#!/bin/bash # Tests for stream connections # # Copyright 2012 Serval Project, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. source "${0%/*}/../testframework.sh" source "${0%/*}/../testdefs.sh" _simulator() { # TODO timeout & failure reporting? "$servald_build_root/simulator" <&8 >$SIM_OUT } start_simulator() { SIM_IN="$PWD/SIM_IN" SIM_OUT="$PWD/SIM_OUT" mkfifo "$SIM_IN" exec 8<>"$SIM_IN" fork %simulator _simulator } simulator_command() { tfw_log "$@" assert_fork_is_running %simulator echo "$@" >> "$SIM_IN" } setup_common() { setup_servald assert_no_servald_processes start_simulator simulator_command create "net1" "$SERVALD_VAR/dummy1/" simulator_command up "net1" } finally() { simulator_command quit fork_wait %simulator } teardown() { stop_all_servald_servers kill_all_servald_processes assert_no_servald_processes report_all_servald_servers } configure_servald_server() { create_single_identity add_servald_interface executeOk_servald config \ set debug.mdprequests on \ set debug.msp on \ set log.console.level DEBUG \ set log.console.show_time on } doc_connect_fail="Timeout when the connection isn't reachable" setup_connect_fail() { setup_common set_instance +B create_single_identity start_servald_instances +A } test_connect_fail() { set_instance +A execute --exit-status=1 --timeout=20 "$servald" msp connect "$SIDB" 512 <<EOF Hello from the client EOF tfw_cat --stderr } doc_hello="Simple Hello World" setup_hello() { setup_common start_servald_instances +A +B } server_hello() { executeOk_servald --timeout=20 msp listen 512 <<EOF Hello from the server EOF assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^Hello from the client$" assertStderrGrep --matches=1 " Connection with .* closed gracefully$" tfw_cat --stderr } test_hello() { set_instance +A fork %listen server_hello set_instance +B executeOk_servald --timeout=20 msp connect "$SIDA" 512 <<EOF Hello from the client EOF assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^Hello from the server$" assertStderrGrep --matches=1 " Connection with .* closed gracefully$" fork_wait %listen } doc_client_no_data="Client connection with no data" setup_client_no_data() { setup_common create_file file1 64000 start_servald_instances +A +B } server_client_no_data() { executeOk_servald --timeout=20 msp listen 512 <file1 assertStderrGrep --matches=1 " Connection with .* closed gracefully$" tfw_cat --stderr } test_client_no_data() { set_instance +A fork %listen server_client_no_data set_instance +B executeOk_servald --timeout=20 msp connect "$SIDA" 512 <<EOF EOF assertStderrGrep --matches=1 " Connection with .* closed gracefully$" tfw_cat --stderr assert diff file1 "$TFWSTDOUT" fork_wait %listen } doc_server_no_data="Server sends no data" setup_server_no_data() { setup_common create_file file1 64000 start_servald_instances +A +B } server_server_no_data() { executeOk_servald --timeout=20 msp listen 512 <<EOF EOF assertStderrGrep --matches=1 " Connection with .* closed gracefully$" tfw_cat --stderr assert diff file1 "$TFWSTDOUT" } test_server_no_data() { set_instance +A fork %listen server_server_no_data set_instance +B executeOk_servald --timeout=20 msp connect "$SIDA" 512 <file1 assertStderrGrep --matches=1 " Connection with .* closed gracefully$" tfw_cat --stderr fork_wait %listen } doc_keep_alive="Keep the connection alive with no data" setup_keep_alive() { setup_common start_servald_instances +A +B } listen_pipe() { executeOk_servald msp listen 512 < <(echo "START" && sleep 20 && echo "END") assertStderrGrep --matches=1 " Connection with .* closed gracefully$" tfw_cat --stdout --stderr } connect_pipe() { executeOk_servald msp connect "$1" 512 < <(echo "START" && sleep 20 && echo "END") assertStderrGrep --matches=1 " Connection with .* closed gracefully$" tfw_cat --stdout --stderr } test_keep_alive() { set_instance +A fork %listen listen_pipe set_instance +B fork %connect connect_pipe "$SIDA" fork_wait %listen %connect } doc_forward="Forward TCP connections to a remote server" setup_forward() { setup_common setup_netcat6 start_servald_instances +A +B } client_forward() { executeOk --timeout=20 "$servald" msp connect --once --forward="$1" "$2" 512 assertStderrGrep --matches=1 " Connection with .* closed gracefully$" tfw_cat --stdout --stderr } test_forward() { set_instance +A fork %listen server_hello set_instance +B fork %connect client_forward 2048 "$SIDA" sleep 1 executeOk nc6 -q 30 -v 2048 < <(echo "Hello from the client") assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^Hello from the server$" fork_wait %listen %connect } doc_tcp_tunnel="Tunnel a tcp connection" setup_tcp_tunnel() { setup_common setup_netcat6 start_servald_instances +A +B } server_forward() { executeOk_servald msp listen --once --forward=$1 512 assertStderrGrep --matches=1 " Connection with .* closed gracefully$" tfw_cat --stderr } nc_listen() { execute nc6 -q -1 -v -l -p "$1" < <(echo "Hello from the server") tfw_cat --stdout --stderr } test_tcp_tunnel() { fork %listen nc_listen 6000 set_instance +A fork %server server_forward 6000 set_instance +B fork %client client_forward 6001 "$SIDA" sleep 1 executeOk nc6 -q 10 -v 6001 < <(echo "Hello from the client") tfw_cat --stdout --stderr assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^Hello from the server$" fork_wait %listen %server %client } doc_slow_unreliable="Transfer 1MB over an unreliable link" setup_slow_unreliable() { configure_servald_server() { create_single_identity add_servald_interface executeOk_servald config \ set debug.msp on \ set log.console.level DEBUG \ set log.console.show_time on } setup_common # TODO, reduce link quality & improve MSP protocol to better utilise available bandwidth simulator_command set "net1" \ "latency" "10" \ "drop_packets" "10" dd if=/dev/urandom of=file1 bs=1k count=1k 2>&1 start_servald_instances +A +B } slow_listen() { #note, must redirect stdin so we can indicate EOF executeOk_servald --stdout-file=file2 msp listen 512 < <(sleep 1) assertStderrGrep --matches=1 " Connection with .* closed gracefully$" tfw_cat --stderr } test_slow_unreliable() { set_instance +A fork %listen slow_listen set_instance +B executeOk_servald msp connect "$SIDA" 512 < file1 assertStderrGrep --matches=1 " Connection with .* closed gracefully$" tfw_log "execution time (ms); $realtime_ms" tfw_cat --stderr fork_wait %listen assert diff file1 file2 } doc_refused="TCP connection refused on forwarded stream" setup_refused(){ setup_common start_servald_instances +A +B } server_refused(){ executeOk "$servald" msp listen --once --forward=4001 512 assertStderrGrep --matches=1 " Connection refused" tfw_cat --stderr } test_refused(){ set_instance +A fork %listen server_refused set_instance +B executeOk_servald msp connect "$SIDA" 512 < <(echo "Hello") assertStderrGrep --matches=1 " Connection with .* closed suddenly$" tfw_cat --stdout --stderr fork_wait %listen } doc_terminate="Terminate a connection mid stream" setup_terminate() { setup_common setup_netcat6 start_servald_instances +A +B } client_terminate() { executeOk_servald msp connect --once --forward=3001 "$SIDA" 512 assertStderrGrep --matches=1 " Connection with .* closed gracefully$" tfw_cat --stdout --stderr } server_terminate() { executeOk_servald msp listen 512 < <(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1k count=500 | hexdump -C) assertStderrGrep --matches=1 " Connection with .* closed gracefully$" tfw_cat --stdout --stderr } test_terminate() { set_instance +A fork %msplisten server_terminate set_instance +B fork %mspconnect client_terminate sleep 1 # todo capture nc6 output nicely, while still being able to terminate it fork %ncconnect nc6 -q 0 -v 3001 fork_terminate %ncconnect fork_wait %msplisten %mspconnect %ncconnect } runTests "$@"