/* Serval Distributed Numbering Architecture (DNA) Copyright (C) 2010 Paul Gardner-Stephen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "serval.h" #include "conf.h" #include "rhizome.h" #include #include "overlay_buffer.h" #include "overlay_address.h" #include "overlay_packet.h" #include #include #include #include /* Android doesn't have log2(), and we don't really need to do floating point math to work out how big a file is. */ int log2ll(uint64_t x) { unsigned char lookup[16]={0,1,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4}; int v=-1; if (x>0xffffffff) { v+=32; x=x>>32LL; } if (x>0xffff) { v+=16; x=x>>16LL; } if (x>0xff) { v+= 8; x=x>> 8LL; } if (x>0xf) { v+= 4; x=x>> 4LL; } v+=lookup[x&0xf]; return v; } int rhizome_manifest_to_bar(rhizome_manifest *m, rhizome_bar_t *bar) { IN(); /* BAR = Bundle Advertisement Record. Basically a 32byte precis of a given manifest, that includes version, time-to-live and geographic bounding box information that is used to help manage flooding of bundles. Old BAR format (no longer used): 64 bits - manifest ID prefix. 56 bits - low 56 bits of version number. 8 bits - TTL of bundle in hops. 64 bits - length of associated file. 16 bits - min latitude (-90 - +90). 16 bits - min longitude (-180 - +180). 16 bits - max latitude (-90 - +90). 16 bits - max longitude (-180 - +180). New BAR format with longer manifest ID prefix: 120 bits - manifest ID prefix. 8 bits - log2(length) of associated file. 56 bits - low 56 bits of version number. 16 bits - min latitude (-90 - +90). 16 bits - min longitude (-180 - +180). 16 bits - max latitude (-90 - +90). 16 bits - max longitude (-180 - +180). 8 bits - TTL of bundle in hops (0xff = unlimited distribution) */ if (!m) { RETURN(WHY("null manifest passed in")); } /* Manifest prefix */ unsigned i; for(i=0;ibinary[RHIZOME_BAR_PREFIX_OFFSET+i]=m->keypair.public_key.binary[i]; /* file length */ assert(m->filesize != RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET); bar->binary[RHIZOME_BAR_FILESIZE_OFFSET]=log2ll(m->filesize); /* Version */ for(i=0;i<7;i++) bar->binary[RHIZOME_BAR_VERSION_OFFSET+6-i]=(m->version>>(8*i))&0xff; #if 0 /* geo bounding box TODO: replace with bounding circle!!! */ double minLat=rhizome_manifest_get_double(m,"min_lat",-90); if (minLat<-90) minLat=-90; if (minLat>90) minLat=90; double minLong=rhizome_manifest_get_double(m,"min_long",-180); if (minLong<-180) minLong=-180; if (minLong>180) minLong=180; double maxLat=rhizome_manifest_get_double(m,"max_lat",+90); if (maxLat<-90) maxLat=-90; if (maxLat>90) maxLat=90; double maxLong=rhizome_manifest_get_double(m,"max_long",+180); if (maxLong<-180) maxLong=-180; if (maxLong>180) maxLong=180; #else double minLat = -90; double minLong = -180; double maxLat = +90; double maxLong = +180; #endif unsigned short v; int o=RHIZOME_BAR_GEOBOX_OFFSET; v=(minLat+90)*(65535/180); bar->binary[o++]=(v>>8)&0xff; bar->binary[o++]=(v>>0)&0xff; v=(minLong+180)*(65535/360); bar->binary[o++]=(v>>8)&0xff; bar->binary[o++]=(v>>0)&0xff; v=(maxLat+90)*(65535/180); bar->binary[o++]=(v>>8)&0xff; bar->binary[o++]=(v>>0)&0xff; v=(maxLong+180)*(65535/360); bar->binary[o++]=(v>>8)&0xff; bar->binary[o++]=(v>>0)&0xff; bar->binary[RHIZOME_BAR_TTL_OFFSET]=0; RETURN(0); OUT(); } uint64_t rhizome_bar_version(const rhizome_bar_t *bar) { uint64_t version=0; int i; for(i=0;i<7;i++) version|=((uint64_t)(bar->binary[RHIZOME_BAR_VERSION_OFFSET+6-i]))<<(8LL*i); return version; } /* This function only displays the first 8 bytes, and should not be used for comparison. */ uint64_t rhizome_bar_bidprefix_ll(const rhizome_bar_t *bar) { uint64_t bidprefix=0; int i; for(i=0;i<8;i++) bidprefix|=((uint64_t)bar->binary[RHIZOME_BAR_PREFIX_OFFSET+7-i])<<(8*i); return bidprefix; } #define HAS_PORT (1<<1) #define HAS_MANIFESTS (1<<0) /* Queue an advertisment for a single manifest */ int rhizome_advertise_manifest(struct subscriber *dest, rhizome_manifest *m){ struct overlay_frame *frame = malloc(sizeof(struct overlay_frame)); bzero(frame,sizeof(struct overlay_frame)); frame->type = OF_TYPE_RHIZOME_ADVERT; frame->source = get_my_subscriber(1); if (dest && dest->reachable&REACHABLE) frame->destination = dest; else frame->ttl = 1; frame->queue = OQ_OPPORTUNISTIC; if ((frame->payload = ob_new()) == NULL) goto error; ob_limitsize(frame->payload, 800); ob_append_byte(frame->payload, HAS_PORT|HAS_MANIFESTS); ob_append_ui16(frame->payload, is_rhizome_http_enabled()? httpd_server_port : 0); ob_append_ui16(frame->payload, m->manifest_all_bytes); ob_append_bytes(frame->payload, m->manifestdata, m->manifest_all_bytes); ob_append_byte(frame->payload, 0xFF); if (overlay_payload_enqueue(frame) == -1) goto error; DEBUGF(rhizome_ads, "Advertising manifest %s %"PRIu64" to %s", alloca_tohex_rhizome_bid_t(m->keypair.public_key), m->version, dest?alloca_tohex_sid_t(dest->sid):"broadcast"); return 0; error: op_free(frame); return -1; } time_ms_t lookup_time=0; int overlay_rhizome_saw_advertisements(struct decode_context *context, struct overlay_frame *f) { IN(); if (!f) RETURN(-1); if (!(rhizome_db && config.rhizome.fetch)) RETURN(0); int ad_frame_type=ob_get(f->payload); struct socket_address httpaddr; if (context->addr.addr.sa_family == AF_UNIX){ // try loopback http connections while testing with local sockets httpaddr.inet.sin_family=AF_INET; httpaddr.inet.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK); httpaddr.addrlen = sizeof(httpaddr.inet); }else{ httpaddr=context->addr; } if (httpaddr.addr.sa_family == AF_INET) httpaddr.inet.sin_port = HTTPD_PORT_DEFAULT; rhizome_manifest *m=NULL; int (*oldfunc)() = sqlite_set_tracefunc(is_debug_rhizome_ads); if (ad_frame_type & HAS_PORT){ uint16_t port = ob_get_ui16(f->payload); if (httpaddr.addr.sa_family == AF_INET) httpaddr.inet.sin_port = htons(port); } if (ad_frame_type & HAS_MANIFESTS){ /* Extract whole manifests */ while (ob_remaining(f->payload) > 0) { if (ob_peek(f->payload) == 0xff) { ob_skip(f->payload, 1); break; } size_t manifest_length = ob_get_ui16(f->payload); if (manifest_length==0) continue; unsigned char *data = ob_get_bytes_ptr(f->payload, manifest_length); if (!data) { WHYF("Illegal manifest length field in rhizome advertisement frame %zu vs %zd", manifest_length, ob_remaining(f->payload)); break; } // Briefly inspect the manifest to see if it looks interesting. struct rhizome_manifest_summary summ; if (!rhizome_manifest_inspect((char *)data, manifest_length, &summ)) { DEBUG(rhizome_ads, "Ignoring manifest that looks malformed"); goto next; } DEBUGF(rhizome_ads, "manifest id=%s version=%"PRIu64, alloca_tohex_rhizome_bid_t(summ.bid), summ.version); // If it looks like there is no signature at all, ignore the announcement but don't brown-list // the manifest ID, so that we will still process other offers of the same manifest with // signatures. if (summ.body_len == manifest_length) { DEBUG(rhizome_ads, "Ignoring manifest announcment with no signature"); goto next; } if (rhizome_ignore_manifest_check(summ.bid.binary, sizeof summ.bid.binary)){ /* Ignoring manifest that has caused us problems recently */ DEBUGF(rhizome_ads, "Ignoring manifest with errors bid=%s", alloca_tohex_rhizome_bid_t(summ.bid)); goto next; } // The manifest looks potentially interesting, so now do a full parse and validation. if ((m = rhizome_new_manifest()) == NULL) goto next; memcpy(m->manifestdata, data, manifest_length); m->manifest_all_bytes = manifest_length; if ( rhizome_manifest_parse(m) == -1 || !rhizome_manifest_validate(m) ) { WARN("Malformed manifest"); // Don't attend to this manifest for at least a minute rhizome_queue_ignore_manifest(m->keypair.public_key.binary, sizeof m->keypair.public_key.binary, 60000); goto next; } assert(m->has_id); assert(m->version != 0); assert(cmp_rhizome_bid_t(&m->keypair.public_key, &summ.bid) == 0); assert(m->version == summ.version); assert(m->manifest_body_bytes == summ.body_len); // start the fetch process! rhizome_suggest_queue_manifest_import(m, &httpaddr, f->source); // the above function will free the manifest structure, make sure we don't free it again m=NULL; next: if (m) { rhizome_manifest_free(m); m = NULL; } } } // if we're using the new sync protocol, ignore the rest of the packet if (f->source->sync_state) goto end; struct internal_mdp_header header; bzero(&header, sizeof header); struct overlay_buffer *payload = NULL; // parse BAR's const rhizome_bar_t *bars[50]; int bar_count=0; while(ob_remaining(f->payload)>0 && bar_count<50){ const rhizome_bar_t *bar; bars[bar_count]=bar=(const rhizome_bar_t *)ob_get_bytes_ptr(f->payload, RHIZOME_BAR_BYTES); if (!bar){ WARNF("Expected whole BAR @%zx (only %zd bytes remain)", ob_position(f->payload), ob_remaining(f->payload)); break; } // are we ignoring this manifest? if (rhizome_ignore_manifest_check(rhizome_bar_prefix(bar), RHIZOME_BAR_PREFIX_BYTES)) continue; // do we have free space in a fetch queue? unsigned char log2_size = rhizome_bar_log_size(bar); if (log2_size!=0xFF && rhizome_fetch_has_queue_space(log2_size)!=1) continue; // are we already fetching this bundle [or later]? if (rhizome_fetch_bar_queued(bar)) continue; bar_count++; } // perform costly database lookups int index; int test_count=0; int max_tests = (lookup_time?(int)(40 / lookup_time):bar_count); if (max_tests<=0) max_tests=2; time_ms_t start_time = gettime_ms(); for (index=0;index max_tests || gettime_ms() - start_time >40) break; if (bar_count > max_tests && random()%bar_count >= max_tests) continue; test_count++; if (rhizome_is_bar_interesting(bars[index])==1){ // add a request for the manifest if (!payload){ header.source = get_my_subscriber(1); header.source_port = MDP_PORT_RHIZOME_RESPONSE; header.destination = f->source; header.destination_port = MDP_PORT_RHIZOME_MANIFEST_REQUEST; if (f->source->reachable&REACHABLE_DIRECT) header.ttl=1; else header.ttl=64; header.qos=OQ_ORDINARY; payload = ob_new(); } DEBUGF(rhizome, "Requesting manifest for BAR %s", alloca_tohex_rhizome_bar_t(bars[index])); ob_append_bytes(payload, bars[index]->binary, RHIZOME_BAR_BYTES); } } time_ms_t end_time=gettime_ms(); if (test_count) lookup_time=(end_time-start_time)/test_count; else lookup_time = (end_time - start_time); if (payload){ ob_flip(payload); overlay_send_frame(&header, payload); ob_free(payload); } end: sqlite_set_tracefunc(oldfunc); RETURN(0); OUT(); }