/** * Copyright (C) 2014 Serval Project Inc. * * This file is part of Serval Software (http://www.servalproject.org) * * Serval Software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this source code; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package org.servalproject.servaldna.rhizome; import org.servalproject.json.JSONInputException; import org.servalproject.json.JSONTokeniser; import org.servalproject.servaldna.BundleId; import org.servalproject.servaldna.BundleKey; import org.servalproject.servaldna.BundleSecret; import org.servalproject.servaldna.FileHash; import org.servalproject.servaldna.PostHelper; import org.servalproject.servaldna.ServalDFailureException; import org.servalproject.servaldna.ServalDHttpConnectionFactory; import org.servalproject.servaldna.ServalDInterfaceException; import org.servalproject.servaldna.ServalDNotImplementedException; import org.servalproject.servaldna.SubscriberId; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.net.HttpURLConnection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class RhizomeCommon { private static class Status { InputStream input_stream; public int http_status_code; public String http_status_message; RhizomeBundleStatus bundle_status_code; String bundle_status_message; RhizomePayloadStatus payload_status_code; String payload_status_message; } private static void dumpStatus(Status status, PrintStream out) { out.println("input_stream=" + status.input_stream); out.println("http_status_code=" + status.http_status_code); out.println("http_status_message=" + status.http_status_message); out.println("bundle_status_code=" + status.bundle_status_code); out.println("bundle_status_message=" + status.bundle_status_message); out.println("payload_status_code=" + status.payload_status_code); out.println("payload_status_message=" + status.payload_status_message); } protected static Status receiveResponse(HttpURLConnection conn, int expected_response_code) throws IOException, ServalDInterfaceException { int[] expected_response_codes = { expected_response_code }; return receiveResponse(conn, expected_response_codes); } protected static Status receiveResponse(HttpURLConnection conn, int[] expected_response_codes) throws IOException, ServalDInterfaceException { Status status = new Status(); status.http_status_code = conn.getResponseCode(); status.http_status_message = conn.getResponseMessage(); for (int code: expected_response_codes) { if (status.http_status_code == code) { status.input_stream = conn.getInputStream(); return status; } } if (!conn.getContentType().equals("application/json")) throw new ServalDInterfaceException("unexpected HTTP Content-Type: " + conn.getContentType()); if (status.http_status_code >= 300) { JSONTokeniser json = new JSONTokeniser(conn.getErrorStream()); decodeRestfulStatus(status, json); } switch (status.http_status_code) { case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN: // for crypto failure (missing secret) case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND: // for unknown BID case 419: // Authentication Timeout, for missing secret case 422: // Unprocessable Entity, for invalid/malformed manifest case 423: // Locked, for database busy case 429: // Too Many Requests, for out of manifests return status; case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: throw new ServalDNotImplementedException(status.http_status_message); } throw new ServalDInterfaceException("unexpected HTTP response: " + status.http_status_code + " " + status.http_status_message); } protected static ServalDInterfaceException unexpectedResponse(HttpURLConnection conn, Status status) { return new ServalDInterfaceException( "unexpected Rhizome failure, " + quoteString(status.http_status_message) + (status.bundle_status_code == null ? "" : ", " + status.bundle_status_code) + (status.bundle_status_message == null ? "" : " " + quoteString(status.bundle_status_message)) + (status.payload_status_code == null ? "" : ", " + status.payload_status_code) + (status.payload_status_message == null ? "" : " " + quoteString(status.payload_status_message)) + " from " + conn.getURL() ); } protected static JSONTokeniser receiveRestfulResponse(HttpURLConnection conn, int expected_response_code) throws IOException, ServalDInterfaceException { int[] expected_response_codes = { expected_response_code }; return receiveRestfulResponse(conn, expected_response_codes); } protected static JSONTokeniser receiveRestfulResponse(HttpURLConnection conn, int[] expected_response_codes) throws IOException, ServalDInterfaceException { Status status = receiveResponse(conn, expected_response_codes); if (!conn.getContentType().equals("application/json")) throw new ServalDInterfaceException("unexpected HTTP Content-Type: " + conn.getContentType()); if (status.input_stream == null) throw new ServalDInterfaceException("unexpected HTTP response: " + status.http_status_code + " " + status.http_status_message); return new JSONTokeniser(status.input_stream); } protected static void decodeHeaderBundleStatus(Status status, HttpURLConnection conn) throws ServalDInterfaceException { status.bundle_status_code = header(conn, "Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code", RhizomeBundleStatus.class); status.bundle_status_message = headerString(conn, "Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message"); } protected static void decodeHeaderPayloadStatus(Status status, HttpURLConnection conn) throws ServalDInterfaceException { status.payload_status_code = header(conn, "Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code", RhizomePayloadStatus.class); status.payload_status_message = headerString(conn, "Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message"); } protected static void decodeHeaderPayloadStatusOrNull(Status status, HttpURLConnection conn) throws ServalDInterfaceException { status.payload_status_code = headerOrNull(conn, "Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code", RhizomePayloadStatus.class); status.payload_status_message = headerStringOrNull(conn, "Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message"); } protected static void decodeRestfulStatus(Status status, JSONTokeniser json) throws IOException, ServalDInterfaceException { try { json.consume(JSONTokeniser.Token.START_OBJECT); json.consume("http_status_code"); json.consume(JSONTokeniser.Token.COLON); int hs = json.consume(Integer.class); json.consume(JSONTokeniser.Token.COMMA); if (status.http_status_code == 0) status.http_status_code = json.consume(Integer.class); else if (hs != status.http_status_code) throw new ServalDInterfaceException("JSON/header conflict" + ", http_status_code=" + hs + " but HTTP response code is " + status.http_status_code); json.consume("http_status_message"); json.consume(JSONTokeniser.Token.COLON); status.http_status_message = json.consume(String.class); Object tok = json.nextToken(); while (tok == JSONTokeniser.Token.COMMA) { String label = json.consume(String.class); json.consume(JSONTokeniser.Token.COLON); if (label.equals("rhizome_bundle_status_code")) { RhizomeBundleStatus bs = RhizomeBundleStatus.fromCode(json.consume(Integer.class)); if (status.bundle_status_code == null) status.bundle_status_code = bs; else if (status.bundle_status_code != bs) throw new ServalDInterfaceException("JSON/header conflict" + ", rhizome_bundle_status_code=" + bs.code + " but Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: " + status.bundle_status_code.code); } else if (label.equals("rhizome_bundle_status_message")) { String message = json.consume(String.class); if (status.bundle_status_message == null) status.bundle_status_message = message; else if (!status.bundle_status_message.equals(message)) throw new ServalDInterfaceException("JSON/header conflict" + ", rhizome_bundle_status_message=" + message + " but Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: " + status.bundle_status_message); } else if (label.equals("rhizome_payload_status_code")) { RhizomePayloadStatus bs = RhizomePayloadStatus.fromCode(json.consume(Integer.class)); if (status.payload_status_code == null) status.payload_status_code = bs; else if (status.payload_status_code != bs) throw new ServalDInterfaceException("JSON/header conflict" + ", rhizome_payload_status_code=" + bs.code + " but Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: " + status.payload_status_code.code); } else if (label.equals("rhizome_payload_status_message")) { String message = json.consume(String.class); if (status.payload_status_message == null) status.payload_status_message = message; else if (!status.payload_status_message.equals(message)) throw new ServalDInterfaceException("JSON/header conflict" + ", rhizome_payload_status_message=" + message + " but Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: " + status.payload_status_message); } else json.unexpected(label); tok = json.nextToken(); } json.match(tok, JSONTokeniser.Token.END_OBJECT); json.consume(JSONTokeniser.Token.EOF); } catch (JSONInputException e) { throw new ServalDInterfaceException("malformed JSON status response", e); } } public static RhizomeManifestBundle rhizomeManifest(ServalDHttpConnectionFactory connector, BundleId bid) throws IOException, ServalDInterfaceException { HttpURLConnection conn = connector.newServalDHttpConnection("/restful/rhizome/" + bid.toHex() + ".rhm"); conn.connect(); Status status = RhizomeCommon.receiveResponse(conn, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK); try { dumpHeaders(conn, System.err); decodeHeaderBundleStatus(status, conn); dumpStatus(status, System.err); switch (status.bundle_status_code) { case NEW: return null; case SAME: if (!conn.getContentType().equals("rhizome-manifest/text")) throw new ServalDInterfaceException("unexpected HTTP Content-Type: " + conn.getContentType()); RhizomeManifest manifest = RhizomeManifest.fromTextFormat(status.input_stream); BundleExtra extra = bundleExtraFromHeaders(conn); return new RhizomeManifestBundle(manifest, extra.rowId, extra.insertTime, extra.author, extra.secret); case ERROR: throw new ServalDFailureException("received rhizome_bundle_status_code=ERROR(-1) from " + conn.getURL()); } } catch (RhizomeManifestParseException e) { throw new ServalDInterfaceException("malformed manifest from daemon", e); } finally { if (status.input_stream != null) status.input_stream.close(); } throw unexpectedResponse(conn, status); } public static RhizomePayloadRawBundle rhizomePayloadRaw(ServalDHttpConnectionFactory connector, BundleId bid) throws IOException, ServalDInterfaceException { HttpURLConnection conn = connector.newServalDHttpConnection("/restful/rhizome/" + bid.toHex() + "/raw.bin"); conn.connect(); Status status = RhizomeCommon.receiveResponse(conn, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK); try { dumpHeaders(conn, System.err); decodeHeaderBundleStatus(status, conn); dumpStatus(status, System.err); switch (status.bundle_status_code) { case ERROR: throw new ServalDFailureException("received rhizome_bundle_status_code=ERROR(-1) from " + conn.getURL()); case NEW: // No manifest return null; case SAME: decodeHeaderPayloadStatus(status, conn); switch (status.payload_status_code) { case ERROR: throw new ServalDFailureException("received rhizome_payload_status_code=ERROR(-1) from " + conn.getURL()); case NEW: // The manifest is known but the payload is unavailable, so return a bundle // object with a null input stream. // FALL THROUGH case EMPTY: if (status.input_stream != null) { status.input_stream.close(); status.input_stream = null; } // FALL THROUGH case STORED: { if (status.input_stream != null && !conn.getContentType().equals("application/octet-stream")) throw new ServalDInterfaceException("unexpected HTTP Content-Type: " + conn.getContentType()); RhizomeManifest manifest = manifestFromHeaders(conn); BundleExtra extra = bundleExtraFromHeaders(conn); RhizomePayloadRawBundle ret = new RhizomePayloadRawBundle(manifest, status.input_stream, extra.rowId, extra.insertTime, extra.author, extra.secret); status.input_stream = null; // don't close when we return return ret; } } } } finally { if (status.input_stream != null) status.input_stream.close(); } throw unexpectedResponse(conn, status); } public static RhizomePayloadBundle rhizomePayload(ServalDHttpConnectionFactory connector, BundleId bid) throws IOException, ServalDInterfaceException, RhizomeDecryptionException { HttpURLConnection conn = connector.newServalDHttpConnection("/restful/rhizome/" + bid.toHex() + "/decrypted.bin"); conn.connect(); Status status = RhizomeCommon.receiveResponse(conn, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK); try { dumpHeaders(conn, System.err); decodeHeaderBundleStatus(status, conn); dumpStatus(status, System.err); switch (status.bundle_status_code) { case ERROR: throw new ServalDFailureException("received rhizome_bundle_status_code=ERROR(-1) from " + conn.getURL()); case NEW: // No manifest return null; case SAME: decodeHeaderPayloadStatus(status, conn); switch (status.payload_status_code) { case ERROR: throw new ServalDFailureException("received rhizome_payload_status_code=ERROR(-1) from " + conn.getURL()); case CRYPTO_FAIL: throw new RhizomeDecryptionException(conn.getURL()); case NEW: // The manifest is known but the payload is unavailable, so return a bundle // object with a null input stream. // FALL THROUGH case EMPTY: if (status.input_stream != null) { status.input_stream.close(); status.input_stream = null; } // FALL THROUGH case STORED: { if (status.input_stream != null && !conn.getContentType().equals("application/octet-stream")) throw new ServalDInterfaceException("unexpected HTTP Content-Type: " + conn.getContentType()); RhizomeManifest manifest = manifestFromHeaders(conn); BundleExtra extra = bundleExtraFromHeaders(conn); RhizomePayloadBundle ret = new RhizomePayloadBundle(manifest, status.input_stream, extra.rowId, extra.insertTime, extra.author, extra.secret); status.input_stream = null; // don't close when we return return ret; } } } } finally { if (status.input_stream != null) status.input_stream.close(); } throw unexpectedResponse(conn, status); } public static RhizomeInsertBundle rhizomeInsert(ServalDHttpConnectionFactory connector, SubscriberId author, RhizomeIncompleteManifest manifest, BundleSecret secret) throws ServalDInterfaceException, IOException, RhizomeInvalidManifestException, RhizomeFakeManifestException, RhizomeInconsistencyException, RhizomeReadOnlyException, RhizomeEncryptionException { return rhizomeInsert(connector, author, manifest, secret, null, null); } public static RhizomeInsertBundle rhizomeInsert(ServalDHttpConnectionFactory connector, SubscriberId author, RhizomeIncompleteManifest manifest, BundleSecret secret, InputStream payloadStream, String fileName) throws ServalDInterfaceException, IOException, RhizomeInvalidManifestException, RhizomeFakeManifestException, RhizomeInconsistencyException, RhizomeReadOnlyException, RhizomeEncryptionException { HttpURLConnection conn = connector.newServalDHttpConnection("/restful/rhizome/insert"); PostHelper helper = new PostHelper(conn); helper.connect(); if (author != null) helper.writeField("bundle-author", author); if (secret != null) helper.writeField("bundle-secret", secret); helper.writeField("manifest", manifest); if (payloadStream != null) helper.writeField("payload", fileName, payloadStream); helper.close(); int[] expected_response_codes = { HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED }; Status status = RhizomeCommon.receiveResponse(conn, expected_response_codes); try { dumpHeaders(conn, System.err); decodeHeaderPayloadStatusOrNull(status, conn); if (status.payload_status_code != null) { switch (status.payload_status_code) { case ERROR: dumpStatus(status, System.err); throw new ServalDFailureException("received Rhizome payload_status=ERROR " + quoteString(status.payload_status_message) + " from " + conn.getURL()); case EMPTY: case NEW: case STORED: break; case TOO_BIG: case EVICTED: dumpStatus(status, System.err); return null; case WRONG_SIZE: case WRONG_HASH: dumpStatus(status, System.err); throw new RhizomeInconsistencyException(status.payload_status_message, conn.getURL()); case CRYPTO_FAIL: dumpStatus(status, System.err); throw new RhizomeEncryptionException(status.payload_status_message, conn.getURL()); } } decodeHeaderBundleStatus(status, conn); dumpStatus(status, System.err); switch (status.bundle_status_code) { case ERROR: throw new ServalDFailureException("received Rhizome bundle_status=ERROR " + quoteString(status.bundle_status_message) + " from " + conn.getURL()); case NEW: case SAME: case DUPLICATE: case OLD: case NO_ROOM: { if (!conn.getContentType().equals("rhizome-manifest/text")) throw new ServalDInterfaceException("unexpected HTTP Content-Type " + conn.getContentType() + " from " + conn.getURL()); RhizomeManifest returned_manifest = RhizomeManifest.fromTextFormat(status.input_stream); BundleExtra extra = bundleExtraFromHeaders(conn); return new RhizomeInsertBundle(status.bundle_status_code, returned_manifest, extra.rowId, extra.insertTime, extra.author, extra.secret); } case INVALID: throw new RhizomeInvalidManifestException(status.bundle_status_message, conn.getURL()); case FAKE: throw new RhizomeFakeManifestException(status.bundle_status_message, conn.getURL()); case INCONSISTENT: throw new RhizomeInconsistencyException(status.bundle_status_message, conn.getURL()); case READONLY: throw new RhizomeReadOnlyException(status.bundle_status_message, conn.getURL()); } } catch (RhizomeManifestParseException e) { throw new ServalDInterfaceException("malformed manifest from daemon", e); } finally { if (status.input_stream != null) status.input_stream.close(); } dumpStatus(status, System.err); throw unexpectedResponse(conn, status); } private static void dumpHeaders(HttpURLConnection conn, PrintStream out) { for (Map.Entry> e: conn.getHeaderFields().entrySet()) for (String v: e.getValue()) out.println("received header " + e.getKey() + ": " + v); } private static RhizomeManifest manifestFromHeaders(HttpURLConnection conn) throws ServalDInterfaceException { BundleId id = header(conn, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Id", BundleId.class); long version = headerUnsignedLong(conn, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Version"); long filesize = headerUnsignedLong(conn, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Filesize"); FileHash filehash = filesize == 0 ? null : header(conn, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Filehash", FileHash.class); SubscriberId sender = headerOrNull(conn, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Sender", SubscriberId.class); SubscriberId recipient = headerOrNull(conn, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Recipient", SubscriberId.class); BundleKey BK = headerOrNull(conn, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-BK", BundleKey.class); Integer crypt = headerIntegerOrNull(conn, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Crypt"); Long tail = headerUnsignedLongOrNull(conn, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Tail"); Long date = headerUnsignedLongOrNull(conn, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Date"); String service = conn.getHeaderField("Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Service"); String name = headerQuotedStringOrNull(conn, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Name"); return new RhizomeManifest(id, version, filesize, filehash, sender, recipient, BK, crypt, tail, date, service, name); } private static class BundleExtra { public Long rowId; public Long insertTime; public SubscriberId author; public BundleSecret secret; } private static BundleExtra bundleExtraFromHeaders(HttpURLConnection conn) throws ServalDInterfaceException { BundleExtra extra = new BundleExtra(); extra.rowId = headerUnsignedLongOrNull(conn, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Rowid"); extra.insertTime = headerUnsignedLongOrNull(conn, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Inserttime"); extra.author = headerOrNull(conn, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Author", SubscriberId.class); extra.secret = headerOrNull(conn, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Secret", BundleSecret.class); return extra; } private static String quoteString(String unquoted) { if (unquoted == null) return "null"; StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(unquoted.length() + 2); b.append('"'); for (int i = 0; i < unquoted.length(); ++i) { char c = unquoted.charAt(i); if (c == '"' || c == '\\') b.append('\\'); b.append(c); } b.append('"'); return b.toString(); } private static String headerStringOrNull(HttpURLConnection conn, String header) throws ServalDInterfaceException { return conn.getHeaderField(header); } private static String headerString(HttpURLConnection conn, String header) throws ServalDInterfaceException { String str = headerStringOrNull(conn, header); if (str == null) throw new ServalDInterfaceException("missing header field: " + header); return str; } private static String headerQuotedStringOrNull(HttpURLConnection conn, String header) throws ServalDInterfaceException { String quoted = conn.getHeaderField(header); if (quoted == null) return null; if (quoted.length() == 0 || quoted.charAt(0) != '"') throw new ServalDInterfaceException("malformed header field: " + header + ": missing quote at start of quoted-string"); boolean slosh = false; boolean end = false; StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(quoted.length()); for (int i = 1; i < quoted.length(); ++i) { char c = quoted.charAt(i); if (end) throw new ServalDInterfaceException("malformed header field: " + header + ": spurious character after quoted-string"); if (c < ' ' || c > '~') throw new ServalDInterfaceException("malformed header field: " + header + ": invalid character in quoted-string"); if (slosh) { b.append(c); slosh = false; } else if (c == '"') end = true; else if (c == '\\') slosh = true; else b.append(c); } if (!end) throw new ServalDInterfaceException("malformed header field: " + header + ": missing quote at end of quoted-string"); return b.toString(); } private static Integer headerIntegerOrNull(HttpURLConnection conn, String header) throws ServalDInterfaceException { String str = conn.getHeaderField(header); if (str == null) return null; try { return Integer.valueOf(str); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } throw new ServalDInterfaceException("invalid header field: " + header + ": " + str); } private static Long headerUnsignedLongOrNull(HttpURLConnection conn, String header) throws ServalDInterfaceException { String str = conn.getHeaderField(header); if (str == null) return null; try { Long value = Long.valueOf(str); if (value >= 0) return value; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } throw new ServalDInterfaceException("invalid header field: " + header + ": " + str); } private static long headerUnsignedLong(HttpURLConnection conn, String header) throws ServalDInterfaceException { Long value = headerUnsignedLongOrNull(conn, header); if (value == null) throw new ServalDInterfaceException("missing header field: " + header); return value; } private static T headerOrNull(HttpURLConnection conn, String header, Class cls) throws ServalDInterfaceException { String str = conn.getHeaderField(header); try { try { Constructor constructor = cls.getConstructor(String.class); if (str == null) return null; return constructor.newInstance(str); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { } try { Method method = cls.getMethod("fromCode", Integer.TYPE); if ((method.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) != 0 && method.getReturnType() == cls) { Integer integer = headerIntegerOrNull(conn, header); if (integer == null) return null; return cls.cast(method.invoke(null, integer)); } } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { } throw new ServalDInterfaceException("don't know how to instantiate: " + cls.getName()); } catch (ServalDInterfaceException e) { throw e; } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new ServalDInterfaceException("invalid header field: " + header + ": " + str, e.getTargetException()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServalDInterfaceException("invalid header field: " + header + ": " + str, e); } } private static T header(HttpURLConnection conn, String header, Class cls) throws ServalDInterfaceException { T value = headerOrNull(conn, header, cls); if (value == null) throw new ServalDInterfaceException("missing header field: " + header); return value; } }