#ifdef HAVE_POLL_H #include #endif #include #include #include "constants.h" #include "mdp_client.h" #include "str.h" struct item{ // simple tree structure struct item *_left; struct item *_right; char key[32]; char value[128]; time_ms_t expires; }; struct item *root=NULL; static struct item *create_item(const char *key){ struct item *ret=calloc(1,sizeof(struct item)); strncpy(ret->key,key,sizeof(ret->key)); ret->key[sizeof(ret->key) -1]=0; return ret; } static struct item *find_item(const char *key){ struct item *item = root; while(item){ int c=strcmp(item->key, key); if (c==0) return item; if (c<0){ item = item->_left; }else{ item = item->_right; } } return NULL; } static void add_item(char *key, char *value){ struct item *item = root, **last_ptr=&root; while(item){ int c=strcmp(item->key, key); if (c==0){ c=strcmp(item->value, value); if (c==0){ item->expires = gettime_ms()+1200000; return; } } if (c<0){ last_ptr = &item->_left; }else{ last_ptr = &item->_right; } item = *last_ptr; } *last_ptr = item = create_item(key); strncpy(item->value,value,sizeof(item->value)); item->value[sizeof(item->value) -1]=0; // expire after 20 minutes item->expires = gettime_ms()+1200000; // used by tests fprintf(stderr, "PUBLISHED \"%s\" = \"%s\"\n", key, value); } static void add_record(int mdp_sockfd){ int ttl; overlay_mdp_frame mdp; if (overlay_mdp_recv(mdp_sockfd, &mdp, MDP_PORT_DIRECTORY, &ttl)) return; if (mdp.packetTypeAndFlags&MDP_NOCRYPT){ fprintf(stderr, "Only encrypted packets will be considered for publishing\n"); return; } // make sure the payload is a NULL terminated string mdp.in.payload[mdp.in.payload_length]=0; char *did=(char *)mdp.in.payload; int i=0; while(ikey, key); if (c<=0) respond(token, item->_left, key); if (c==0 && item->expires > gettime_ms()) printf("%s|%s|\n",token,item->value); if (c>=0) respond(token, item->_right, key); } static void process_line(char *line){ char *token=line; char *p=line; while(*p && *p!='|') p++; *p++=0; char *did = p; while(*p && *p!='|') p++; *p++=0; respond(token, find_item(did), did); printf("DONE\n"); fflush(stdout); } static void resolve_request(){ static char line_buff[1024]; static int line_pos=0; set_nonblock(STDIN_FILENO); int bytes = read(STDIN_FILENO, line_buff + line_pos, sizeof(line_buff) - line_pos); set_block(STDIN_FILENO); int i = line_pos; int processed=0; line_pos+=bytes; char *line_start=line_buff; for (;i0){ if (fds[0].revents & POLLIN) resolve_request(); if (fds[1].revents & POLLIN) add_record(mdp_sockfd); if (fds[0].revents & (POLLHUP | POLLERR)) break; } } overlay_mdp_client_close(mdp_sockfd); return 0; }