/* Serval configuration command-line functions Copyright (C) 2014 Serval Project Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "cli.h" #include "conf.h" #include "commandline.h" #include "strbuf.h" #include "strbuf_helpers.h" #include "instance.h" #include "mdp_client.h" #include "server.h" DEFINE_CMD(app_config_schema, CLIFLAG_PERMISSIVE_CONFIG, "Display configuration schema.", "config", "schema"); static int app_config_schema(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { DEBUG_cli_parsed(verbose, parsed); struct cf_om_node *root = NULL; if (cf_sch_config_main(&root) == -1) { cf_om_free_node(&root); return -1; } struct cf_om_iterator it; for (cf_om_iter_start(&it, root); it.node; cf_om_iter_next(&it)) if (it.node->text || it.node->nodc == 0) { cli_put_string(context, it.node->fullkey,"="); cli_put_string(context, it.node->text, "\n"); } cf_om_free_node(&root); return 0; } DEFINE_CMD(app_config_dump, CLIFLAG_PERMISSIVE_CONFIG, "Dump configuration settings.", "config","dump","[--full]"); static int app_config_dump(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { DEBUG_cli_parsed(verbose, parsed); int full = 0 == cli_arg(parsed, "--full", NULL, NULL, NULL); if (create_serval_instance_dir() == -1) return -1; struct cf_om_node *root = NULL; int ret = cf_fmt_config_main(&root, &config); if (ret == CFERROR) { cf_om_free_node(&root); return -1; } struct cf_om_iterator it; for (cf_om_iter_start(&it, root); it.node; cf_om_iter_next(&it)) { if (it.node->text && (full || it.node->line_number)) { cli_put_string(context, it.node->fullkey, "="); cli_put_string(context, it.node->text, "\n"); } } cf_om_free_node(&root); return ret == CFOK ? 0 : 1; } static int mdp_client_sync_config(time_ms_t timeout) { /* Bind to MDP socket and await confirmation */ struct mdp_header mdp_header = { .remote.port = MDP_SYNC_CONFIG, }; int mdpsock = mdp_socket(); if (mdpsock == -1) return WHY("cannot create MDP socket"); set_nonblock(mdpsock); int r = mdp_send(mdpsock, &mdp_header, NULL, 0); if (r == -1) goto end; time_ms_t deadline = gettime_ms() + timeout; // TODO add --timeout option struct mdp_header rev_header; do { ssize_t len = mdp_poll_recv(mdpsock, deadline, &rev_header, NULL, 0); if (len == -1){ r = -1; goto end; } if (len == -2) { WHYF("timeout while synchronising daemon configuration"); r = -1; goto end; } } while (!(rev_header.flags & MDP_FLAG_CLOSE)); r = 0; end: mdp_close(mdpsock); return r; } DEFINE_CMD(app_config_set, CLIFLAG_PERMISSIVE_CONFIG, "Set and del specified configuration variables.", "config","set","<variable>","<value>","..."); DEFINE_CMD(app_config_set, CLIFLAG_PERMISSIVE_CONFIG, "Del and set specified configuration variables.", "config","del","<variable>","..."); DEFINE_CMD(app_config_set, CLIFLAG_PERMISSIVE_CONFIG, "Synchronise with the daemon's configuration.", "config","sync","..."); static int app_config_set(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *UNUSED(context)) { DEBUG_cli_parsed(verbose, parsed); if (create_serval_instance_dir() == -1) return -1; // <kludge> // This fixes a subtle bug in when upgrading the Batphone app: the servald.conf file does // not get upgraded. The bug goes like this: // 1. new Batphone APK is installed, but prior servald.conf is not overwritten because it // comes in serval.zip; // 2. new Batphone is started, which calls JNI "stop" command, which reads the old servald.conf // into memory buffer; // 3. new Batphone unpacks serval.zip, overwriting servald.conf with new version; // 4. new Batphone calls JNI "config set rhizome.enable 1", which sets the "rhizome.enable" // config option in the existing memory buffer and overwrites servald.conf; // Bingo, the old version of servald.conf is what remains. This kludge intervenes in step 4, by // reading the new servald.conf into the memory buffer before applying the "rhizome.enable" set // value and overwriting. if (cf_om_reload() == -1) return -1; // </kludge> const char *var[parsed->argc - 1]; const char *val[parsed->argc - 1]; unsigned nvar = 0; unsigned i; for (i = 1; i < parsed->argc; ++i) { const char *arg = parsed->args[i]; int iv = -1; if (strcmp(arg, "set") == 0) { if (i + 2 > parsed->argc) return WHYF("malformed command at args[%d]: 'set' not followed by two arguments", i); var[nvar] = parsed->args[iv = ++i]; val[nvar] = parsed->args[++i]; } else if (strcmp(arg, "del") == 0) { if (i + 1 > parsed->argc) return WHYF("malformed command at args[%d]: 'del' not followed by one argument", i); var[nvar] = parsed->args[iv = ++i]; val[nvar] = NULL; } else if (strcmp(arg, "sync") == 0) var[nvar] = val[nvar] = NULL; else return WHYF("malformed command at args[%d]: unsupported action '%s'", i, arg); if (var[nvar] && !is_configvarname(var[nvar])) return WHYF("malformed command at args[%d]: '%s' is not a valid config option name", iv, var[nvar]); ++nvar; } int changed = 0; for (i = 0; i < nvar; ++i) { if (var[i]) { if (cf_om_set(&cf_om_root, var[i], val[i]) == -1) return -1; if (val[i]) INFOF("config set %s %s", var[i], alloca_str_toprint(val[i])); else INFOF("config del %s", var[i]); changed = 1; } else { if (changed) { if (cf_om_save() == -1) return -1; if (cf_reload() == -1) // logs an error if the new config is bad return 2; changed = 0; } int pid = server_pid(); if (pid) { INFO("config sync"); // TODO make timeout configurable with --timeout option. if (mdp_client_sync_config(10000) == -1) return 3; } else INFO("config sync -- skipped, server not running"); } } if (changed) { if (cf_om_save() == -1) return -1; if (cf_reload() == -1) // logs an error if the new config is bad return 2; } return 0; } DEFINE_CMD(app_config_get, CLIFLAG_PERMISSIVE_CONFIG, "Get specified configuration variable.", "config","get","[<variable>]"); static int app_config_get(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { DEBUG_cli_parsed(verbose, parsed); const char *var; if (cli_arg(parsed, "variable", &var, is_configvarpattern, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (create_serval_instance_dir() == -1) return -1; if (cf_om_reload() == -1) return -1; if (var && is_configvarname(var)) { const char *value = cf_om_get(cf_om_root, var); if (value) { cli_field_name(context, var, "="); cli_put_string(context, value, "\n"); } } else { struct cf_om_iterator it; for (cf_om_iter_start(&it, cf_om_root); it.node; cf_om_iter_next(&it)) { if (var && cf_om_match(var, it.node) <= 0) continue; if (it.node->text) { cli_field_name(context, it.node->fullkey, "="); cli_put_string(context, it.node->text, "\n"); } } } return 0; } DEFINE_CMD(app_config_paths, CLIFLAG_PERMISSIVE_CONFIG, "Dump file and directory paths.", "config", "paths"); static int app_config_paths(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { DEBUG_cli_parsed(verbose, parsed); if (cf_om_reload() == -1) return -1; char path[1024]; if (FORMF_SERVAL_ETC_PATH(path, NULL)) { cli_field_name(context, "SERVAL_ETC_PATH", ":"); cli_put_string(context, path, "\n"); } if (FORMF_SERVAL_RUN_PATH(path, NULL)) { cli_field_name(context, "SERVAL_RUN_PATH", ":"); cli_put_string(context, path, "\n"); } if (FORMF_SERVAL_CACHE_PATH(path, NULL)) { cli_field_name(context, "SERVAL_CACHE_PATH", ":"); cli_put_string(context, path, "\n"); } strbuf sb = strbuf_local(path, sizeof path); strbuf_system_log_path(sb); if (!strbuf_overrun(sb)) { cli_field_name(context, "SYSTEM_LOG_PATH", ":"); cli_put_string(context, path, "\n"); } strbuf_reset(sb); strbuf_serval_log_path(sb); if (!strbuf_overrun(sb)) { cli_field_name(context, "SERVAL_LOG_PATH", ":"); cli_put_string(context, path, "\n"); } if (FORMF_SERVAL_TMP_PATH(path, NULL)) { cli_field_name(context, "SERVAL_TMP_PATH", ":"); cli_put_string(context, path, "\n"); } if (FORMF_SERVALD_PROC_PATH(path, NULL)) { cli_field_name(context, "SERVALD_PROC_PATH", ":"); cli_put_string(context, path, "\n"); } if (FORMF_RHIZOME_STORE_PATH(path, NULL)) { cli_field_name(context, "RHIZOME_STORE_PATH", ":"); cli_put_string(context, path, "\n"); } return 0; }