/* Serval DNA keyring MDP key map request Copyright (C) 2016 Flinders University Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Serval Project Inc. Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Paul Gardner-Stephen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "keyring.h" #include "conf.h" #include "debug.h" #include "overlay_buffer.h" #include "crypto.h" #include "mem.h" static int keyring_respond_id(struct internal_mdp_header *header) { keyring_identity *id = header->destination->identity; /* It's a request, so find the SAS for the SID the request was addressed to, use that to sign that SID, and then return it in an authcrypted frame. */ struct internal_mdp_header response; bzero(&response, sizeof response); mdp_init_response(header, &response); uint8_t buff[MDP_MTU]; struct overlay_buffer *response_payload = ob_static(buff, sizeof buff); ob_limitsize(response_payload, sizeof buff); ob_append_byte(response_payload, KEYTYPE_CRYPTOSIGN); ob_append_bytes(response_payload, id->sign_keypair->public_key.binary, crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES); uint8_t *sig = ob_append_space(response_payload, crypto_sign_BYTES); if (crypto_sign_detached(sig, NULL, header->destination->sid.binary, SID_SIZE, id->sign_keypair->binary)) return WHY("crypto_sign() failed"); DEBUGF(keyring, "Sending SID:SAS mapping, %zd bytes, %s:%"PRImdp_port_t" -> %s:%"PRImdp_port_t, ob_position(response_payload), alloca_tohex_sid_t(header->destination->sid), header->destination_port, alloca_tohex_sid_t(header->source->sid), header->source_port ); ob_flip(response_payload); int ret = overlay_send_frame(&response, response_payload); ob_free(response_payload); return ret; } static int keyring_store_id(struct internal_mdp_header *header, struct overlay_buffer *payload) { if (header->source->id_valid){ DEBUGF(keyring, "Ignoring SID:SAS mapping for %s, already have one", alloca_tohex_sid_t(header->source->sid)); return 0; } size_t len = ob_remaining(payload); DEBUGF(keyring, "Received SID:SAS mapping, %zd bytes", len); if (ob_remaining(payload) < IDENTITY_SIZE + crypto_sign_BYTES) return WHY("Truncated key mapping announcement?"); const sign_public_t *id_public = (const sign_public_t *)ob_get_bytes_ptr(payload, IDENTITY_SIZE); const uint8_t *compactsignature = ob_get_bytes_ptr(payload, crypto_sign_BYTES); if (crypto_sign_verify_detached(compactsignature, header->source->sid.binary, SID_SIZE, id_public->binary)) return WHY("SID:SAS mapping verification signature does not verify"); // test if the signing key can be used to derive the sid if (crypto_ismatching_sign_sid(id_public, &header->source->sid)) header->source->id_combined=1; /* now store it */ bcopy(id_public, &header->source->id_public, IDENTITY_SIZE); header->source->id_valid=1; header->source->id_last_request=-1; DEBUGF(keyring, "Stored SID:SAS mapping, SID=%s to SAS=%s", alloca_tohex_sid_t(header->source->sid), alloca_tohex_identity_t(&header->source->id_public) ); return 0; } static int keyring_send_challenge(struct subscriber *source, struct subscriber *dest) { struct internal_mdp_header header; bzero(&header, sizeof header); header.source = source; header.destination = dest; header.source_port = MDP_PORT_KEYMAPREQUEST; header.destination_port = MDP_PORT_KEYMAPREQUEST; header.qos = OQ_MESH_MANAGEMENT; time_ms_t now = gettime_ms(); struct keyring_challenge *challenge = source->identity->challenge; if (challenge && challenge->expires < now){ free(challenge); challenge = NULL; } if (!challenge){ challenge = emalloc_zero(sizeof(struct keyring_challenge)); if (challenge){ // give the remote party 15s to respond (should this could be based on measured link latency?) challenge->expires = now + 15000; randombytes_buf(challenge->challenge, sizeof(challenge->challenge)); } } source->identity->challenge = challenge; if (!challenge) return -1; struct overlay_buffer *payload = ob_new(); ob_append_byte(payload, UNLOCK_CHALLENGE); ob_append_bytes(payload, challenge->challenge, sizeof challenge->challenge); DEBUGF(keyring, "Sending Unlock challenge for sid %s", alloca_tohex_sid_t(source->sid)); ob_flip(payload); int ret = overlay_send_frame(&header, payload); ob_free(payload); return ret; } static int keyring_respond_challenge(struct subscriber *subscriber, struct overlay_buffer *payload) { if (!subscriber->identity) return WHY("Cannot unlock an identity we don't have in our keyring"); if (subscriber->reachable==REACHABLE_SELF) return 0; struct internal_mdp_header header; bzero(&header, sizeof header); header.source = get_my_subscriber(1); header.destination = subscriber; header.source_port = MDP_PORT_KEYMAPREQUEST; header.destination_port = MDP_PORT_KEYMAPREQUEST; header.qos = OQ_MESH_MANAGEMENT; uint8_t buff[MDP_MTU]; struct overlay_buffer *response = ob_static(buff, sizeof buff); ob_append_byte(response, UNLOCK_RESPONSE); ob_append_bytes(response, ob_current_ptr(payload), ob_remaining(payload)); size_t len = ob_position(response); if (keyring_sign_message(subscriber->identity, ob_ptr(response), sizeof(buff), &len)) return -1; ob_append_space(response, len - ob_position(response)); DEBUGF(keyring, "Responding to Unlock challenge for sid %s", alloca_tohex_sid_t(subscriber->sid)); ob_flip(response); int ret = overlay_send_frame(&header, response); ob_free(response); return ret; } static int keyring_process_challenge(keyring_file *k, struct subscriber *subscriber, struct overlay_buffer *payload) { int ret=-1; time_ms_t now = gettime_ms(); struct keyring_challenge *challenge = subscriber->identity->challenge; if (challenge){ subscriber->identity->challenge = NULL; size_t len = ob_remaining(payload)+1; // verify that the payload was signed by our key and contains the same challenge bytes that we sent // TODO allow for signing the challenge bytes without sending them twice? if (challenge->expires >= now && crypto_verify_message(subscriber, ob_current_ptr(payload) -1, &len) == 0 && len - 1 == sizeof(challenge->challenge) && memcmp(ob_current_ptr(payload), challenge->challenge, sizeof(challenge->challenge)) == 0){ keyring_release_subscriber(k, &subscriber->sid); ret=0; }else{ WHY("Challenge failed"); } free(challenge); } return ret; } DEFINE_BINDING(MDP_PORT_KEYMAPREQUEST, keyring_mapping_request); static int keyring_mapping_request(struct internal_mdp_header *header, struct overlay_buffer *payload) { assert(keyring != NULL); /* The authcryption of the MDP frame proves that the SAS key is owned by the owner of the SID, and so is absolutely compulsory. */ if (header->crypt_flags&(MDP_NOCRYPT|MDP_NOSIGN)) return WHY("mapping requests must be performed under authcryption"); switch(ob_get(payload)){ case KEYTYPE_CRYPTOSIGN: if (ob_remaining(payload)==0) return keyring_respond_id(header); return keyring_store_id(header, payload); break; case UNLOCK_REQUEST: { size_t len = ob_remaining(payload) +1; if (crypto_verify_message(header->destination, ob_current_ptr(payload) -1, &len)) return WHY("Signature check failed"); } return keyring_send_challenge(header->destination, header->source); case UNLOCK_CHALLENGE: return keyring_respond_challenge(header->source, payload); case UNLOCK_RESPONSE: return keyring_process_challenge(keyring, header->destination, payload); } return WHY("Not implemented"); }