/* Mesh Stream Protocol (MSP) Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Serval Project Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include "cli.h" #include "serval_types.h" #include "mdp_client.h" #include "msp_client.h" #include "fdqueue.h" #include "log.h" #include "mem.h" #include "str.h" #include "strbuf.h" #include "strbuf_helpers.h" #include "dataformats.h" #include "socket.h" #include "conf.h" #include "commandline.h" struct buffer{ size_t position; size_t limit; size_t capacity; uint8_t bytes[]; }; struct connection{ struct connection *_next; struct connection *_prev; struct sched_ent alarm_in; struct sched_ent alarm_out; MSP_SOCKET sock; struct buffer *in; struct buffer *out; char eof; int last_state; }; struct connection *connections=NULL; int saw_error=0; int once =0; MSP_SOCKET listener = MSP_SOCKET_NULL; struct mdp_sockaddr remote_addr; struct socket_address ip_addr; char quit=0; static int try_send(struct connection *conn); static void msp_poll(struct sched_ent *alarm); static void service_poll(struct sched_ent *alarm); static void listen_poll(struct sched_ent *alarm); static void io_poll(struct sched_ent *alarm); static MSP_HANDLER msp_handler; struct profile_total mdp_sock_stats={ .name="msp_poll" }; struct sched_ent mdp_sock={ .poll = { .revents = 0, .events = POLLIN, .fd = -1 }, .function = msp_poll, .stats = &mdp_sock_stats, }; struct profile_total service_sock_stats={ .name="service_poll" }; struct sched_ent service_sock={ .poll = { .revents = 0, .events = POLLIN, .fd = -1 }, .function = service_poll, .stats = &service_sock_stats, }; struct profile_total io_stats={ .name="io_stats" }; struct profile_total listen_stats={ .name="listen_poll" }; struct sched_ent listen_alarm={ .poll = { .revents = 0, .events = POLLIN, .fd = -1 }, .function = listen_poll, .stats = &listen_stats, }; const char *service_name=NULL; mdp_port_t service_port; static struct connection *alloc_connection( MSP_SOCKET sock, int fd_in, void (*func_in)(struct sched_ent *alarm), int fd_out, void (*func_out)(struct sched_ent *alarm)) { struct connection *conn = emalloc_zero(sizeof(struct connection)); if (!conn) return NULL; conn->sock = sock; conn->alarm_in.poll.fd = fd_in; conn->alarm_in.poll.events = POLLIN; conn->alarm_in.function = func_in; conn->alarm_in.stats = &io_stats; conn->alarm_in.context = conn; conn->alarm_out.poll.fd = fd_out; conn->alarm_out.poll.events = POLLOUT; conn->alarm_out.function = func_out; conn->alarm_out.stats = &io_stats; conn->alarm_out.context = conn; watch(&conn->alarm_in); conn->in = emalloc(1024 + sizeof(struct buffer)); if (!conn->in){ free(conn); return NULL; } conn->out = emalloc(1024 + sizeof(struct buffer)); if (!conn->out){ free(conn->in); free(conn); return NULL; } conn->in->position = conn->out->position = 0; conn->in->limit = conn->out->limit = 0; conn->in->capacity = conn->out->capacity = 1024; if (connections) connections->_prev = conn; conn->_next = connections; connections = conn; return conn; } static void free_connection(struct connection *conn) { if (!conn) return; if (!msp_socket_is_closed(conn->sock)){ msp_set_handler(conn->sock, msp_handler, NULL); msp_stop(conn->sock); } if (conn->in) free(conn->in); if (conn->out) free(conn->out); conn->in=NULL; conn->out=NULL; if (is_watching(&conn->alarm_in)) unwatch(&conn->alarm_in); if (is_watching(&conn->alarm_out)) unwatch(&conn->alarm_out); if (conn->alarm_in.poll.fd!=-1) close(conn->alarm_in.poll.fd); if (conn->alarm_out.poll.fd!=-1 && conn->alarm_out.poll.fd != conn->alarm_in.poll.fd) close(conn->alarm_out.poll.fd); conn->alarm_in.poll.fd=-1; conn->alarm_out.poll.fd=-1; if (conn->_next) conn->_next->_prev = conn->_prev; if (conn->_prev) conn->_prev->_next = conn->_next; if (conn==connections) connections = conn->_next; free(conn); if (!connections && !msp_socket_is_listening(listener)) unwatch(&mdp_sock); } static void process_msp_asap() { mdp_sock.alarm = gettime_ms(); mdp_sock.deadline = mdp_sock.alarm+10; unschedule(&mdp_sock); schedule(&mdp_sock); } static void remote_shutdown(struct connection *conn) { struct mdp_sockaddr remote; if (conn->alarm_out.poll.fd != STDOUT_FILENO){ if (shutdown(conn->alarm_out.poll.fd, SHUT_WR)) WARNF_perror("shutdown(%d)", conn->alarm_out.poll.fd); } msp_get_remote(conn->sock, &remote); if (config.debug.msp) DEBUGF(" - Connection with %s:%d remote shutdown", alloca_tohex_sid_t(remote.sid), remote.port); } static void local_shutdown(struct connection *conn) { struct mdp_sockaddr remote; msp_get_remote(conn->sock, &remote); msp_shutdown(conn->sock); if (config.debug.msp) DEBUGF(" - Connection with %s:%d local shutdown", alloca_tohex_sid_t(remote.sid), remote.port); } static size_t msp_handler(MSP_SOCKET sock, msp_state_t state, const uint8_t *payload, size_t len, void *context) { struct connection *conn = context; if (!conn) return 0; if (state & MSP_STATE_ERROR) saw_error=1; if (payload && len){ if (conn->out->limit){ // attempt to write immediately conn->alarm_out.poll.revents=POLLOUT; conn->alarm_out.function(&conn->alarm_out); } if (len > conn->out->capacity - conn->out->limit) len = conn->out->capacity - conn->out->limit; if (len){ bcopy(payload, &conn->out->bytes[conn->out->limit], len); conn->out->limit+=len; } conn->alarm_out.poll.events|=POLLOUT; watch(&conn->alarm_out); // attempt to write immediately conn->alarm_out.poll.revents=POLLOUT; conn->alarm_out.function(&conn->alarm_out); } if ((state & MSP_STATE_SHUTDOWN_REMOTE) && !(conn->last_state & MSP_STATE_SHUTDOWN_REMOTE) && conn->out->limit==0) remote_shutdown(conn); conn->last_state=state; if (state&MSP_STATE_DATAOUT) try_send(conn); if (state & MSP_STATE_CLOSED){ struct mdp_sockaddr remote; msp_get_remote(sock, &remote); if (config.debug.msp) DEBUGF(" - Connection with %s:%d closed %s", alloca_tohex_sid_t(remote.sid), remote.port, (state & MSP_STATE_STOPPED) ? "suddenly":"gracefully"); conn->sock = MSP_SOCKET_NULL; if (is_watching(&conn->alarm_in)) unwatch(&conn->alarm_in); if (!is_watching(&conn->alarm_out)){ // gracefully close now if we have no pending data free_connection(conn); } } return len; } static size_t msp_listener(MSP_SOCKET sock, msp_state_t state, const uint8_t *payload, size_t len, void *UNUSED(context)) { if (state & MSP_STATE_ERROR){ WHY("Error listening for incoming connections"); } if (state & MSP_STATE_CLOSED){ if (msp_socket_count()==0){ unschedule(&mdp_sock); if (is_watching(&mdp_sock)) unwatch(&mdp_sock); } return len; } if (once){ // stop listening after the first incoming connection msp_stop(listener); listener=MSP_SOCKET_NULL; if (service_sock.poll.fd!=-1){ if (is_watching(&service_sock)) unwatch(&service_sock); mdp_close(service_sock.poll.fd); service_sock.poll.fd=-1; } } struct mdp_sockaddr remote; msp_get_remote(sock, &remote); if (config.debug.msp) DEBUGF(" - New connection from %s:%d", alloca_tohex_sid_t(remote.sid), remote.port); int fd_in = STDIN_FILENO; int fd_out = STDOUT_FILENO; if (ip_addr.addrlen){ int fd = esocket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (fd==-1){ msp_stop(sock); return 0; } if (socket_connect(fd, &ip_addr)==-1){ msp_stop(sock); close(fd); return 0; } fd_in = fd_out = fd; } struct connection *conn = alloc_connection(sock, fd_in, io_poll, fd_out, io_poll); if (!conn) return 0; conn->sock = sock; msp_set_handler(sock, msp_handler, conn); if (payload) return msp_handler(sock, state, payload, len, conn); assert(len == 0); return 0; } static void msp_poll(struct sched_ent *alarm) { if (alarm->poll.revents & POLLIN) // process incoming data packet msp_recv(alarm->poll.fd); // do any timed actions that need to be done, either in response to receiving or due to a timed alarm. time_ms_t next; msp_processing(&next); unschedule(alarm); if (next != TIME_MS_NEVER_WILL){ time_ms_t now = gettime_ms(); alarm->alarm=next; if (alarm->alarm < now) alarm->alarm = now; alarm->deadline = alarm->alarm +10; schedule(alarm); } } static void service_poll(struct sched_ent *alarm){ if (alarm->poll.revents & POLLIN){ struct mdp_header header; uint8_t payload[256]; ssize_t len = mdp_recv(alarm->poll.fd, &header, payload, sizeof payload); if (len==-1) return; if (header.flags & (MDP_FLAG_ERROR|MDP_FLAG_BIND)) return; if (is_sid_t_broadcast(header.local.sid)) header.local.sid = SID_ANY; len = snprintf((char*)payload, sizeof payload, "%s.msp.port=%d", service_name, service_port); mdp_send(alarm->poll.fd, &header, payload, len); } } static int try_send(struct connection *conn) { if (!conn->in->limit) return 0; if (msp_send(conn->sock, conn->in->bytes, conn->in->limit)==-1) return 0; // if this packet was acceptted, clear the read buffer conn->in->limit = conn->in->position = 0; // hit end of data? if (conn->eof){ local_shutdown(conn); }else{ conn->alarm_in.poll.events|=POLLIN; watch(&conn->alarm_in); } return 1; } static void io_poll(struct sched_ent *alarm) { struct connection *conn = alarm->context; if (alarm->poll.revents & POLLIN) { size_t remaining = conn->in->capacity - conn->in->limit; if (remaining>0){ ssize_t r = read(alarm->poll.fd, conn->in->bytes + conn->in->limit, remaining); if (r<0){ WARNF_perror("read(%d)", alarm->poll.fd); alarm->poll.revents |= POLLERR; } if (r==0){ // EOF r=-1; alarm->poll.revents |= POLLHUP; } if (r>0){ conn->in->limit+=r; if (try_send(conn)) process_msp_asap(); } } // stop reading input when the buffer is full if (conn->in->limit==conn->in->capacity){ alarm->poll.events &= ~POLLIN; if (alarm->poll.events) watch(alarm); else if (is_watching(alarm)) unwatch(alarm); } } if (alarm->poll.revents & POLLOUT) { // try to write some data size_t data = conn->out->limit-conn->out->position; if (data>0){ ssize_t r = write(alarm->poll.fd, conn->out->bytes+conn->out->position, data); if (r < 0 && errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK){ WARNF_perror("write(%d)", alarm->poll.fd); alarm->poll.revents |= POLLERR; } if (r > 0) conn->out->position+=r; } // if the buffer is empty now, reset it and unwatch the handle if (conn->out->position==conn->out->limit){ conn->out->limit = conn->out->position = 0; alarm->poll.events &= ~POLLOUT; if (alarm->poll.events) watch(alarm); else if (is_watching(alarm)) unwatch(alarm); if (conn->last_state & MSP_STATE_SHUTDOWN_REMOTE) remote_shutdown(conn); } if (conn->out->limit < conn->out->capacity){ if (!msp_socket_is_null(conn->sock)){ process_msp_asap(); }else{ // gracefully close after flushing the last of the data free_connection(conn); } } } if (alarm->poll.revents & POLLHUP) { // EOF? trigger a graceful shutdown conn->eof=1; alarm->poll.events &= ~POLLIN; if (alarm->poll.events) watch(alarm); else if (is_watching(alarm)) unwatch(alarm); if (!conn->in->limit){ local_shutdown(conn); process_msp_asap(); } } if (alarm->poll.revents & POLLERR) { if (is_watching(&conn->alarm_in)) unwatch(&conn->alarm_in); if (is_watching(&conn->alarm_out)) unwatch(&conn->alarm_out); if (conn->alarm_in.poll.fd!=-1) close(conn->alarm_in.poll.fd); if (conn->alarm_out.poll.fd!=-1 && conn->alarm_out.poll.fd != conn->alarm_in.poll.fd) close(conn->alarm_out.poll.fd); conn->alarm_in.poll.fd=-1; conn->alarm_in.poll.events=0; conn->alarm_out.poll.fd=-1; conn->alarm_out.poll.events=0; msp_stop(conn->sock); process_msp_asap(); } } static void listen_poll(struct sched_ent *alarm) { if (alarm->poll.revents & POLLIN) { struct socket_address addr; addr.addrlen = sizeof addr.store; int fd = accept(alarm->poll.fd, &addr.addr, &addr.addrlen); if (fd==-1){ WHYF_perror("accept(%d)", alarm->poll.fd); return; } if (config.debug.msp) DEBUGF("- Incoming TCP connection from %s", alloca_socket_address(&addr)); watch(&mdp_sock); MSP_SOCKET sock = msp_socket(mdp_sock.poll.fd, 0); if (msp_socket_is_null(sock)) return; struct connection *connection = alloc_connection(sock, fd, io_poll, fd, io_poll); if (!connection){ msp_stop(sock); return; } msp_set_handler(sock, msp_handler, connection); msp_connect(sock, &remote_addr); process_msp_asap(); if (once){ unwatch(alarm); close(alarm->poll.fd); alarm->poll.fd=-1; } } } void sigQuit(int UNUSED(signal)) { struct connection *c = connections; while(c){ if (!msp_socket_is_closed(c->sock)) msp_stop(c->sock); c->out->limit = c->out->position = 0; c->in->limit = c->in->position = 0; c->alarm_in.poll.events = 0; c->alarm_out.poll.events = 0; if (is_watching(&c->alarm_in)) unwatch(&c->alarm_in); if (is_watching(&c->alarm_out)) unwatch(&c->alarm_out); c=c->_next; } quit=1; } DEFINE_CMD(app_msp_connection, 0, "Listen for incoming connections", "msp", "listen", "[--once]", "[--forward=]", "[--service=]", ""); DEFINE_CMD(app_msp_connection, 0, "Connect to a remote party", "msp", "connect", "[--once]", "[--forward=]", "", ""); static int app_msp_connection(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *UNUSED(context)) { const char *sidhex, *port_string, *local_port_string; once = cli_arg(parsed, "--once", NULL, NULL, NULL) == 0; if ( cli_arg(parsed, "--forward", &local_port_string, cli_uint, NULL) == -1 || cli_arg(parsed, "--service", &service_name, NULL, NULL) == -1 || cli_arg(parsed, "sid", &sidhex, str_is_subscriber_id, NULL) == -1 || cli_arg(parsed, "port", &port_string, cli_uint, NULL) == -1) return -1; struct mdp_sockaddr addr; bzero(&addr, sizeof addr); service_port = addr.port = atoi(port_string); saw_error=0; if (sidhex && *sidhex){ if (str_to_sid_t(&addr.sid, sidhex) == -1) return WHY("str_to_sid_t() failed"); } int ret=-1; MSP_SOCKET sock = MSP_SOCKET_NULL; if (service_name){ // listen for service discovery messages service_sock.poll.fd = mdp_socket(); if (service_sock.poll.fd==-1) goto end; set_nonblock(service_sock.poll.fd); watch(&service_sock); // bind struct mdp_header header; bzero(&header, sizeof(header)); header.local.sid = BIND_PRIMARY; header.local.port = MDP_PORT_SERVICE_DISCOVERY; header.remote.sid = SID_ANY; header.remote.port = MDP_LISTEN; header.ttl = PAYLOAD_TTL_DEFAULT; header.flags = MDP_FLAG_BIND|MDP_FLAG_REUSE; if (mdp_send(service_sock.poll.fd, &header, NULL, 0)==-1) goto end; }else service_sock.poll.fd=-1; mdp_sock.poll.fd = mdp_socket(); if (mdp_sock.poll.fd==-1) goto end; set_nonblock(STDIN_FILENO); set_nonblock(STDOUT_FILENO); bzero(&ip_addr, sizeof ip_addr); if (local_port_string){ ip_addr.addrlen = sizeof(ip_addr.inet); ip_addr.inet.sin_family = AF_INET; ip_addr.inet.sin_port = htons(atoi(local_port_string)); ip_addr.inet.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK); } if (sidhex && *sidhex){ if (local_port_string){ remote_addr = addr; listen_alarm.poll.fd = esocket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (listen_alarm.poll.fd==-1) goto end; if (socket_bind(listen_alarm.poll.fd, &ip_addr)==-1) goto end; if (socket_listen(listen_alarm.poll.fd, 0)==-1) goto end; watch(&listen_alarm); if (config.debug.msp) DEBUGF("- Forwarding from %s to %s:%d", alloca_socket_address(&ip_addr), alloca_tohex_sid_t(addr.sid), addr.port); }else{ watch(&mdp_sock); sock = msp_socket(mdp_sock.poll.fd, 0); once = 1; struct connection *conn=alloc_connection(sock, STDIN_FILENO, io_poll, STDOUT_FILENO, io_poll); if (!conn) goto end; msp_set_handler(sock, msp_handler, conn); msp_connect(sock, &addr); if (config.debug.msp) DEBUGF("- Connecting to %s:%d", alloca_tohex_sid_t(addr.sid), addr.port); } }else{ watch(&mdp_sock); sock = msp_socket(mdp_sock.poll.fd, 0); msp_set_handler(sock, msp_listener, NULL); msp_set_local(sock, &addr); // sock will be closed if listen fails if (msp_listen(sock)==-1) goto end; listener=sock; if (local_port_string){ if (config.debug.msp) DEBUGF("- Forwarding from port %d to %s", addr.port, alloca_socket_address(&ip_addr)); }else{ once = 1; if (config.debug.msp) DEBUGF(" - Listening on port %d", addr.port); } } process_msp_asap(); signal(SIGINT, sigQuit); signal(SIGTERM, sigQuit); quit=0; while(!quit && fd_poll()){ ; } time_ms_t dummy; msp_processing(&dummy); ret = saw_error; signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); end: listener = MSP_SOCKET_NULL; if (mdp_sock.poll.fd!=-1){ msp_close_all(mdp_sock.poll.fd); mdp_close(mdp_sock.poll.fd); mdp_sock.poll.fd=-1; } if (is_watching(&mdp_sock)) unwatch(&mdp_sock); if (service_sock.poll.fd!=-1){ if (is_watching(&service_sock)) unwatch(&service_sock); mdp_close(service_sock.poll.fd); service_sock.poll.fd=-1; } if (listen_alarm.poll.fd !=-1 && is_watching(&listen_alarm)) unwatch(&listen_alarm); if (listen_alarm.poll.fd!=-1) close(listen_alarm.poll.fd); unschedule(&mdp_sock); return ret; }