome_store) DEBUGF("Closing store fd %d", read->blob_fd); close(read->blob_fd); read->blob_fd = -1; } if (read->invalid) { // delete payload! rhizome_delete_file(&read->id); } } struct cache_entry{ struct cache_entry *_left; struct cache_entry *_right; rhizome_bid_t bundle_id; uint64_t version; struct rhizome_read read_state; time_ms_t expires; }; struct cache_entry *root; static struct cache_entry ** find_entry_location(struct cache_entry **ptr, const rhizome_bid_t *bundle_id, uint64_t version) { while(*ptr){ struct cache_entry *entry = *ptr; int cmp = cmp_rhizome_bid_t(bundle_id, &entry->bundle_id); if (cmp==0){ if (entry->version==version) break; if (version < entry->version) ptr = &entry->_left; else ptr = &entry->_right; continue; } if (cmp<0) ptr = &entry->_left; else ptr = &entry->_right; } return ptr; } static time_ms_t close_entries(struct cache_entry **entry, time_ms_t timeout) { if (!*entry) return 0; time_ms_t ret = close_entries(&(*entry)->_left, timeout); time_ms_t t_right = close_entries(&(*entry)->_right, timeout); if (t_right!=0 && (t_right < ret || ret==0)) ret=t_right; if ((*entry)->expires < timeout || timeout==0){ rhizome_read_close(&(*entry)->read_state); // remember the two children struct cache_entry *left=(*entry)->_left; struct cache_entry *right=(*entry)->_right; // free this entry free(*entry); // re-add both children to the tree *entry=left; if (right){ entry = find_entry_location(entry, &right->bundle_id, right->version); *entry=right; } }else{ if ((*entry)->expires < ret || ret==0) ret=(*entry)->expires; } return ret; } // close any expired cache entries static void rhizome_cache_alarm(struct sched_ent *alarm) { alarm->alarm = close_entries(&root, gettime_ms()); if (alarm->alarm){ alarm->deadline = alarm->alarm + 1000; schedule(alarm); } } static struct profile_total cache_alarm_stats={ .name="rhizome_cache_alarm", }; static struct sched_ent cache_alarm={ .function = rhizome_cache_alarm, .stats = &cache_alarm_stats, }; // close all cache entries int rhizome_cache_close() { close_entries(&root, 0); unschedule(&cache_alarm); return 0; } static int _rhizome_cache_count(struct cache_entry *entry) { if (!entry) return 0; return 1+_rhizome_cache_count(entry->_left)+_rhizome_cache_count(entry->_right); } int rhizome_cache_count() { return _rhizome_cache_count(root); } // read a block of data, caching meta data for reuse ssize_t rhizome_read_cached(const rhizome_bid_t *bidp, uint64_t version, time_ms_t timeout, uint64_t fileOffset, unsigned char *buffer, size_t length) { // look for a cached entry struct cache_entry **ptr = find_entry_location(&root, bidp, version); struct cache_entry *entry = *ptr; // if we don't have one yet, create one and open it if (!entry){ rhizome_filehash_t filehash; if (rhizome_database_filehash_from_id(bidp, version, &filehash) == -1) return -1; entry = emalloc_zero(sizeof(struct cache_entry)); if (entry == NULL) return -1; enum rhizome_payload_status status = rhizome_open_read(&entry->read_state, &filehash); switch (status) { case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_EMPTY: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_STORED: break; case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW: free(entry); return WHYF("Payload %s not found", alloca_tohex_rhizome_filehash_t(filehash)); case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_WRONG_SIZE: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_WRONG_HASH: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_CRYPTO_FAIL: free(entry); return WHYF("Error opening payload %s", alloca_tohex_rhizome_filehash_t(filehash)); default: FATALF("status = %d", status); } entry->bundle_id = *bidp; entry->version = version; *ptr = entry; } entry->read_state.offset = fileOffset; if (entry->read_state.length != RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET && fileOffset >= entry->read_state.length) return 0; if (entry->expires < timeout){ entry->expires = timeout; if (!cache_alarm.alarm){ cache_alarm.alarm = timeout; cache_alarm.deadline = timeout + 1000; schedule(&cache_alarm); } } return rhizome_read(&entry->read_state, buffer, length); } /* Returns -1 on error, 0 on success. */ static int write_file(struct rhizome_read *read, const char *filepath){ int fd=-1, ret=0; if (filepath&&filepath[0]) { fd = open(filepath, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0775); if (fd == -1) return WHY_perror("open"); } unsigned char buffer[RHIZOME_CRYPT_PAGE_SIZE]; while((ret=rhizome_read(read, buffer, sizeof(buffer)))>0){ if (fd!=-1){ if (write(fd,buffer,ret)!=ret) { ret = WHY("Failed to write data to file"); break; } } } if (fd!=-1){ if (close(fd)==-1) ret=WHY_perror("close"); if (ret<0){ // TODO delete partial file } } return ret; } static enum rhizome_payload_status read_derive_key(rhizome_manifest *m, struct rhizome_read *read_state) { read_state->crypt = m->payloadEncryption == PAYLOAD_ENCRYPTED; if (read_state->crypt){ // if the manifest specifies encryption, make sure we can generate the payload key and encrypt // the contents as we go if (!rhizome_derive_payload_key(m)) { rhizome_read_close(read_state); WHY("Unable to decrypt bundle, valid key not found"); return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_CRYPTO_FAIL; } if (config.debug.rhizome_store) DEBUGF("Decrypting payload contents for bid=%s version=%"PRIu64, alloca_tohex_rhizome_bid_t(m->cryptoSignPublic), m->version); if (m->is_journal && m->tail > 0) read_state->tail = m->tail; bcopy(m->payloadKey, read_state->key, sizeof(read_state->key)); bcopy(m->payloadNonce, read_state->nonce, sizeof(read_state->nonce)); } return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_STORED; } enum rhizome_payload_status rhizome_open_decrypt_read(rhizome_manifest *m, struct rhizome_read *read_state) { enum rhizome_payload_status status = rhizome_open_read(read_state, &m->filehash); if (status == RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_STORED) status = read_derive_key(m, read_state); return status; } /* Extract the file related to a manifest to the file system. The file will be de-crypted and * verified while reading. If filepath is not supplied, the file will still be checked. */ enum rhizome_payload_status rhizome_extract_file(rhizome_manifest *m, const char *filepath) { struct rhizome_read read_state; bzero(&read_state, sizeof read_state); enum rhizome_payload_status status = rhizome_open_decrypt_read(m, &read_state); if (status == RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_STORED) { if (write_file(&read_state, filepath) == -1) status = RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR; } rhizome_read_close(&read_state); return status; } /* dump the raw contents of a file */ enum rhizome_payload_status rhizome_dump_file(const rhizome_filehash_t *hashp, const char *filepath, uint64_t *lengthp) { struct rhizome_read read_state; bzero(&read_state, sizeof read_state); enum rhizome_payload_status status = rhizome_open_read(&read_state, hashp); if (status == RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_STORED) { if (write_file(&read_state, filepath) == -1) status = RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR; else if (lengthp) *lengthp = read_state.length; } rhizome_read_close(&read_state); return status; } // pipe data from one payload to another static int rhizome_pipe(struct rhizome_read *read, struct rhizome_write *write, uint64_t length) { assert(write->file_offset <= write->file_length); if (length > (uint64_t)(write->file_length - write->file_offset)) return WHY("Unable to pipe that much data"); unsigned char buffer[RHIZOME_CRYPT_PAGE_SIZE]; while(length>0){ size_t size=sizeof(buffer); if (size > length) size=length; ssize_t r = rhizome_read(read, buffer, size); if (r == -1) return r; length -= (size_t) r; if (rhizome_write_buffer(write, buffer, (size_t) r)) return -1; } return 0; } uint64_t rhizome_copy_file_to_blob(int fd, uint64_t id, size_t size) { sqlite_retry_state retry = SQLITE_RETRY_STATE_DEFAULT; uint64_t rowid = rhizome_create_fileblob(&retry, id, size); if (rowid == 0) return 0; sqlite3_blob *blob = NULL; if (sqlite_blob_open_retry(&retry, "main", "FILEBLOBS", "data", rowid, 1 /* read/write */, &blob) == -1) goto fail; char buf[16384]; size_t offset = 0; while (offset < size) { size_t toread = size - offset; if (toread > sizeof buf) toread = sizeof buf; ssize_t nread = read(fd, buf, toread); if (nread == -1) { WHYF_perror("read(%d,%p,%zu)", fd, buf, toread); goto fail; } if ((size_t)nread == 0) { WHYF("read(%d,%p,%zu) returned 0", fd, buf, toread); goto fail; } if (sqlite_blob_write_retry(&retry, blob, buf, (int)nread, (int)offset) == -1) goto fail; assert((size_t)nread <= toread); offset += (size_t)nread; } assert(offset == size); sqlite_blob_close(blob); return rowid; fail: if (blob) sqlite_blob_close(blob); sqlite_exec_void_retry(&retry, "DELETE FROM FILEBLOBS WHERE id = ?;", UINT64_TOSTR, id, END); return 0; } enum rhizome_payload_status rhizome_journal_pipe(struct rhizome_write *write, const rhizome_filehash_t *hashp, uint64_t start_offset, uint64_t length) { struct rhizome_read read_state; bzero(&read_state, sizeof read_state); enum rhizome_payload_status status = rhizome_open_read(&read_state, hashp); if (status == RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_STORED) { read_state.offset = start_offset; if (rhizome_pipe(&read_state, write, length) == -1) status = RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR; } rhizome_read_close(&read_state); return status; } // open an existing journal bundle, advance the head pointer, duplicate the existing content and get ready to add more. enum rhizome_payload_status rhizome_write_open_journal(struct rhizome_write *write, rhizome_manifest *m, uint64_t advance_by, uint64_t new_size) { assert(m->filesize != RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET); assert(m->filesize + new_size > 0); assert(m->is_journal); assert(advance_by <= m->filesize); uint64_t copy_length = m->filesize - advance_by; rhizome_manifest_set_filesize(m, m->filesize + new_size - advance_by); if (advance_by > 0) rhizome_manifest_set_tail(m, m->tail + advance_by); rhizome_manifest_set_version(m, m->filesize); enum rhizome_payload_status status = rhizome_open_write(write, NULL, m->filesize); if (status == RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW && copy_length > 0) { // note that we don't need to bother decrypting the existing journal payload enum rhizome_payload_status rstatus = rhizome_journal_pipe(write, &m->filehash, advance_by, copy_length); if (rstatus != RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_STORED) status = RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR; } if (status == RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW) status = rhizome_write_derive_key(m, write); if (status != RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW) rhizome_fail_write(write); return status; } enum rhizome_payload_status rhizome_append_journal_buffer(rhizome_manifest *m, uint64_t advance_by, unsigned char *buffer, size_t len) { struct rhizome_write write; bzero(&write, sizeof write); enum rhizome_payload_status status = rhizome_write_open_journal(&write, m, advance_by, (uint64_t) len); if (status != RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW) return status; if (buffer && len && rhizome_write_buffer(&write, buffer, len) == -1) { rhizome_fail_write(&write); return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR; } status = rhizome_finish_write(&write); if (status != RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW) { rhizome_fail_write(&write); return status; } rhizome_manifest_set_filehash(m, &write.id); return status; } enum rhizome_payload_status rhizome_append_journal_file(rhizome_manifest *m, uint64_t advance_by, const char *filename) { struct stat stat; if (lstat(filename,&stat)) return WHYF_perror("stat(%s)", alloca_str_toprint(filename)); struct rhizome_write write; bzero(&write, sizeof write); enum rhizome_payload_status status = rhizome_write_open_journal(&write, m, advance_by, stat.st_size); if (status != RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW) return status; if (stat.st_size != 0 && rhizome_write_file(&write, filename) == -1) { rhizome_fail_write(&write); return RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR; } status = rhizome_finish_write(&write); if (status != RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW) { rhizome_fail_write(&write); return status; } rhizome_manifest_set_filehash(m, &write.id); return status; }