#include "serval.h" #include "conf.h" #include "str.h" #include "overlay_address.h" #include "overlay_buffer.h" #include "overlay_packet.h" #define MIN_BURST_LENGTH 5000 struct probe_contents{ struct sockaddr_in addr; unsigned char interface; }; static void update_limit_state(struct limit_state *state, time_ms_t now){ if (state->next_interval > now || state->burst_size==0){ return; } if (state->next_interval + state->burst_length>now) state->next_interval+=state->burst_length; else state->next_interval=now + state->burst_length; state->sent = 0; } /* When should we next allow this thing to occur? */ time_ms_t limit_next_allowed(struct limit_state *state){ time_ms_t now = gettime_ms(); update_limit_state(state, now); if (state->sent < state->burst_size) return now; return state->next_interval; } /* Can we do this now? if so, track it */ int limit_is_allowed(struct limit_state *state){ time_ms_t now = gettime_ms(); update_limit_state(state, now); if (state->sent >= state->burst_size){ return -1; } state->sent ++; return 0; } /* Initialise burst size and length based on the number we can do in one MIN_BURST */ int limit_init(struct limit_state *state, int rate_micro_seconds){ if (rate_micro_seconds==0){ state->burst_size=0; }else{ state->burst_size = (MIN_BURST_LENGTH / rate_micro_seconds)+1; state->burst_length = (state->burst_size * rate_micro_seconds) / 1000.0; } return 0; } // quick test to make sure the specified route is valid. int subscriber_is_reachable(struct subscriber *subscriber){ if (!subscriber) return REACHABLE_NONE; int ret = subscriber->reachable; if (ret==REACHABLE_INDIRECT){ if (!subscriber->next_hop) ret = REACHABLE_NONE; // avoid infinite recursion... else if (!(subscriber->next_hop->reachable & REACHABLE_DIRECT)) ret = REACHABLE_NONE; else{ int r = subscriber_is_reachable(subscriber->next_hop); if (r&REACHABLE_ASSUMED) ret = REACHABLE_NONE; else if (!(r & REACHABLE_DIRECT)) ret = REACHABLE_NONE; } } if (ret & REACHABLE_DIRECT){ // make sure the interface is still up if (!subscriber->interface) ret=REACHABLE_NONE; else if (subscriber->interface->state!=INTERFACE_STATE_UP) ret=REACHABLE_NONE; } return ret; } int set_reachable(struct subscriber *subscriber, int reachable){ if (subscriber->reachable==reachable) return 0; int old_value = subscriber->reachable; subscriber->reachable=reachable; // These log messages are for use in tests. Changing them may break test scripts. if (config.debug.overlayrouting) { switch (reachable) { case REACHABLE_NONE: DEBUGF("NOT REACHABLE sid=%s", alloca_tohex_sid(subscriber->sid)); break; case REACHABLE_SELF: break; case REACHABLE_INDIRECT: DEBUGF("REACHABLE INDIRECTLY sid=%s", alloca_tohex_sid(subscriber->sid)); DEBUGF("(via %s, %d)",subscriber->next_hop?alloca_tohex_sid(subscriber->next_hop->sid):"NOONE!" ,subscriber->next_hop?subscriber->next_hop->reachable:0); break; case REACHABLE_UNICAST: DEBUGF("REACHABLE VIA UNICAST sid=%s", alloca_tohex_sid(subscriber->sid)); break; case REACHABLE_BROADCAST: DEBUGF("REACHABLE VIA BROADCAST sid=%s", alloca_tohex_sid(subscriber->sid)); break; case REACHABLE_UNICAST|REACHABLE_ASSUMED: DEBUGF("ASSUMED REACHABLE VIA UNICAST sid=%s", alloca_tohex_sid(subscriber->sid)); break; case REACHABLE_BROADCAST|REACHABLE_ASSUMED: DEBUGF("ASSUMED REACHABLE VIA BROADCAST sid=%s", alloca_tohex_sid(subscriber->sid)); break; } } /* Pre-emptively send a sas request */ if (!subscriber->sas_valid && reachable&REACHABLE) keyring_send_sas_request(subscriber); // Hacky layering violation... send our identity to a directory service if (subscriber==directory_service) directory_registration(); if ((old_value & REACHABLE) && (!(reachable & REACHABLE))) monitor_announce_unreachable_peer(subscriber->sid); if ((!(old_value & REACHABLE)) && (reachable & REACHABLE)) monitor_announce_peer(subscriber->sid); return 0; } // mark the subscriber as reachable via reply unicast packet int reachable_unicast(struct subscriber *subscriber, overlay_interface *interface, struct in_addr addr, int port){ if (subscriber->reachable&REACHABLE) return -1; if (subscriber->node) return -1; subscriber->interface = interface; subscriber->address.sin_family = AF_INET; subscriber->address.sin_addr = addr; subscriber->address.sin_port = htons(port); set_reachable(subscriber, REACHABLE_UNICAST); return 0; } int resolve_name(const char *name, struct in_addr *addr){ // TODO this can block, move to worker thread. IN(); int ret=0; struct addrinfo hint={ .ai_family=AF_INET, }; struct addrinfo *addresses=NULL; if (getaddrinfo(name, NULL, &hint, &addresses)) RETURN(WHYF("Failed to resolve %s",name)); if (addresses->ai_addr->sa_family==AF_INET){ *addr = ((struct sockaddr_in *)addresses->ai_addr)->sin_addr; if (config.debug.overlayrouting) DEBUGF("Resolved %s into %s", name, inet_ntoa(*addr)); }else ret=WHY("Ignoring non IPv4 address"); freeaddrinfo(addresses); RETURN(ret); } // load a unicast address from configuration int load_subscriber_address(struct subscriber *subscriber) { if (subscriber_is_reachable(subscriber)&REACHABLE) return 0; int i = config_host_list__get(&config.hosts, (const sid_t*)subscriber->sid); // No unicast configuration? just return. if (i == -1) return 1; const struct config_host *hostc = &config.hosts.av[i].value; overlay_interface *interface = NULL; if (*hostc->interface){ interface = overlay_interface_find_name(hostc->interface); if (!interface) return WHY("Can't fund configured interface"); } struct sockaddr_in addr; bzero(&addr, sizeof(addr)); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_addr = hostc->address; addr.sin_port = htons(hostc->port); if (addr.sin_addr.s_addr==INADDR_NONE){ if (interface || overlay_interface_get_default()){ if (resolve_name(hostc->host, &addr.sin_addr)) return -1; }else{ // interface isnt up yet return 1; } } if (config.debug.overlayrouting) DEBUGF("Loaded address %s:%d for %s", inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr), ntohs(addr.sin_port), alloca_tohex_sid(subscriber->sid)); return overlay_send_probe(subscriber, addr, interface, OQ_MESH_MANAGEMENT); } /* Collection of unicast echo responses to detect working links */ int overlay_mdp_service_probe(overlay_mdp_frame *mdp) { IN(); if (mdp->out.src.port!=MDP_PORT_ECHO || mdp->out.payload_length != sizeof(struct probe_contents)){ WARN("Probe packets should be returned from remote echo port"); RETURN(-1); } struct subscriber *peer = find_subscriber(mdp->out.src.sid, SID_SIZE, 0); if (peer->reachable == REACHABLE_SELF) RETURN(0); struct probe_contents probe; bcopy(&mdp->out.payload, &probe, sizeof(struct probe_contents)); if (probe.addr.sin_family!=AF_INET) RETURN(WHY("Unsupported address family")); peer->last_probe_response = gettime_ms(); peer->interface = &overlay_interfaces[probe.interface]; peer->address.sin_family = AF_INET; peer->address.sin_addr = probe.addr.sin_addr; peer->address.sin_port = probe.addr.sin_port; set_reachable(peer, REACHABLE_UNICAST | (peer->reachable & REACHABLE_DIRECT)); RETURN(0); } int overlay_send_probe(struct subscriber *peer, struct sockaddr_in addr, overlay_interface *interface, int queue){ if (interface==NULL) interface = overlay_interface_find(addr.sin_addr, 1); if (!interface) return WHY("I don't know which interface to use"); if (interface->state!=INTERFACE_STATE_UP) return WHY("I can't send a probe if the interface is down."); if (addr.sin_addr.s_addr==0) { if (config.debug.overlayinterfaces) WHY("I can't send a probe to address"); return -1; } if (addr.sin_port==0) { if (config.debug.overlayinterfaces) WHY("I can't send a probe to port 0"); return -1; } // never send unicast probes over a stream interface if (interface->socket_type==SOCK_STREAM) return 0; time_ms_t now = gettime_ms(); if (peer && peer->last_probe+1000>now) return -1; struct overlay_frame *frame=malloc(sizeof(struct overlay_frame)); bzero(frame,sizeof(struct overlay_frame)); frame->type=OF_TYPE_DATA; frame->source = my_subscriber; frame->next_hop = frame->destination = peer; frame->ttl=1; frame->queue=queue; frame->destination_resolved=1; frame->recvaddr=addr; frame->unicast=1; frame->interface=interface; frame->payload = ob_new(); frame->source_full = 1; // TODO call mdp payload encryption / signing without calling overlay_mdp_dispatch... if (peer) peer->last_probe=gettime_ms(); if (overlay_mdp_encode_ports(frame->payload, MDP_PORT_ECHO, MDP_PORT_PROBE)){ op_free(frame); return -1; } // not worried about byte order here as we are the only node that should be parsing the contents. unsigned char *dst=ob_append_space(frame->payload, sizeof(struct probe_contents)); if (!dst){ op_free(frame); return -1; } struct probe_contents probe; probe.addr=addr; // get interface number probe.interface = interface - overlay_interfaces; bcopy(&probe, dst, sizeof(struct probe_contents)); if (overlay_payload_enqueue(frame)){ op_free(frame); return -1; } if (config.debug.overlayrouting) DEBUGF("Queued probe packet on interface %s to %s:%d for %s", interface->name, inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr), ntohs(addr.sin_port), peer?alloca_tohex_sid(peer->sid):"ANY"); return 0; } // append the address of a unicast link into a packet buffer static int overlay_append_unicast_address(struct subscriber *subscriber, struct overlay_buffer *buff) { if (subscriber->reachable & REACHABLE_ASSUMED || !(subscriber->reachable & REACHABLE_UNICAST)){ if (config.debug.overlayrouting) DEBUGF("Unable to give address of %s, %d", alloca_tohex_sid(subscriber->sid),subscriber->reachable); return 0; } if (overlay_address_append(NULL, buff, subscriber)) return -1; if (ob_append_ui32(buff, subscriber->address.sin_addr.s_addr)) return -1; if (ob_append_ui16(buff, subscriber->address.sin_port)) return -1; ob_checkpoint(buff); if (config.debug.overlayrouting) DEBUGF("Added STUN info for %s", alloca_tohex_sid(subscriber->sid)); return 0; } // append the address of all neighbour unicast links into a packet buffer /* static int overlay_append_local_unicasts(struct subscriber *subscriber, void *context) { struct overlay_buffer *buff = context; if ((!subscriber->interface) || (!(subscriber->reachable & REACHABLE_UNICAST)) || (subscriber->reachable & REACHABLE_ASSUMED)) return 0; if ((subscriber->address.sin_addr.s_addr & subscriber->interface->netmask.s_addr) != (subscriber->interface->address.sin_addr.s_addr & subscriber->interface->netmask.s_addr)) return 0; return overlay_append_unicast_address(subscriber, buff); } */ int overlay_mdp_service_stun_req(overlay_mdp_frame *mdp) { if (config.debug.overlayrouting) DEBUGF("Processing STUN request from %s", alloca_tohex_sid(mdp->out.src.sid)); struct overlay_buffer *payload = ob_static(mdp->out.payload, mdp->out.payload_length); ob_limitsize(payload, mdp->out.payload_length); overlay_mdp_frame reply; bzero(&reply, sizeof(reply)); reply.packetTypeAndFlags=MDP_TX; bcopy(mdp->out.src.sid, reply.out.dst.sid, SID_SIZE); bcopy(mdp->out.dst.sid, reply.out.src.sid, SID_SIZE); reply.out.src.port=MDP_PORT_STUNREQ; reply.out.dst.port=MDP_PORT_STUN; reply.out.queue=OQ_MESH_MANAGEMENT; struct overlay_buffer *replypayload = ob_static(reply.out.payload, sizeof(reply.out.payload)); ob_checkpoint(replypayload); while(ob_remaining(payload)>0){ struct subscriber *subscriber=NULL; if (overlay_address_parse(NULL, payload, &subscriber)) break; if (!subscriber){ if (config.debug.overlayrouting) DEBUGF("Unknown subscriber"); continue; } if (overlay_append_unicast_address(subscriber, replypayload)) break; } ob_rewind(replypayload); reply.out.payload_length=ob_position(replypayload); if (reply.out.payload_length){ if (config.debug.overlayrouting) DEBUGF("Sending reply"); overlay_mdp_dispatch(&reply,0 /* system generated */, NULL,0); } ob_free(replypayload); ob_free(payload); return 0; } int overlay_mdp_service_stun(overlay_mdp_frame *mdp) { struct overlay_buffer *buff = ob_static(mdp->out.payload, mdp->out.payload_length); ob_limitsize(buff, mdp->out.payload_length); if (config.debug.overlayrouting) DEBUGF("Processing STUN info from %s", alloca_tohex_sid(mdp->out.src.sid)); while(ob_remaining(buff)>0){ struct subscriber *subscriber=NULL; struct sockaddr_in addr; // TODO explain addresses, link expiry time, resolve differences between addresses... if (overlay_address_parse(NULL, buff, &subscriber)){ break; } addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_addr.s_addr = ob_get_ui32(buff); addr.sin_port = ob_get_ui16(buff); if (!subscriber || (subscriber->reachable!=REACHABLE_NONE)) continue; overlay_send_probe(subscriber, addr, NULL, OQ_MESH_MANAGEMENT); } ob_free(buff); return 0; } int overlay_send_stun_request(struct subscriber *server, struct subscriber *request){ if ((!server) || (!request)) return -1; if (!(subscriber_is_reachable(server)&REACHABLE)) return -1; // don't bother with a stun request if the peer is already reachable directly // TODO link timeouts if (subscriber_is_reachable(request)&REACHABLE_DIRECT) return -1; time_ms_t now = gettime_ms(); if (request->last_stun_request +1000 > now) return -1; request->last_stun_request=now; overlay_mdp_frame mdp; bzero(&mdp, sizeof(mdp)); mdp.packetTypeAndFlags=MDP_TX; bcopy(my_subscriber->sid, mdp.out.src.sid, SID_SIZE); bcopy(server->sid, mdp.out.dst.sid, SID_SIZE); mdp.out.src.port=MDP_PORT_STUN; mdp.out.dst.port=MDP_PORT_STUNREQ; mdp.out.queue=OQ_MESH_MANAGEMENT; struct overlay_buffer *payload = ob_static(mdp.out.payload, sizeof(mdp.out.payload)); overlay_address_append(NULL, payload, request); mdp.out.payload_length=ob_position(payload); if (config.debug.overlayrouting) DEBUGF("Sending STUN request to %s", alloca_tohex_sid(server->sid)); overlay_mdp_dispatch(&mdp,0 /* system generated */, NULL,0); ob_free(payload); return 0; }