/* Serval Distributed Numbering Architecture (DNA) Copyright (C) 2010 Paul Gardner-Stephen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "serval.h" #include "rhizome.h" #include int usage(char *complaint) { fprintf(stderr,"dna: %s\n",complaint); fprintf(stderr,"usage:\n"); fprintf(stderr," dna [-v ] -S [-f keyring file] [-N interface,...] [-G gateway specification] [-r rhizome path]\n"); fprintf(stderr,"or\n"); fprintf(stderr," dna -r -M \n"); fprintf(stderr,"or\n"); fprintf(stderr," dna <-d|-s> id -A\n"); fprintf(stderr,"or\n"); fprintf(stderr," dna <-d|-s> id [-p pin] [-i variable instance] <-R variable[=value]>\n"); fprintf(stderr," [-v ] [-t request timeout in ms] [-O output file name template]\n"); fprintf(stderr,"or\n"); fprintf(stderr," dna <-d|-s> id [-p pin] [-i variable instance] <-W|-U|-D variable[=[$|@]value]>\n"); fprintf(stderr," [-v ] [-t request timeout in ms]\n"); fprintf(stderr,"or\n"); fprintf(stderr," dna [-v ] [-t timeout] -d did -C\n"); fprintf(stderr,"or\n"); fprintf(stderr," dna [-v ] -f -E \n"); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fprintf(stderr," -v - Set verbosity.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -A - Ask for address of subscriber.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -b - Specify BATMAN socket to obtain peer list (flaky).\n"); fprintf(stderr," -l - Specify BATMAN socket to obtain peer list (better, but requires Serval patched BATMAN).\n"); fprintf(stderr," -L - Log mesh statistics to specified file.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -m - Return multiple variable values instead of only first response.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -M - Create and import a new bundle from the specified manifest.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -n - Do not detach from foreground in server mode.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -S - Run in server mode.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -f - Location of keyring file.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -d - Search by Direct Inward Dial (DID) number.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -s - Search by Subscriber ID (SID) number.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -p - Specify additional DNA nodes to query.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -P - Authenticate using the supplied pin.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -r - Enable Rhizome store-and-forward transport using the specified data store directory.\n"); fprintf(stderr," To limit the storage: echo space=[KB] > path/rhizome.conf\n"); fprintf(stderr," -R - Read a variable value.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -O - Place read variable value into files using argument as a template.\n"); fprintf(stderr," The following template codes can be used (interpretted by sprintf):\n"); fprintf(stderr," %%1$s - Subscriber ID\n"); fprintf(stderr," %%2$d - Variable ID (0-255)\n"); fprintf(stderr," %%3$d - Variable instance number (0-255)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -W - Write a variable value, keeping previous values.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -U - Update a variable value, replacing the previous value.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -D - Delete a variable value.\n"); fprintf(stderr," $value means interpret value as hexidecimal bytes.\n"); fprintf(stderr," @value means read value from file called value.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -C - Request the creation of a new subscriber with the specified DID.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -t - Specify the request timeout period.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -G - Offer gateway services. Argument specifies locations of necessary files.\n"); fprintf(stderr," Use -G [potato|android|custom:...] to set defaults for your device type.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -N - Specify one or more interfaces for the DNA overlay mesh to operate.\n"); fprintf(stderr," Interface specifications take the form <+|->[interface[=type][,...]\n"); fprintf(stderr," e.g., -N -en0,+ to use all interfaces except en0\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); exit(-1); } int parseOldCommandLine(int argc, char **argv) { int c; //char *pin=NULL; char *did=NULL; char *sid=NULL; char *keyring_file=NULL; int instance=-1; int foregroundMode=0; int clientMode=0; const char *rhizome_path = NULL; WARNF("The use of the old command line structure is being deprecated."); WARNF("Type '%s help' to learn about the new command line structure.", argv[0]); while ((c = getopt(argc,argv,"Ab:B:E:G:I:Sf:d:i:l:L:mnp:P:r:s:t:v:R:W:U:D:CO:M:N:")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'S': serverMode=1; break; case 'r': /* Enable rhizome */ if (rhizome_path) return WHY("-r specified more than once"); rhizome_path = optarg; break; case 'M': /* Distribute specified manifest and file pair using Rhizome. */ /* This option assumes that the manifest is locally produced, and will create any appropriate signatures, replacing any old signatures on the manifest. A different calling would be required to import an existing pre-signed manifest */ return rhizome_bundle_import(NULL, NULL, optarg, NULL /* no groups - XXX should allow them */, 255 /* ttl - XXX should read from somewhere, e.g., bar if being imported */, 0 /* int verifyP */, 1 /* int checkFileP */, 1 /* int signP */); break; case 'm': returnMultiVars=1; break; case 'N': /* Ask for overlay network to setup one or more interfaces */ if (overlay_interface_args(optarg)) return WHY("Invalid interface specification(s) passed to -N"); overlayMode=1; break; case 'G': /* Offer gateway services */ gatewayspec=strdup(optarg); if(prepareGateway(gatewayspec)) return usage("Invalid gateway specification"); break; case 'n': /* don't detach from foreground in server mode */ foregroundMode=1; break; case 'b': /* talk peers on a BATMAN mesh */ batman_socket=strdup(optarg); break; case 'l': /* talk peers on a BATMAN mesh */ batman_peerfile=strdup(optarg); break; case 'L': instrumentation_file=strdup(optarg); break; case 'B': /* Set simulated Bit Error Rate for bench-testing */ simulatedBER=atof(optarg); fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: Bit error injection enabled -- this will cause packet loss and is intended only for testing.\n"); break; case 'i': instance=atoi(optarg); if (instance<-1||instance>255) usage("Illegal variable instance ID."); break; case 'f': if (clientMode) usage("Only servers use keyring files"); keyring_file=strdup(optarg); break; case 'p': /* additional peers to query */ if (additionalPeer(optarg)) exit(-3); break; case 'P': /* Supply pin */ //pin=strdup(optarg); clientMode=1; break; case 'd': /* Ask by DID */ clientMode=1; did=strdup(optarg); break; case 's': /* Ask by subscriber ID */ clientMode=1; sid=strdup(optarg); break; case 't': /* request timeout (ms) */ dnatimeout=atoi(optarg); break; case 'v': /* set verbosity */ debug |= debugFlagMask(optarg); break; case 'A': /* get address (IP or otherwise) of a given peer */ peerAddress(did,sid,3 /* 1 = print list of addresses to stdout, 2 = set peer list to responders */); break; case 'R': /* read a variable */ { unsigned char buffer[65535]; int len=0; requestItem(did,sid,(char *)optarg,instance,buffer,sizeof(buffer),&len,NULL); } break; case 'W': /* write a variable */ { int var_id; unsigned char value[65536]; int value_len=65535; if (parseAssignment((unsigned char *)optarg,&var_id,value,&value_len)) return -1; value[value_len]=0; return writeItem(did?did:sid,var_id,instance,value,0,value_len,SET_NOREPLACE,-1,NULL); } break; case 'U': /* write or update a variable */ { int var_id; unsigned char value[65536]; int value_len=65535; if (parseAssignment((unsigned char *)optarg,&var_id,value,&value_len)) return -1; value[value_len]=0; return writeItem(did?did:sid,var_id,instance,value,0,value_len,SET_REPLACE,-1,NULL); } break; case 'C': /* create a new keyring entry */ return WHY("Entries in new keyring format must be used with new command line framework."); break; case 'O': /* output to templated files */ if (outputtemplate) usage("You can only specify -O once"); outputtemplate=strdup(optarg); break; default: usage("Invalid option"); break; } } if (optind3072) { return WHY("Variable assignment string is too long, use =@file to read value from a file"); } /* Identify which variable */ *var_id=-1; for(i=0;i=tlen) return WHY("Variable value has an odd number of hex digits."); b|=hexvalue(text[i++]); if (b<0) return WHY("That doesn't look like hex to me"); if (vlen>=max_len) return WHY("Variable hex value too long"); value[vlen++]=b; } *value_len=vlen; return 0; break; case '@': /* file */ { FILE *f=fopen((char *)&text[i+1],"r"); int flen; fseek(f,0,SEEK_END); flen=ftell(f); if (flen>max_len) return WHY("Variable value from file too long"); fseek(f,0,SEEK_SET); vlen=fread(value,1,flen,f); if (vlen!=flen) return WHY("Could not read all of file"); fclose(f); *value_len=vlen; return 0; } break; default: /* literal string */ vlen=strlen((char *)&text[i]); if (vlen>max_len) return WHY("Variable value too long"); bcopy(&text[i],value,vlen); *value_len=vlen; return 0; } return 0; }