/* Serval Distributed Numbering Architecture (DNA) Copyright (C) 2010 Paul Gardner-Stephen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "serval.h" #include "conf.h" #include "str.h" #include "overlay_buffer.h" #include "overlay_packet.h" static int overlay_frame_build_header(int packet_version, struct decode_context *context, struct overlay_buffer *buff, int queue, int type, int modifiers, int ttl, int sequence, struct broadcast *broadcast, struct subscriber *next_hop, struct subscriber *destination, struct subscriber *source) { if (ttl < 0 || ttl > PAYLOAD_TTL_MAX) return WHYF("invalid ttl=%d", ttl); int flags = modifiers & (PAYLOAD_FLAG_CIPHERED | PAYLOAD_FLAG_SIGNED); if (ttl==1 && !broadcast) flags |= PAYLOAD_FLAG_ONE_HOP; if (destination && destination==next_hop) flags |= PAYLOAD_FLAG_ONE_HOP; if (source == context->sender) flags |= PAYLOAD_FLAG_SENDER_SAME; if (!destination) flags |= PAYLOAD_FLAG_TO_BROADCAST; if (type!=OF_TYPE_DATA) flags |= PAYLOAD_FLAG_LEGACY_TYPE; if (ob_append_byte(buff, flags)) return -1; if (!(flags & PAYLOAD_FLAG_SENDER_SAME)){ if (overlay_address_append(context, buff, source)) return -1; } if (flags & PAYLOAD_FLAG_TO_BROADCAST){ if (!(flags & PAYLOAD_FLAG_ONE_HOP)){ if (overlay_broadcast_append(buff, broadcast)) return -1; } }else{ if (overlay_address_append(context, buff, destination)) return -1; if (!(flags & PAYLOAD_FLAG_ONE_HOP)){ if (overlay_address_append(context, buff, next_hop)) return -1; } } if (!(flags & PAYLOAD_FLAG_ONE_HOP)){ if (ob_append_byte(buff, ttl | ((queue&3)<<5))) return -1; } if (flags & PAYLOAD_FLAG_LEGACY_TYPE){ if (ob_append_byte(buff, type)) return -1; } if (packet_version >= 1) if (ob_append_byte(buff, sequence)) return -1; return 0; } int overlay_frame_append_payload(struct decode_context *context, overlay_interface *interface, struct overlay_frame *p, struct overlay_buffer *b) { /* Convert a payload (frame) structure into a series of bytes. Assumes that any encryption etc has already been done. Will pick a next hop if one has not been chosen. */ ob_checkpoint(b); if (config.debug.packetconstruction){ DEBUGF( "+++++\nFrame from %s to %s of type 0x%02x %s:", alloca_tohex_sid(p->source->sid), alloca_tohex_sid(p->destination->sid),p->type, "append_payload stuffing into packet"); if (p->payload) dump("payload contents", &p->payload->bytes[0],p->payload->position); } struct broadcast *broadcast=NULL; if ((!p->destination) && !is_all_matching(p->broadcast_id.id,BROADCAST_LEN,0)){ broadcast = &p->broadcast_id; } if (overlay_frame_build_header(p->packet_version, context, b, p->queue, p->type, p->modifiers, p->ttl, p->mdp_sequence&0xFF, broadcast, p->next_hop, p->destination, p->source)) goto cleanup; if (interface->encapsulation == ENCAP_OVERLAY){ if (ob_append_ui16(b, ob_position(p->payload))) goto cleanup; } if (ob_append_bytes(b, ob_ptr(p->payload), ob_position(p->payload))) { WHY("could not append payload"); goto cleanup; } return 0; cleanup: ob_rewind(b); return -1; } int op_free(struct overlay_frame *p) { if (!p) return WHY("Asked to free NULL"); if (p->prev&&p->prev->next==p) return WHY("p->prev->next still points here"); if (p->next&&p->next->prev==p) return WHY("p->next->prev still points here"); p->prev=NULL; p->next=NULL; if (p->payload) ob_free(p->payload); p->payload=NULL; free(p); return 0; } struct overlay_frame *op_dup(struct overlay_frame *in) { if (!in) return NULL; /* clone the frame */ struct overlay_frame *out=malloc(sizeof(struct overlay_frame)); if (!out) { WHY("malloc() failed"); return NULL; } /* copy main data structure */ bcopy(in,out,sizeof(struct overlay_frame)); if (in->payload) out->payload=ob_dup(in->payload); return out; }