/* Serval network command line functions Copyright (C) 2014 Serval Project Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include "cli.h" #include "dataformats.h" #include "mdp_client.h" #include "conf.h" #include "commandline.h" #include "sighandlers.h" #include "instance.h" #include "serval.h" #include "overlay_buffer.h" DEFINE_CMD(app_mdp_ping, 0, "Attempts to ping specified node via Mesh Datagram Protocol (MDP).", "mdp","ping","[--interval=]","[--timeout=]","[--wait-for-duplicates]", "|broadcast","[]"); static int app_mdp_ping(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { int mdp_sockfd; DEBUG_cli_parsed(verbose, parsed); const char *sidhex, *count, *opt_timeout, *opt_interval; int opt_wait_for_duplicates = 0 == cli_arg(parsed, "--wait-for-duplicates", NULL, NULL, NULL); if ( cli_arg(parsed, "--timeout", &opt_timeout, cli_interval_ms, "1") == -1 || cli_arg(parsed, "--interval", &opt_interval, cli_interval_ms, "1") == -1 || cli_arg(parsed, "SID", &sidhex, str_is_subscriber_id, "broadcast") == -1 || cli_arg(parsed, "count", &count, cli_uint, "0") == -1) return -1; /* Get SID that we want to ping. TODO - allow lookup of SID prefixes and telephone numbers (that would require MDP lookup of phone numbers, which doesn't yet occur) */ sid_t ping_sid; if (str_to_sid_t(&ping_sid, sidhex) == -1) return WHY("str_to_sid_t() failed"); // assume we wont hear any responses int ret=1; unsigned icount = atoi(count); int64_t timeout_ms = 1000; str_to_uint64_interval_ms(opt_timeout, &timeout_ms, NULL); if (timeout_ms == 0) timeout_ms = 60 * 60000; // 1 hour... int64_t interval_ms = 1000; str_to_uint64_interval_ms(opt_interval, &interval_ms, NULL); if (interval_ms == 0) interval_ms = 1000; /* First sequence number in the echo frames */ { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); srandom((getpid() << 16) ^ tv.tv_sec ^ tv.tv_usec); } uint32_t firstSeq = random(); uint32_t sequence_number = firstSeq; int broadcast = is_sid_t_broadcast(ping_sid); /* Bind to MDP socket and await confirmation */ if ((mdp_sockfd = mdp_socket()) < 0) return WHY("Cannot create MDP socket"); set_nonblock(mdp_sockfd); struct mdp_header mdp_header; bzero(&mdp_header, sizeof(mdp_header)); mdp_header.local.sid = BIND_PRIMARY; mdp_header.remote.sid = ping_sid; mdp_header.remote.port = MDP_PORT_ECHO; mdp_header.qos = OQ_MESH_MANAGEMENT; mdp_header.ttl = PAYLOAD_TTL_DEFAULT; mdp_header.flags = MDP_FLAG_BIND; if (broadcast) mdp_header.flags |= MDP_FLAG_NO_CRYPT; /* TODO Eventually we should try to resolve SID to phone number and vice versa */ cli_printf(context, "MDP PING %s: 12 data bytes", alloca_tohex_sid_t(ping_sid)); cli_delim(context, "\n"); cli_flush(context); unsigned tx_count = 0; unsigned missing_pong_count = 0; unsigned rx_count = 0; unsigned rx_dupcount = 0; unsigned rx_igncount = 0; time_ms_t rx_mintime_ms = -1; time_ms_t rx_maxtime_ms = -1; time_ms_t rx_tottime_ms = 0; struct packet_stat { uint32_t sequence; time_ms_t tx_time; time_ms_t rx_time; unsigned pong_count; } stats[1024]; bzero(stats, sizeof stats); if (broadcast) WARN("broadcast ping packets will not be encrypted"); sigIntFlag = 0; signal(SIGINT, sigIntHandler); while (!sigIntFlag && (icount == 0 || tx_count < icount)) { time_ms_t now = gettime_ms(); // send a ping packet if (tx_count == 0 || !(mdp_header.flags & MDP_FLAG_BIND)) { uint8_t payload[12]; write_uint32(&payload[0], sequence_number); write_uint64(&payload[4], now); int r = mdp_send(mdp_sockfd, &mdp_header, payload, sizeof(payload)); if (r != -1) { DEBUGF(mdprequests, "ping seq=%lu", (unsigned long)(sequence_number - firstSeq) + 1); unsigned i = (unsigned long)(sequence_number - firstSeq) % NELS(stats); assert(i == tx_count % NELS(stats)); struct packet_stat *stat = &stats[i]; if (stat->tx_time && stat->pong_count == 0) { assert(missing_pong_count > 0); --missing_pong_count; } stat->sequence = sequence_number; stat->tx_time = now; stat->pong_count = 0; ++missing_pong_count; ++sequence_number; ++tx_count; } } // Now look for replies ("pongs") until one second has passed, and print any replies with // appropriate information as required int all_sent = icount && tx_count >= icount; time_ms_t finish = now + (all_sent ? timeout_ms : interval_ms); while (!sigIntFlag && now < finish && (!all_sent || opt_wait_for_duplicates || missing_pong_count)) { time_ms_t poll_timeout_ms = finish - now; if (mdp_poll(mdp_sockfd, poll_timeout_ms) <= 0) { now = gettime_ms(); continue; } struct mdp_header mdp_recv_header; uint8_t recv_payload[12]; ssize_t len = mdp_recv(mdp_sockfd, &mdp_recv_header, recv_payload, sizeof(recv_payload)); if (len == -1) break; if (mdp_recv_header.flags & MDP_FLAG_ERROR) { WHY("error from daemon, please check the log for more information"); continue; } if (mdp_recv_header.flags & MDP_FLAG_BIND){ // received port binding confirmation mdp_header.local = mdp_recv_header.local; mdp_header.flags &= ~MDP_FLAG_BIND; DEBUGF(mdprequests, "bound to %s:%d", alloca_tohex_sid_t(mdp_header.local.sid), mdp_header.local.port); continue; } if ((size_t)len < sizeof(recv_payload)){ DEBUGF(mdprequests, "ignoring short pong"); continue; } uint32_t rxseq = read_uint32(&recv_payload[0]); time_ms_t txtime = read_uint64(&recv_payload[4]); int hop_count = 64 - mdp_recv_header.ttl; now = gettime_ms(); time_ms_t delay = now - txtime; struct packet_stat *stat = &stats[(unsigned long)(rxseq - firstSeq) % NELS(stats)]; if (stat->sequence != rxseq || stat->tx_time != txtime) { DEBUGF(mdprequests, "ignoring spurious pong"); ++rx_igncount; stat = NULL; // old or corrupted reply (either sequence or txtime is wrong) } else if (stat->pong_count++ == 0) { assert(missing_pong_count > 0); --missing_pong_count; stat->rx_time = now; rx_tottime_ms += delay; ++rx_count; if (rx_mintime_ms > delay || rx_mintime_ms == -1) rx_mintime_ms = delay; if (delay > rx_maxtime_ms) rx_maxtime_ms = delay; } else ++rx_dupcount; cli_put_hexvalue(context, mdp_recv_header.remote.sid.binary, SID_SIZE, ": seq="); cli_put_long(context, (unsigned long)(rxseq - firstSeq) + 1, " time="); cli_put_long(context, delay, "ms hops="); cli_put_long(context, hop_count, ""); cli_put_string(context, (mdp_recv_header.flags & MDP_FLAG_NO_CRYPT) ? "" : " ENCRYPTED", ""); cli_put_string(context, (mdp_recv_header.flags & MDP_FLAG_NO_SIGN) ? "" : " SIGNED", "\n"); cli_flush(context); ret=0; } } signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); sigIntFlag = 0; mdp_close(mdp_sockfd); { float rx_stddev = 0; float rx_mean = rx_tottime_ms * 1.0 / rx_count; unsigned tx_samples = tx_count < NELS(stats) ? tx_count : NELS(stats); unsigned rx_samples = 0; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < tx_samples; ++i) { struct packet_stat *stat = &stats[i]; if (stat->pong_count) { float dev = rx_mean - (stat->rx_time - stat->tx_time); rx_stddev += dev * dev; ++rx_samples; } } rx_stddev /= rx_samples; rx_stddev = sqrtf(rx_stddev); /* XXX Report final statistics before going */ cli_printf(context, "--- %s ping statistics ---\n", alloca_tohex_sid_t(ping_sid)); cli_printf(context, "%u packets transmitted, %u packets received (plus %u duplicates, %u ignored), %3.1f%% packet loss\n", tx_count, rx_count, rx_dupcount, rx_igncount, tx_count ? (tx_count - rx_count) * 100.0 / tx_count : 0 ); if (rx_samples) cli_printf(context, "round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = %"PRId64"/%.3f/%"PRId64"/%.3f ms (%u samples)\n", rx_mintime_ms, rx_mean, rx_maxtime_ms, rx_stddev, rx_samples); cli_delim(context, NULL); cli_flush(context); } return ret; } DEFINE_CMD(app_trace, 0, "Trace through the network to the specified node via MDP.", "mdp","trace","[--timeout=]",""); static int app_trace(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { int mdp_sockfd; const char *sidhex, *opt_timeout; if ( cli_arg(parsed, "--timeout", &opt_timeout, cli_interval_ms, "5") == -1 || cli_arg(parsed, "SID", &sidhex, str_is_subscriber_id, NULL) == -1) return -1; sid_t dstsid; if (str_to_sid_t(&dstsid, sidhex) == -1) return WHY("str_to_sid_t() failed"); int64_t timeout_ms = 5000; str_to_uint64_interval_ms(opt_timeout, &timeout_ms, NULL); if (timeout_ms == 0) timeout_ms = 60 * 60000; // 1 hour... if ((mdp_sockfd = mdp_socket()) < 0) return WHY("Cannot create MDP socket"); int ret=-1; struct mdp_header mdp_header; bzero(&mdp_header, sizeof mdp_header); mdp_header.local.sid = BIND_PRIMARY; if (mdp_bind(mdp_sockfd, &mdp_header.local)) goto end; mdp_header.qos = OQ_MESH_MANAGEMENT; mdp_header.ttl = PAYLOAD_TTL_DEFAULT; mdp_header.remote.sid = mdp_header.local.sid; mdp_header.remote.port = MDP_PORT_TRACE; cli_printf(context, "Tracing the network path from %s to %s", alloca_tohex_sid_t(mdp_header.local.sid), alloca_tohex_sid_t(dstsid)); cli_delim(context, "\n"); cli_flush(context); time_ms_t end_time = gettime_ms() + timeout_ms; uint8_t payload[MDP_MTU]; struct overlay_buffer *b = ob_static(payload, sizeof payload); while(1){ ob_clear(b); ob_limitsize(b,sizeof payload); ob_append_byte(b, SID_SIZE); ob_append_bytes(b, mdp_header.local.sid.binary, SID_SIZE); ob_append_byte(b, SID_SIZE); ob_append_bytes(b, dstsid.binary, SID_SIZE); if (ob_overrun(b)){ ret = WHY("overlay buffer overrun"); goto end; } size_t len = ob_position(b); if (mdp_send(mdp_sockfd, &mdp_header, payload, len)) goto end; ssize_t recv_len = mdp_poll_recv(mdp_sockfd, gettime_ms()+500, &mdp_header, payload, sizeof payload); if (recv_len == -1) break; if (recv_len>0){ ob_clear(b); ob_limitsize(b,recv_len); uint8_t len = ob_get(b); ob_get_bytes_ptr(b, len); len = ob_get(b); ob_get_bytes_ptr(b, len); // TODO Compare SID's? int i=0; while(ob_remaining(b)>0){ len = ob_get(b); cli_put_long(context, i, ":"); uint8_t *sid = ob_get_bytes_ptr(b, len); cli_put_string(context, alloca_tohex(sid, len), "\n"); i++; } ret = 0; break; } if (gettime_ms()>=end_time){ WHY("Timeout waiting for a response"); goto end; } } end: mdp_close(mdp_sockfd); return ret; } DEFINE_CMD(app_id_self, 0, "Return identity(s) as URIs of own node, or of known routable peers, or all known peers", "id","self|peers|allpeers"); static int app_id_self(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { int mdp_sockfd; DEBUG_cli_parsed(verbose, parsed); /* List my own identities */ overlay_mdp_frame a; bzero(&a, sizeof(overlay_mdp_frame)); int result; a.packetTypeAndFlags=MDP_GETADDRS; const char *arg = parsed->labelc ? parsed->labelv[0].text : ""; const char *mode; if (!strcasecmp(arg,"self")) { a.addrlist.mode = MDP_ADDRLIST_MODE_SELF; /* get own identities */ mode = "MDP_ADDRLIST_MODE_SELF"; } else if (!strcasecmp(arg,"allpeers")) { a.addrlist.mode = MDP_ADDRLIST_MODE_ALL_PEERS; /* get all known peers */ mode = "MDP_ADDRLIST_MODE_ALL_PEERS"; } else if (!strcasecmp(arg,"peers")) { a.addrlist.mode = MDP_ADDRLIST_MODE_ROUTABLE_PEERS; /* get routable (reachable) peers */ mode = "MDP_ADDRLIST_MODE_ROUTABLE_PEERS"; } else return WHYF("unsupported arg '%s'", arg); a.addrlist.first_sid=0; if ((mdp_sockfd = overlay_mdp_client_socket()) < 0) return WHY("Cannot create MDP socket"); const char *names[]={ "sid" }; cli_columns(context, 1, names); size_t rowcount=0; do{ DEBUGF(mdprequests, "Send MDP_GETADDRS mode=%s first_sid=%u last_sid=%u frame_sid_count=%u", mode, a.addrlist.first_sid, a.addrlist.last_sid, a.addrlist.frame_sid_count, a.addrlist.server_sid_count); result=overlay_mdp_send(mdp_sockfd, &a, MDP_AWAITREPLY, 5000); if (result) { if (a.packetTypeAndFlags==MDP_ERROR){ WHYF(" MDP Server error #%d: '%s'", a.error.error,a.error.message); } else WHYF("Could not get list of local MDP addresses"); overlay_mdp_client_close(mdp_sockfd); return WHY("Failed to get local address list"); } if ((a.packetTypeAndFlags&MDP_TYPE_MASK)!=MDP_ADDRLIST) { overlay_mdp_client_close(mdp_sockfd); return WHY("MDP Server returned something other than an address list"); } unsigned i; for(i=0;i0){ ob_clear(buff); ob_limitsize(buff, recv_len); while(ob_remaining(buff)>0){ sid_t *sid = (sid_t *)ob_get_bytes_ptr(buff, SID_SIZE); if (!sid) break; // ignore signing key details for now ob_skip(buff, IDENTITY_SIZE+1); if (ob_overrun(buff)) break; int reachable = ob_get(buff); if (reachable<0) break; int hop_count =-1; sid_t *next_hop = NULL; sid_t *prior_hop = NULL; int interface_id =-1; const char *interface_name = NULL; if (reachable & REACHABLE){ hop_count = ob_get(buff); if (hop_count<0) break; if (hop_count>1){ next_hop = (sid_t *)ob_get_bytes_ptr(buff, SID_SIZE); if (!next_hop) break; if (hop_count>2){ prior_hop = (sid_t *)ob_get_bytes_ptr(buff, SID_SIZE); if (!prior_hop) break; } }else{ interface_id = ob_get(buff); if (interface_id<0) break; interface_name = ob_get_str_ptr(buff); if (!interface_name) break; } } cli_put_string(context, alloca_tohex_sid_t(*sid), ":"); char flags[32]; strbuf b = strbuf_local_buf(flags); switch (reachable){ case REACHABLE_NONE: strbuf_puts(b, "UNREACHABLE"); break; case REACHABLE_SELF: strbuf_puts(b, "SELF"); break; case REACHABLE_BROADCAST: strbuf_puts(b, "BROADCAST"); break; case REACHABLE_UNICAST: strbuf_puts(b, "UNICAST"); break; case REACHABLE_INDIRECT: strbuf_puts(b, "INDIRECT"); break; default: strbuf_sprintf(b, "%d", reachable); } cli_put_string(context, strbuf_str(b), ":"); cli_put_string(context, interface_name, ":"); cli_put_string(context, next_hop?alloca_tohex_sid_t(*next_hop):"", ":"); cli_put_string(context, prior_hop?alloca_tohex_sid_t(*prior_hop):"", "\n"); rowcount++; } } if (!opt_monitor && ((mdp_header.flags & MDP_FLAG_CLOSE) || gettime_ms() > timeout)) break; } ob_free(buff); signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); sigIntFlag = 0; ret = 0; cli_row_count(context, rowcount); end: mdp_close(mdp_sockfd); return ret; } DEFINE_CMD(app_network_scan, 0, "Scan the network for serval peers. If no argument is supplied, all local addresses will be scanned.", "scan","[
]"); static int app_network_scan(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { int mdp_sockfd; DEBUG_cli_parsed(verbose, parsed); overlay_mdp_frame mdp; bzero(&mdp,sizeof(mdp)); mdp.packetTypeAndFlags=MDP_SCAN; struct overlay_mdp_scan *scan = (struct overlay_mdp_scan *)&mdp.raw; const char *address; if (cli_arg(parsed, "address", &address, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (address){ if (!inet_aton(address, &scan->addr)) return WHY("Unable to parse the address"); }else INFO("Scanning local networks"); if ((mdp_sockfd = overlay_mdp_client_socket()) < 0) return WHY("Cannot create MDP socket"); DEBUGF(mdprequests, "Send MDP_SCAN"); overlay_mdp_send(mdp_sockfd, &mdp, MDP_AWAITREPLY, 5000); overlay_mdp_client_close(mdp_sockfd); if (mdp.packetTypeAndFlags!=MDP_ERROR) return -1; cli_put_string(context, mdp.error.message, "\n"); return mdp.error.error; } static void lookup_send_request(int mdp_sockfd, const sid_t *srcsid, int srcport, const sid_t *dstsid, const char *did) { overlay_mdp_frame mdp; bzero(&mdp,sizeof(mdp)); /* set source address to the local address and port */ mdp.out.src.port = srcport; mdp.out.src.sid = *srcsid; /* Send to destination address and DNA lookup port */ const char *desc; if (dstsid) { /* Send an encrypted unicast packet */ mdp.packetTypeAndFlags=MDP_TX; desc = "MDP_TX"; mdp.out.dst.sid = *dstsid; }else{ /* Send a broadcast packet, flooding across the local mesh network */ mdp.packetTypeAndFlags=MDP_TX|MDP_NOCRYPT; desc = "MDP_TX|MDP_NOCRYPT"; mdp.out.dst.sid = SID_BROADCAST; } mdp.out.dst.port=MDP_PORT_DNALOOKUP; /* put DID into packet */ bcopy(did,&mdp.out.payload[0],strlen(did)+1); mdp.out.payload_length=strlen(did)+1; DEBUGF(mdprequests, "Send %s dst.sid=%s dst.port="PRImdp_port_t" payload_length=%u", desc, alloca_tohex_sid_t(mdp.out.dst.sid), mdp.out.dst.port, mdp.out.payload_length); overlay_mdp_send(mdp_sockfd, &mdp, 0, 0); /* Also send an encrypted unicast request to a configured directory service */ if (!dstsid){ if (!is_sid_t_any(config.directory.service)) { mdp.out.dst.sid = config.directory.service; mdp.packetTypeAndFlags=MDP_TX; DEBUGF(mdprequests, "Send MDP_TX dst.sid=%s dst.port="PRImdp_port_t" payload_length=%u", alloca_tohex_sid_t(mdp.out.dst.sid), mdp.out.dst.port, mdp.out.payload_length); overlay_mdp_send(mdp_sockfd, &mdp,0,0); } } } DEFINE_CMD(app_dna_lookup, 0, "Lookup the subscribers (SID) with the supplied telephone number (DID).", "dna","lookup","","[]"); static int app_dna_lookup(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { int mdp_sockfd; DEBUG_cli_parsed(verbose, parsed); /* Create the instance directory if it does not yet exist */ if (create_serval_instance_dir() == -1) return -1; int uri_count=0; #define MAXREPLIES 256 #define MAXURILEN 256 char uris[MAXREPLIES][MAXURILEN]; const char *did, *delay; if (cli_arg(parsed, "did", &did, cli_lookup_did, "*") == -1) return -1; if (cli_arg(parsed, "timeout", &delay, NULL, "3000") == -1) return -1; int idelay=atoi(delay); int one_reply=0; // Ugly hack, if timeout is negative, stop after first reply if (idelay<0){ one_reply=1; idelay=-idelay; } if ((mdp_sockfd = overlay_mdp_client_socket()) < 0) return WHY("Cannot create MDP socket"); /* Bind to MDP socket and await confirmation */ { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); srandom((getpid() << 16) ^ tv.tv_sec ^ tv.tv_usec); } sid_t srcsid; mdp_port_t port=32768+(random()&32767); if (overlay_mdp_getmyaddr(mdp_sockfd, 0, &srcsid)) { overlay_mdp_client_close(mdp_sockfd); return WHY("Could not get local address"); } if (overlay_mdp_bind(mdp_sockfd, &srcsid, port)) { overlay_mdp_client_close(mdp_sockfd); return WHY("Could not bind to MDP socket"); } /* use MDP to send the lookup request to MDP_PORT_DNALOOKUP, and wait for replies. */ /* Now repeatedly send resolution request and collect results until we reach timeout. */ time_ms_t timeout = gettime_ms() + idelay; time_ms_t last_tx = 0; time_ms_t now; int interval=125; const char *names[]={ "uri", "did", "name" }; cli_columns(context, 3, names); size_t rowcount = 0; while (timeout > (now = gettime_ms())){ if ((last_tx+interval)>1; } time_ms_t short_timeout=125; while(short_timeout>0) { if (overlay_mdp_client_poll(mdp_sockfd, short_timeout)){ overlay_mdp_frame rx; int ttl; if (overlay_mdp_recv(mdp_sockfd, &rx, port, &ttl)==0){ if (rx.packetTypeAndFlags==MDP_ERROR){ WHYF(" Error message: %s", rx.error.message); } else if ((rx.packetTypeAndFlags&MDP_TYPE_MASK)==MDP_TX) { /* Extract DID, Name, URI from response. */ if (strlen((char *)rx.out.payload)<512) { char sidhex[SID_STRLEN + 1]; char did[DID_MAXSIZE + 1]; char name[64]; char uri[512]; if ( !parseDnaReply((char *)rx.out.payload, rx.out.payload_length, sidhex, did, name, uri, NULL) || !str_is_subscriber_id(sidhex) || !str_is_did(did) || !str_is_uri(uri) ) { WHYF("Received malformed DNA reply: %s", alloca_toprint(160, (const char *)rx.out.payload, rx.out.payload_length)); } else { /* Have we seen this response before? */ int i; for(i=0;i", "[]"); static int app_reverse_lookup(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { int mdp_sockfd; DEBUG_cli_parsed(verbose, parsed); const char *sidhex, *delay; if (cli_arg(parsed, "sid", &sidhex, str_is_subscriber_id, "") == -1) return -1; if (cli_arg(parsed, "timeout", &delay, NULL, "3000") == -1) return -1; { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); srandom((getpid() << 16) ^ tv.tv_sec ^ tv.tv_usec); } mdp_port_t port=32768+(random()&0xffff); sid_t srcsid; sid_t dstsid; if (str_to_sid_t(&dstsid, sidhex) == -1) return WHY("str_to_sid_t() failed"); if ((mdp_sockfd = overlay_mdp_client_socket()) < 0) return WHY("Cannot create MDP socket"); if (overlay_mdp_getmyaddr(mdp_sockfd, 0, &srcsid)){ overlay_mdp_client_close(mdp_sockfd); return WHY("Unable to get my address"); } if (overlay_mdp_bind(mdp_sockfd, &srcsid, port)){ overlay_mdp_client_close(mdp_sockfd); return WHY("Unable to bind port"); } time_ms_t now = gettime_ms(); time_ms_t timeout = now + atoi(delay); time_ms_t next_send = now; overlay_mdp_frame mdp_reply; while (now < timeout){ now=gettime_ms(); if (now >= next_send){ /* Send a unicast packet to this node, asking for any did */ lookup_send_request(mdp_sockfd, &srcsid, port, &dstsid, ""); next_send+=125; continue; } time_ms_t poll_timeout = (next_send>timeout?timeout:next_send) - now; if (overlay_mdp_client_poll(mdp_sockfd, poll_timeout)<=0) continue; int ttl=-1; if (overlay_mdp_recv(mdp_sockfd, &mdp_reply, port, &ttl)) continue; if ((mdp_reply.packetTypeAndFlags&MDP_TYPE_MASK)==MDP_ERROR){ // TODO log error? continue; } if (mdp_reply.packetTypeAndFlags!=MDP_TX) { WHYF("MDP returned an unexpected message (type=0x%x)", mdp_reply.packetTypeAndFlags); if (mdp_reply.packetTypeAndFlags==MDP_ERROR) WHYF("MDP message is return/error: %d:%s", mdp_reply.error.error,mdp_reply.error.message); continue; } // we might receive a late response from an ealier request on the same socket, ignore it if (cmp_sid_t(&mdp_reply.out.src.sid, &dstsid) != 0) { WHYF("Unexpected result from SID %s", alloca_tohex_sid_t(mdp_reply.out.src.sid)); continue; } { char sidhex[SID_STRLEN + 1]; char did[DID_MAXSIZE + 1]; char name[64]; char uri[512]; if ( !parseDnaReply((char *)mdp_reply.out.payload, mdp_reply.out.payload_length, sidhex, did, name, uri, NULL) || !str_is_subscriber_id(sidhex) || !str_is_did(did) || !str_is_uri(uri) ) { WHYF("Received malformed DNA reply: %s", alloca_toprint(160, (const char *)mdp_reply.out.payload, mdp_reply.out.payload_length)); continue; } /* Got a good DNA reply, copy it into place and stop polling */ cli_field_name(context, "sid", ":"); cli_put_string(context, sidhex, "\n"); cli_field_name(context, "did", ":"); cli_put_string(context, did, "\n"); cli_field_name(context, "name", ":"); cli_put_string(context, name, "\n"); overlay_mdp_client_close(mdp_sockfd); return 0; } } overlay_mdp_client_close(mdp_sockfd); return 1; }