/* Serval DNA configuration Copyright (C) 2012 Serval Project Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <assert.h> #include "log.h" #include "conf.h" // Generate config set-default function definitions, cf_dfl_config_NAME(). #define STRUCT(__name, __validator...) \ int cf_dfl_config_##__name(struct config_##__name *s) { #define NODE(__type, __element, __default, __parser, __flags, __comment) \ s->__element = (__default); #define ATOM(__type, __element, __default, __parser, __flags, __comment) \ s->__element = (__default); #define STRING(__size, __element, __default, __parser, __flags, __comment) \ strncpy(s->__element, (__default), (__size))[(__size)] = '\0'; #define SUB_STRUCT(__name, __element, __flags) \ cf_dfl_config_##__name(&s->__element); #define NODE_STRUCT(__name, __element, __parser, __flags) \ cf_dfl_config_##__name(&s->__element); #define END_STRUCT \ return CFOK; \ } #define ARRAY(__name, __flags, __validator...) \ int cf_dfl_config_##__name(struct config_##__name *a) { \ a->ac = 0; \ return CFOK; \ } #define KEY_ATOM(__type, __keyparser, __cmpfunc...) #define KEY_STRING(__strsize, __keyparser, __cmpfunc...) #define VALUE_ATOM(__type, __eltparser) #define VALUE_STRING(__strsize, __eltparser) #define VALUE_NODE(__type, __eltparser) #define VALUE_SUB_STRUCT(__structname) #define VALUE_NODE_STRUCT(__structname, __eltparser) #define END_ARRAY(__size) #include "conf_schema.h" #undef STRUCT #undef NODE #undef ATOM #undef STRING #undef SUB_STRUCT #undef NODE_STRUCT #undef END_STRUCT #undef ARRAY #undef KEY_ATOM #undef KEY_STRING #undef VALUE_ATOM #undef VALUE_STRING #undef VALUE_NODE #undef VALUE_SUB_STRUCT #undef VALUE_NODE_STRUCT #undef END_ARRAY // Generate array element comparison functions. #define STRUCT(__name, __validator...) #define NODE(__type, __element, __default, __parser, __flags, __comment) #define ATOM(__type, __element, __default, __parser, __flags, __comment) #define STRING(__size, __element, __default, __parser, __flags, __comment) #define SUB_STRUCT(__name, __element, __flags) #define NODE_STRUCT(__name, __element, __parser, __flags) #define END_STRUCT #define ARRAY(__name, __flags, __validator...) \ static int __cmp_config_##__name(const struct config_##__name##__element *a, const struct config_##__name##__element *b) { \ __compare_func__config_##__name##__t *cmp = (NULL #define KEY_ATOM(__type, __keyparser, __cmpfunc...) \ ,##__cmpfunc); \ return cmp ? (*cmp)(&a->key, &b->key) : memcmp(&a->key, &b->key, sizeof a->key); #define KEY_STRING(__strsize, __keyparser, __cmpfunc...) \ ,##__cmpfunc); \ return cmp ? (*cmp)(a->key, b->key) : strcmp(a->key, b->key); #define VALUE_ATOM(__type, __eltparser) #define VALUE_STRING(__strsize, __eltparser) #define VALUE_NODE(__type, __eltparser) #define VALUE_SUB_STRUCT(__structname) #define VALUE_NODE_STRUCT(__structname, __eltparser) #define END_ARRAY(__size) \ } #include "conf_schema.h" #undef STRUCT #undef NODE #undef ATOM #undef STRING #undef SUB_STRUCT #undef NODE_STRUCT #undef END_STRUCT #undef ARRAY #undef KEY_ATOM #undef KEY_STRING #undef VALUE_ATOM #undef VALUE_STRING #undef VALUE_NODE #undef VALUE_SUB_STRUCT #undef VALUE_NODE_STRUCT #undef END_ARRAY // Schema item flags. #define __MANDATORY (1<<0) #define __TEXT (1<<1) #define __CHILDREN (1<<2) #define __SORTED (1<<3) #define __NO_DUPLICATES (1<<4) // Schema flag symbols, to be used in the '__flags' macro arguments. #define MANDATORY |__MANDATORY #define USES_TEXT |__TEXT #define USES_CHILDREN |__CHILDREN #define SORTED |__SORTED #define NO_DUPLICATES |__NO_DUPLICATES // Generate parsing functions, cf_opt_config_SECTION() #define STRUCT(__name, __validator...) \ int cf_opt_config_##__name(struct config_##__name *strct, const struct cf_om_node *node) { \ int (*validator)(const struct cf_om_node *, struct config_##__name *, int) = (NULL, ##__validator); \ int result = CFEMPTY; \ char used[node->nodc]; \ memset(used, 0, node->nodc * sizeof used[0]); #define __ITEM(__element, __flags, __parseexpr) \ { \ int i = cf_om_get_child(node, #__element, NULL); \ const struct cf_om_node *child = (i != -1) ? node->nodv[i] : NULL; \ int ret = CFEMPTY; \ if (child) { \ used[i] |= (__flags); \ ret = (__parseexpr); \ if (ret == CFERROR) \ return CFERROR; \ } \ result |= ret & CF__SUBFLAGS; \ ret &= CF__FLAGS; \ if (!(ret & CFEMPTY)) \ result &= ~CFEMPTY; \ else if ((__flags) & __MANDATORY) { \ cf_warn_missing_node(node, #__element); \ result |= CFINCOMPLETE; \ } \ if (ret & ~CFEMPTY) { \ assert(child != NULL); \ if (child->text) \ cf_warn_node_value(child, ret); \ result |= CFSUB(ret); \ } \ } #define NODE(__type, __element, __default, __parser, __flags, __comment) \ __ITEM(__element, 0 __flags, __parser(&strct->__element, child)) #define ATOM(__type, __element, __default, __parser, __flags, __comment) \ __ITEM(__element, ((0 __flags)|__TEXT)&~__CHILDREN, child->text ? __parser(&strct->__element, child->text) : CFEMPTY) #define STRING(__size, __element, __default, __parser, __flags, __comment) \ __ITEM(__element, ((0 __flags)|__TEXT)&~__CHILDREN, child->text ? __parser(strct->__element, (__size) + 1, child->text) : CFEMPTY) #define SUB_STRUCT(__name, __element, __flags) \ __ITEM(__element, (0 __flags)|__CHILDREN, cf_opt_config_##__name(&strct->__element, child)) #define NODE_STRUCT(__name, __element, __parser, __flags) \ __ITEM(__element, (0 __flags)|__TEXT|__CHILDREN, __parser(&strct->__element, child)) #define END_STRUCT \ { \ int i; \ for (i = 0; i < node->nodc; ++i) { \ if (node->nodv[i]->text && !(used[i] & __TEXT)) { \ cf_warn_unsupported_node(node->nodv[i]); \ result |= CFSUB(CFUNSUPPORTED); \ } \ if (node->nodv[i]->nodc && !(used[i] & __CHILDREN)) { \ cf_warn_unsupported_children(node->nodv[i]); \ result |= CFSUB(CFUNSUPPORTED); \ } \ } \ } \ if (validator) \ result = (*validator)(node, strct, result); \ return result; \ } #define ARRAY(__name, __flags, __validator...) \ int cf_opt_config_##__name(struct config_##__name *array, const struct cf_om_node *node) { \ int flags = (0 __flags); \ int (*eltcmp)(const struct config_##__name##__element *, const struct config_##__name##__element *) = __cmp_config_##__name; \ int (*validator)(const struct cf_om_node *, struct config_##__name *, int) = (NULL, ##__validator); \ int result = CFOK; \ int i, n; \ for (n = 0, i = 0; i < node->nodc && n < NELS(array->av); ++i) { \ const struct cf_om_node *child = node->nodv[i]; \ int ret = CFEMPTY; #define __ARRAY_KEY(__parseexpr, __cmpfunc...) \ ret = (__parseexpr); \ if (ret == CFERROR) \ return CFERROR; \ result |= ret & CF__SUBFLAGS; \ ret &= CF__FLAGS; \ result |= CFSUB(ret); \ if (ret == CFOK && (flags & __NO_DUPLICATES)) { \ int j; \ for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) { \ if ((*eltcmp)(&array->av[j], &array->av[n]) == 0) { \ cf_warn_duplicate_node(child, NULL); \ ret |= CFDUPLICATE; \ } \ } \ } \ if (ret != CFOK) \ cf_warn_array_key(child, ret); #define __ARRAY_VALUE(__dflexpr, __parseexpr) \ if (ret == CFOK) { \ ret = (__dflexpr); \ if (ret == CFOK) \ ret = (__parseexpr); \ if (ret == CFERROR) \ return CFERROR; \ result |= ret & CF__SUBFLAGS; \ ret &= CF__FLAGS; \ result |= CFSUB(ret); \ if (ret == CFOK) \ ++n; \ else \ cf_warn_array_value(child, ret); \ } #define END_ARRAY(__size) \ } \ if (i < node->nodc) { \ assert(n == NELS(array->av)); \ result |= CFARRAYOVERFLOW; \ for (; i < node->nodc; ++i) \ cf_warn_list_overflow(node->nodv[i]); \ } \ array->ac = n; \ if (flags & __SORTED) \ qsort(array->av, array->ac, sizeof array->av[0], (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) eltcmp); \ if (validator) \ result = (*validator)(node, array, result); \ if (result & ~CFEMPTY) { \ cf_warn_no_array(node, result); \ array->ac = 0; \ } \ if (array->ac == 0) \ result |= CFEMPTY; \ return result; \ } #define KEY_ATOM(__type, __keyparser, __cmpfunc...) \ __ARRAY_KEY(__keyparser(&array->av[n].key, child->key), ##__cmpfunc) #define KEY_STRING(__strsize, __keyparser, __cmpfunc...) \ __ARRAY_KEY(__keyparser(array->av[n].key, sizeof array->av[n].key, child->key), ##__cmpfunc) #define VALUE_ATOM(__type, __eltparser) \ __ARRAY_VALUE(CFOK, child->text ? __eltparser(&array->av[n].value, child->text) : CFEMPTY) #define VALUE_STRING(__strsize, __eltparser) \ __ARRAY_VALUE(CFOK, child->text ? __eltparser(array->av[n].value, sizeof array->av[n].value, child->text) : CFEMPTY) #define VALUE_NODE(__type, __eltparser) \ __ARRAY_VALUE(CFOK, __eltparser(&array->av[n].value, child)) #define VALUE_SUB_STRUCT(__structname) \ __ARRAY_VALUE(cf_dfl_config_##__structname(&array->av[n].value), cf_opt_config_##__structname(&array->av[n].value, child)) #define VALUE_NODE_STRUCT(__structname, __eltparser) \ __ARRAY_VALUE(cf_dfl_config_##__structname(&array->av[n].value), __eltparser(&array->av[n].value, child)) #include "conf_schema.h" #undef STRUCT #undef NODE #undef ATOM #undef STRING #undef SUB_STRUCT #undef NODE_STRUCT #undef END_STRUCT #undef ARRAY #undef KEY_ATOM #undef KEY_STRING #undef VALUE_ATOM #undef VALUE_STRING #undef VALUE_NODE #undef VALUE_SUB_STRUCT #undef VALUE_NODE_STRUCT #undef END_ARRAY // Generate config array search-by-key functions. #define STRUCT(__name, __validator...) #define NODE(__type, __element, __default, __parser, __flags, __comment) #define ATOM(__type, __element, __default, __parser, __flags, __comment) #define STRING(__size, __element, __default, __parser, __flags, __comment) #define SUB_STRUCT(__name, __element, __flags) #define NODE_STRUCT(__name, __element, __parser, __flags) #define END_STRUCT #define ARRAY(__name, __flags, __validator...) \ int config_##__name##__get(const struct config_##__name *array, #define KEY_ATOM(__type, __keyparser, __cmpfunc...) \ const __type *key) { \ int (*cmp)(const __type *, const __type *) = (NULL, ##__cmpfunc); \ int i; \ for (i = 0; i < array->ac; ++i) \ if ((cmp ? (*cmp)(key, &array->av[i].key) : memcmp(key, &array->av[i].key, sizeof *key)) == 0) \ return i; \ return -1; \ } #define KEY_STRING(__strsize, __keyparser, __cmpfunc...) \ const char *key) { \ int (*cmp)(const char *, const char *) = (NULL, ##__cmpfunc); \ int i; \ for (i = 0; i < array->ac; ++i) \ if ((cmp ? (*cmp)(key, array->av[i].key) : strcmp(key, array->av[i].key)) == 0) \ return i; \ return -1; \ } #define VALUE_ATOM(__type, __eltparser) #define VALUE_STRING(__strsize, __eltparser) #define VALUE_NODE(__type, __eltparser) #define VALUE_SUB_STRUCT(__structname) #define VALUE_NODE_STRUCT(__structname, __eltparser) #define END_ARRAY(__size) #include "conf_schema.h" #undef STRUCT #undef NODE #undef ATOM #undef STRING #undef SUB_STRUCT #undef NODE_STRUCT #undef END_STRUCT #undef ARRAY #undef KEY_ATOM #undef KEY_STRING #undef VALUE_ATOM #undef VALUE_STRING #undef VALUE_NODE #undef VALUE_SUB_STRUCT #undef VALUE_NODE_STRUCT #undef END_ARRAY // Generate config schema dump functions, cf_sch_config_NAME(). #define STRUCT(__name, __validator...) \ int cf_sch_config_##__name(struct cf_om_node **rootp) { \ int i; \ struct cf_om_node **childp; #define __ADD_CHILD(nodep, __elementstr) \ if ((i = cf_om_add_child(nodep, __elementstr)) == -1) \ return -1; \ childp = &(*nodep)->nodv[i]; #define __ATOM(nodep, __text) \ if (((*nodep)->text = str_edup(__text)) == NULL) \ return -1; #define __STRUCT(nodep, __structname) \ if (cf_sch_config_##__structname(nodep) == -1) \ return -1; #define NODE(__type, __element, __default, __parser, __flags, __comment) \ __ADD_CHILD(rootp, #__element) \ __ATOM(childp, "(" #__parser ")") \ __ADD_CHILD(childp, "(" #__parser ")") \ __ATOM(childp, "(" #__parser ")") #define ATOM(__type, __element, __default, __parser, __flags, __comment) \ __ADD_CHILD(rootp, #__element) \ __ATOM(childp, "(" #__parser ")") #define STRING(__size, __element, __default, __parser, __flags, __comment) \ __ADD_CHILD(rootp, #__element) \ __ATOM(childp, "(" #__parser ")") #define SUB_STRUCT(__structname, __element, __flags) \ __ADD_CHILD(rootp, #__element) \ __STRUCT(childp, __structname) #define NODE_STRUCT(__structname, __element, __parser, __flags) \ __ADD_CHILD(rootp, #__element) \ __ATOM(childp, "(" #__parser ")") \ __STRUCT(childp, __structname) #define END_STRUCT \ return 0; \ } #define ARRAY(__name, __flags, __validator...) \ int cf_sch_config_##__name(struct cf_om_node **rootp) { \ int i; \ struct cf_om_node **childp; #define KEY_ATOM(__type, __keyparser, __cmpfunc...) \ __ADD_CHILD(rootp, "[" #__keyparser "]") #define KEY_STRING(__strsize, __keyparser, __cmpfunc...) \ __ADD_CHILD(rootp, "[" #__keyparser "]") #define VALUE_ATOM(__type, __eltparser) \ __ATOM(childp, "(" #__eltparser ")") #define VALUE_STRING(__strsize, __eltparser) \ __ATOM(childp, "(" #__eltparser ")") #define VALUE_NODE(__type, __eltparser) \ __ATOM(childp, "(" #__eltparser ")") \ __ADD_CHILD(childp, "(" #__eltparser ")") \ __ATOM(childp, "(" #__eltparser ")") #define VALUE_SUB_STRUCT(__structname) \ __STRUCT(childp, __structname) #define VALUE_NODE_STRUCT(__structname, __eltparser) \ __ATOM(childp, "(" #__eltparser ")") \ __STRUCT(childp, __structname) #define END_ARRAY(__size) \ return 0; \ } #include "conf_schema.h" #undef __ADD_CHILD #undef __ATOM #undef __STRUCT #undef STRUCT #undef NODE #undef ATOM #undef STRING #undef SUB_STRUCT #undef NODE_STRUCT #undef END_STRUCT #undef ARRAY #undef KEY_ATOM #undef KEY_STRING #undef VALUE_ATOM #undef VALUE_STRING #undef VALUE_NODE #undef VALUE_SUB_STRUCT #undef VALUE_NODE_STRUCT #undef END_ARRAY