/* Serval DNA configuration Copyright (C) 2012 Serval Project Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <time.h> #include <inttypes.h> // for PRIu64 on Android #include "conf.h" #include "instance.h" #include "log.h" #include "debug.h" #include "str.h" #include "mem.h" #include "os.h" #define CONFFILE_NAME "serval.conf" struct cf_om_node *cf_om_root = NULL; static __thread struct file_meta conffile_meta = FILE_META_UNKNOWN; int cf_limbo = 1; __thread struct config_main config; static __thread struct file_meta config_meta = FILE_META_UNKNOWN; static const char *conffile_path() { static char path[1024] = ""; if (!path[0] && !FORMF_SERVAL_ETC_PATH(path, CONFFILE_NAME)) abort(); return path; } static int reload(const char *path, int *resultp) { DEBUGF(config, " file path=%s", alloca_str_toprint(path)); struct file_meta meta; if (get_file_meta(path, &meta) == -1) return -1; DEBUGF(config, " file meta=%s", alloca_file_meta(&meta)); DEBUGF(config, "conffile_meta=%s", alloca_file_meta(&conffile_meta)); if (cmp_file_meta(&meta, &conffile_meta) == 0) return 0; if (conffile_meta.mtime.tv_sec != -1) INFOF("config file %s -- detected new version", path); char *buf = NULL; if (meta.mtime.tv_sec == -1) { WARNF("config file %s does not exist -- using all defaults", path); } else if (meta.size > CONFIG_FILE_MAX_SIZE) { WHYF("config file %s is too big (%ju bytes exceeds limit %d)", path, (uintmax_t)meta.size, CONFIG_FILE_MAX_SIZE); return -1; } else if (meta.size <= 0) { WARNF("config file %s is zero size -- using all defaults", path); } else { FILE *f = fopen(path, "r"); if (f == NULL) { WHYF_perror("fopen(%s)", path); return -1; } if ((buf = emalloc(meta.size)) == NULL) { fclose(f); return -1; } if (fread(buf, meta.size, 1, f) != 1) { if (ferror(f)) WHYF_perror("fread(%s, %"PRIu64")", path, (uint64_t) meta.size); else WHYF("fread(%s, %"PRIu64") hit EOF", path, (uint64_t) meta.size); free(buf); fclose(f); return -1; } if (fclose(f) == EOF) { WHYF_perror("fclose(%s)", path); free(buf); return -1; } DEBUGF(config, "config file %s successfully read %ld bytes", path, (long) meta.size); } conffile_meta = meta; DEBUGF(config, "set conffile_meta=%s", alloca_file_meta(&conffile_meta)); struct cf_om_node *new_root = NULL; *resultp = cf_om_parse(path, buf, meta.size, &new_root); free(buf); if (*resultp == CFERROR) return -1; cf_om_free_node(&cf_om_root); cf_om_root = new_root; return 1; } int cf_om_reload() { int result; return reload(conffile_path(), &result); } int cf_om_load() { conffile_meta = FILE_META_UNKNOWN; return cf_om_reload(); } int cf_om_save() { if (cf_om_root) { const char *path = conffile_path(); struct file_meta meta; if (get_file_meta(path, &meta) == -1) return -1; char tempfile[1024]; FILE *outf = NULL; if (!FORMF_SERVAL_ETC_PATH(tempfile, CONFFILE_NAME ".temp")) return -1; if ((outf = fopen(tempfile, "w")) == NULL) return WHYF_perror("fopen(%s, \"w\")", tempfile); struct cf_om_iterator it; for (cf_om_iter_start(&it, cf_om_root); it.node; cf_om_iter_next(&it)) if (it.node->text) fprintf(outf, "%s=%s\n", it.node->fullkey, it.node->text); if (fclose(outf) == EOF) return WHYF_perror("fclose(%s)", tempfile); // rename(2) is atomic, so no other process will read a half-written file. if (rename(tempfile, path)) { WHYF_perror("rename(%s, %s)", tempfile, path); unlink(tempfile); return -1; } struct file_meta newmeta; int r = alter_file_meta(path, &meta, &newmeta); if (r == -1) return -1; if (r) INFOF("wrote %s; set mtime=%s", path, alloca_time_t(newmeta.mtime.tv_sec)); else if (cmp_file_meta(&meta, &newmeta) == 0) WARNF("wrote %s; mtime not altered", path); else INFOF("wrote %s", path); conffile_meta = newmeta; DEBUGF(config, "set conffile_meta=%s", alloca_file_meta(&conffile_meta)); } return 0; } int cf_init() { cf_limbo = 1; conffile_meta = config_meta = FILE_META_UNKNOWN; memset(&config, 0, sizeof config); if (cf_dfl_config_main(&config) == CFERROR) return -1; return 0; } /* (Re-)load and parse the configuration file. * * The 'strict' flag controls whether this function will load a defective config file. If nonzero, * then it will not load a defective file, but will log an error and return -1. If zero, then it * will load a defective file and use the 'permissive' flag to decide what to log and return. * * The 'permissive' flag only applies if 'strict' is zero, and determines how this function deals * with a loaded defective config file. If 'permissive' is zero, then it logs an error and returns * -1. If nonzero, then it logs a warning and returns 0. * * @author Andrew Bettison <andrew@servalproject.com> */ static int reload_and_parse(int permissive, int strict) { int result = CFOK; int changed = 0; if (cf_limbo) result = cf_dfl_config_main(&config); if (result == CFOK || result == CFEMPTY) { if (reload(conffile_path(), &result) == -1) result = CFERROR; else if (!cf_limbo && cmp_file_meta(&conffile_meta, &config_meta) == 0) return 0; else { config_meta = conffile_meta; if (result == CFOK || result == CFEMPTY) { struct config_main new_config; int update = 0; memset(&new_config, 0, sizeof new_config); result = cf_dfl_config_main(&new_config); if (result == CFOK || result == CFEMPTY) { result = cf_om_root ? cf_opt_config_main(&new_config, cf_om_root) : CFEMPTY; if (result == CFOK || result == CFEMPTY) { result = CFOK; update = 1; } else if (result != CFERROR && !strict) { result &= ~CFEMPTY; // don't log "empty" as a problem update = 1; } } if (update && cf_cmp_config_main(&config, &new_config) != 0) { config = new_config; changed = 1; } } } } int ret = changed; if (result != CFOK) { strbuf b = strbuf_alloca(180); strbuf_cf_flag_reason(b, result); if (strict) ret = WHYF("defective config file %s not loaded -- %s", conffile_path(), strbuf_str(b)); else { if (!permissive) ret = WHYF("config file %s loaded despite defects -- %s", conffile_path(), strbuf_str(b)); else WARNF("config file %s loaded despite defects -- %s", conffile_path(), strbuf_str(b)); } } cf_limbo = 0; // let log messages out logFlush(); if (changed) { logConfigChanged(); cf_on_config_change(); } return ret; } int cf_load() { conffile_meta = config_meta = FILE_META_UNKNOWN; return reload_and_parse(0, 0); } int cf_load_strict() { conffile_meta = config_meta = FILE_META_UNKNOWN; return reload_and_parse(0, 1); } int cf_load_permissive() { conffile_meta = config_meta = FILE_META_UNKNOWN; return reload_and_parse(1, 0); } int cf_reload() { return reload_and_parse(0, 0); } int cf_reload_strict() { return reload_and_parse(0, 1); } int cf_reload_permissive() { return reload_and_parse(1, 0); }