/* Serval Daemon Copyright (C) 2012 Serval Project Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef _SERVALD_OVERLAY_BUFFER_H #define _SERVALD_OVERLAY_BUFFER_H struct overlay_buffer { unsigned char *bytes; // remembered position for rewinding int checkpointLength; // position of data read / written int position; // maximum allowed bytes for reading / writing int sizeLimit; // size of buffer int allocSize; // is this an allocated buffer? can it be resized? Should it be freed? unsigned char * allocated; // length position for later patching int var_length_offset; }; struct overlay_buffer *ob_new(void); struct overlay_buffer *ob_static(unsigned char *bytes, int size); struct overlay_buffer *ob_slice(struct overlay_buffer *b, int offset, int length); struct overlay_buffer *ob_dup(struct overlay_buffer *b); int ob_free(struct overlay_buffer *b); int ob_checkpoint(struct overlay_buffer *b); int ob_rewind(struct overlay_buffer *b); int ob_limitsize(struct overlay_buffer *b,int bytes); int ob_unlimitsize(struct overlay_buffer *b); int ob_makespace(struct overlay_buffer *b,int bytes); int ob_append_byte(struct overlay_buffer *b,unsigned char byte); int ob_append_bytes(struct overlay_buffer *b,unsigned char *bytes,int count); unsigned char *ob_append_space(struct overlay_buffer *b,int count); int ob_append_ui16(struct overlay_buffer *b, uint16_t v); int ob_append_ui32(struct overlay_buffer *b, uint32_t v); int ob_append_packed_ui32(struct overlay_buffer *b, uint32_t v); int ob_patch_rfs(struct overlay_buffer *b); int ob_append_rfs(struct overlay_buffer *b,int l); // get one byte, -ve number indicates failure int ob_getbyte(struct overlay_buffer *b,int ofs); // get one byte from the current position, -ve number indicates failure int ob_get(struct overlay_buffer *b); int ob_get_bytes(struct overlay_buffer *b, unsigned char *buff, int len); unsigned char * ob_get_bytes_ptr(struct overlay_buffer *b, int len); uint32_t ob_get_ui32(struct overlay_buffer *b); uint16_t ob_get_ui16(struct overlay_buffer *b); int ob_dump(struct overlay_buffer *b,char *desc); int ob_set_ui16(struct overlay_buffer *b, int offset, uint16_t v); uint32_t ob_get_packed_ui32(struct overlay_buffer *b); // information routines int ob_position(struct overlay_buffer *b); int ob_limit(struct overlay_buffer *b); int ob_remaining(struct overlay_buffer *b); unsigned char* ob_ptr(struct overlay_buffer *b); #endif