#!/bin/bash # Tests for Serval DNA HTTP RESTful interface # # Copyright 2013-2014 Serval Project, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. source "${0%/*}/../testframework.sh" source "${0%/*}/../testdefs.sh" source "${0%/*}/../testdefs_json.sh" shopt -s extglob setup() { setup_curl 7 setup_json setup_servald set_instance +A set_keyring_config executeOk_servald config \ set api.restful.users.harry.password potter \ set api.restful.users.ron.password weasley \ set api.restful.users.hermione.password grainger set_extra_config if [ -z "$IDENTITY_COUNT" ]; then create_single_identity else create_identities $IDENTITY_COUNT fi start_servald_instances +A wait_until servald_restful_http_server_started +A get_servald_restful_http_server_port PORTA +A } finally() { stop_all_servald_servers } teardown() { kill_all_servald_processes assert_no_servald_processes report_all_servald_servers } set_extra_config() { : } set_keyring_config() { executeOk_servald config \ set debug.httpd on \ set debug.rhizome_manifest on \ set debug.rhizome_store on \ set debug.rhizome on \ set debug.keyring on \ set debug.verbose on \ set log.console.level debug } doc_keyringList="HTTP RESTful list keyring identities as JSON" setup_keyringList() { IDENTITY_COUNT=10 setup } test_keyringList() { executeOk curl \ --silent --fail --show-error \ --output list.json \ --dump-header http.headers \ --basic --user harry:potter \ "http://$addr_localhost:$PORTA/restful/keyring/identities.json" tfw_cat http.headers list.json tfw_preserve list.json assert [ "$(jq '.rows | length' list.json)" = $IDENTITY_COUNT ] # TODO: these tests only work because the listed order of identities is the # order of creation, which makes locked identities easy to attack. When the # random search TODO in keyring.c:find_free_slot() is done, then these tests # should fail. assert [ "$(jq -r '.rows[0][0]' list.json)" = $SIDA1 ] assert [ "$(jq -r '.rows[4][0]' list.json)" = $SIDA5 ] assert [ "$(jq -r '.rows[9][0]' list.json)" = $SIDA10 ] } doc_keyringListPin="HTTP RESTful list keyring identities as JSON, with PIN" setup_keyringListPin() { IDENTITY_COUNT=3 PINA1='wif waf' setup } test_keyringListPin() { # First, list without supplying the PIN executeOk curl \ --silent --fail --show-error \ --output list1.json \ --dump-header http.headers \ --basic --user harry:potter \ "http://$addr_localhost:$PORTA/restful/keyring/identities.json" tfw_cat http.headers list1.json tfw_preserve list1.json transform_list_json list1.json ids1.json assert [ "$(jq 'length' ids1.json)" = $((IDENTITY_COUNT-1)) ] assertJq ids1.json 'contains([{"sid": "'$SIDA1'"}]) | not' assertJq ids1.json 'contains([{"sid": "'$SIDA2'"}])' assertJq ids1.json 'contains([{"sid": "'$SIDA3'"}])' # Then, list supplying the PIN executeOk curl \ --silent --fail --show-error \ --output list2.json \ --dump-header http.headers \ --basic --user harry:potter \ "http://$addr_localhost:$PORTA/restful/keyring/identities.json?pin=wif+waf" tfw_cat http.headers list2.json tfw_preserve list2.json transform_list_json list2.json ids2.json assert [ "$(jq 'length' ids2.json)" = $IDENTITY_COUNT ] assertJq ids2.json 'contains([{"sid": "'$SIDA1'"}])' assertJq ids2.json 'contains([{"sid": "'$SIDA2'"}])' assertJq ids2.json 'contains([{"sid": "'$SIDA3'"}])' } doc_keyringAdd="HTTP RESTful add keyring identity" setup_keyringAdd() { IDENTITY_COUNT=2 setup } test_keyringAdd() { executeOk curl \ --silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \ --output add.json \ --dump-header http.headers \ --basic --user harry:potter \ "http://$addr_localhost:$PORTA/restful/keyring/add" tfw_cat http.headers add.json tfw_preserve add.json assertStdoutIs '200' SID="$(jq -r '.sid' add.json)" assert matches_rexp "^${rexp_sid}$" "$SID" executeOk_servald keyring list assert_keyring_list 3 assertStdoutGrep --stderr --matches=1 "^$SID::\$" } doc_keyringAddPin="HTTP RESTful add keyring identity with PIN" setup_keyringAddPin() { IDENTITY_COUNT=2 setup } test_keyringAddPin() { executeOk curl \ --silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \ --output add.json \ --dump-header http.headers \ --basic --user harry:potter \ "http://$addr_localhost:$PORTA/restful/keyring/add?pin=1234" tfw_cat http.headers add.json tfw_preserve add.json assertStdoutIs '200' SID="$(jq -r '.sid' add.json)" executeOk_servald keyring list assert_keyring_list 2 assertStdoutGrep --stderr --matches=0 "^$SID::\$" executeOk_servald keyring list --entry-pin=1234 assert_keyring_list 3 assertStdoutGrep --stderr --matches=1 "^$SID::\$" # Now the server has internalised the PIN, so the new identity appears in the # list executeOk curl \ --silent --fail --show-error \ --output list.json \ --dump-header http.headers \ --basic --user harry:potter \ "http://$addr_localhost:$PORTA/restful/keyring/identities.json" tfw_cat http.headers list.json tfw_preserve list.json transform_list_json list.json ids.json assertJq ids.json 'contains([{"sid": "'$SIDA1'"}])' } doc_keyringSetDidName="HTTP RESTful set DID and name" setup_keyringSetDidName() { IDENTITY_COUNT=2 setup } test_keyringSetDidName() { executeOk curl \ --silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \ --output set.json \ --dump-header http.headers \ --basic --user harry:potter \ "http://$addr_localhost:$PORTA/restful/keyring/$SIDA1/set?did=987654321&name=Joe%20Bloggs" tfw_cat http.headers set.json tfw_preserve set.json assertStdoutIs '200' assertJq set.json 'contains({"sid": "'$SIDA1'"})' assertJq set.json 'contains({"did": "987654321"})' assertJq set.json 'contains({"name": "Joe Bloggs"})' executeOk_servald keyring list assert_keyring_list 2 assertStdoutGrep --stderr --matches=1 "^$SIDA1:987654321:Joe Bloggs\$" } doc_keyringSetDidNamePin="HTTP RESTful set DID and name with PIN" setup_keyringSetDidNamePin() { IDENTITY_COUNT=2 PINA1=xyzabc setup } test_keyringSetDidNamePin() { # First try with no PIN, and make sure it fails executeOk curl \ --silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \ --output set1.json \ --dump-header http.headers \ --basic --user harry:potter \ "http://$addr_localhost:$PORTA/restful/keyring/$SIDA1/set?did=111222333&name=Nobody" tfw_cat http.headers set1.json tfw_preserve set1.json assertStdoutIs '404' # Enter incorrect PIN, and make sure it fails executeOk curl \ --silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \ --output set2.json \ --dump-header http.headers \ --basic --user harry:potter \ "http://$addr_localhost:$PORTA/restful/keyring/$SIDA1/set?did=444555666&name=Anybody" tfw_cat http.headers set2.json tfw_preserve set2.json assertStdoutIs '404' # Then try with correct PIN, and make sure it succeeds executeOk curl \ --silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \ --output set3.json \ --dump-header http.headers \ --basic --user harry:potter \ "http://$addr_localhost:$PORTA/restful/keyring/$SIDA1/set?did=987654321&name=Joe%20Bloggs&pin=xyzabc" tfw_cat http.headers set3.json tfw_preserve set3.json assertStdoutIs '200' assertJq set3.json 'contains({"sid": "'$SIDA1'"})' assertJq set3.json 'contains({"did": "987654321"})' assertJq set3.json 'contains({"name": "Joe Bloggs"})' executeOk_servald keyring list --entry-pin=xyzabc assert_keyring_list 2 assertStdoutGrep --stderr --matches=1 "^$SIDA1:987654321:Joe Bloggs\$" # Finally, try again with no PIN, and make sure it succeeds (server has # internalised the PIN supplied in the last request) executeOk curl \ --silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \ --output set4.json \ --dump-header http.headers \ --basic --user harry:potter \ "http://$addr_localhost:$PORTA/restful/keyring/$SIDA1/set?did=321321321&name=Fred+Nurks" tfw_cat http.headers set4.json tfw_preserve set4.json assertStdoutIs '200' assertJq set4.json 'contains({"sid": "'$SIDA1'"})' assertJq set4.json 'contains({"did": "321321321"})' assertJq set4.json 'contains({"name": "Fred Nurks"})' executeOk_servald keyring list --entry-pin=xyzabc assert_keyring_list 2 assertStdoutGrep --stderr --matches=1 "^$SIDA1:321321321:Fred Nurks\$" } runTests "$@"