/* Serval Distributed Numbering Architecture (DNA) Copyright (C) 2010 Paul Gardner-Stephen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "serval.h" int process_packet(unsigned char *packet, size_t len, int recvttl,struct sockaddr *sender, size_t sender_len) { //int authenticatedP=0; char did[128]; char sid[128]; unsigned char *transaction_id=&packet[OFS_TRANSIDFIELD]; did[0]=0; sid[0]=0; /* Get DID or SID */ if (packetGetID(packet,len,did,sid)) return WHY("Could not parse DID or SID"); /* Check for PIN */ if (!isFieldZeroP(packet,OFS_PINFIELD,16)) { /* Authentication has been attempted. If it is incorrect, then we need to return with ACTION_DECLINED */ if (debug&DEBUG_SECURITY) fprintf(stderr,"A PIN has been supplied.\n"); /* Can only authenticate by SID, not DID (since DIDs are ambiguous) */ if (packet[OFS_SIDDIDFIELD]!=1) return WHY("You can only authenticate against a SID"); /* XXX check authentication */ return WHY("Authentication not yet supported"); } else { /* No attempt at authentication was made */ //authenticatedP=0; if (debug&DEBUG_SECURITY) fprintf(stderr,"No PIN was supplied.\n"); } if (serverMode) return processRequest(packet,len,sender,sender_len,transaction_id, recvttl,did,sid); return 0; } int packetOk(struct overlay_interface *interface, unsigned char *packet, size_t len, unsigned char *transaction_id,int ttl, struct sockaddr *recvaddr, size_t recvaddrlen,int parseP) { if (len<HEADERFIELDS_LEN) return WHY("Packet is too short"); if (packet[0]==0x41&&packet[1]==0x10) { return packetOkDNA(packet,len,transaction_id,ttl,recvaddr,recvaddrlen,parseP); } if (packet[0]==0x4F&&packet[1]==0x10) { if (interface!=NULL) { return packetOkOverlay(interface,packet,len,transaction_id,ttl, recvaddr,recvaddrlen,parseP); } else /* We ignore overlay mesh packets in simple server mode, which is indicated by interface==-1 */ return WHY("Ignoring overlay mesh packet"); } return WHY("Packet type not recognised."); } int packetOkDNA(unsigned char *packet,int len,unsigned char *transaction_id, int recvttl, struct sockaddr *recvaddr, size_t recvaddrlen, int parseP) { /* Make sure that the packet is meant for us, and is not mal-formed */ int version; int cipher; int length; int payloadRotation; version=(packet[2]<<8)|packet[3]; length=(packet[4]<<8)|packet[5]; cipher=(packet[6]<<8)|packet[7]; if (version!=1) return WHY("Unknown packet format version"); if (cipher!=0) return WHY("Unknown packet cipher"); if (length!=len) return WHY("Packet length incorrect"); if (cipher) if (packetDecipher(packet,len,cipher)) return WHY("Could not decipher packet"); /* Make sure the transaction ID matches */ if (transaction_id) { int i; for(i=0;i<TRANSID_SIZE;i++) if (packet[OFS_TRANSIDFIELD+i]!=transaction_id[i]) return WHY("transaction ID mismatch"); } /* Unrotate the payload */ payloadRotation=packet[OFS_ROTATIONFIELD]; { unsigned char temp[256]; bcopy(&packet[len-payloadRotation],&temp[0],payloadRotation); bcopy(&packet[HEADERFIELDS_LEN],&packet[HEADERFIELDS_LEN+payloadRotation], len-(HEADERFIELDS_LEN)-payloadRotation); bcopy(&temp[0],&packet[HEADERFIELDS_LEN],payloadRotation); } if (debug&DEBUG_PACKETFORMATS) fprintf(stderr,"Packet passes sanity checks and is ready for decoding.\n"); if (debug&DEBUG_PACKETFORMATS) dump("unrotated packet",packet,len); if (parseP) return process_packet(packet,len,recvttl,recvaddr,recvaddrlen); else return 0; } int packetMakeHeader(unsigned char *packet,int packet_maxlen,int *packet_len, unsigned char *transaction_id,int cryptoflags) { int i; CHECK_PACKET_LEN(OFS_PAYLOAD); /* 0x4110 magic value */ packet[0]=0x41; packet[1]=0x10; /* encoding version */ packet[2]=0x00; packet[3]=0x01; /* Payload length (to be filled in later) */ packet[4]=0x00; packet[5]=0x00; /* Payload cipher (0x0000 = plain text) */ packet[6]=0x00; packet[7]=0x00; /* Add 64bit transaction id */ if (transaction_id) /* Use supplied transaction ID */ for(i=0;i<TRANSID_SIZE;i++) packet[OFS_TRANSIDFIELD+i]=transaction_id[i]; else /* No transaction ID supplied, so create random transaction ID */ for(i=0;i<TRANSID_SIZE;i++) packet[OFS_TRANSIDFIELD+i]=random()&0xff; /* payload rotation (not yet applied) */ packet[OFS_ROTATIONFIELD]=0x00; *packet_len=HEADERFIELDS_LEN; /* Clear did/subscriber ID, salt and hashed pin fields. However, we cannot zero them, because that would provide significant knowable plain-text for a known plain text attack. Thus, instead we fill it with random date, but make the modulo sum of each field == 0x00 to indicate that no PIN has been provided. */ safeZeroField(packet,*packet_len,SIDDIDFIELD_LEN); *packet_len+=SIDDIDFIELD_LEN; safeZeroField(packet,*packet_len,16); *packet_len+=16; safeZeroField(packet,*packet_len,16); *packet_len+=16; return 0; } int packetSetDid(unsigned char *packet,int packet_maxlen,int *packet_len,char *did) { /* Set the subject field to the supplied DID. DIDs get encoded 4bits per digit (0-9,#,*,+,SPARE1,ESCAPE,END) */ int ofs=OFS_SIDDIDFIELD; /* where the DID/subscriber ID gets written */ /* Put DID (ie not SID) marker into packet */ packet[ofs++]=0x00; return stowDid(packet,&ofs,did); } int packetSetSidFromId(unsigned char *packet,int packet_maxlen,int *packet_len, keyring_identity *id) { if (!id) return WHY("id is null"); unsigned char *sid=NULL; int i; for(i=0;i<id->keypair_count;i++) if (id->keypairs[i]->type==KEYTYPE_CRYPTOBOX) { sid=id->keypairs[i]->public_key; break; } if (!sid) return WHY("Could not find SID in identity"); /* find and copy SID from identity */ int ofs=OFS_SIDDIDFIELD; packet[ofs++]=0x01; /* SID */ bcopy(sid,&packet[ofs],SID_SIZE); return 0; } int packetFinalise(unsigned char *packet,int packet_maxlen,int recvttl, int *packet_len,int cryptoflags) { /* Add any padding bytes and EOT to packet */ int paddingBytes=rand()&0xf; int payloadRotation; if (paddingBytes) { CHECK_PACKET_LEN(2+paddingBytes); packet[(*packet_len)++]=ACTION_PAD; packet[(*packet_len)++]=paddingBytes; while(paddingBytes--) packet[(*packet_len)++]=random()&0xff; } /* tell requester what the ttl was when we received the packet */ if (recvttl>-1) { CHECK_PACKET_LEN(2); packet[(*packet_len)++]=ACTION_RECVTTL; packet[(*packet_len)++]=recvttl; } /* mark end of packet */ CHECK_PACKET_LEN(1); packet[(*packet_len)++]=ACTION_EOT; /* Set payload length */ packet[4]=((*packet_len)>>8)&0xff; packet[5]=((*packet_len)&0xff); /* Work out by how much to rotate the packet payload. The purpose of the rotation is to make it more difficult to conduct a known-plaintext attack against any ciphers that we may later support. */ payloadRotation=(*packet_len)-HEADERFIELDS_LEN; if (payloadRotation>0xff) payloadRotation=0xff; payloadRotation=random()%payloadRotation; if (debug&DEBUG_SECURITY) fprintf(stderr,"Known Plaintext counter-measure: rotating packet payload by 0x%02x bytes.\n", payloadRotation); if (debug&DEBUG_SECURITY) dump("unrotated packet",packet,*packet_len); /* Now rotate the payload */ { unsigned char temp[256]; /*Copy first part of payload to a temporary buffer */ bcopy(&packet[HEADERFIELDS_LEN],&temp[0],payloadRotation); /* Copy the main part of the payload left by the rotation factor */ bcopy(&packet[HEADERFIELDS_LEN+payloadRotation],&packet[HEADERFIELDS_LEN], (*packet_len)-(HEADERFIELDS_LEN)-payloadRotation); /* Copy the temporary buffer to the end of the packet to complete the rotation */ bcopy(&temp[0],&packet[(*packet_len)-payloadRotation],payloadRotation); } packet[OFS_ROTATIONFIELD]=payloadRotation; if (debug&DEBUG_SECURITY) dump("rotated packet",packet,*packet_len); if (cryptoflags) return packetEncipher(packet,packet_maxlen,packet_len,cryptoflags); return 0; } int extractRequest(unsigned char *packet,int *packet_ofs,int packet_len, int *itemId,int *instance,unsigned char *value, int *start_offset,int *bytes,int *flags) { if (*packet_ofs<0||(*packet_ofs)+6>=packet_len) return WHY("mal-formed request packet (packet too short/bad offset)"); *itemId=packet[(*packet_ofs)++]; if ((*itemId)&0x80) *instance=packet[(*packet_ofs)++]; else *instance=0; if (*instance==0xff) *instance=-1; *start_offset=packet[(*packet_ofs)++]<<8; *start_offset|=packet[(*packet_ofs)++]; *bytes=packet[(*packet_ofs)++]<<8; *bytes|=packet[(*packet_ofs)++]; *flags=packet[(*packet_ofs)++]; if (debug&DEBUG_DNAREQUESTS) printf("Write flags = 0x%02x\n",*flags); if (*packet_ofs<0||(*packet_ofs)+(*bytes)>=packet_len) { if (debug&DEBUG_PACKETFORMATS) fprintf(stderr,"Packet offset is %d, length is %d, and asked for %d bytes.\n",*packet_ofs,packet_len,*bytes); return WHY("mal-formed request packet (too short for claimed data)"); } bcopy(&packet[*packet_ofs],value,*bytes); (*packet_ofs)+=*bytes; return 0; } int extractResponses(struct in_addr sender,unsigned char *buffer,int len,struct response_set *responses) { int ofs=OFS_PAYLOAD; struct response *first_response=NULL; while(ofs<len) { /* XXX should allocate responses from a temporary and bounded slab of memory */ struct response *r=calloc(sizeof(struct response),1); if (!r) exit(WHY("calloc() failed.")); r->code=buffer[ofs]; r->sender=sender; /* XXX doesn't make sure it is SID instead of DID */ bcopy(&buffer[HEADERFIELDS_LEN+1],r->sid,SID_SIZE); switch(buffer[ofs]) { case ACTION_EOT: if (debug&DEBUG_DNARESPONSES) fprintf(stderr,"Reached response packet EOT.\n"); case ACTION_DECLINED: case ACTION_OKAY: case ACTION_CREATEHLR: r->response_len=0; break; case ACTION_GET: /* Followed by variable # to fetch. XXX If variable number >=0x80 then get instance information */ r->response_len=1; break; case ACTION_ERROR: r->response_len=buffer[++ofs]; break; case ACTION_DATA: /* Extract variable value */ unpackageVariableSegment(&buffer[ofs+1],len-ofs,WITHDATA,r); break; case ACTION_DONE: r->value_offset=buffer[ofs+1]; r->response_len=1; break; case ACTION_PAD: /* Skip padding bytes */ r->response_len=1+buffer[ofs+1]; break; case ACTION_WROTE: /* Extract info about the variable segment that was written. This uses the same format as the request to write it, but without the data */ unpackageVariableSegment(&buffer[ofs+1],len-ofs,WITHOUTDATA,r); r->response=NULL; break; case ACTION_RECVTTL: r->recvttl=buffer[ofs+1]; r->response_len=1; /* Attach TTL to other responses from this packet */ { struct response *rr=first_response; while(rr) { rr->recvttl=r->recvttl; rr=rr->next; } } break; case ACTION_SET: case ACTION_DEL: case ACTION_XFER: default: free(r); if (debug&(DEBUG_DNARESPONSES|DEBUG_PACKETFORMATS)) fprintf(stderr,"Encountered unimplemented response code 0x%02x @ 0x%x\n",buffer[ofs],ofs); fixResponses(responses); return WHY("Encountered unimplemented response type"); } ofs++; if (r->response_len) { /* extract bytes of response */ unsigned char *rr; if (r->response) rr=r->response; else rr=&buffer[ofs]; r->response=malloc(r->response_len+1); if (!r->response) exit(WHY("malloc() failed.")); bcopy(&rr[0],r->response,r->response_len); r->response[r->response_len]=0; ofs+=r->response_len; } /* Work out peer ID */ r->sender=sender; for(r->peer_id=0;r->peer_id<peer_count;r->peer_id++) { if (sender.s_addr==peers[r->peer_id].s_addr) break; } if (r->peer_id>peer_count) r->peer_id=-1; /* Link new response into chain */ if (debug&DEBUG_DNARESPONSES) printf("Linking response into response set.\n"); r->prev=responses->last_response; if (responses->last_response) responses->last_response->next=r; else responses->responses=r; responses->last_response=r; responses->response_count++; if (!first_response) first_response=r; responseFromPeer(responses,r->peer_id); if (debug&DEBUG_DNARESPONSES) dumpResponses(responses); } fixResponses(responses); return 0; } int packageVariableSegment(unsigned char *data,int *dlen, struct response *h, int offset,int buffer_size) { int bytes; int dlen_in=*dlen; if ((buffer_size-(*dlen))<8) return WHY("Insufficient buffer space for packageVariableSegment()"); /* Figure out how many bytes we need to package */ bytes=buffer_size-(*dlen)-8; if ((h->value_len-offset)<bytes) bytes=h->value_len-offset; if (bytes<0) bytes=0; if (debug&DEBUG_PACKETFORMATS) fprintf(stderr,"Packaging %d bytes of variable\n",bytes); /* Describe variable */ /* Variable id and instance # (if required) */ data[(*dlen)++]=h->var_id; if (h->var_id&0x80) data[(*dlen)++]=h->var_instance; /* Variable length */ data[(*dlen)++]=h->value_len>>8; data[(*dlen)++]=h->value_len&0xff; /* Start offset in this segment */ data[(*dlen)++]=(offset>>8)&0xff; data[(*dlen)++]=offset&0xff; /* Number of bytes in this segment */ data[(*dlen)++]=(bytes>>8)&0xff; data[(*dlen)++]=bytes&0xff; if (debug&DEBUG_PACKETFORMATS) fprintf(stderr,"Packaging %d bytes\n",bytes); /* Package the variable value itself (or part thereof) */ bcopy(&h->response[offset],&data[*dlen],bytes); (*dlen)+=bytes; if (debug&DEBUG_PACKETFORMATS) dump("Variable segment octets",&data[dlen_in],(*dlen)-dlen_in); return 0; } int unpackageVariableSegment(unsigned char *data,int dlen,int flags,struct response *r) { r->response_len=0; if (dlen<7) return WHY("unpackageVariableSegment() fed insufficient data"); r->var_id=data[r->response_len++]; if (r->var_id&0x80) r->var_instance=data[r->response_len++]; else r->var_instance=0; if (r->var_instance==0xff) r->var_instance=-1; r->value_len=data[r->response_len++]<<8; r->value_len|=data[r->response_len++]; r->value_offset=data[r->response_len++]<<8; r->value_offset|=data[r->response_len++]; r->value_bytes=data[r->response_len++]<<8; r->value_bytes|=data[r->response_len++]; r->response=&data[r->response_len]; r->response_len+=r->value_bytes; if (flags!=WITHOUTDATA) if (r->response_len>dlen) return WHY("unpackageVariableSegment() fed insufficient or corrupt data"); return 0; }