/* Serval Distributed Numbering Architecture (DNA) Copyright (C) 2010 Paul Gardner-Stephen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <sqlite3.h> #include "sha2.h" #include "strbuf.h" #include <sys/stat.h> #define RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_BYTES crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_PUBLICKEYBYTES #define RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_STRLEN (RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_BYTES * 2) #define RHIZOME_BUNDLE_KEY_BYTES crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_SECRETKEYBYTES #define RHIZOME_BUNDLE_KEY_STRLEN (RHIZOME_BUNDLE_KEY_BYTES * 2) #define RHIZOME_FILEHASH_BYTES SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH #define RHIZOME_FILEHASH_STRLEN (RHIZOME_FILEHASH_BYTES * 2) #define RHIZOME_CRYPT_KEY_BYTES crypto_stream_xsalsa20_ref_KEYBYTES #define RHIZOME_CRYPT_KEY_STRLEN (RHIZOME_CRYPT_KEY_BYTES * 2) #define RHIZOME_CRYPT_PAGE_SIZE 4096 #define RHIZOME_HTTP_PORT 4110 #define RHIZOME_HTTP_PORT_MAX 4150 extern long long rhizome_voice_timeout; #define RHIZOME_PRIORITY_HIGHEST RHIZOME_PRIORITY_SERVAL_CORE #define RHIZOME_PRIORITY_SERVAL_CORE 5 #define RHIZOME_PRIORITY_SUBSCRIBED 4 #define RHIZOME_PRIORITY_SERVAL_OPTIONAL 3 #define RHIZOME_PRIORITY_DEFAULT 2 #define RHIZOME_PRIORITY_SERVAL_BULK 1 #define RHIZOME_PRIORITY_NOTINTERESTED 0 #define RHIZOME_IDLE_TIMEOUT 10000 typedef struct rhizome_signature { unsigned char signature[crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_BYTES +crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_PUBLICKEYBYTES+1]; int signatureLength; } rhizome_signature; #define RHIZOME_BAR_BYTES 32 #define MAX_MANIFEST_VARS 256 #define MAX_MANIFEST_BYTES 8192 typedef struct rhizome_manifest { int manifest_record_number; int manifest_bytes; int manifest_all_bytes; unsigned char manifestdata[MAX_MANIFEST_BYTES]; unsigned char manifesthash[crypto_hash_sha512_BYTES]; /* CryptoSign key pair for this manifest. The filename as distributed on Rhizome will be the public key of this pair, thus ensuring that noone can tamper with a bundle except the creator. */ unsigned char cryptoSignPublic[crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_PUBLICKEYBYTES]; unsigned char cryptoSignSecret[crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_SECRETKEYBYTES]; int var_count; char *vars[MAX_MANIFEST_VARS]; char *values[MAX_MANIFEST_VARS]; int sig_count; /* Parties who have signed this manifest (raw byte format) */ unsigned char *signatories[MAX_MANIFEST_VARS]; /* 0x61 = crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch() */ unsigned char signatureTypes[MAX_MANIFEST_VARS]; int errors; /* if non-zero, then manifest should not be trusted */ /* Set non-zero after variables have been packed and signature blocks appended. All fields below may not be valid until the manifest has been finalised */ int finalised; /* time-to-live in hops of this manifest. */ int ttl; /* When finalised, we keep the filehash and maximum priority due to any group membership handy */ long long fileLength; int fileHashedP; char fileHexHash[SHA512_DIGEST_STRING_LENGTH]; int fileHighestPriority; /* Absolute path of the file associated with the manifest */ char *dataFileName; /* Whether the paylaod is encrypted or not */ int payloadEncryption; /* Whether we have the secret for this manifest on hand */ int haveSecret; /* Whether the manifest contains a signature that corresponds to the manifest id (ie public key) */ int selfSigned; /* Version of the manifest. Typically the number of milliseconds since 1970. */ long long version; int group_count; char *groups[MAX_MANIFEST_VARS]; } rhizome_manifest; /* Supported service identifiers. These go in the 'service' field of every * manifest, and indicate which application must be used to process the bundle * after it is received by Rhizome. */ #define RHIZOME_SERVICE_FILE "file" #define RHIZOME_SERVICE_MESHMS "MeshMS1" extern long long rhizome_space; extern int rhizome_fetch_interval_ms; extern unsigned short rhizome_http_server_port; int rhizome_configure(); int rhizome_set_datastore_path(const char *path); const char *rhizome_datastore_path(); int form_rhizome_datastore_path(char * buf, size_t bufsiz, const char *fmt, ...); int create_rhizome_datastore_dir(); int form_rhizome_import_path(char * buf, size_t bufsiz, const char *fmt, ...); int create_rhizome_import_dir(); /* Handy statement for forming the path of a rhizome store file in a char buffer whose declaration * is in scope (so that sizeof(buf) will work). Evaluates to true if the pathname fitted into * the provided buffer, false (0) otherwise (after logging an error). */ #define FORM_RHIZOME_DATASTORE_PATH(buf,fmt,...) (form_rhizome_datastore_path((buf), sizeof(buf), (fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__)) #define FORM_RHIZOME_IMPORT_PATH(buf,fmt,...) (form_rhizome_import_path((buf), sizeof(buf), (fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__)) extern sqlite3 *rhizome_db; int rhizome_opendb(); int rhizome_manifest_createid(rhizome_manifest *m); int rhizome_strn_is_manifest_id(const char *text); int rhizome_str_is_manifest_id(const char *text); int rhizome_strn_is_bundle_key(const char *text); int rhizome_str_is_bundle_key(const char *text); int rhizome_strn_is_bundle_crypt_key(const char *text); int rhizome_str_is_bundle_crypt_key(const char *text); int rhizome_strn_is_file_hash(const char *text); int rhizome_str_is_file_hash(const char *text); #define alloca_tohex_bid(bid) alloca_tohex((bid), RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_BYTES) int http_header_complete(const char *buf, size_t len, size_t tail); int str_startswith(char *str, const char *substring, char **afterp); int strcase_startswith(char *str, const char *substring, char **afterp); int rhizome_write_manifest_file(rhizome_manifest *m, const char *filename); int rhizome_manifest_selfsign(rhizome_manifest *m); int rhizome_drop_stored_file(const char *id,int maximum_priority); int rhizome_manifest_priority(char *id); int rhizome_read_manifest_file(rhizome_manifest *m, const char *filename, int bufferPAndSize); int rhizome_hash_file(rhizome_manifest *m, const char *filename,char *hash_out); char *rhizome_manifest_get(const rhizome_manifest *m, const char *var, char *out, int maxlen); long long rhizome_manifest_get_ll(rhizome_manifest *m, const char *var); int rhizome_manifest_set_ll(rhizome_manifest *m,char *var,long long value); int rhizome_manifest_set(rhizome_manifest *m, const char *var, const char *value); int rhizome_manifest_del(rhizome_manifest *m, const char *var); long long rhizome_file_size(char *filename); void _rhizome_manifest_free(const char *sourcefile,const char *funcname,int line, rhizome_manifest *m); #define rhizome_manifest_free(m) _rhizome_manifest_free(__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,m) rhizome_manifest *_rhizome_new_manifest(const char *file,const char *func,int line); #define rhizome_new_manifest() _rhizome_new_manifest(__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__) int rhizome_manifest_pack_variables(rhizome_manifest *m); int rhizome_store_bundle(rhizome_manifest *m); int rhizome_manifest_add_group(rhizome_manifest *m,char *groupid); int rhizome_clean_payload(const char *fileidhex); int rhizome_store_file(rhizome_manifest *m,const unsigned char *key); int rhizome_finish_sqlstatement(sqlite3_stmt *statement); int rhizome_bundle_import(rhizome_manifest *m_in, rhizome_manifest **m_out, const char *bundle, int ttl); int rhizome_manifest_verify(rhizome_manifest *m); int rhizome_manifest_check_sanity(rhizome_manifest *m_in); int rhizome_manifest_check_file(rhizome_manifest *m_in); int rhizome_manifest_check_duplicate(rhizome_manifest *m_in,rhizome_manifest **m_out); int rhizome_manifest_bind_id(rhizome_manifest *m_in, const unsigned char *authorSid); int rhizome_manifest_bind_file(rhizome_manifest *m_in,const char *filename,int encryptP); int rhizome_manifest_finalise(rhizome_manifest *m); int rhizome_add_manifest(rhizome_manifest *m_in,int ttl); void rhizome_bytes_to_hex_upper(unsigned const char *in, char *out, int byteCount); int rhizome_find_privatekey(rhizome_manifest *m); rhizome_signature *rhizome_sign_hash(rhizome_manifest *m, const unsigned char *authorSid); int sqlite_prepare(sqlite3_stmt **statement, const strbuf stmt); int sqlite_prepare_loglevel(int log_level, sqlite3_stmt **statement, const strbuf stmt); int sqlite_exec_void(const char *sqlformat,...); int sqlite_exec_void_loglevel(int log_level, const char *sqlformat, ...); int sqlite_exec_void_strbuf_loglevel(int log_level, const strbuf stmt); int sqlite_exec_int64(long long *result, const char *sqlformat,...); int sqlite_exec_strbuf(strbuf sb, const char *sqlformat,...); double rhizome_manifest_get_double(rhizome_manifest *m,char *var,double default_value); int rhizome_manifest_extract_signature(rhizome_manifest *m,int *ofs); int rhizome_update_file_priority(const char *fileid); int rhizome_find_duplicate(const rhizome_manifest *m, rhizome_manifest **found, int checkVersionP); int rhizome_manifest_to_bar(rhizome_manifest *m,unsigned char *bar); int rhizome_queue_manifest_import(rhizome_manifest *m, struct sockaddr_in *peerip, int *manifest_kept); int rhizome_list_manifests(const char *service, const char *sender_sid, const char *recipient_sid, int limit, int offset); int rhizome_retrieve_manifest(const char *manifestid, rhizome_manifest **mp); int rhizome_retrieve_file(const char *fileid, const char *filepath, const unsigned char *key); #define RHIZOME_DONTVERIFY 0 #define RHIZOME_VERIFY 1 int rhizome_fetching_get_fds(struct pollfd *fds,int *fdcount,int fdmax); int rhizome_manifest_version_cache_lookup(rhizome_manifest *m); int rhizome_manifest_version_cache_store(rhizome_manifest *m); int monitor_announce_bundle(rhizome_manifest *m); int rhizome_bk_xor(const unsigned char *authorSid, // binary unsigned char bid[crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_PUBLICKEYBYTES], unsigned char bkin[crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_SECRETKEYBYTES], unsigned char bkout[crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_SECRETKEYBYTES]); unsigned char *rhizome_bundle_shared_secret(rhizome_manifest *m); int rhizome_extract_privatekey(rhizome_manifest *m, const unsigned char *authorSid); int rhizome_verify_bundle_privatekey(rhizome_manifest *m); int rhizome_is_self_signed(rhizome_manifest *m); int rhizome_queue_ignore_manifest(rhizome_manifest *m, struct sockaddr_in *peerip,int timeout); int rhizome_ignore_manifest_check(rhizome_manifest *m, struct sockaddr_in *peerip); /* one manifest is required per candidate, plus a few spare. so MAX_RHIZOME_MANIFESTS must be > MAX_CANDIDATES. */ #define MAX_RHIZOME_MANIFESTS 24 #define MAX_CANDIDATES 16 int rhizome_suggest_queue_manifest_import(rhizome_manifest *m, struct sockaddr_in *peerip);