#!/bin/bash # Utility to output an Apple framework Info.plist file for Serval DNA. # Copyright 2017 Flinders University set -e case "$0" in */*) SERVAL_DNA_DIR="${0%/*}/..";; *) SERVAL_DNA_DIR="..";; esac bundle_name="${1?}" bundle_id="${2?}" bundle_version="${3?}" escape() { echo -n "$(printf '%s\n' "$*" | sed -e 's/&/&/g' -e 's//>/g')" } comment() { echo '/-- >/g' done echo '-->' } property() { echo -n ' ' escape "$1" echo -n '' escape "$2" echo '' } echo '' echo '' comment "Info.plist for the $bundle_name framework iOS bundle." \ "Copyright 2007 Flinders University" echo '' echo '' property CFBundleIdentifier "$bundle_id" property CFBundleName "$bundle_name" property CFBundleVersion "$bundle_version" property CFBundleShortVersionString "$bundle_version" property CFBundleExecutable "$bundle_name" property CFBundleDevelopmentRegion English property CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion 6.0 property CFBundlePackageType FMWK property NSHumanReadableCopyright "$(cat $SERVAL_DNA_DIR/COPYRIGHT.txt)" echo '' echo ''