/* Serval DNA essential server HTTP pages Copyright (C) 2016 Flinders University Copyright (C) 2015 Serval Project Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "serval.h" #include "httpd.h" #include "conf.h" #include "overlay_address.h" #include "overlay_interface.h" #include "os.h" #include "route_link.h" DEFINE_FEATURE(http_server); DECLARE_HANDLER("/", root_page); DECLARE_HANDLER("/static/", static_page); DECLARE_HANDLER("/interface/", interface_page); DECLARE_HANDLER("/neighbour/", neighbour_page); DECLARE_HANDLER("/favicon.ico", fav_icon_header); static int root_page(httpd_request *r, const char *remainder) { if (*remainder) return 404; if (r->http.verb != HTTP_VERB_GET) return 405; char temp[8192]; strbuf b = strbuf_local_buf(temp); strbuf_sprintf(b, "" "

Hello, I'm %s*

", alloca_tohex_sid_t_trunc(get_my_subscriber(1)->sid, 16)); if (config.server.motd[0]) { strbuf_puts(b, "

"); strbuf_html_escape(b, config.server.motd, strlen(config.server.motd)); strbuf_puts(b, "

"); } strbuf_puts(b, "Interfaces;
"); int i; for (i=0;i%d: %s, TX: %d, RX: %d
", i, i, overlay_interfaces[i].name, overlay_interfaces[i].tx_count, overlay_interfaces[i].recv_count); } strbuf_puts(b, "Neighbours;
"); link_neighbour_short_status_html(b, "/neighbour"); if (is_rhizome_http_enabled()){ strbuf_puts(b, "Rhizome Status
"); } strbuf_puts(b, ""); if (strbuf_overrun(b)) { WHY("HTTP Root page buffer overrun"); return 500; } http_request_response_static(&r->http, 200, CONTENT_TYPE_HTML, temp, strbuf_len(b)); return 1; } static int fav_icon_header(httpd_request *r, const char *remainder) { if (*remainder) return 404; http_request_response_static(&r->http, 200, "image/vnd.microsoft.icon", (const char *)favicon_bytes, favicon_len); return 1; } static int neighbour_page(httpd_request *r, const char *remainder) { if (r->http.verb != HTTP_VERB_GET) return 405; char buf[8*1024]; strbuf b = strbuf_local_buf(buf); sid_t neighbour_sid; if (str_to_sid_t(&neighbour_sid, remainder) == -1) return 404; struct subscriber *neighbour = find_subscriber(neighbour_sid.binary, sizeof(neighbour_sid.binary), 0); if (!neighbour) return 404; strbuf_puts(b, ""); link_neighbour_status_html(b, neighbour); strbuf_puts(b, ""); if (strbuf_overrun(b)) return -1; http_request_response_static(&r->http, 200, CONTENT_TYPE_HTML, buf, strbuf_len(b)); return 1; } static int interface_page(httpd_request *r, const char *remainder) { if (r->http.verb != HTTP_VERB_GET) return 405; char buf[8*1024]; strbuf b=strbuf_local_buf(buf); int index=atoi(remainder); if (index<0 || index>=OVERLAY_MAX_INTERFACES) return 404; strbuf_puts(b, ""); interface_state_html(b, &overlay_interfaces[index]); strbuf_puts(b, ""); if (strbuf_overrun(b)) return -1; http_request_response_static(&r->http, 200, CONTENT_TYPE_HTML, buf, strbuf_len(b)); return 1; } static int static_file_generator(struct http_request *hr, unsigned char *buf, size_t bufsz, struct http_content_generator_result *result) { struct httpd_request *r=(struct httpd_request *)hr; uint64_t remain = r->http.response.header.content_length + r->http.response.header.content_range_start - r->u.file.offset; if (bufsz < remain) remain = bufsz; ssize_t bytes = read(r->u.file.fd, buf, remain); if (bytes == -1) return -1; r->u.file.offset+=bytes; result->generated = bytes; return (r->u.file.offset >= r->http.response.header.content_length + r->http.response.header.content_range_start)?0:1; } static void finalise_union_close_file(httpd_request *r) { if (r->u.file.fd==-1) return; close(r->u.file.fd); r->u.file.fd=-1; } static int static_page(httpd_request *r, const char *remainder) { if (r->http.verb != HTTP_VERB_GET) return 405; char path[PATH_MAX]; if (!*remainder) remainder="index.html"; if (FORMF_SERVAL_ETC_PATH(path, "static/%s", remainder)==0) return 500; struct stat stat; if (lstat(path, &stat)) return 404; r->u.file.fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); if (r->u.file.fd==-1) return 404; r->finalise_union=finalise_union_close_file; // TODO find extension and set content type properly http_response_init_content_range(r, stat.st_size); if (r->http.response.header.content_range_start){ if (lseek64(r->u.file.fd, r->http.response.header.content_range_start, SEEK_SET)){ WARNF_perror("lseek(%s)", path); return 500; } } r->u.file.offset=r->http.response.header.content_range_start; http_request_response_generated(&r->http, 200, CONTENT_TYPE_HTML, static_file_generator); return 1; }