/* Serval DNA Rhizome HTTP RESTful interface Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Serval Project Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "serval.h" #include "conf.h" #include "httpd.h" #include "strbuf_helpers.h" static HTTP_RENDERER render_manifest_headers; static void on_rhizome_bundle_added(httpd_request *r, rhizome_manifest *m); static void finalise_union_read_state(httpd_request *r) { rhizome_read_close(&r->u.read_state); } static void finalise_union_rhizome_insert(httpd_request *r) { form_buf_malloc_release(&r->u.insert.manifest); if (r->u.insert.write.blob_fd != -1) rhizome_fail_write(&r->u.insert.write); } #define LIST_TOKEN_STRLEN (BASE64_ENCODED_LEN(sizeof(serval_uuid_t) + 8)) #define alloca_list_token(rowid) list_token_to_str(alloca(LIST_TOKEN_STRLEN + 1), (rowid)) static char *list_token_to_str(char *buf, uint64_t rowid) { struct iovec iov[2]; iov[0].iov_base = rhizome_db_uuid.u.binary; iov[0].iov_len = sizeof rhizome_db_uuid.u.binary; iov[1].iov_base = &rowid; iov[1].iov_len = sizeof rowid; size_t n = base64url_encodev(buf, iov, 2); assert(n == LIST_TOKEN_STRLEN); buf[n] = '\0'; return buf; } static int strn_to_list_token(const char *str, uint64_t *rowidp, const char **afterp) { unsigned char token[sizeof rhizome_db_uuid.u.binary + sizeof *rowidp]; if (base64url_decode(token, sizeof token, str, 0, afterp, 0, NULL) != sizeof token) return 0; if (cmp_uuid_t(&rhizome_db_uuid, (serval_uuid_t *) &token) != 0) return 0; memcpy(rowidp, token + sizeof rhizome_db_uuid.u.binary, sizeof *rowidp); return 1; } static int http_request_rhizome_response(struct httpd_request *r, uint16_t result, const char *message, const char *payload_status_message) { uint16_t rhizome_result = 0; switch (r->bundle_status) { case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_NEW: case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_SAME: case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_DUPLICATE: rhizome_result = 201; break; case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_OLD: case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_NO_ROOM: rhizome_result = 200; break; case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_INVALID: case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_FAKE: case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_INCONSISTENT: case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_READONLY: rhizome_result = 403; break; case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_ERROR: case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_BUSY: rhizome_result = 500; break; } if (rhizome_result) { r->http.response.result_extra[0].label = "rhizome_bundle_status_code"; r->http.response.result_extra[0].value.type = JSON_INTEGER; r->http.response.result_extra[0].value.u.integer = r->bundle_status; const char *status_message = rhizome_bundle_status_message(r->bundle_status); if (status_message) { r->http.response.result_extra[1].label = "rhizome_bundle_status_message"; r->http.response.result_extra[1].value.type = JSON_STRING_NULTERM; r->http.response.result_extra[1].value.u.string.content = status_message; } if (rhizome_result > result) { result = rhizome_result; message = NULL; } } rhizome_result = 0; switch (r->payload_status) { case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_STORED: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_EMPTY: rhizome_result = 201; break; case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_TOO_BIG: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_EVICTED: rhizome_result = 200; break; case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_WRONG_SIZE: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_WRONG_HASH: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_CRYPTO_FAIL: rhizome_result = 403; break; case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR: rhizome_result = 500; break; } if (rhizome_result) { r->http.response.result_extra[2].label = "rhizome_payload_status_code"; r->http.response.result_extra[2].value.type = JSON_INTEGER; r->http.response.result_extra[2].value.u.integer = r->payload_status; const char *status_message = payload_status_message ? payload_status_message : rhizome_payload_status_message(r->payload_status); if (status_message) { r->http.response.result_extra[3].label = "rhizome_payload_status_message"; r->http.response.result_extra[3].value.type = JSON_STRING_NULTERM; r->http.response.result_extra[3].value.u.string.content = status_message; } if (rhizome_result > result) { result = rhizome_result; message = NULL; } } if (result == 0) { result = 500; message = NULL; } http_request_simple_response(&r->http, result, message ? message : result == 403 ? "Rhizome operation failed" : NULL); return result; } static HTTP_CONTENT_GENERATOR restful_rhizome_bundlelist_json_content; int restful_rhizome_bundlelist_json(httpd_request *r, const char *remainder) { r->http.response.header.content_type = CONTENT_TYPE_JSON; r->http.render_extra_headers = render_manifest_headers; if (!is_rhizome_http_enabled()) return 403; int ret = authorize_restful(&r->http); if (ret) return ret; if (*remainder) return 404; if (r->http.verb != HTTP_VERB_GET) return 405; r->u.rhlist.phase = LIST_HEADER; r->u.rhlist.rowcount = 0; bzero(&r->u.rhlist.cursor, sizeof r->u.rhlist.cursor); http_request_response_generated(&r->http, 200, CONTENT_TYPE_JSON, restful_rhizome_bundlelist_json_content); return 1; } static HTTP_CONTENT_GENERATOR_STRBUF_CHUNKER restful_rhizome_bundlelist_json_content_chunk; static int restful_rhizome_bundlelist_json_content(struct http_request *hr, unsigned char *buf, size_t bufsz, struct http_content_generator_result *result) { httpd_request *r = (httpd_request *) hr; int ret = rhizome_list_open(&r->u.rhlist.cursor); if (ret == -1) return -1; ret = generate_http_content_from_strbuf_chunks(hr, (char *)buf, bufsz, result, restful_rhizome_bundlelist_json_content_chunk); rhizome_list_release(&r->u.rhlist.cursor); return ret; } int restful_rhizome_newsince(httpd_request *r, const char *remainder) { r->http.response.header.content_type = CONTENT_TYPE_JSON; if (!is_rhizome_http_enabled()) return 403; int ret = authorize_restful(&r->http); if (ret) return ret; uint64_t rowid; const char *end = NULL; if (!strn_to_list_token(remainder, &rowid, &end) || strcmp(end, "/bundlelist.json") != 0) return 404; if (r->http.verb != HTTP_VERB_GET) return 405; r->u.rhlist.phase = LIST_HEADER; r->u.rhlist.rowcount = 0; bzero(&r->u.rhlist.cursor, sizeof r->u.rhlist.cursor); r->u.rhlist.cursor.rowid_since = rowid; r->u.rhlist.end_time = gettime_ms() + config.api.restful.newsince_timeout * 1000; r->trigger_rhizome_bundle_added = on_rhizome_bundle_added; http_request_response_generated(&r->http, 200, CONTENT_TYPE_JSON, restful_rhizome_bundlelist_json_content); return 1; } static void on_rhizome_bundle_added(httpd_request *r, rhizome_manifest *UNUSED(m)) { http_request_resume_response(&r->http); } static int restful_rhizome_bundlelist_json_content_chunk(struct http_request *hr, strbuf b) { httpd_request *r = (httpd_request *) hr; const char *headers[] = { ".token", "_id", "service", "id", "version", "date", ".inserttime", ".author", ".fromhere", "filesize", "filehash", "sender", "recipient", "name" }; switch (r->u.rhlist.phase) { case LIST_HEADER: strbuf_puts(b, "{\n\"header\":["); unsigned i; for (i = 0; i != NELS(headers); ++i) { if (i) strbuf_putc(b, ','); strbuf_json_string(b, headers[i]); } strbuf_puts(b, "],\n\"rows\":["); if (!strbuf_overrun(b)) r->u.rhlist.phase = LIST_ROWS; return 1; case LIST_FIRST: case LIST_ROWS: { int ret = rhizome_list_next(&r->u.rhlist.cursor); if (ret == -1) return -1; if (ret == 0) { time_ms_t now; if (r->u.rhlist.cursor.rowid_since == 0 || (now = gettime_ms()) >= r->u.rhlist.end_time) { r->u.rhlist.phase = LIST_END; return 1; } http_request_pause_response(&r->http, r->u.rhlist.end_time); return 0; } rhizome_manifest *m = r->u.rhlist.cursor.manifest; assert(m->filesize != RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET); rhizome_lookup_author(m); if (r->u.rhlist.rowcount != 0) strbuf_putc(b, ','); strbuf_puts(b, "\n["); if (m->rowid > r->u.rhlist.rowid_highest) { strbuf_json_string(b, alloca_list_token(m->rowid)); r->u.rhlist.rowid_highest = m->rowid; } else strbuf_json_null(b); strbuf_putc(b, ','); strbuf_sprintf(b, "%"PRIu64, m->rowid); strbuf_putc(b, ','); strbuf_json_string(b, m->service); strbuf_putc(b, ','); strbuf_json_hex(b, m->cryptoSignPublic.binary, sizeof m->cryptoSignPublic.binary); strbuf_putc(b, ','); strbuf_sprintf(b, "%"PRIu64, m->version); strbuf_putc(b, ','); if (m->has_date) strbuf_sprintf(b, "%"PRItime_ms_t, m->date); else strbuf_json_null(b); strbuf_putc(b, ','); strbuf_sprintf(b, "%"PRItime_ms_t",", m->inserttime); switch (m->authorship) { case AUTHOR_LOCAL: case AUTHOR_AUTHENTIC: strbuf_json_hex(b, m->author.binary, sizeof m->author.binary); strbuf_puts(b, ",1,"); break; default: strbuf_json_null(b); strbuf_puts(b, ",1,"); break; } strbuf_sprintf(b, "%"PRIu64, m->filesize); strbuf_putc(b, ','); strbuf_json_hex(b, m->filesize ? m->filehash.binary : NULL, sizeof m->filehash.binary); strbuf_putc(b, ','); strbuf_json_hex(b, m->has_sender ? m->sender.binary : NULL, sizeof m->sender.binary); strbuf_putc(b, ','); strbuf_json_hex(b, m->has_recipient ? m->recipient.binary : NULL, sizeof m->recipient.binary); strbuf_putc(b, ','); strbuf_json_string(b, m->name); strbuf_puts(b, "]"); if (!strbuf_overrun(b)) { rhizome_list_commit(&r->u.rhlist.cursor); ++r->u.rhlist.rowcount; } } return 1; case LIST_END: strbuf_puts(b, "\n]\n}\n"); if (!strbuf_overrun(b)) r->u.rhlist.phase = LIST_DONE; // fall through... case LIST_DONE: return 0; } abort(); } static HTTP_REQUEST_PARSER restful_rhizome_insert_end; static int insert_mime_part_start(struct http_request *); static int insert_mime_part_end(struct http_request *); static int insert_mime_part_header(struct http_request *, const struct mime_part_headers *); static int insert_mime_part_body(struct http_request *, char *, size_t); int restful_rhizome_insert(httpd_request *r, const char *remainder) { r->http.response.header.content_type = CONTENT_TYPE_JSON; r->http.render_extra_headers = render_manifest_headers; if (!is_rhizome_http_enabled()) return 403; int ret = authorize_restful(&r->http); if (ret) return ret; if (*remainder) return 404; if (r->http.verb != HTTP_VERB_POST) return 405; // Parse the request body as multipart/form-data. assert(r->u.insert.current_part == NULL); assert(!r->u.insert.received_author); assert(!r->u.insert.received_secret); assert(!r->u.insert.received_bundleid); assert(!r->u.insert.received_manifest); assert(!r->u.insert.received_payload); bzero(&r->u.insert.write, sizeof r->u.insert.write); r->u.insert.write.blob_fd = -1; r->finalise_union = finalise_union_rhizome_insert; r->http.form_data.handle_mime_part_start = insert_mime_part_start; r->http.form_data.handle_mime_part_end = insert_mime_part_end; r->http.form_data.handle_mime_part_header = insert_mime_part_header; r->http.form_data.handle_mime_body = insert_mime_part_body; // Perform the insert once the body has arrived. r->http.handle_content_end = restful_rhizome_insert_end; return 1; } int restful_rhizome_append(httpd_request *r, const char *remainder) { r->u.insert.appending = 1; return restful_rhizome_insert(r, remainder); } static char PART_MANIFEST[] = "manifest"; static char PART_PAYLOAD[] = "payload"; static char PART_BUNDLEID[] = "bundle-id"; static char PART_AUTHOR[] = "bundle-author"; static char PART_SECRET[] = "bundle-secret"; static int insert_mime_part_start(struct http_request *hr) { httpd_request *r = (httpd_request *) hr; assert(r->u.insert.current_part == NULL); return 0; } static int insert_make_manifest(httpd_request *r) { if (!r->u.insert.received_manifest) return http_response_form_part(r, "Missing", PART_MANIFEST, NULL, 0); if ((r->manifest = rhizome_new_manifest()) == NULL) return http_request_rhizome_response(r, 500, "Internal Error: Out of manifests", NULL); assert(r->u.insert.manifest.length <= sizeof r->manifest->manifestdata); memcpy(r->manifest->manifestdata, r->u.insert.manifest.buffer, r->u.insert.manifest.length); r->manifest->manifest_all_bytes = r->u.insert.manifest.length; int n = rhizome_manifest_parse(r->manifest); switch (n) { case 0: if (!r->manifest->malformed) break; // fall through case 1: rhizome_manifest_free(r->manifest); r->manifest = NULL; r->bundle_status = RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_INVALID; return http_request_rhizome_response(r, 403, "Malformed manifest", NULL); default: WHYF("rhizome_manifest_parse() returned %d", n); // fall through case -1: r->bundle_status = RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_ERROR; break; } rhizome_manifest *mout = NULL; char message[150]; enum rhizome_add_file_result result = rhizome_manifest_add_file(r->u.insert.appending, r->manifest, &mout, r->u.insert.received_bundleid ? &r->bid: NULL, r->u.insert.received_secret ? &r->u.insert.bundle_secret : NULL, r->u.insert.received_author ? &r->u.insert.author: NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, strbuf_local(message, sizeof message)); int result_valid = 0; switch (result) { case RHIZOME_ADD_FILE_ERROR: return http_request_rhizome_response(r, 500, message, NULL); case RHIZOME_ADD_FILE_OK: result_valid = 1; break; case RHIZOME_ADD_FILE_INVALID: r->bundle_status = RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_INVALID; // TODO separate enum for CLI return codes return http_request_rhizome_response(r, 403, message, NULL); case RHIZOME_ADD_FILE_BUSY: r->bundle_status = RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_BUSY; // TODO separate enum for CLI return codes return http_request_rhizome_response(r, 403, message, NULL); case RHIZOME_ADD_FILE_REQUIRES_JOURNAL: r->bundle_status = RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_INVALID; // TODO separate enum for CLI return codes return http_request_rhizome_response(r, 403, message, NULL); case RHIZOME_ADD_FILE_INVALID_FOR_JOURNAL: r->bundle_status = RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_INVALID; // TODO separate enum for CLI return codes return http_request_rhizome_response(r, 403, message, NULL); case RHIZOME_ADD_FILE_WRONG_SECRET: r->bundle_status = RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_READONLY; // TODO separate enum for CLI return codes return http_request_rhizome_response(r, 403, message, NULL); } if (!result_valid) FATALF("result = %d", result); assert(mout != NULL); if (mout != r->manifest) { rhizome_manifest_free(r->manifest); r->manifest = mout; } assert(r->manifest != NULL); return 0; } static int insert_mime_part_header(struct http_request *hr, const struct mime_part_headers *h) { httpd_request *r = (httpd_request *) hr; if (strcmp(h->content_disposition.type, "form-data") != 0) return http_response_content_disposition(r, "Unsupported", h->content_disposition.type); if (strcmp(h->content_disposition.name, PART_AUTHOR) == 0) { if (r->u.insert.received_author) return http_response_form_part(r, "Duplicate", PART_AUTHOR, NULL, 0); // Reject a request if this parameter comes after the manifest part. if (r->u.insert.received_manifest) return http_response_form_part(r, "Spurious", PART_AUTHOR, NULL, 0); r->u.insert.current_part = PART_AUTHOR; assert(r->u.insert.author_hex_len == 0); } else if (strcmp(h->content_disposition.name, PART_SECRET) == 0) { if (r->u.insert.received_secret) return http_response_form_part(r, "Duplicate", PART_SECRET, NULL, 0); // Reject a request if this parameter comes after the manifest part. if (r->u.insert.received_manifest) return http_response_form_part(r, "Spurious", PART_SECRET, NULL, 0); r->u.insert.current_part = PART_SECRET; assert(r->u.insert.secret_text_len == 0); } else if (strcmp(h->content_disposition.name, PART_BUNDLEID) == 0) { if (r->u.insert.received_bundleid) return http_response_form_part(r, "Duplicate", PART_BUNDLEID, NULL, 0); // Reject a request if this parameter comes after the manifest part. if (r->u.insert.received_manifest) return http_response_form_part(r, "Spurious", PART_BUNDLEID, NULL, 0); r->u.insert.current_part = PART_BUNDLEID; assert(r->u.insert.bid_text_len == 0); } else if (strcmp(h->content_disposition.name, PART_MANIFEST) == 0) { // Reject a request if it has a repeated manifest part. if (r->u.insert.received_manifest) return http_response_form_part(r, "Duplicate", PART_MANIFEST, NULL, 0); form_buf_malloc_init(&r->u.insert.manifest, MAX_MANIFEST_BYTES); if ( strcmp(h->content_type.type, "rhizome") != 0 || strcmp(h->content_type.subtype, "manifest") != 0 ) return http_response_form_part(r, "Unsupported Content-Type in", PART_MANIFEST, NULL, 0); if ((strcmp(h->content_type.format, "text+binarysig") != 0) &&strlen(h->content_type.format)) return http_response_form_part(r, "Unsupported rhizome/manifest format in", PART_MANIFEST, NULL, 0); r->u.insert.current_part = PART_MANIFEST; } else if (strcmp(h->content_disposition.name, PART_PAYLOAD) == 0) { // Reject a request if it has a repeated payload part. if (r->u.insert.received_payload) return http_response_form_part(r, "Duplicate", PART_PAYLOAD, NULL, 0); // Reject a request if it has a missing manifest part preceding the payload part. if (!r->u.insert.received_manifest) return http_response_form_part(r, "Missing", PART_MANIFEST, NULL, 0); assert(r->manifest != NULL); r->u.insert.current_part = PART_PAYLOAD; // If the manifest does not contain a 'name' field, then assign it from the payload filename. if ( strcasecmp(RHIZOME_SERVICE_FILE, r->manifest->service) == 0 && r->manifest->name == NULL && *h->content_disposition.filename ) rhizome_manifest_set_name_from_path(r->manifest, h->content_disposition.filename); // Start writing the payload content into the Rhizome store. if (r->u.insert.appending) { r->payload_status = rhizome_write_open_journal(&r->u.insert.write, r->manifest, 0, RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET); if (r->payload_status == RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR) { WHYF("rhizome_write_open_journal() returned %d %s", r->payload_status, rhizome_payload_status_message(r->payload_status)); return 500; } } else { // Note: r->manifest->filesize can be RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET at this point, if the manifest did // not contain a 'filesize' field. r->payload_status = rhizome_write_open_manifest(&r->u.insert.write, r->manifest); if (r->payload_status == RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR) { WHYF("rhizome_write_open_manifest() returned %d %s", r->payload_status, rhizome_payload_status_message(r->payload_status)); return 500; } } switch (r->payload_status) { case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_STORED: // TODO: initialise payload hash so it can be compared with stored payload break; default: break; // r->payload_status gets dealt with later } r->u.insert.payload_size = 0; } else return http_response_form_part(r, "Unsupported", h->content_disposition.name, NULL, 0); return 0; } static int insert_mime_part_body(struct http_request *hr, char *buf, size_t len) { httpd_request *r = (httpd_request *) hr; if (r->u.insert.current_part == PART_AUTHOR) { accumulate_text(r, PART_AUTHOR, r->u.insert.author_hex, sizeof r->u.insert.author_hex, &r->u.insert.author_hex_len, buf, len); } else if (r->u.insert.current_part == PART_SECRET) { accumulate_text(r, PART_SECRET, r->u.insert.secret_text, sizeof r->u.insert.secret_text, &r->u.insert.secret_text_len, buf, len); } else if (r->u.insert.current_part == PART_BUNDLEID) { accumulate_text(r, PART_BUNDLEID, r->u.insert.bid_text, sizeof r->u.insert.bid_text, &r->u.insert.bid_text_len, buf, len); } else if (r->u.insert.current_part == PART_MANIFEST) { form_buf_malloc_accumulate(r, PART_MANIFEST, &r->u.insert.manifest, buf, len); } else if (r->u.insert.current_part == PART_PAYLOAD) { r->u.insert.payload_size += len; switch (r->payload_status) { case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW: if (rhizome_write_buffer(&r->u.insert.write, (unsigned char *)buf, len) == -1) return 500; break; case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_STORED: // TODO: calculate payload hash so it can be compared with stored payload break; default: break; } } else FATALF("current_part = %s", alloca_str_toprint(r->u.insert.current_part)); return 0; } static int insert_mime_part_end(struct http_request *hr) { httpd_request *r = (httpd_request *) hr; if (r->u.insert.current_part == PART_AUTHOR) { if ( r->u.insert.author_hex_len != sizeof r->u.insert.author_hex || strn_to_sid_t(&r->u.insert.author, r->u.insert.author_hex, sizeof r->u.insert.author_hex) == -1 ) return http_response_form_part(r, "Invalid", PART_AUTHOR, r->u.insert.author_hex, r->u.insert.author_hex_len); r->u.insert.received_author = 1; if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUGF("received %s = %s", PART_AUTHOR, alloca_tohex_sid_t(r->u.insert.author)); } else if (r->u.insert.current_part == PART_SECRET) { if (strn_to_rhizome_bsk_t(&r->u.insert.bundle_secret, r->u.insert.secret_text, r->u.insert.secret_text_len) == -1) return http_response_form_part(r, "Invalid", PART_SECRET, r->u.insert.secret_text, r->u.insert.secret_text_len); r->u.insert.received_secret = 1; if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUGF("received %s = %s", PART_SECRET, alloca_tohex_rhizome_bk_t(r->u.insert.bundle_secret)); } else if (r->u.insert.current_part == PART_BUNDLEID) { if (strn_to_rhizome_bid_t(&r->bid, r->u.insert.bid_text, r->u.insert.bid_text_len) == -1) return http_response_form_part(r, "Invalid", PART_BUNDLEID, r->u.insert.secret_text, r->u.insert.secret_text_len); r->u.insert.received_bundleid = 1; if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUGF("received %s = %s", PART_BUNDLEID, alloca_tohex_rhizome_bid_t(r->bid)); } else if (r->u.insert.current_part == PART_MANIFEST) { r->u.insert.received_manifest = 1; if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUGF("received %s = %s", PART_MANIFEST, alloca_toprint(-1, r->u.insert.manifest.buffer, r->u.insert.manifest.length)); int result = insert_make_manifest(r); if (result) return result; } else if (r->u.insert.current_part == PART_PAYLOAD) { r->u.insert.received_payload = 1; if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUGF("received %s, %zd bytes", PART_PAYLOAD, r->u.insert.payload_size); r->payload_status = rhizome_finish_write(&r->u.insert.write); } else FATALF("current_part = %s", alloca_str_toprint(r->u.insert.current_part)); r->u.insert.current_part = NULL; return 0; } static int restful_rhizome_insert_end(struct http_request *hr) { httpd_request *r = (httpd_request *) hr; if (!r->u.insert.received_manifest) return http_response_form_part(r, "Missing", PART_MANIFEST, NULL, 0); if (!r->u.insert.received_payload) return http_response_form_part(r, "Missing", PART_PAYLOAD, NULL, 0); // Fill in the missing manifest fields and ensure payload and manifest are consistent. assert(r->manifest != NULL); if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUGF("r->payload_status=%d %s", r->payload_status, rhizome_payload_status_message(r->payload_status)); assert(r->u.insert.write.file_length != RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET); if (r->u.insert.appending) { // For journal appends, the user cannot supply a 'filesize' field. This will have been caught // by previous logic. The existing manifest should have a 'filesize' field. The new payload // size should be the sum of 'filesize' and the appended portion. assert(r->manifest->is_journal); assert(r->manifest->filesize != RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET); if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUGF("file_length=%"PRIu64" filesize=%"PRIu64" payload_size=%"PRIu64, r->u.insert.write.file_length, r->manifest->filesize, r->u.insert.payload_size); if (r->u.insert.write.file_length != r->manifest->filesize + r->u.insert.payload_size) r->payload_status = RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_WRONG_SIZE; } else { // The Rhizome CLI 'add file' operation allows the user to supply a 'filesize' field which is // smaller than the supplied file, for convenience, to allow only the first part of a file to be // added as a payload. But the RESTful interface doesn't allow that. assert(!r->manifest->is_journal); if (r->manifest->filesize != RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET && r->u.insert.payload_size != r->manifest->filesize) r->payload_status = RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_WRONG_SIZE; } r->payload_status = rhizome_finish_store(&r->u.insert.write, r->manifest, r->payload_status); int status_valid = 0; switch (r->payload_status) { case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_STORED: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_EMPTY: status_valid = 1; break; case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_WRONG_SIZE: r->bundle_status = RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_INCONSISTENT; { strbuf msg = strbuf_alloca(200); strbuf_sprintf(msg, "Payload size (%"PRIu64") contradicts manifest (filesize=%"PRIu64")", r->u.insert.payload_size, r->manifest->filesize); return http_request_rhizome_response(r, 403, "Inconsistent filesize", strbuf_str(msg)); } case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_WRONG_HASH: r->bundle_status = RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_INCONSISTENT; { strbuf msg = strbuf_alloca(200); strbuf_sprintf(msg, "Payload hash (%s) contradicts manifest (filehash=%s)", alloca_tohex_rhizome_filehash_t(r->u.insert.write.id), alloca_tohex_rhizome_filehash_t(r->manifest->filehash)); return http_request_rhizome_response(r, 403, "Inconsistent filehash", strbuf_str(msg)); } case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_CRYPTO_FAIL: r->bundle_status = RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_READONLY; return http_request_rhizome_response(r, 403, "Missing bundle secret", NULL); case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_TOO_BIG: r->bundle_status = RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_NO_ROOM; return http_request_rhizome_response(r, 403, "Bundle too big", NULL); case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_EVICTED: r->bundle_status = RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_NO_ROOM; return http_request_rhizome_response(r, 403, "Bundle evicted", NULL); case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR: return http_request_rhizome_response(r, 500, NULL, NULL); } if (!status_valid) FATALF("rhizome_finish_store() returned status = %d", r->payload_status); // Finalise the manifest and add it to the store. const char *invalid_reason = rhizome_manifest_validate_reason(r->manifest); if (invalid_reason) { r->bundle_status = RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_INVALID; return http_request_rhizome_response(r, 403, invalid_reason, NULL); } if (r->manifest->malformed) { r->bundle_status = RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_INVALID; return http_request_rhizome_response(r, 403, r->manifest->malformed, NULL); } if (!r->manifest->haveSecret) { r->bundle_status = RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_READONLY; return http_request_rhizome_response(r, 403, "Missing bundle secret", NULL); } rhizome_manifest *mout = NULL; r->bundle_status = rhizome_manifest_finalise(r->manifest, &mout, !r->u.insert.force_new); int result = 500; if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUGF("r->bundle_status=%d", r->bundle_status); switch (r->bundle_status) { case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_NEW: if (mout && mout != r->manifest) rhizome_manifest_free(mout); result = 201; break; case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_SAME: case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_OLD: case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_DUPLICATE: if (mout && mout != r->manifest) { rhizome_manifest_free(r->manifest); r->manifest = mout; } result = 201; break; case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_INVALID: case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_FAKE: case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_INCONSISTENT: case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_NO_ROOM: case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_READONLY: case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_ERROR: case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_BUSY: if (mout && mout != r->manifest) rhizome_manifest_free(mout); rhizome_manifest_free(r->manifest); r->manifest = NULL; return http_request_rhizome_response(r, 0, NULL, NULL); } if (result == 500) FATALF("rhizome_manifest_finalise() returned status = %d", r->bundle_status); rhizome_authenticate_author(r->manifest); http_request_response_static(&r->http, result, "rhizome-manifest/text", (const char *)r->manifest->manifestdata, r->manifest->manifest_all_bytes ); return 0; } static HTTP_HANDLER restful_rhizome_bid_rhm; static HTTP_HANDLER restful_rhizome_bid_raw_bin; static HTTP_HANDLER restful_rhizome_bid_decrypted_bin; int restful_rhizome_(httpd_request *r, const char *remainder) { r->http.response.header.content_type = CONTENT_TYPE_JSON; r->http.render_extra_headers = render_manifest_headers; if (!is_rhizome_http_enabled()) return 403; int ret = authorize_restful(&r->http); if (ret) return ret; HTTP_HANDLER *handler = NULL; rhizome_bid_t bid; const char *end; if (parse_rhizome_bid_t(&bid, remainder, -1, &end) != -1) { if (strcmp(end, ".rhm") == 0) { handler = restful_rhizome_bid_rhm; remainder = ""; } else if (strcmp(end, "/raw.bin") == 0) { handler = restful_rhizome_bid_raw_bin; remainder = ""; } else if (strcmp(end, "/decrypted.bin") == 0) { handler = restful_rhizome_bid_decrypted_bin; remainder = ""; } } if (handler == NULL) return 404; if (r->http.verb != HTTP_VERB_GET) return 405; if ((r->manifest = rhizome_new_manifest()) == NULL) return 500; r->bundle_status = rhizome_retrieve_manifest(&bid, r->manifest); switch(r->bundle_status){ case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_SAME: rhizome_authenticate_author(r->manifest); break; case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_NEW: rhizome_manifest_free(r->manifest); r->manifest = NULL; break; default: rhizome_manifest_free(r->manifest); r->manifest = NULL; return 500; } return handler(r, remainder); } static int restful_rhizome_bid_rhm(httpd_request *r, const char *remainder) { if (*remainder) return 404; if (r->manifest == NULL) return http_request_rhizome_response(r, 403, NULL, NULL); http_request_response_static(&r->http, 200, "rhizome-manifest/text", (const char *)r->manifest->manifestdata, r->manifest->manifest_all_bytes ); return 1; } static int restful_rhizome_bid_raw_bin(httpd_request *r, const char *remainder) { if (*remainder) return 404; if (r->manifest == NULL) return http_request_rhizome_response(r, 403, NULL, NULL); if (r->manifest->filesize == 0) { http_request_response_static(&r->http, 200, CONTENT_TYPE_BLOB, "", 0); return 1; } int ret = rhizome_response_content_init_filehash(r, &r->manifest->filehash); if (ret) return http_request_rhizome_response(r, ret, NULL, NULL); http_request_response_generated(&r->http, 200, CONTENT_TYPE_BLOB, rhizome_payload_content); return 1; } static int restful_rhizome_bid_decrypted_bin(httpd_request *r, const char *remainder) { if (*remainder) return 404; if (r->manifest == NULL) return http_request_rhizome_response(r, 403, NULL, NULL); if (r->manifest->filesize == 0) { // TODO use Content Type from manifest (once it is implemented) http_request_response_static(&r->http, 200, CONTENT_TYPE_BLOB, "", 0); return 1; } int ret = rhizome_response_content_init_payload(r, r->manifest); if (ret) return http_request_rhizome_response(r, ret, NULL, NULL); // TODO use Content Type from manifest (once it is implemented) http_request_response_generated(&r->http, 200, CONTENT_TYPE_BLOB, rhizome_payload_content); return 1; } static int rhizome_response_content_init_read_state(httpd_request *r) { if (r->u.read_state.length == RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET && rhizome_read(&r->u.read_state, NULL, 0)) { rhizome_read_close(&r->u.read_state); return 404; } assert(r->u.read_state.length != RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET); int ret = http_response_init_content_range(r, r->u.read_state.length); if (ret==0) r->u.read_state.offset = r->http.response.header.content_range_start; return ret; } int rhizome_response_content_init_filehash(httpd_request *r, const rhizome_filehash_t *hash) { bzero(&r->u.read_state, sizeof r->u.read_state); r->u.read_state.blob_fd = -1; assert(r->finalise_union == NULL); r->finalise_union = finalise_union_read_state; r->payload_status = rhizome_open_read(&r->u.read_state, hash); switch (r->payload_status) { case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_EMPTY: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_STORED: return rhizome_response_content_init_read_state(r); case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW: return 403; case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_WRONG_SIZE: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_WRONG_HASH: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_CRYPTO_FAIL: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_TOO_BIG: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_EVICTED: return -1; } FATALF("rhizome_open_read() returned status = %d", r->payload_status); } int rhizome_response_content_init_payload(httpd_request *r, rhizome_manifest *m) { bzero(&r->u.read_state, sizeof r->u.read_state); r->u.read_state.blob_fd = -1; assert(r->finalise_union == NULL); r->finalise_union = finalise_union_read_state; r->payload_status = rhizome_open_decrypt_read(m, &r->u.read_state); switch (r->payload_status) { case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_EMPTY: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_STORED: return rhizome_response_content_init_read_state(r); case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_CRYPTO_FAIL: return 403; case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_WRONG_SIZE: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_WRONG_HASH: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_TOO_BIG: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_EVICTED: return -1; } FATALF("rhizome_open_decrypt_read() returned status = %d", r->payload_status); } int rhizome_payload_content(struct http_request *hr, unsigned char *buf, size_t bufsz, struct http_content_generator_result *result) { // Only read multiples of 4k from disk. const size_t blocksz = 1 << 12; // Ask for a large buffer for all future reads. const size_t preferred_bufsz = 16 * blocksz; // Reads the next part of the payload into the supplied buffer. httpd_request *r = (httpd_request *) hr; assert(r->u.read_state.length != RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET); assert(r->u.read_state.offset < r->u.read_state.length); uint64_t remain = r->u.read_state.length - r->u.read_state.offset; size_t readlen = bufsz; if (remain <= bufsz) readlen = remain; else readlen &= ~(blocksz - 1); if (readlen > 0) { ssize_t n = rhizome_read(&r->u.read_state, buf, readlen); if (n == -1) return -1; result->generated = (size_t) n; } assert(r->u.read_state.offset <= r->u.read_state.length); remain = r->u.read_state.length - r->u.read_state.offset; result->need = remain < preferred_bufsz ? remain : preferred_bufsz; return remain ? 1 : 0; } static void render_manifest_headers(struct http_request *hr, strbuf sb) { httpd_request *r = (httpd_request *) hr; const char *status_message; if ((status_message = rhizome_bundle_status_message(r->bundle_status))) { strbuf_sprintf(sb, "Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: %d\r\n", r->bundle_status); strbuf_sprintf(sb, "Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: %s\r\n", status_message); } if ((status_message = rhizome_payload_status_message(r->payload_status))) { strbuf_sprintf(sb, "Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: %d\r\n", r->payload_status); strbuf_sprintf(sb, "Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: %s\r\n", status_message); } rhizome_manifest *m = r->manifest; if (m) { if (m->has_id) strbuf_sprintf(sb, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Id: %s\r\n", alloca_tohex_rhizome_bid_t(m->cryptoSignPublic)); if (m->version) strbuf_sprintf(sb, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Version: %"PRIu64"\r\n", m->version); if (m->filesize != RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET) strbuf_sprintf(sb, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Filesize: %"PRIu64"\r\n", m->filesize); if (m->has_filehash) strbuf_sprintf(sb, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Filehash: %s\r\n", alloca_tohex_rhizome_filehash_t(m->filehash)); if (m->has_sender) strbuf_sprintf(sb, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Sender: %s\r\n", alloca_tohex_sid_t(m->sender)); if (m->has_recipient) strbuf_sprintf(sb, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Recipient: %s\r\n", alloca_tohex_sid_t(m->recipient)); if (m->has_bundle_key) strbuf_sprintf(sb, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-BK: %s\r\n", alloca_tohex_rhizome_bk_t(m->bundle_key)); switch (m->payloadEncryption) { case PAYLOAD_CRYPT_UNKNOWN: break; case PAYLOAD_CLEAR: strbuf_sprintf(sb, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Crypt: 0\r\n"); break; case PAYLOAD_ENCRYPTED: strbuf_sprintf(sb, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Crypt: 1\r\n"); break; } if (m->is_journal) strbuf_sprintf(sb, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Tail: %"PRIu64"\r\n", m->tail); if (m->has_date) strbuf_sprintf(sb, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Date: %"PRIu64"\r\n", m->date); if (m->name) { strbuf_puts(sb, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Name: "); strbuf_append_quoted_string(sb, m->name); strbuf_puts(sb, "\r\n"); } if (m->service) strbuf_sprintf(sb, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Service: %s\r\n", m->service); assert(m->authorship != AUTHOR_LOCAL); if (m->authorship == AUTHOR_AUTHENTIC) strbuf_sprintf(sb, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Author: %s\r\n", alloca_tohex_sid_t(m->author)); if (m->haveSecret) { char secret[RHIZOME_BUNDLE_KEY_STRLEN + 1]; rhizome_bytes_to_hex_upper(m->cryptoSignSecret, secret, RHIZOME_BUNDLE_KEY_BYTES); strbuf_sprintf(sb, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Secret: %s\r\n", secret); } if (m->rowid) strbuf_sprintf(sb, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Rowid: %"PRIu64"\r\n", m->rowid); if (m->inserttime) strbuf_sprintf(sb, "Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Inserttime: %"PRIu64"\r\n", m->inserttime); } }