/* Serval DNA command-line functions Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Serval Project Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* Portions Copyright (C) 2013 Petter Reinholdtsen Some rights reserved Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_JNI_H #include #endif #include #include "serval.h" #include "conf.h" #include "rhizome.h" #include "strbuf.h" #include "strbuf_helpers.h" #include "str.h" #include "os.h" #include "mdp_client.h" #include "cli.h" #include "overlay_address.h" #include "overlay_buffer.h" #include "keyring.h" #include "dataformats.h" extern struct cli_schema command_line_options[]; int commandline_usage(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *UNUSED(context)) { printf("Serval DNA version %s\nUsage:\n", version_servald); return cli_usage_parsed(parsed, XPRINTF_STDIO(stdout)); } int version_message(const struct cli_parsed *UNUSED(parsed), struct cli_context *UNUSED(context)) { printf("Serval DNA version %s\n%s\n", version_servald, copyright_servald); printf("\ License GPLv2+: GNU GPL version 2 or later .\n\ This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.\n\ There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n\ "); return 0; } /* Data structures for accumulating output of a single JNI call. */ #ifdef HAVE_JNI_H #define OUTV_BUFFER_ALLOCSIZE (8192) jclass IJniResults = NULL; jmethodID startResultSet, setColumnName, putString, putBlob, putLong, putDouble, totalRowCount; static int outv_growbuf(struct cli_context *context, size_t needed) { assert(context->outv_current <= context->outv_limit); size_t remaining = (size_t)(context->outv_limit - context->outv_current); if (remaining < needed) { size_t cursize = context->outv_current - context->outv_buffer; size_t newsize = cursize + needed; // Round up to nearest multiple of OUTV_BUFFER_ALLOCSIZE. newsize = newsize + OUTV_BUFFER_ALLOCSIZE - ((newsize - 1) % OUTV_BUFFER_ALLOCSIZE + 1); assert(newsize > cursize); assert((size_t)(newsize - cursize) >= needed); context->outv_buffer = realloc(context->outv_buffer, newsize); if (context->outv_buffer == NULL) return WHYF("Out of memory allocating %lu bytes", (unsigned long) newsize); context->outv_current = context->outv_buffer + cursize; context->outv_limit = context->outv_buffer + newsize; } return 0; } static int put_blob(struct cli_context *context, jbyte *value, jsize length){ jbyteArray arr = NULL; if (context->jni_exception) return -1; if (value && length>0){ arr = (*context->jni_env)->NewByteArray(context->jni_env, length); if (arr == NULL || (*context->jni_env)->ExceptionCheck(context->jni_env)) { context->jni_exception = 1; return WHY("Exception thrown from NewByteArray()"); } (*context->jni_env)->SetByteArrayRegion(context->jni_env, arr, 0, length, value); if ((*context->jni_env)->ExceptionCheck(context->jni_env)) { context->jni_exception = 1; return WHYF("Exception thrown from SetByteArrayRegion()"); } } (*context->jni_env)->CallVoidMethod(context->jni_env, context->jniResults, putBlob, arr); if ((*context->jni_env)->ExceptionCheck(context->jni_env)) { context->jni_exception = 1; return WHY("Exception thrown from CallVoidMethod(putBlob)"); } if (arr) (*context->jni_env)->DeleteLocalRef(context->jni_env, arr); return 0; } static int outv_end_field(struct cli_context *context) { jsize length = context->outv_current - context->outv_buffer; context->outv_current = context->outv_buffer; return put_blob(context, (jbyte *)context->outv_buffer, length); } int Throw(JNIEnv *env, const char *class, const char *msg) { jclass exceptionClass = NULL; if ((exceptionClass = (*env)->FindClass(env, class)) == NULL) return -1; // exception (*env)->ThrowNew(env, exceptionClass, msg); return -1; } /* JNI entry point to command line. See org.servalproject.servald.ServalD class for the Java side. JNI method descriptor: "(Ljava/util/List;[Ljava/lang/String;)I" */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_servalproject_servaldna_ServalDCommand_rawCommand(JNIEnv *env, jobject UNUSED(this), jobject outv, jobjectArray args) { struct cli_context context; bzero(&context, sizeof(context)); // find jni results methods if (!IJniResults){ IJniResults = (*env)->FindClass(env, "org/servalproject/servaldna/IJniResults"); if (IJniResults==NULL) return Throw(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "Unable to locate class org.servalproject.servaldna.IJniResults"); startResultSet = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, IJniResults, "startResultSet", "(I)V"); if (startResultSet==NULL) return Throw(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "Unable to locate method startResultSet"); setColumnName = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, IJniResults, "setColumnName", "(ILjava/lang/String;)V"); if (setColumnName==NULL) return Throw(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "Unable to locate method setColumnName"); putString = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, IJniResults, "putString", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V"); if (putString==NULL) return Throw(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "Unable to locate method putString"); putBlob = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, IJniResults, "putBlob", "([B)V"); if (putBlob==NULL) return Throw(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "Unable to locate method putBlob"); putLong = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, IJniResults, "putLong", "(J)V"); if (putLong==NULL) return Throw(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "Unable to locate method putLong"); putDouble = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, IJniResults, "putDouble", "(D)V"); if (putDouble==NULL) return Throw(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "Unable to locate method putDouble"); totalRowCount = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, IJniResults, "totalRowCount", "(I)V"); if (totalRowCount==NULL) return Throw(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "Unable to locate method totalRowCount"); } unsigned char status = 0; // to match what the shell gets: 0..255 // Construct argv, argc from this method's arguments. jsize len = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, args); const char **argv = alloca(sizeof(char*) * (len + 1)); if (argv == NULL) return Throw(env, "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError", "alloca() returned NULL"); jsize i; for (i = 0; i <= len; ++i) argv[i] = NULL; int argc = len; // From now on, in case of an exception we have to free some resources before // returning. for (i = 0; !context.jni_exception && i < len; ++i) { const jstring arg = (jstring)(*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, args, i); if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) context.jni_exception = 1; else if (arg == NULL) { Throw(env, "java/lang/NullPointerException", "null element in argv"); context.jni_exception = 1; } else { const char *str = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, arg, NULL); if (str == NULL) context.jni_exception = 1; else argv[i] = str; } } if (!context.jni_exception) { // Set up the output buffer. context.jniResults = outv; context.outv_current = context.outv_buffer; // Execute the command. context.jni_env = env; status = parseCommandLine(&context, NULL, argc, argv); } // free any temporary output buffer if (context.outv_buffer) free(context.outv_buffer); // Release argv Java string buffers. for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (argv[i]) { const jstring arg = (jstring)(*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, args, i); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, arg, argv[i]); } } // Deal with Java exceptions: NewStringUTF out of memory in outv_end_field(). if (context.jni_exception || (context.outv_current != context.outv_buffer && outv_end_field(&context) == -1)) return -1; return (jint) status; } #endif /* HAVE_JNI_H */ /* The argc and argv arguments must be passed verbatim from main(argc, argv), so argv[0] is path to executable. */ int parseCommandLine(struct cli_context *context, const char *argv0, int argc, const char *const *args) { fd_clearstats(); IN(); struct cli_parsed parsed; int result = cli_parse(argc, args, command_line_options, &parsed); switch (result) { case 0: // Do not run the command if the configuration does not load ok. if (((parsed.commands[parsed.cmdi].flags & CLIFLAG_PERMISSIVE_CONFIG) ? cf_reload_permissive() : cf_reload()) != -1) result = cli_invoke(&parsed, context); else { strbuf b = strbuf_alloca(160); strbuf_append_argv(b, argc, args); result = WHYF("configuration defective, not running command: %s", strbuf_str(b)); } break; case 1: case 2: // Load configuration so that log messages can get out. cf_reload_permissive(); NOWHENCE(HINTF("Run \"%s help\" for more information.", argv0 ? argv0 : "servald")); result =-1; break; default: // Load configuration so that log error messages can get out. cf_reload_permissive(); break; } /* clean up after ourselves */ rhizome_close_db(); free_subscribers(); assert(keyring==NULL); OUT(); if (config.debug.timing) fd_showstats(); return result; } /* Write a buffer of data to output. If in a JNI call, then this appends the data to the current output field, including any embedded nul characters. Returns a non-negative integer on success, EOF on error. */ int cli_write(struct cli_context *UNUSED(context), const unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { #ifdef HAVE_JNI_H if (context && context->jni_env) { size_t avail = context->outv_limit - context->outv_current; if (avail < len) { memcpy(context->outv_current, buf, avail); context->outv_current = context->outv_limit; if (outv_growbuf(context, len) == -1) return EOF; len -= avail; buf += avail; } memcpy(context->outv_current, buf, len); context->outv_current += len; return 0; } #endif return fwrite(buf, len, 1, stdout); } /* Write a null-terminated string to output. If in a JNI call, then this appends the string to the current output field. The terminating null is not included. Returns a non-negative integer on success, EOF on error. */ int cli_puts(struct cli_context *UNUSED(context), const char *str) { #ifdef HAVE_JNI_H if (context && context->jni_env) return cli_write(context, (const unsigned char *) str, strlen(str)); else #endif return fputs(str, stdout); } /* Write a formatted string to output. If in a JNI call, then this appends the string to the current output field, excluding the terminating null. */ void cli_printf(struct cli_context *UNUSED(context), const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; #ifdef HAVE_JNI_H if (context && context->jni_env) { assert(context->outv_current <= context->outv_limit); size_t avail = context->outv_limit - context->outv_current; va_start(ap, fmt); int count = vsnprintf(context->outv_current, avail, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (count < 0) { WHYF("vsnprintf(%p,%zu,%s,...) failed", context->outv_current, avail, alloca_str_toprint(fmt)); return; } else if ((size_t)count < avail) { context->outv_current += count; return; } if (outv_growbuf(context, count) == -1) return; avail = context->outv_limit - context->outv_current; va_start(ap, fmt); count = vsprintf(context->outv_current, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (count < 0) { WHYF("vsprintf(%p,%s,...) failed", context->outv_current, alloca_str_toprint(fmt)); return; } assert((size_t)count < avail); context->outv_current += (size_t)count; } else #endif { va_start(ap, fmt); if (vfprintf(stdout, fmt, ap) < 0) WHYF("vfprintf(stdout,%s,...) failed", alloca_str_toprint(fmt)); va_end(ap); } } void cli_columns(struct cli_context *context, int columns, const char *names[]) { #ifdef HAVE_JNI_H if (context && context->jni_env) { if (context->jni_exception) return; (*context->jni_env)->CallVoidMethod(context->jni_env, context->jniResults, startResultSet, columns); if ((*context->jni_env)->ExceptionCheck(context->jni_env)) { context->jni_exception = 1; WHY("Exception thrown from CallVoidMethod(startResultSet)"); return; } int i; for (i=0;ijni_env)->NewStringUTF(context->jni_env, names[i]); if (str == NULL) { context->jni_exception = 1; WHY("Exception thrown from NewStringUTF()"); return; } (*context->jni_env)->CallVoidMethod(context->jni_env, context->jniResults, setColumnName, i, str); (*context->jni_env)->DeleteLocalRef(context->jni_env, str); if ((*context->jni_env)->ExceptionCheck(context->jni_env)) { context->jni_exception = 1; WHY("Exception thrown from CallVoidMethod(setColumnName)"); return; } } return; } #endif cli_printf(context, "%d", columns); cli_delim(context, "\n"); int i; for (i=0;ijni_env) { if (context->jni_exception) return; jstring str = (jstring)(*context->jni_env)->NewStringUTF(context->jni_env, name); if (str == NULL) { context->jni_exception = 1; WHY("Exception thrown from NewStringUTF()"); return; } (*context->jni_env)->CallVoidMethod(context->jni_env, context->jniResults, setColumnName, -1, str); (*context->jni_env)->DeleteLocalRef(context->jni_env, str); if ((*context->jni_env)->ExceptionCheck(context->jni_env)) { context->jni_exception = 1; WHY("Exception thrown from CallVoidMethod(setColumnName)"); return; } return; } #endif cli_puts(context, name); cli_delim(context, delim); } void cli_put_long(struct cli_context *context, int64_t value, const char *delim){ #ifdef HAVE_JNI_H if (context && context->jni_env) { if (context->jni_exception) return; (*context->jni_env)->CallVoidMethod(context->jni_env, context->jniResults, putLong, value); if ((*context->jni_env)->ExceptionCheck(context->jni_env)) { context->jni_exception = 1; WHY("Exception thrown from CallVoidMethod(putLong)"); } return; } #endif cli_printf(context, "%" PRId64, value); cli_delim(context, delim); } void cli_put_string(struct cli_context *context, const char *value, const char *delim){ #ifdef HAVE_JNI_H if (context && context->jni_env) { if (context->jni_exception) return; jstring str = NULL; if (value){ str = (jstring)(*context->jni_env)->NewStringUTF(context->jni_env, value); if (str == NULL) { context->jni_exception = 1; WHY("Exception thrown from NewStringUTF()"); return; } } (*context->jni_env)->CallVoidMethod(context->jni_env, context->jniResults, putString, str); (*context->jni_env)->DeleteLocalRef(context->jni_env, str); if ((*context->jni_env)->ExceptionCheck(context->jni_env)) { context->jni_exception = 1; WHY("Exception thrown from CallVoidMethod(putLong)"); } return; } #endif if (value) cli_puts(context, value); cli_delim(context, delim); } void cli_put_hexvalue(struct cli_context *context, const unsigned char *value, int length, const char *delim){ #ifdef HAVE_JNI_H if (context && context->jni_env) { put_blob(context, (jbyte*)value, length); return; } #endif if (value) cli_puts(context, alloca_tohex(value, length)); cli_delim(context, delim); } void cli_row_count(struct cli_context *UNUSED(context), int UNUSED(rows)){ #ifdef HAVE_JNI_H if (context && context->jni_env) { if (context->jni_exception) return; (*context->jni_env)->CallVoidMethod(context->jni_env, context->jniResults, totalRowCount, rows); if ((*context->jni_env)->ExceptionCheck(context->jni_env)) { context->jni_exception = 1; WHY("Exception thrown from CallVoidMethod()"); } return; } #endif } /* Delimit the current output field. This closes the current field, so that the next cli_ output function will start appending to a new field. Returns 0 on success, -1 on error. If not in a JNI call, then this simply writes a newline to standard output (or the value of the SERVALD_OUTPUT_DELIMITER env var if set). */ int cli_delim(struct cli_context *UNUSED(context), const char *opt) { #ifdef HAVE_JNI_H if (context && context->jni_env) return outv_end_field(context); #endif const char *delim = getenv("SERVALD_OUTPUT_DELIMITER"); if (delim == NULL) delim = opt ? opt : "\n"; fputs(delim, stdout); return 0; } /* Flush the output fields if they are being written to standard output. */ void cli_flush(struct cli_context *UNUSED(context)) { #ifdef HAVE_JNI_H if (context && context->jni_env) return; #endif fflush(stdout); } static void cli_put_manifest(struct cli_context *context, const rhizome_manifest *m) { assert(m->filesize != RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET); cli_field_name(context, "manifestid", ":"); // TODO rename to "bundleid" or "bid" cli_put_string(context, alloca_tohex_rhizome_bid_t(m->cryptoSignPublic), "\n"); cli_field_name(context, "version", ":"); cli_put_long(context, m->version, "\n"); cli_field_name(context, "filesize", ":"); cli_put_long(context, m->filesize, "\n"); if (m->filesize != 0) { cli_field_name(context, "filehash", ":"); cli_put_string(context, alloca_tohex_rhizome_filehash_t(m->filehash), "\n"); } if (m->has_bundle_key) { cli_field_name(context, "BK", ":"); cli_put_string(context, alloca_tohex_rhizome_bk_t(m->bundle_key), "\n"); } if (m->has_date) { cli_field_name(context, "date", ":"); cli_put_long(context, m->date, "\n"); } switch (m->payloadEncryption) { case PAYLOAD_CRYPT_UNKNOWN: break; case PAYLOAD_CLEAR: cli_field_name(context, "crypt", ":"); cli_put_long(context, 0, "\n"); break; case PAYLOAD_ENCRYPTED: cli_field_name(context, "crypt", ":"); cli_put_long(context, 1, "\n"); break; } if (m->service) { cli_field_name(context, "service", ":"); cli_put_string(context, m->service, "\n"); } if (m->name) { cli_field_name(context, "name", ":"); cli_put_string(context, m->name, "\n"); } cli_field_name(context, ".readonly", ":"); cli_put_long(context, m->haveSecret ? 0 : 1, "\n"); if (m->haveSecret) { char secret[RHIZOME_BUNDLE_KEY_STRLEN + 1]; rhizome_bytes_to_hex_upper(m->cryptoSignSecret, secret, RHIZOME_BUNDLE_KEY_BYTES); cli_field_name(context, ".secret", ":"); cli_put_string(context, secret, "\n"); } if (m->authorship == AUTHOR_AUTHENTIC) { cli_field_name(context, ".author", ":"); cli_put_string(context, alloca_tohex_sid_t(m->author), "\n"); } cli_field_name(context, ".rowid", ":"); cli_put_long(context, m->rowid, "\n"); cli_field_name(context, ".inserttime", ":"); cli_put_long(context, m->inserttime, "\n"); } int app_echo(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed); int escapes = !cli_arg(parsed, "-e", NULL, NULL, NULL); unsigned i; for (i = parsed->varargi; i < parsed->argc; ++i) { const char *arg = parsed->args[i]; if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUGF("echo:argv[%d]=\"%s\"", i, arg); if (escapes) { unsigned char buf[strlen(arg)]; size_t len = strn_fromprint(buf, sizeof buf, arg, 0, '\0', NULL); cli_write(context, buf, len); } else cli_puts(context, arg); cli_delim(context, NULL); } return 0; } int app_log(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *UNUSED(context)) { if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed); assert(parsed->argc == 3); const char *lvl = parsed->args[1]; const char *msg = parsed->args[2]; int level = string_to_log_level(lvl); if (level == LOG_LEVEL_INVALID) return WHYF("invalid log level: %s", lvl); logMessage(level, __NOWHERE__, "%s", msg); return 0; } static void lookup_send_request(int mdp_sockfd, const sid_t *srcsid, int srcport, const sid_t *dstsid, const char *did) { overlay_mdp_frame mdp; bzero(&mdp,sizeof(mdp)); /* set source address to the local address and port */ mdp.out.src.port = srcport; mdp.out.src.sid = *srcsid; /* Send to destination address and DNA lookup port */ if (dstsid) { /* Send an encrypted unicast packet */ mdp.packetTypeAndFlags=MDP_TX; mdp.out.dst.sid = *dstsid; }else{ /* Send a broadcast packet, flooding across the local mesh network */ mdp.packetTypeAndFlags=MDP_TX|MDP_NOCRYPT; mdp.out.dst.sid = SID_BROADCAST; } mdp.out.dst.port=MDP_PORT_DNALOOKUP; /* put DID into packet */ bcopy(did,&mdp.out.payload[0],strlen(did)+1); mdp.out.payload_length=strlen(did)+1; overlay_mdp_send(mdp_sockfd, &mdp, 0, 0); /* Also send an encrypted unicast request to a configured directory service */ if (!dstsid){ if (!is_sid_t_any(config.directory.service)) { mdp.out.dst.sid = config.directory.service; mdp.packetTypeAndFlags=MDP_TX; overlay_mdp_send(mdp_sockfd, &mdp,0,0); } } } int app_dna_lookup(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { int mdp_sockfd; if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed); /* Create the instance directory if it does not yet exist */ if (create_serval_instance_dir() == -1) return -1; int uri_count=0; #define MAXREPLIES 256 #define MAXURILEN 256 char uris[MAXREPLIES][MAXURILEN]; const char *did, *delay; if (cli_arg(parsed, "did", &did, cli_lookup_did, "*") == -1) return -1; if (cli_arg(parsed, "timeout", &delay, NULL, "3000") == -1) return -1; int idelay=atoi(delay); int one_reply=0; // Ugly hack, if timeout is negative, stop after first reply if (idelay<0){ one_reply=1; idelay=-idelay; } if ((mdp_sockfd = overlay_mdp_client_socket()) < 0) return WHY("Cannot create MDP socket"); /* Bind to MDP socket and await confirmation */ sid_t srcsid; mdp_port_t port=32768+(random()&32767); if (overlay_mdp_getmyaddr(mdp_sockfd, 0, &srcsid)) { overlay_mdp_client_close(mdp_sockfd); return WHY("Could not get local address"); } if (overlay_mdp_bind(mdp_sockfd, &srcsid, port)) { overlay_mdp_client_close(mdp_sockfd); return WHY("Could not bind to MDP socket"); } /* use MDP to send the lookup request to MDP_PORT_DNALOOKUP, and wait for replies. */ /* Now repeatedly send resolution request and collect results until we reach timeout. */ time_ms_t timeout = gettime_ms() + idelay; time_ms_t last_tx = 0; time_ms_t now; int interval=125; const char *names[]={ "uri", "did", "name" }; cli_columns(context, 3, names); size_t rowcount = 0; while (timeout > (now = gettime_ms())){ if ((last_tx+interval)>1; } time_ms_t short_timeout=125; while(short_timeout>0) { if (overlay_mdp_client_poll(mdp_sockfd, short_timeout)){ overlay_mdp_frame rx; int ttl; if (overlay_mdp_recv(mdp_sockfd, &rx, port, &ttl)==0){ if (rx.packetTypeAndFlags==MDP_ERROR){ WHYF(" Error message: %s", rx.error.message); } else if ((rx.packetTypeAndFlags&MDP_TYPE_MASK)==MDP_TX) { /* Extract DID, Name, URI from response. */ if (strlen((char *)rx.out.payload)<512) { char sidhex[SID_STRLEN + 1]; char did[DID_MAXSIZE + 1]; char name[64]; char uri[512]; if ( !parseDnaReply((char *)rx.out.payload, rx.out.payload_length, sidhex, did, name, uri, NULL) || !str_is_subscriber_id(sidhex) || !str_is_did(did) || !str_is_uri(uri) ) { WHYF("Received malformed DNA reply: %s", alloca_toprint(160, (const char *)rx.out.payload, rx.out.payload_length)); } else { /* Have we seen this response before? */ int i; for(i=0;ijni_env && execpath == NULL) RETURN(WHY("Must supply \"exec \" arguments when invoked via JNI")); #endif /* Create the instance directory if it does not yet exist */ if (create_serval_instance_dir() == -1) RETURN(-1); /* Now that we know our instance path, we can ask for the default set of network interfaces that we will take interest in. */ if (config.interfaces.ac == 0) NOWHENCE(WARN("No network interfaces configured (empty 'interfaces' config option)")); if (pid == -1) pid = server_pid(); if (pid < 0) RETURN(-1); int ret = -1; // If the pidfile identifies this process, it probably means we are re-spawning after a SEGV, so // go ahead and do the fork/exec. if (pid > 0 && pid != getpid()) { WARNF("Server already running (pid=%d)", pid); ret = 10; } else { if (foregroundP) INFOF("Foreground server process %s", execpath ? execpath : "without exec"); else INFOF("Starting background server %s", execpath ? execpath : "without exec"); /* Start the Serval process. All server settings will be read by the server process from the instance directory when it starts up. */ // Open the keyring and ensure it contains at least one unlocked identity. keyring = keyring_open_instance_cli(parsed); if (!keyring) RETURN(WHY("Could not open keyring file")); if (keyring_seed(keyring) == -1) { WHY("Could not seed keyring"); goto exit; } overlayMode = 1; if (foregroundP) { ret = server(); goto exit; } const char *dir = getenv("SERVALD_SERVER_CHDIR"); if (!dir) dir = config.server.chdir; switch (cpid = fork()) { case -1: /* Main process. Fork failed. There is no child process. */ WHY_perror("fork"); goto exit; case 0: { /* Child process. Fork then exit, to disconnect daemon from parent process, so that when daemon exits it does not live on as a zombie. N.B. Do not return from within this process; that will unroll the JNI call stack and cause havoc. Use _exit(). */ switch (fork()) { case -1: exit(WHY_perror("fork")); case 0: { /* Grandchild process. Close logfile (so that it gets re-opened again on demand, with our own file pointer), disable logging to stderr (about to get closed), disconnect from current directory, disconnect standard I/O streams, and start a new process session so that if we are being started by an adb shell session on an Android device, then we don't receive a SIGHUP when the adb shell process ends. */ close_log_file(); disable_log_stderr(); int fd; if ((fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR, 0)) == -1) _exit(WHY_perror("open(\"/dev/null\")")); if (setsid() == -1) _exit(WHY_perror("setsid")); if (chdir(dir) == -1) _exit(WHYF_perror("chdir(%s)", alloca_str_toprint(dir))); if (dup2(fd, 0) == -1) _exit(WHYF_perror("dup2(%d,0)", fd)); if (dup2(fd, 1) == -1) _exit(WHYF_perror("dup2(%d,1)", fd)); if (dup2(fd, 2) == -1) _exit(WHYF_perror("dup2(%d,2)", fd)); if (fd > 2) (void)close(fd); /* The execpath option is provided so that a JNI call to "start" can be made which creates a new server daemon process with the correct argv[0]. Otherwise, the servald process appears as a process with argv[0] = "org.servalproject". */ if (execpath) { /* Need the cast on Solaris because it defines NULL as 0L and gcc doesn't see it as a sentinal. */ execl(execpath, execpath, "start", "foreground", (void *)NULL); WHYF_perror("execl(%s,\"start\",\"foreground\")", alloca_str_toprint(execpath)); _exit(-1); } _exit(server()); // NOT REACHED } } _exit(0); // Main process is waitpid()-ing for this. } } /* Main process. Wait for the child process to fork the grandchild and exit. */ waitpid(cpid, NULL, 0); /* Allow a few seconds for the grandchild process to report for duty. */ time_ms_t timeout = gettime_ms() + 5000; do { sleep_ms(200); // 5 Hz } while ((pid = server_pid()) == 0 && gettime_ms() < timeout); if (pid == -1) goto exit; if (pid == 0) { WHY("Server process did not start"); goto exit; } ret = 0; } const char *ipath = instance_path(); if (ipath) { cli_field_name(context, "instancepath", ":"); cli_put_string(context, ipath, "\n"); } cli_field_name(context, "pidfile", ":"); cli_put_string(context, server_pidfile_path(), "\n"); cli_field_name(context, "pid", ":"); cli_put_long(context, pid, "\n"); char buff[256]; if (server_get_proc_state("http_port", buff, sizeof buff)!=-1){ cli_field_name(context, "http_port", ":"); cli_put_string(context, buff, "\n"); } if (server_get_proc_state("mdp_inet_port", buff, sizeof buff)!=-1){ cli_field_name(context, "mdp_inet_port", ":"); cli_put_string(context, buff, "\n"); } cli_flush(context); /* Sleep before returning if env var is set. This is used in testing, to simulate the situation on Android phones where the "start" command is invoked via the JNI interface and the calling process does not die. */ const char *post_sleep = getenv("SERVALD_START_POST_SLEEP"); if (post_sleep) { time_ms_t milliseconds = atof(post_sleep) * 1000; if (milliseconds > 0) { INFOF("Sleeping for %"PRId64" milliseconds", (int64_t) milliseconds); sleep_ms(milliseconds); } } exit: keyring_free(keyring); keyring = NULL; RETURN(ret); OUT(); } int app_server_stop(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed); int pid, tries, running; time_ms_t timeout; const char *ipath = instance_path(); if (ipath) { cli_field_name(context, "instancepath", ":"); cli_put_string(context, ipath, "\n"); } cli_field_name(context, "pidfile", ":"); cli_put_string(context, server_pidfile_path(), "\n"); pid = server_pid(); /* Not running, nothing to stop */ if (pid <= 0) return 1; INFOF("Stopping server (pid=%d)", pid); /* Set the stop file and signal the process */ cli_field_name(context, "pid", ":"); cli_put_long(context, pid, "\n"); tries = 0; running = pid; while (running == pid) { if (tries >= 5) { WHYF("Servald pid=%d (pidfile=%s) did not stop after %d SIGHUP signals", pid, server_pidfile_path(), tries); return 253; } ++tries; if (kill(pid, SIGHUP) == -1) { // ESRCH means process is gone, possibly we are racing with another stop, or servald just // died voluntarily. if (errno == ESRCH) { serverCleanUp(); break; } WHY_perror("kill"); WHYF("Error sending SIGHUP to Servald pid=%d (pidfile %s)", pid, server_pidfile_path()); return 252; } /* Allow a few seconds for the process to die. */ timeout = gettime_ms() + 2000; do sleep_ms(200); // 5 Hz while ((running = server_pid()) == pid && gettime_ms() < timeout); } cli_field_name(context, "tries", ":"); cli_put_long(context, tries, "\n"); return 0; } int app_server_status(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed); int pid = server_pid(); const char *ipath = instance_path(); if (ipath) { cli_field_name(context, "instancepath", ":"); cli_put_string(context, ipath, "\n"); } cli_field_name(context, "pidfile", ":"); cli_put_string(context, server_pidfile_path(), "\n"); cli_field_name(context, "status", ":"); cli_put_string(context, pid > 0 ? "running" : "stopped", "\n"); if (pid > 0) { cli_field_name(context, "pid", ":"); cli_put_long(context, pid, "\n"); char buff[256]; if (server_get_proc_state("http_port", buff, sizeof buff)!=-1){ cli_field_name(context, "http_port", ":"); cli_put_string(context, buff, "\n"); } if (server_get_proc_state("mdp_inet_port", buff, sizeof buff)!=-1){ cli_field_name(context, "mdp_inet_port", ":"); cli_put_string(context, buff, "\n"); } } return pid > 0 ? 0 : 1; } // returns -1 on error, -2 on timeout, packet length on success. static ssize_t mdp_poll_recv(int mdp_sock, time_ms_t deadline, struct mdp_header *rev_header, unsigned char *payload, size_t buffer_size) { time_ms_t now = gettime_ms(); if (now > deadline) return -2; int p = mdp_poll(mdp_sock, deadline - now); if (p == -1) return WHY_perror("mdp_poll"); if (p == 0) return -2; ssize_t len = mdp_recv(mdp_sock, rev_header, payload, buffer_size); if (len == -1) return -1; if (rev_header->flags & MDP_FLAG_ERROR) return WHY("Operation failed, check the daemon log for more information"); return len; } int app_mdp_ping(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { int mdp_sockfd; if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed); const char *sidhex, *count, *opt_timeout, *opt_interval; int opt_wait_for_duplicates = 0 == cli_arg(parsed, "--wait-for-duplicates", NULL, NULL, NULL); if ( cli_arg(parsed, "--timeout", &opt_timeout, cli_interval_ms, "1") == -1 || cli_arg(parsed, "--interval", &opt_interval, cli_interval_ms, "1") == -1 || cli_arg(parsed, "SID", &sidhex, str_is_subscriber_id, "broadcast") == -1 || cli_arg(parsed, "count", &count, cli_uint, "0") == -1) return -1; /* Get SID that we want to ping. TODO - allow lookup of SID prefixes and telephone numbers (that would require MDP lookup of phone numbers, which doesn't yet occur) */ sid_t ping_sid; if (str_to_sid_t(&ping_sid, sidhex) == -1) return WHY("str_to_sid_t() failed"); // assume we wont hear any responses int ret=1; unsigned icount = atoi(count); int64_t timeout_ms = 1000; str_to_uint64_interval_ms(opt_timeout, &timeout_ms, NULL); if (timeout_ms == 0) timeout_ms = 60 * 60000; // 1 hour... int64_t interval_ms = 1000; str_to_uint64_interval_ms(opt_interval, &interval_ms, NULL); if (interval_ms == 0) interval_ms = 1000; /* First sequence number in the echo frames */ uint32_t firstSeq = random(); uint32_t sequence_number = firstSeq; int broadcast = is_sid_t_broadcast(ping_sid); /* Bind to MDP socket and await confirmation */ if ((mdp_sockfd = mdp_socket()) < 0) return WHY("Cannot create MDP socket"); set_nonblock(mdp_sockfd); struct mdp_header mdp_header; bzero(&mdp_header, sizeof(mdp_header)); mdp_header.local.sid = BIND_PRIMARY; mdp_header.remote.sid = ping_sid; mdp_header.remote.port = MDP_PORT_ECHO; mdp_header.qos = OQ_MESH_MANAGEMENT; mdp_header.ttl = PAYLOAD_TTL_DEFAULT; mdp_header.flags = MDP_FLAG_BIND; if (broadcast) mdp_header.flags |= MDP_FLAG_NO_CRYPT; /* TODO Eventually we should try to resolve SID to phone number and vice versa */ cli_printf(context, "MDP PING %s: 12 data bytes", alloca_tohex_sid_t(ping_sid)); cli_delim(context, "\n"); cli_flush(context); unsigned tx_count = 0; unsigned missing_pong_count = 0; unsigned rx_count = 0; unsigned rx_dupcount = 0; unsigned rx_igncount = 0; time_ms_t rx_mintime_ms = -1; time_ms_t rx_maxtime_ms = -1; time_ms_t rx_tottime_ms = 0; struct packet_stat { uint32_t sequence; time_ms_t tx_time; time_ms_t rx_time; unsigned pong_count; } stats[1024]; bzero(stats, sizeof stats); if (broadcast) WARN("broadcast ping packets will not be encrypted"); sigIntFlag = 0; signal(SIGINT, sigIntHandler); while (!sigIntFlag && (icount == 0 || tx_count < icount)) { time_ms_t now = gettime_ms(); // send a ping packet if (tx_count == 0 || !(mdp_header.flags & MDP_FLAG_BIND)) { uint8_t payload[12]; write_uint32(&payload[0], sequence_number); write_uint64(&payload[4], now); int r = mdp_send(mdp_sockfd, &mdp_header, payload, sizeof(payload)); if (r != -1) { if (config.debug.mdprequests) DEBUGF("ping seq=%lu", (unsigned long)(sequence_number - firstSeq) + 1); unsigned i = (unsigned long)(sequence_number - firstSeq) % NELS(stats); assert(i == tx_count % NELS(stats)); struct packet_stat *stat = &stats[i]; if (stat->tx_time && stat->pong_count == 0) { assert(missing_pong_count > 0); --missing_pong_count; } stat->sequence = sequence_number; stat->tx_time = now; stat->pong_count = 0; ++missing_pong_count; ++sequence_number; ++tx_count; } } // Now look for replies ("pongs") until one second has passed, and print any replies with // appropriate information as required int all_sent = icount && tx_count >= icount; time_ms_t finish = now + (all_sent ? timeout_ms : interval_ms); while (!sigIntFlag && now < finish && (!all_sent || opt_wait_for_duplicates || missing_pong_count)) { time_ms_t poll_timeout_ms = finish - now; if (mdp_poll(mdp_sockfd, poll_timeout_ms) <= 0) { now = gettime_ms(); continue; } struct mdp_header mdp_recv_header; uint8_t recv_payload[12]; ssize_t len = mdp_recv(mdp_sockfd, &mdp_recv_header, recv_payload, sizeof(recv_payload)); if (len == -1) break; if (mdp_recv_header.flags & MDP_FLAG_ERROR) { WHY("error from daemon, please check the log for more information"); continue; } if (mdp_recv_header.flags & MDP_FLAG_BIND){ // received port binding confirmation mdp_header.local = mdp_recv_header.local; mdp_header.flags &= ~MDP_FLAG_BIND; if (config.debug.mdprequests) DEBUGF("bound to %s:%d", alloca_tohex_sid_t(mdp_header.local.sid), mdp_header.local.port); continue; } if ((size_t)len < sizeof(recv_payload)){ if (config.debug.mdprequests) DEBUGF("ignoring short pong"); continue; } uint32_t rxseq = read_uint32(&recv_payload[0]); time_ms_t txtime = read_uint64(&recv_payload[4]); int hop_count = 64 - mdp_recv_header.ttl; now = gettime_ms(); time_ms_t delay = now - txtime; struct packet_stat *stat = &stats[(unsigned long)(rxseq - firstSeq) % NELS(stats)]; if (stat->sequence != rxseq || stat->tx_time != txtime) { if (config.debug.mdprequests) DEBUGF("ignoring spurious pong"); ++rx_igncount; stat = NULL; // old or corrupted reply (either sequence or txtime is wrong) } else if (stat->pong_count++ == 0) { assert(missing_pong_count > 0); --missing_pong_count; stat->rx_time = now; rx_tottime_ms += delay; ++rx_count; if (rx_mintime_ms > delay || rx_mintime_ms == -1) rx_mintime_ms = delay; if (delay > rx_maxtime_ms) rx_maxtime_ms = delay; } else ++rx_dupcount; cli_put_hexvalue(context, mdp_recv_header.remote.sid.binary, SID_SIZE, ": seq="); cli_put_long(context, (unsigned long)(rxseq - firstSeq) + 1, " time="); cli_put_long(context, delay, "ms hops="); cli_put_long(context, hop_count, ""); cli_put_string(context, (mdp_recv_header.flags & MDP_FLAG_NO_CRYPT) ? "" : " ENCRYPTED", ""); cli_put_string(context, (mdp_recv_header.flags & MDP_FLAG_NO_SIGN) ? "" : " SIGNED", "\n"); cli_flush(context); ret=0; } } signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); sigIntFlag = 0; mdp_close(mdp_sockfd); { float rx_stddev = 0; float rx_mean = rx_tottime_ms * 1.0 / rx_count; unsigned tx_samples = tx_count < NELS(stats) ? tx_count : NELS(stats); unsigned rx_samples = 0; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < tx_samples; ++i) { struct packet_stat *stat = &stats[i]; if (stat->pong_count) { float dev = rx_mean - (stat->rx_time - stat->tx_time); rx_stddev += dev * dev; ++rx_samples; } } rx_stddev /= rx_samples; rx_stddev = sqrtf(rx_stddev); /* XXX Report final statistics before going */ cli_printf(context, "--- %s ping statistics ---\n", alloca_tohex_sid_t(ping_sid)); cli_printf(context, "%u packets transmitted, %u packets received (plus %u duplicates, %u ignored), %3.1f%% packet loss\n", tx_count, rx_count, rx_dupcount, rx_igncount, tx_count ? (tx_count - rx_count) * 100.0 / tx_count : 0 ); if (rx_samples) cli_printf(context, "round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = %"PRId64"/%.3f/%"PRId64"/%.3f ms (%u samples)\n", rx_mintime_ms, rx_mean, rx_maxtime_ms, rx_stddev, rx_samples); cli_delim(context, NULL); cli_flush(context); } return ret; } int app_trace(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { int mdp_sockfd; const char *sidhex; if (cli_arg(parsed, "SID", &sidhex, str_is_subscriber_id, NULL) == -1) return -1; sid_t srcsid; sid_t dstsid; if (str_to_sid_t(&dstsid, sidhex) == -1) return WHY("str_to_sid_t() failed"); if ((mdp_sockfd = overlay_mdp_client_socket()) < 0) return WHY("Cannot create MDP socket"); mdp_port_t port=32768+(random()&32767); if (overlay_mdp_getmyaddr(mdp_sockfd, 0, &srcsid)) { overlay_mdp_client_close(mdp_sockfd); return WHY("Could not get local address"); } if (overlay_mdp_bind(mdp_sockfd, &srcsid, port)) { overlay_mdp_client_close(mdp_sockfd); return WHY("Could not bind to MDP socket"); } overlay_mdp_frame mdp; bzero(&mdp, sizeof(mdp)); mdp.out.src.sid = srcsid; mdp.out.dst.sid = srcsid; mdp.out.src.port=port; mdp.out.dst.port=MDP_PORT_TRACE; mdp.packetTypeAndFlags=MDP_TX; struct overlay_buffer *b = ob_static(mdp.out.payload, sizeof(mdp.out.payload)); ob_append_byte(b, SID_SIZE); ob_append_bytes(b, srcsid.binary, SID_SIZE); ob_append_byte(b, SID_SIZE); ob_append_bytes(b, dstsid.binary, SID_SIZE); int ret; if (ob_overrun(b)) ret = WHY("overlay buffer overrun"); else { mdp.out.payload_length = ob_position(b); cli_printf(context, "Tracing the network path from %s to %s", alloca_tohex_sid_t(srcsid), alloca_tohex_sid_t(dstsid)); cli_delim(context, "\n"); cli_flush(context); ret = overlay_mdp_send(mdp_sockfd, &mdp, MDP_AWAITREPLY, 5000); if (ret) WHYF("overlay_mdp_send returned %d", ret); } ob_free(b); if (ret == 0) { int offset=0; { // skip the first two sid's int len = mdp.out.payload[offset++]; offset+=len; len = mdp.out.payload[offset++]; offset+=len; } int i=0; while(offsettext || it.node->nodc == 0) { cli_put_string(context, it.node->fullkey,"="); cli_put_string(context, it.node->text, "\n"); } cf_om_free_node(&root); return 0; } int app_config_dump(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed); int full = 0 == cli_arg(parsed, "--full", NULL, NULL, NULL); if (create_serval_instance_dir() == -1) return -1; struct cf_om_node *root = NULL; int ret = cf_fmt_config_main(&root, &config); if (ret == CFERROR) { cf_om_free_node(&root); return -1; } struct cf_om_iterator it; for (cf_om_iter_start(&it, root); it.node; cf_om_iter_next(&it)) { if (it.node->text && (full || it.node->line_number)) { cli_put_string(context, it.node->fullkey, "="); cli_put_string(context, it.node->text, "\n"); } } cf_om_free_node(&root); return ret == CFOK ? 0 : 1; } static int mdp_client_sync_config(time_ms_t timeout) { /* Bind to MDP socket and await confirmation */ struct mdp_header mdp_header = { .remote.port = MDP_SYNC_CONFIG, }; int mdpsock = mdp_socket(); if (mdpsock == -1) return WHY("cannot create MDP socket"); set_nonblock(mdpsock); int r = mdp_send(mdpsock, &mdp_header, NULL, 0); if (r == -1) return -1; time_ms_t deadline = gettime_ms() + timeout; // TODO add --timeout option struct mdp_header rev_header; do { ssize_t len = mdp_poll_recv(mdpsock, deadline, &rev_header, NULL, 0); if (len == -1) return -1; if (len == -2) { WHYF("timeout while synchronising daemon configuration"); return -1; } } while (!(rev_header.flags & MDP_FLAG_CLOSE)); return 0; } int app_config_set(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *UNUSED(context)) { if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed); if (create_serval_instance_dir() == -1) return -1; // // This fixes a subtle bug in when upgrading the Batphone app: the servald.conf file does // not get upgraded. The bug goes like this: // 1. new Batphone APK is installed, but prior servald.conf is not overwritten because it // comes in serval.zip; // 2. new Batphone is started, which calls JNI "stop" command, which reads the old servald.conf // into memory buffer; // 3. new Batphone unpacks serval.zip, overwriting servald.conf with new version; // 4. new Batphone calls JNI "config set rhizome.enable 1", which sets the "rhizome.enable" // config option in the existing memory buffer and overwrites servald.conf; // Bingo, the old version of servald.conf is what remains. This kludge intervenes in step 4, by // reading the new servald.conf into the memory buffer before applying the "rhizome.enable" set // value and overwriting. if (cf_om_reload() == -1) return -1; // const char *var[parsed->argc - 1]; const char *val[parsed->argc - 1]; unsigned nvar = 0; unsigned i; for (i = 1; i < parsed->argc; ++i) { const char *arg = parsed->args[i]; int iv = -1; if (strcmp(arg, "set") == 0) { if (i + 2 > parsed->argc) return WHYF("malformed command at args[%d]: 'set' not followed by two arguments", i); var[nvar] = parsed->args[iv = ++i]; val[nvar] = parsed->args[++i]; } else if (strcmp(arg, "del") == 0) { if (i + 1 > parsed->argc) return WHYF("malformed command at args[%d]: 'del' not followed by one argument", i); var[nvar] = parsed->args[iv = ++i]; val[nvar] = NULL; } else if (strcmp(arg, "sync") == 0) var[nvar] = val[nvar] = NULL; else return WHYF("malformed command at args[%d]: unsupported action '%s'", i, arg); if (var[nvar] && !is_configvarname(var[nvar])) return WHYF("malformed command at args[%d]: '%s' is not a valid config option name", iv, var[nvar]); ++nvar; } int changed = 0; for (i = 0; i < nvar; ++i) { if (var[i]) { if (cf_om_set(&cf_om_root, var[i], val[i]) == -1) return -1; if (val[i]) INFOF("config set %s %s", var[i], alloca_str_toprint(val[i])); else INFOF("config del %s", var[i]); changed = 1; } else { if (changed) { if (cf_om_save() == -1) return -1; if (cf_reload() == -1) // logs an error if the new config is bad return 2; changed = 0; } int pid = server_pid(); if (pid) { INFO("config sync"); // TODO make timeout configurable with --timeout option. if (mdp_client_sync_config(10000) == -1) return 3; } else INFO("config sync -- skipped, server not running"); } } if (changed) { if (cf_om_save() == -1) return -1; if (cf_reload() == -1) // logs an error if the new config is bad return 2; } return 0; } int app_config_get(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed); const char *var; if (cli_arg(parsed, "variable", &var, is_configvarpattern, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (create_serval_instance_dir() == -1) return -1; if (cf_om_reload() == -1) return -1; if (var && is_configvarname(var)) { const char *value = cf_om_get(cf_om_root, var); if (value) { cli_field_name(context, var, "="); cli_put_string(context, value, "\n"); } } else { struct cf_om_iterator it; for (cf_om_iter_start(&it, cf_om_root); it.node; cf_om_iter_next(&it)) { if (var && cf_om_match(var, it.node) <= 0) continue; if (it.node->text) { cli_field_name(context, it.node->fullkey, "="); cli_put_string(context, it.node->text, "\n"); } } } return 0; } int app_config_paths(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed); if (cf_om_reload() == -1) return -1; char path[1024]; if (FORMF_SERVAL_ETC_PATH(path, NULL)) { cli_field_name(context, "SERVAL_ETC_PATH", ":"); cli_put_string(context, path, "\n"); } if (FORMF_SERVAL_RUN_PATH(path, NULL)) { cli_field_name(context, "SERVAL_RUN_PATH", ":"); cli_put_string(context, path, "\n"); } if (FORMF_SERVAL_CACHE_PATH(path, NULL)) { cli_field_name(context, "SERVAL_CACHE_PATH", ":"); cli_put_string(context, path, "\n"); } strbuf sb = strbuf_local(path, sizeof path); strbuf_system_log_path(sb); if (!strbuf_overrun(sb)) { cli_field_name(context, "SYSTEM_LOG_PATH", ":"); cli_put_string(context, path, "\n"); } strbuf_reset(sb); strbuf_serval_log_path(sb); if (!strbuf_overrun(sb)) { cli_field_name(context, "SERVAL_LOG_PATH", ":"); cli_put_string(context, path, "\n"); } if (FORMF_SERVAL_TMP_PATH(path, NULL)) { cli_field_name(context, "SERVAL_TMP_PATH", ":"); cli_put_string(context, path, "\n"); } if (FORMF_SERVALD_PROC_PATH(path, NULL)) { cli_field_name(context, "SERVALD_PROC_PATH", ":"); cli_put_string(context, path, "\n"); } if (FORMF_RHIZOME_STORE_PATH(path, NULL)) { cli_field_name(context, "RHIZOME_STORE_PATH", ":"); cli_put_string(context, path, "\n"); } return 0; } int app_rhizome_hash_file(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed); /* compute hash of file. We do this without a manifest, so it will necessarily return the hash of the file unencrypted. */ const char *filepath; cli_arg(parsed, "filepath", &filepath, NULL, ""); rhizome_filehash_t hash; uint64_t size; if (rhizome_hash_file(NULL, filepath, &hash, &size) == -1) return -1; cli_put_string(context, size ? alloca_tohex_rhizome_filehash_t(hash) : "", "\n"); return 0; } int app_rhizome_add_file(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed); const char *filepath, *manifestpath, *manifestid, *authorSidHex, *bskhex; int force_new = 0 == cli_arg(parsed, "--force-new", NULL, NULL, NULL); cli_arg(parsed, "filepath", &filepath, NULL, ""); if (cli_arg(parsed, "author_sid", &authorSidHex, cli_optional_sid, "") == -1) return -1; cli_arg(parsed, "manifestpath", &manifestpath, NULL, ""); cli_arg(parsed, "manifestid", &manifestid, NULL, ""); if (cli_arg(parsed, "bsk", &bskhex, cli_optional_bundle_key, NULL) == -1) return -1; sid_t authorSid; if (authorSidHex[0] && str_to_sid_t(&authorSid, authorSidHex) == -1) return WHYF("invalid author_sid: %s", authorSidHex); rhizome_bk_t bsk; // treat empty string the same as null if (bskhex && !*bskhex) bskhex=NULL; if (bskhex && str_to_rhizome_bk_t(&bsk, bskhex) == -1) return WHYF("invalid bsk: \"%s\"", bskhex); int journal = strcasecmp(parsed->args[1], "journal")==0; if (create_serval_instance_dir() == -1) return -1; if (!(keyring = keyring_open_instance_cli(parsed))) return -1; if (rhizome_opendb() == -1){ keyring_free(keyring); keyring = NULL; return -1; } /* Create a new manifest that will represent the file. If a manifest file was supplied, then read * it, otherwise create a blank manifest. */ rhizome_manifest *m = rhizome_new_manifest(); if (!m){ keyring_free(keyring); keyring = NULL; return WHY("Manifest struct could not be allocated -- not added to rhizome"); } if (manifestpath && *manifestpath && access(manifestpath, R_OK) == 0) { if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUGF("reading manifest from %s", manifestpath); /* Don't verify the manifest, because it will fail if it is incomplete. This is okay, because we fill in any missing bits and sanity check before trying to write it out. However, we do insist that whatever we load is parsed okay and not malformed. */ if (rhizome_read_manifest_from_file(m, manifestpath) || m->malformed) { rhizome_manifest_free(m); keyring_free(keyring); keyring = NULL; return WHY("Manifest file could not be loaded -- not added to rhizome"); } } else if (manifestid && *manifestid) { if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUGF("Reading manifest from database"); rhizome_bid_t bid; if (str_to_rhizome_bid_t(&bid, manifestid) == -1) { rhizome_manifest_free(m); keyring_free(keyring); keyring = NULL; return WHYF("Invalid bundle ID: %s", alloca_str_toprint(manifestid)); } if (rhizome_retrieve_manifest(&bid, m)){ rhizome_manifest_free(m); keyring_free(keyring); keyring = NULL; return WHY("Existing manifest could not be loaded -- not added to rhizome"); } } else { if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUGF("Creating new manifest"); if (journal) { rhizome_manifest_set_filesize(m, 0); rhizome_manifest_set_tail(m, 0); } } if (journal && !m->is_journal){ rhizome_manifest_free(m); keyring_free(keyring); keyring = NULL; return WHY("Existing manifest is not a journal"); } if (!journal && m->is_journal) { rhizome_manifest_free(m); keyring_free(keyring); keyring = NULL; return WHY("Existing manifest is a journal"); } if (bskhex) rhizome_apply_bundle_secret(m, &bsk); if (m->service == NULL) rhizome_manifest_set_service(m, RHIZOME_SERVICE_FILE); if (rhizome_fill_manifest(m, filepath, *authorSidHex ? &authorSid : NULL)) { rhizome_manifest_free(m); keyring_free(keyring); keyring = NULL; return -1; } enum rhizome_bundle_status status = RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_NEW; enum rhizome_payload_status pstatus; if (journal){ pstatus = rhizome_append_journal_file(m, 0, filepath); } else { pstatus = rhizome_stat_payload_file(m, filepath); assert(m->filesize != RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET); if (pstatus == RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW) { assert(m->filesize > 0); pstatus = rhizome_store_payload_file(m, filepath); } } switch (pstatus) { case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_EMPTY: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_STORED: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW: break; case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR: status = RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_ERROR; break; case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_WRONG_SIZE: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_WRONG_HASH: status = RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_INCONSISTENT; break; case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_CRYPTO_FAIL: status = RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_FAKE; break; default: FATALF("pstatus = %d", pstatus); } rhizome_manifest *mout = m; if (status == RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_NEW) { if (!rhizome_manifest_validate(m) || m->malformed) status = RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_INVALID; else { status = rhizome_manifest_finalise(m, &mout, !force_new); if (mout && mout != m && !rhizome_manifest_validate(mout)) { WHYF("Stored manifest id=%s is invalid -- overwriting", alloca_tohex_rhizome_bid_t(mout->cryptoSignPublic)); status = RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_NEW; } } } switch (status) { case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_NEW: if (mout && mout != m) rhizome_manifest_free(mout); mout = m; // fall through case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_SAME: case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_DUPLICATE: case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_OLD: cli_put_manifest(context, mout); if ( manifestpath && *manifestpath && rhizome_write_manifest_file(mout, manifestpath, 0) == -1 ) WHYF("Could not write manifest to %s", alloca_str_toprint(manifestpath)); break; case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_INCONSISTENT: case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_ERROR: case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_INVALID: case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_FAKE: break; default: FATALF("status=%d", status); } if (mout && mout != m) { rhizome_manifest_free(mout); m = NULL; } rhizome_manifest_free(m); keyring_free(keyring); keyring = NULL; return status; } int app_rhizome_import_bundle(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed); const char *filepath, *manifestpath; cli_arg(parsed, "filepath", &filepath, NULL, ""); cli_arg(parsed, "manifestpath", &manifestpath, NULL, ""); if (rhizome_opendb() == -1) return -1; rhizome_manifest *m = rhizome_new_manifest(); if (!m) return WHY("Out of manifests."); rhizome_manifest *m_out = NULL; enum rhizome_bundle_status status = rhizome_bundle_import_files(m, &m_out, manifestpath, filepath); switch (status) { case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_NEW: case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_SAME: case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_DUPLICATE: case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_OLD: cli_put_manifest(context, m_out); break; case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_ERROR: case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_INVALID: case RHIZOME_BUNDLE_STATUS_INCONSISTENT: break; default: FATALF("rhizome_bundle_import_files() returned %d", status); } if (m_out && m_out != m) rhizome_manifest_free(m_out); rhizome_manifest_free(m); return status; } int app_rhizome_append_manifest(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *UNUSED(context)) { if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed); const char *manifestpath, *filepath; if ( cli_arg(parsed, "manifestpath", &manifestpath, NULL, "") == -1 || cli_arg(parsed, "filepath", &filepath, NULL, "") == -1) return -1; rhizome_manifest *m = rhizome_new_manifest(); if (!m) return WHY("Out of manifests."); int ret = -1; if ( rhizome_read_manifest_from_file(m, manifestpath) != -1 && rhizome_manifest_validate(m) && rhizome_manifest_verify(m) ) { if (rhizome_write_manifest_file(m, filepath, 1) != -1) ret = 0; } rhizome_manifest_free(m); return ret; } int app_rhizome_delete(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *UNUSED(context)) { if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed); const char *manifestid, *fileid; if (cli_arg(parsed, "manifestid", &manifestid, cli_manifestid, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (cli_arg(parsed, "fileid", &fileid, cli_fileid, NULL) == -1) return -1; /* Ensure the Rhizome database exists and is open */ if (create_serval_instance_dir() == -1) return -1; if (rhizome_opendb() == -1) return -1; if (!(keyring = keyring_open_instance_cli(parsed))) return -1; int ret=0; if (cli_arg(parsed, "file", NULL, NULL, NULL) == 0) { if (!fileid){ keyring_free(keyring); keyring = NULL; return WHY("missing argument"); } rhizome_filehash_t hash; if (str_to_rhizome_filehash_t(&hash, fileid) == -1){ keyring_free(keyring); keyring = NULL; return WHYF("invalid argument: %s", alloca_str_toprint(fileid)); } ret = rhizome_delete_file(&hash); } else { if (!manifestid){ keyring_free(keyring); keyring = NULL; return WHY("missing argument"); } rhizome_bid_t bid; if (str_to_rhizome_bid_t(&bid, manifestid) == -1){ keyring_free(keyring); keyring = NULL; return WHY("Invalid manifest ID"); } if (cli_arg(parsed, "bundle", NULL, NULL, NULL) == 0) ret = rhizome_delete_bundle(&bid); else if (cli_arg(parsed, "manifest", NULL, NULL, NULL) == 0) ret = rhizome_delete_manifest(&bid); else if (cli_arg(parsed, "payload", NULL, NULL, NULL) == 0) ret = rhizome_delete_payload(&bid); else{ keyring_free(keyring); keyring = NULL; return WHY("unrecognised command"); } } keyring_free(keyring); keyring = NULL; return ret; } int app_rhizome_clean(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed); int verify = cli_arg(parsed, "verify", NULL, NULL, NULL) == 0; if (verify) verify_bundles(); struct rhizome_cleanup_report report; if (rhizome_cleanup(&report) == -1) return -1; cli_field_name(context, "deleted_stale_incoming_files", ":"); cli_put_long(context, report.deleted_stale_incoming_files, "\n"); cli_field_name(context, "deleted_orphan_files", ":"); cli_put_long(context, report.deleted_orphan_files, "\n"); cli_field_name(context, "deleted_orphan_fileblobs", ":"); cli_put_long(context, report.deleted_orphan_fileblobs, "\n"); return 0; } int app_rhizome_extract(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed); const char *manifestpath, *filepath, *manifestid, *bskhex; if ( cli_arg(parsed, "manifestid", &manifestid, cli_manifestid, "") == -1 || cli_arg(parsed, "manifestpath", &manifestpath, NULL, "") == -1 || cli_arg(parsed, "filepath", &filepath, NULL, "") == -1 || cli_arg(parsed, "bsk", &bskhex, cli_optional_bundle_key, NULL) == -1) return -1; int extract = strcasecmp(parsed->args[1], "extract")==0; /* Ensure the Rhizome database exists and is open */ if (create_serval_instance_dir() == -1) return -1; if (rhizome_opendb() == -1) return -1; if (!(keyring = keyring_open_instance_cli(parsed))) return -1; int ret=0; rhizome_bid_t bid; if (str_to_rhizome_bid_t(&bid, manifestid) == -1){ keyring_free(keyring); keyring = NULL; return WHY("Invalid manifest ID"); } // treat empty string the same as null if (bskhex && !*bskhex) bskhex=NULL; rhizome_bk_t bsk; if (bskhex && str_to_rhizome_bk_t(&bsk, bskhex) == -1){ keyring_free(keyring); keyring = NULL; return WHYF("invalid bsk: \"%s\"", bskhex); } rhizome_manifest *m = rhizome_new_manifest(); if (m==NULL){ keyring_free(keyring); keyring = NULL; return WHY("Out of manifests"); } ret = rhizome_retrieve_manifest(&bid, m); if (ret==0){ assert(m->finalised); if (bskhex) rhizome_apply_bundle_secret(m, &bsk); rhizome_authenticate_author(m); assert(m->authorship != AUTHOR_LOCAL); cli_put_manifest(context, m); } enum rhizome_payload_status pstatus = RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_EMPTY; if (ret==0 && m->filesize != 0 && filepath && *filepath){ if (extract){ // Save the file, implicitly decrypting if required. pstatus = rhizome_extract_file(m, filepath); if (pstatus != RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_EMPTY && pstatus != RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_STORED) WHYF("rhizome_extract_file() returned %d", pstatus); }else{ // Save the file without attempting to decrypt uint64_t length; pstatus = rhizome_dump_file(&m->filehash, filepath, &length); if (pstatus != RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_EMPTY && pstatus != RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_STORED) WHYF("rhizome_dump_file() returned %d", pstatus); } } if (ret==0 && manifestpath && *manifestpath){ if (strcmp(manifestpath, "-") == 0) { // always extract a manifest to stdout, even if writing the file itself failed. cli_field_name(context, "manifest", ":"); cli_write(context, m->manifestdata, m->manifest_all_bytes); cli_delim(context, "\n"); } else { int append = (strcmp(manifestpath, filepath)==0)?1:0; // don't write out the manifest if we were asked to append it and writing the file failed. if (!append || (pstatus == RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_EMPTY || pstatus == RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_STORED)) { if (rhizome_write_manifest_file(m, manifestpath, append) == -1) ret = -1; } } } switch (pstatus) { case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_EMPTY: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_STORED: break; case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW: ret = 1; // payload not found break; case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_WRONG_SIZE: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_WRONG_HASH: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_CRYPTO_FAIL: ret = -1; break; default: FATALF("pstatus = %d", pstatus); } if (m) rhizome_manifest_free(m); keyring_free(keyring); keyring = NULL; return ret; } int app_rhizome_export_file(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed); const char *fileid, *filepath; if ( cli_arg(parsed, "filepath", &filepath, NULL, "") == -1 || cli_arg(parsed, "fileid", &fileid, cli_fileid, NULL) == -1) return -1; rhizome_filehash_t hash; if (str_to_rhizome_filehash_t(&hash, fileid) == -1) return WHYF("invalid argument: %s", alloca_str_toprint(fileid)); if (create_serval_instance_dir() == -1) return -1; if (rhizome_opendb() == -1) return -1; if (!rhizome_exists(&hash)) return 1; uint64_t length; enum rhizome_payload_status pstatus = rhizome_dump_file(&hash, filepath, &length); switch (pstatus) { case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_EMPTY: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_STORED: break; case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_NEW: return 1; // payload not found case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_ERROR: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_WRONG_SIZE: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_WRONG_HASH: case RHIZOME_PAYLOAD_STATUS_CRYPTO_FAIL: return -1; default: FATALF("pstatus = %d", pstatus); } cli_field_name(context, "filehash", ":"); cli_put_string(context, alloca_tohex_rhizome_filehash_t(hash), "\n"); cli_field_name(context, "filesize", ":"); cli_put_long(context, length, "\n"); return 0; } int app_rhizome_list(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed); const char *service = NULL, *name = NULL, *sender_hex = NULL, *recipient_hex = NULL, *offset_ascii = NULL, *limit_ascii = NULL; cli_arg(parsed, "service", &service, NULL, ""); cli_arg(parsed, "name", &name, NULL, ""); cli_arg(parsed, "sender_sid", &sender_hex, cli_optional_sid, ""); cli_arg(parsed, "recipient_sid", &recipient_hex, cli_optional_sid, ""); cli_arg(parsed, "offset", &offset_ascii, cli_uint, "0"); cli_arg(parsed, "limit", &limit_ascii, cli_uint, "0"); /* Create the instance directory if it does not yet exist */ if (create_serval_instance_dir() == -1) return -1; if (!(keyring = keyring_open_instance_cli(parsed))) return -1; if (rhizome_opendb() == -1) { keyring_free(keyring); keyring = NULL; return -1; } size_t rowlimit = atoi(limit_ascii); size_t rowoffset = atoi(offset_ascii); struct rhizome_list_cursor cursor; bzero(&cursor, sizeof cursor); cursor.service = service && service[0] ? service : NULL; cursor.name = name && name[0] ? name : NULL; if (sender_hex && sender_hex[0]) { if (str_to_sid_t(&cursor.sender, sender_hex) == -1) return WHYF("Invalid : %s", sender_hex); cursor.is_sender_set = 1; } if (recipient_hex && recipient_hex[0]) { if (str_to_sid_t(&cursor.recipient, recipient_hex) == -1) return WHYF("Invalid filesize != RHIZOME_SIZE_UNSET); rhizome_lookup_author(m); cli_put_long(context, m->rowid, ":"); cli_put_string(context, m->service, ":"); cli_put_hexvalue(context, m->cryptoSignPublic.binary, sizeof m->cryptoSignPublic.binary, ":"); cli_put_long(context, m->version, ":"); cli_put_long(context, m->has_date ? m->date : 0, ":"); cli_put_long(context, m->inserttime, ":"); switch (m->authorship) { case AUTHOR_LOCAL: case AUTHOR_AUTHENTIC: cli_put_hexvalue(context, m->author.binary, sizeof m->author.binary, ":"); cli_put_long(context, 1, ":"); break; default: cli_put_string(context, NULL, ":"); cli_put_long(context, 0, ":"); break; } cli_put_long(context, m->filesize, ":"); cli_put_hexvalue(context, m->filesize ? m->filehash.binary : NULL, sizeof m->filehash.binary, ":"); cli_put_hexvalue(context, m->has_sender ? m->sender.binary : NULL, sizeof m->sender.binary, ":"); cli_put_hexvalue(context, m->has_recipient ? m->recipient.binary : NULL, sizeof m->recipient.binary, ":"); cli_put_string(context, m->name, "\n"); } } rhizome_list_release(&cursor); keyring_free(keyring); keyring = NULL; if (n == -1) return -1; cli_row_count(context, rowcount); return 0; } int app_keyring_create(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *UNUSED(context)) { if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed); keyring_file *k = keyring_open_instance(); if (!k) return -1; keyring_free(k); return 0; } int app_keyring_dump(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *UNUSED(context)) { if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed); const char *path; if (cli_arg(parsed, "file", &path, cli_path_regular, NULL) == -1) return -1; int include_secret = 0 == cli_arg(parsed, "--secret", NULL, NULL, NULL); keyring_file *k = keyring_open_instance_cli(parsed); if (!k) return -1; FILE *fp = path ? fopen(path, "w") : stdout; if (fp == NULL) { WHYF_perror("fopen(%s, \"w\")", alloca_str_toprint(path)); keyring_free(k); return -1; } int ret = keyring_dump(k, XPRINTF_STDIO(fp), include_secret); if (fp != stdout && fclose(fp) == EOF) { WHYF_perror("fclose(%s)", alloca_str_toprint(path)); keyring_free(k); return -1; } keyring_free(k); return ret; } int app_keyring_load(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *UNUSED(context)) { if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed); const char *path; if (cli_arg(parsed, "file", &path, cli_path_regular, NULL) == -1) return -1; const char *kpin; if (cli_arg(parsed, "keyring-pin", &kpin, NULL, "") == -1) return -1; unsigned pinc = 0; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < parsed->labelc; ++i) if (strn_str_cmp(parsed->labelv[i].label, parsed->labelv[i].len, "entry-pin") == 0) ++pinc; const char *pinv[pinc]; unsigned pc = 0; for (i = 0; i < parsed->labelc; ++i) if (strn_str_cmp(parsed->labelv[i].label, parsed->labelv[i].len, "entry-pin") == 0) { assert(pc < pinc); pinv[pc++] = parsed->labelv[i].text; } keyring_file *k = keyring_open_instance_cli(parsed); if (!k) return -1; FILE *fp = path && strcmp(path, "-") != 0 ? fopen(path, "r") : stdin; if (fp == NULL) { WHYF_perror("fopen(%s, \"r\")", alloca_str_toprint(path)); keyring_free(k); return -1; } if (keyring_load(k, kpin, pinc, pinv, fp) == -1) { keyring_free(k); return -1; } if (keyring_commit(k) == -1) { keyring_free(k); return WHY("Could not write new identity"); } keyring_free(k); return 0; } int app_keyring_list(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed); keyring_file *k = keyring_open_instance_cli(parsed); if (!k) return -1; const char *names[]={ "sid", "did", "name" }; cli_columns(context, 3, names); size_t rowcount = 0; unsigned cn, in; for (cn = 0; cn < k->context_count; ++cn) for (in = 0; in < k->contexts[cn]->identity_count; ++in) { const sid_t *sidp = NULL; const char *did = NULL; const char *name = NULL; keyring_identity_extract(k->contexts[cn]->identities[in], &sidp, &did, &name); if (sidp || did) { cli_put_string(context, alloca_tohex_sid_t(*sidp), ":"); cli_put_string(context, did, ":"); cli_put_string(context, name, "\n"); rowcount++; } } keyring_free(k); cli_row_count(context, rowcount); return 0; } static void cli_output_identity(struct cli_context *context, const keyring_identity *id) { unsigned i; for (i=0;ikeypair_count;i++){ keypair *kp=id->keypairs[i]; switch(kp->type){ case KEYTYPE_CRYPTOBOX: cli_field_name(context, "sid", ":"); cli_put_string(context, alloca_tohex(kp->public_key, kp->public_key_len), "\n"); break; case KEYTYPE_DID: { char *str = (char*)kp->private_key; int l = strlen(str); if (l){ cli_field_name(context, "did", ":"); cli_put_string(context, str, "\n"); } str = (char*)kp->public_key; l=strlen(str); if (l){ cli_field_name(context, "name", ":"); cli_put_string(context, str, "\n"); } } break; case KEYTYPE_PUBLIC_TAG: { const char *name; const unsigned char *value; size_t length; if (keyring_unpack_tag(kp->public_key, kp->public_key_len, &name, &value, &length)==0){ cli_field_name(context, name, ":"); cli_put_string(context, alloca_toprint_quoted(-1, value, length, NULL), "\n"); } } break; } } } int app_keyring_add(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed); const char *pin; cli_arg(parsed, "pin", &pin, NULL, ""); keyring_file *k = keyring_open_instance_cli(parsed); if (!k) return -1; keyring_enter_pin(k, pin); assert(k->context_count > 0); const keyring_identity *id = keyring_create_identity(k, k->contexts[k->context_count - 1], pin); if (id == NULL) { keyring_free(k); return WHY("Could not create new identity"); } const sid_t *sidp = NULL; const char *did = ""; const char *name = ""; keyring_identity_extract(id, &sidp, &did, &name); if (!sidp) { keyring_free(k); return WHY("New identity has no SID"); } if (keyring_commit(k) == -1) { keyring_free(k); return WHY("Could not write new identity"); } cli_output_identity(context, id); keyring_free(k); return 0; } int app_keyring_set_did(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed); const char *sidhex, *did, *name; if (cli_arg(parsed, "sid", &sidhex, str_is_subscriber_id, "") == -1 || cli_arg(parsed, "did", &did, cli_optional_did, "") == -1 || cli_arg(parsed, "name", &name, NULL, "") == -1) return -1; if (strlen(name)>63) return WHY("Name too long (31 char max)"); sid_t sid; if (str_to_sid_t(&sid, sidhex) == -1){ keyring_free(keyring); keyring = NULL; return WHY("str_to_sid_t() failed"); } if (!(keyring = keyring_open_instance_cli(parsed))) return -1; unsigned cn=0, in=0, kp=0; int r=0; if (!keyring_find_sid(keyring, &cn, &in, &kp, &sid)) r=WHY("No matching SID"); else{ if (keyring_set_did(keyring->contexts[cn]->identities[in], did, name)) r=WHY("Could not set DID"); else{ if (keyring_commit(keyring)) r=WHY("Could not write updated keyring record"); else{ cli_output_identity(context, keyring->contexts[cn]->identities[in]); } } } keyring_free(keyring); keyring = NULL; return r; } static int app_keyring_set_tag(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { const char *sidhex, *tag, *value; if (cli_arg(parsed, "sid", &sidhex, str_is_subscriber_id, "") == -1 || cli_arg(parsed, "tag", &tag, NULL, "") == -1 || cli_arg(parsed, "value", &value, NULL, "") == -1 ) return -1; if (!(keyring = keyring_open_instance_cli(parsed))) return -1; sid_t sid; if (str_to_sid_t(&sid, sidhex) == -1) return WHY("str_to_sid_t() failed"); unsigned cn=0, in=0, kp=0; int r=0; if (!keyring_find_sid(keyring, &cn, &in, &kp, &sid)) r=WHY("No matching SID"); else{ int length = strlen(value); if (keyring_set_public_tag(keyring->contexts[cn]->identities[in], tag, (const unsigned char*)value, length)) r=WHY("Could not set tag value"); else{ if (keyring_commit(keyring)) r=WHY("Could not write updated keyring record"); else{ cli_output_identity(context, keyring->contexts[cn]->identities[in]); } } } keyring_free(keyring); keyring = NULL; return r; } static int handle_pins(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *UNUSED(context), int revoke) { const char *pin, *sid_hex; if (cli_arg(parsed, "entry-pin", &pin, NULL, "") == -1 || cli_arg(parsed, "sid", &sid_hex, str_is_subscriber_id, "") == -1) return -1; int ret=1; struct mdp_header header={ .remote.port=MDP_IDENTITY, }; int mdp_sock = mdp_socket(); set_nonblock(mdp_sock); unsigned char request_payload[1200]; struct mdp_identity_request *request = (struct mdp_identity_request *)request_payload; if (revoke){ request->action=ACTION_LOCK; }else{ request->action=ACTION_UNLOCK; } size_t len = sizeof(struct mdp_identity_request); if (pin && *pin) { request->type=TYPE_PIN; size_t pin_siz = strlen(pin) + 1; if (pin_siz + len > sizeof(request_payload)) return WHY("Supplied pin is too long"); bcopy(pin, &request_payload[len], pin_siz); len += pin_siz; }else if(sid_hex && *sid_hex){ request->type=TYPE_SID; sid_t sid; if (str_to_sid_t(&sid, sid_hex) == -1) return WHY("str_to_sid_t() failed"); bcopy(sid.binary, &request_payload[len], sizeof(sid)); len += sizeof(sid); } if (mdp_send(mdp_sock, &header, request_payload, len) == -1) goto end; time_ms_t timeout=gettime_ms()+500; while(1){ struct mdp_header rev_header; unsigned char response_payload[1600]; ssize_t len = mdp_poll_recv(mdp_sock, timeout, &rev_header, response_payload, sizeof(response_payload)); if (len==-1) break; if (len==-2){ WHYF("Timeout while waiting for response"); break; } if (rev_header.flags & MDP_FLAG_CLOSE){ ret=0; break; } } end: mdp_close(mdp_sock); return ret; } int app_revoke_pin(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { return handle_pins(parsed, context, 1); } int app_id_pin(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { return handle_pins(parsed, context, 0); } int app_id_list(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { const char *tag, *value; if (cli_arg(parsed, "tag", &tag, NULL, "") == -1 || cli_arg(parsed, "value", &value, NULL, "") == -1 ) return -1; int ret=-1; struct mdp_header header={ .remote.port=MDP_SEARCH_IDS, }; int mdp_sock = mdp_socket(); set_nonblock(mdp_sock); unsigned char request_payload[1200]; size_t len=0; if (tag && *tag){ size_t value_len=0; if (value && *value) value_len = strlen(value); len = sizeof(request_payload); if (keyring_pack_tag(request_payload, &len, tag, (unsigned char*)value, value_len)) goto end; } if (mdp_send(mdp_sock, &header, request_payload, len) == -1) goto end; const char *names[]={ "sid" }; cli_columns(context, 1, names); size_t rowcount=0; time_ms_t timeout=gettime_ms()+500; while(1){ struct mdp_header rev_header; unsigned char response_payload[1600]; ssize_t len = mdp_poll_recv(mdp_sock, timeout, &rev_header, response_payload, sizeof(response_payload)); if (len==-1) break; if (len==-2){ WHYF("Timeout while waiting for response"); break; } if (len>=SID_SIZE){ rowcount++; sid_t *id = (sid_t*)response_payload; cli_put_hexvalue(context, id->binary, sizeof(sid_t), "\n"); // TODO receive and decode other details about this identity } if (rev_header.flags & MDP_FLAG_CLOSE){ ret=0; break; } } cli_row_count(context, rowcount); end: mdp_close(mdp_sock); return ret; } int app_id_self(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { int mdp_sockfd; if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed); /* List my own identities */ overlay_mdp_frame a; bzero(&a, sizeof(overlay_mdp_frame)); int result; a.packetTypeAndFlags=MDP_GETADDRS; const char *arg = parsed->labelc ? parsed->labelv[0].text : ""; if (!strcasecmp(arg,"self")) a.addrlist.mode = MDP_ADDRLIST_MODE_SELF; /* get own identities */ else if (!strcasecmp(arg,"allpeers")) a.addrlist.mode = MDP_ADDRLIST_MODE_ALL_PEERS; /* get all known peers */ else if (!strcasecmp(arg,"peers")) a.addrlist.mode = MDP_ADDRLIST_MODE_ROUTABLE_PEERS; /* get routable (reachable) peers */ else return WHYF("unsupported arg '%s'", arg); a.addrlist.first_sid=0; if ((mdp_sockfd = overlay_mdp_client_socket()) < 0) return WHY("Cannot create MDP socket"); const char *names[]={ "sid" }; cli_columns(context, 1, names); size_t rowcount=0; do{ result=overlay_mdp_send(mdp_sockfd, &a, MDP_AWAITREPLY, 5000); if (result) { if (a.packetTypeAndFlags==MDP_ERROR){ WHYF(" MDP Server error #%d: '%s'", a.error.error,a.error.message); } else WHYF("Could not get list of local MDP addresses"); overlay_mdp_client_close(mdp_sockfd); return WHY("Failed to get local address list"); } if ((a.packetTypeAndFlags&MDP_TYPE_MASK)!=MDP_ADDRLIST) { overlay_mdp_client_close(mdp_sockfd); return WHY("MDP Server returned something other than an address list"); } unsigned i; for(i=0;i1.00) count/=2; } cli_printf(context, "Benchmarking CryptoSign signature verification:\n"); { unsigned char sign_pk[crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_PUBLICKEYBYTES]; unsigned char sign_sk[crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_SECRETKEYBYTES]; if (crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_keypair(sign_pk,sign_sk)) return WHY("crypto_sign_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_keypair() failed.\n"); unsigned char plainTextIn[1024]; unsigned char cipherText[1024]; unsigned char plainTextOut[1024]; unsigned long long cipherLen=0; unsigned long long plainLenOut; bzero(plainTextIn,1024); bzero(cipherText,1024); snprintf((char *)&plainTextIn[0],1024,"%s","No casaba melons allowed in the lab."); int plainLenIn=64; time_ms_t start = gettime_ms(); for(i=0;i<10;i++) { int r=crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch(cipherText,&cipherLen, plainTextIn,plainLenIn, sign_sk); if (r) return WHY("crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch() failed.\n"); } time_ms_t end=gettime_ms(); cli_printf(context, "mean signature generation time = %.2fms\n", (end-start)*1.0/i); start = gettime_ms(); for(i=0;i<10;i++) { bzero(&plainTextOut,1024); plainLenOut=0; int r=crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_open(plainTextOut,&plainLenOut, &cipherText[0],cipherLen, sign_pk); if (r) return WHYF("crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_open() failed (r=%d, i=%d).\n", r,i); } end = gettime_ms(); cli_printf(context, "mean signature verification time = %.2fms\n", (end-start)*1.0/i); } /* We can't do public signing with a crypto_box key, but we should be able to do shared-secret generation using crypto_sign keys. */ { cli_printf(context, "Testing supercop-20120525 Ed25519 CryptoSign implementation:\n"); unsigned char sign1_pk[crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_PUBLICKEYBYTES]; unsigned char sign1_sk[crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_SECRETKEYBYTES]; if (crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_keypair(sign1_pk,sign1_sk)) return WHY("crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_keypair() failed.\n"); /* Try calculating public key from secret key */ unsigned char pk[crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_PUBLICKEYBYTES]; /* New Ed25519 implementation has public key as 2nd half of private key. */ bcopy(&sign1_sk[32],pk,32); if (memcmp(pk, sign1_pk, crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_PUBLICKEYBYTES)) { WHY("Could not calculate public key from private key.\n"); dump("calculated",&pk,sizeof(pk)); dump("original",&sign1_pk,sizeof(sign1_pk)); } else cli_printf(context, "Can calculate public key from private key.\n"); /* Now use a pre-tested keypair and make sure that we can sign and verify with it, and that the signatures are as expected. */ unsigned char key[64]={ 0xf6,0x70,0x6b,0x8a,0x4e,0x1e,0x4b,0x01, 0x11,0x56,0x85,0xac,0x63,0x46,0x67,0x5f, 0xc1,0x44,0xcf,0xdf,0x98,0x5c,0x2b,0x8b, 0x18,0xff,0x70,0x9c,0x12,0x71,0x48,0xb9, 0x32,0x2a,0x88,0xba,0x9c,0xdd,0xed,0x35, 0x8f,0x01,0x18,0xf7,0x60,0x1b,0xfb,0x80, 0xaf,0xce,0x74,0xe0,0x85,0x39,0xac,0x13, 0x15,0xf6,0x79,0xaa,0x68,0xef,0x5d,0xc6}; unsigned char plainTextIn[1024]; unsigned char plainTextOut[1024]; unsigned char cipherText[1024]; unsigned long long cipherLen=0; unsigned long long plainLenOut; bzero(plainTextIn,1024); bzero(cipherText,1024); snprintf((char *)&plainTextIn[0],1024,"%s","No casaba melons allowed in the lab."); int plainLenIn=64; int r=crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch(cipherText,&cipherLen, plainTextIn,plainLenIn, key); if (r) return WHY("crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch() failed.\n"); dump("signature",cipherText,cipherLen); unsigned char casabamelons[128]={ 0xa4,0xea,0xd0,0x7f,0x11,0x65,0x28,0x3f,0x90,0x45,0x87,0xbf,0xe5,0xb9,0x15,0x2a,0x9a,0x2d,0x99,0x35,0x0d,0x0e,0x7b,0xb0,0xcd,0x15,0x2e,0xe8,0xeb,0xb3,0xc2,0xb1,0x13,0x8e,0xe3,0x82,0x55,0x6c,0x6e,0x34,0x44,0xe4,0xbc,0xa3,0xd5,0xe0,0x7a,0x6a,0x67,0x61,0xda,0x79,0x67,0xb6,0x1c,0x2e,0x48,0xc7,0x28,0x5b,0xd8,0xd0,0x54,0x0c,0x4e,0x6f,0x20,0x63,0x61,0x73,0x61,0x62,0x61,0x20,0x6d,0x65,0x6c,0x6f,0x6e,0x73,0x20,0x61,0x6c,0x6c,0x6f,0x77,0x65,0x64,0x20,0x69,0x6e,0x20,0x74,0x68,0x65,0x20,0x6c,0x61,0x62,0x2e,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }; if (cipherLen!=128||memcmp(casabamelons, cipherText, 128)) { WHY("Computed signature for stored key+message does not match expected value.\n"); dump("expected signature",casabamelons,sizeof(casabamelons)); } bzero(&plainTextOut,1024); plainLenOut=0; r=crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_open(plainTextOut,&plainLenOut, &casabamelons[0],128, /* the public key, which is the 2nd half of the secret key. */ &key[32]); if (r) WHY("Cannot open rearranged ref/ version of signature.\n"); else cli_printf(context, "Signature open fine.\n"); } return 0; } int app_route_print(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { int mdp_sockfd; if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed); if ((mdp_sockfd = overlay_mdp_client_socket()) < 0) return WHY("Cannot create MDP socket"); overlay_mdp_frame mdp; bzero(&mdp,sizeof(mdp)); mdp.packetTypeAndFlags=MDP_ROUTING_TABLE; overlay_mdp_send(mdp_sockfd, &mdp,0,0); const char *names[]={ "Subscriber id", "Routing flags", "Interface", "Next hop" }; cli_columns(context, 4, names); size_t rowcount=0; while(overlay_mdp_client_poll(mdp_sockfd, 200)){ overlay_mdp_frame rx; int ttl; if (overlay_mdp_recv(mdp_sockfd, &rx, 0, &ttl)) continue; int ofs=0; while(ofs + sizeof(struct overlay_route_record) <= rx.out.payload_length){ struct overlay_route_record *p=(struct overlay_route_record *)&rx.out.payload[ofs]; ofs+=sizeof(struct overlay_route_record); if (p->reachable==REACHABLE_NONE) continue; cli_put_string(context, alloca_tohex_sid_t(p->sid), ":"); char flags[32]; strbuf b = strbuf_local(flags, sizeof flags); switch (p->reachable){ case REACHABLE_SELF: strbuf_puts(b, "SELF"); break; case REACHABLE_BROADCAST: strbuf_puts(b, "BROADCAST"); break; case REACHABLE_UNICAST: strbuf_puts(b, "UNICAST"); break; case REACHABLE_INDIRECT: strbuf_puts(b, "INDIRECT"); break; default: strbuf_sprintf(b, "%d", p->reachable); } cli_put_string(context, strbuf_str(b), ":"); cli_put_string(context, p->interface_name, ":"); cli_put_string(context, alloca_tohex_sid_t(p->neighbour), "\n"); rowcount++; } } overlay_mdp_client_close(mdp_sockfd); cli_row_count(context, rowcount); return 0; } int app_reverse_lookup(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { int mdp_sockfd; if (config.debug.verbose) DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed); const char *sidhex, *delay; if (cli_arg(parsed, "sid", &sidhex, str_is_subscriber_id, "") == -1) return -1; if (cli_arg(parsed, "timeout", &delay, NULL, "3000") == -1) return -1; mdp_port_t port=32768+(random()&0xffff); sid_t srcsid; sid_t dstsid; if (str_to_sid_t(&dstsid, sidhex) == -1) return WHY("str_to_sid_t() failed"); if ((mdp_sockfd = overlay_mdp_client_socket()) < 0) return WHY("Cannot create MDP socket"); if (overlay_mdp_getmyaddr(mdp_sockfd, 0, &srcsid)){ overlay_mdp_client_close(mdp_sockfd); return WHY("Unable to get my address"); } if (overlay_mdp_bind(mdp_sockfd, &srcsid, port)){ overlay_mdp_client_close(mdp_sockfd); return WHY("Unable to bind port"); } time_ms_t now = gettime_ms(); time_ms_t timeout = now + atoi(delay); time_ms_t next_send = now; overlay_mdp_frame mdp_reply; while (now < timeout){ now=gettime_ms(); if (now >= next_send){ /* Send a unicast packet to this node, asking for any did */ lookup_send_request(mdp_sockfd, &srcsid, port, &dstsid, ""); next_send+=125; continue; } time_ms_t poll_timeout = (next_send>timeout?timeout:next_send) - now; if (overlay_mdp_client_poll(mdp_sockfd, poll_timeout)<=0) continue; int ttl=-1; if (overlay_mdp_recv(mdp_sockfd, &mdp_reply, port, &ttl)) continue; if ((mdp_reply.packetTypeAndFlags&MDP_TYPE_MASK)==MDP_ERROR){ // TODO log error? continue; } if (mdp_reply.packetTypeAndFlags!=MDP_TX) { WHYF("MDP returned an unexpected message (type=0x%x)", mdp_reply.packetTypeAndFlags); if (mdp_reply.packetTypeAndFlags==MDP_ERROR) WHYF("MDP message is return/error: %d:%s", mdp_reply.error.error,mdp_reply.error.message); continue; } // we might receive a late response from an ealier request on the same socket, ignore it if (cmp_sid_t(&mdp_reply.out.src.sid, &dstsid) != 0) { WHYF("Unexpected result from SID %s", alloca_tohex_sid_t(mdp_reply.out.src.sid)); continue; } { char sidhex[SID_STRLEN + 1]; char did[DID_MAXSIZE + 1]; char name[64]; char uri[512]; if ( !parseDnaReply((char *)mdp_reply.out.payload, mdp_reply.out.payload_length, sidhex, did, name, uri, NULL) || !str_is_subscriber_id(sidhex) || !str_is_did(did) || !str_is_uri(uri) ) { WHYF("Received malformed DNA reply: %s", alloca_toprint(160, (const char *)mdp_reply.out.payload, mdp_reply.out.payload_length)); continue; } /* Got a good DNA reply, copy it into place and stop polling */ cli_field_name(context, "sid", ":"); cli_put_string(context, sidhex, "\n"); cli_field_name(context, "did", ":"); cli_put_string(context, did, "\n"); cli_field_name(context, "name", ":"); cli_put_string(context, name, "\n"); overlay_mdp_client_close(mdp_sockfd); return 0; } } overlay_mdp_client_close(mdp_sockfd); return 1; } void context_switch_test(int); int app_mem_test(const struct cli_parsed *UNUSED(parsed), struct cli_context *UNUSED(context)) { size_t mem_size; size_t addr; uint64_t count; // First test context switch speed context_switch_test(1); for(mem_size=1024;mem_size<=(128*1024*1024);mem_size*=2) { uint8_t *mem=malloc(mem_size); if (!mem) { fprintf(stderr,"Could not allocate %zdKB memory -- stopping test.\n",mem_size/1024); return -1; } // Fill memory with random stuff so that we don't have memory page-in // delays when doing the reads for(addr=0;addraddr)) return WHY("Unable to parse the address"); }else INFO("Scanning local networks"); if ((mdp_sockfd = overlay_mdp_client_socket()) < 0) return WHY("Cannot create MDP socket"); overlay_mdp_send(mdp_sockfd, &mdp, MDP_AWAITREPLY, 5000); overlay_mdp_client_close(mdp_sockfd); if (mdp.packetTypeAndFlags!=MDP_ERROR) return -1; cli_put_string(context, mdp.error.message, "\n"); return mdp.error.error; } /* See cli_parse() for details of command specification syntax. */ #define KEYRING_PIN_OPTION ,"[--keyring-pin=]" #define KEYRING_ENTRY_PIN_OPTION ,"[--entry-pin=]" #define KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS KEYRING_PIN_OPTION KEYRING_ENTRY_PIN_OPTION "..." struct cli_schema command_line_options[]={ {commandline_usage,{"help|-h|--help","...",NULL},CLIFLAG_PERMISSIVE_CONFIG, "Display command usage."}, {version_message,{"version|copyright"},CLIFLAG_PERMISSIVE_CONFIG, "Display copyright information."}, {app_echo,{"echo","[-e]","[--]","...",NULL},CLIFLAG_PERMISSIVE_CONFIG, "Output the supplied string."}, {app_log,{"log","error|warn|hint|info|debug","",NULL},CLIFLAG_PERMISSIVE_CONFIG, "Log the supplied message at given level."}, {app_server_start,{"start" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS, "[foreground|exec ]",NULL}, 0, "Start daemon with instance path from SERVALINSTANCE_PATH environment variable."}, {app_server_stop,{"stop",NULL},CLIFLAG_PERMISSIVE_CONFIG, "Stop a running daemon with instance path from SERVALINSTANCE_PATH environment variable."}, {app_server_status,{"status",NULL},CLIFLAG_PERMISSIVE_CONFIG, "Display information about running daemon."}, {app_mdp_ping,{"mdp","ping","[--interval=]","[--timeout=]","[--wait-for-duplicates]","|broadcast","[]",NULL}, 0, "Attempts to ping specified node via Mesh Datagram Protocol (MDP)."}, {app_trace,{"mdp","trace","",NULL}, 0, "Trace through the network to the specified node via MDP."}, {app_config_schema,{"config","schema",NULL},CLIFLAG_PERMISSIVE_CONFIG, "Display configuration schema."}, {app_config_dump,{"config","dump","[--full]",NULL},CLIFLAG_PERMISSIVE_CONFIG, "Dump configuration settings."}, {app_config_set,{"config","set","","","...",NULL},CLIFLAG_PERMISSIVE_CONFIG, "Set and del specified configuration variables."}, {app_config_set,{"config","del","","...",NULL},CLIFLAG_PERMISSIVE_CONFIG, "Del and set specified configuration variables."}, {app_config_set,{"config","sync","...",NULL},CLIFLAG_PERMISSIVE_CONFIG, "Synchronise with the daemon's configuration."}, {app_config_get,{"config","get","[]",NULL},CLIFLAG_PERMISSIVE_CONFIG, "Get specified configuration variable."}, {app_config_paths,{"config","paths",NULL},CLIFLAG_PERMISSIVE_CONFIG, "Dump file and directory paths."}, {app_vomp_console,{"console",NULL}, 0, "Test phone call life-cycle from the console"}, {app_meshms_conversations,{"meshms","list","conversations" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS, "","[]","[]",NULL},0, "List MeshMS threads that include "}, {app_meshms_list_messages,{"meshms","list","messages" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS, "","",NULL},0, "List MeshMS messages between and "}, {app_meshms_send_message,{"meshms","send","message" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS, "", "", "",NULL},0, "Send a MeshMS message from to "}, {app_meshms_mark_read,{"meshms","read","messages" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS, "", "[]", "[]",NULL},0, "Mark incoming messages from this recipient as read."}, {app_rhizome_append_manifest, {"rhizome", "append", "manifest", "", "", NULL}, 0, "Append a manifest to the end of the file it belongs to."}, {app_rhizome_hash_file,{"rhizome","hash","file","",NULL}, 0, "Compute the Rhizome hash of a file"}, {app_rhizome_add_file,{"rhizome","add","file" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS,"[--force-new]","","","[]","[]",NULL}, 0, "Add a file to Rhizome and optionally write its manifest to the given path"}, {app_rhizome_add_file, {"rhizome", "journal", "append" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS, "", "", "", "[]", NULL}, 0, "Append content to a journal bundle"}, {app_rhizome_import_bundle,{"rhizome","import","bundle","","",NULL}, 0, "Import a payload/manifest pair into Rhizome"}, {app_rhizome_list,{"rhizome","list" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS, "[]","[]","[]","[]","[]","[]",NULL}, 0, "List all manifests and files in Rhizome"}, {app_rhizome_extract,{"rhizome","export","bundle" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS, "","[]","[]",NULL}, 0, "Export a manifest and payload file to the given paths, without decrypting."}, {app_rhizome_extract,{"rhizome","export","manifest" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS, "","[]",NULL}, 0, "Export a manifest from Rhizome and write it to the given path"}, {app_rhizome_export_file,{"rhizome","export","file","","[]",NULL}, 0, "Export a file from Rhizome and write it to the given path without attempting decryption"}, {app_rhizome_extract,{"rhizome","extract","bundle" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS, "","[]","[]","[]",NULL}, 0, "Extract and decrypt a manifest and file to the given paths."}, {app_rhizome_extract,{"rhizome","extract","file" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS, "","[]","[]",NULL}, 0, "Extract and decrypt a file from Rhizome and write it to the given path"}, {app_rhizome_delete,{"rhizome","delete","manifest|payload|bundle","",NULL}, 0, "Remove the manifest, or payload, or both for the given Bundle ID from the Rhizome store"}, {app_rhizome_delete,{"rhizome","delete","|file","",NULL}, 0, "Remove the file with the given hash from the Rhizome store"}, {app_rhizome_direct_sync,{"rhizome","direct","sync","[]",NULL}, 0, "Synchronise with the specified Rhizome Direct server. Return when done."}, {app_rhizome_direct_sync,{"rhizome","direct","push","[]",NULL}, 0, "Deliver all new content to the specified Rhizome Direct server. Return when done."}, {app_rhizome_direct_sync,{"rhizome","direct","pull","[]",NULL}, 0, "Fetch all new content from the specified Rhizome Direct server. Return when done."}, {app_rhizome_clean,{"rhizome","clean","[verify]",NULL}, 0, "Remove stale and orphaned content from the Rhizome store"}, {app_keyring_create,{"keyring","create",NULL}, 0, "Create a new keyring file."}, {app_keyring_dump,{"keyring","dump" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS,"[--secret]","[]",NULL}, 0, "Dump all keyring identities that can be accessed using the specified PINs"}, {app_keyring_load,{"keyring","load" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS,"","[]","[]...",NULL}, 0, "Load identities from the given dump text and insert them into the keyring using the specified entry PINs"}, {app_keyring_list,{"keyring","list" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS,NULL}, 0, "List identities that can be accessed using the supplied PINs"}, {app_keyring_add,{"keyring","add" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS,"[]",NULL}, 0, "Create a new identity in the keyring protected by the supplied PIN (empty PIN if not given)"}, {app_keyring_set_did,{"keyring", "set","did" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS,"","","",NULL}, 0, "Set the DID for the specified SID (must supply PIN to unlock the SID record in the keyring)"}, {app_keyring_set_tag,{"keyring", "set","tag" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS,"","","",NULL}, 0, "Set a named tag for the specified SID (must supply PIN to unlock the SID record in the keyring)"}, {app_id_list, {"id", "list", "[]", "[]", NULL}, 0, "Search unlocked identities based on an optional tag and value"}, {app_id_self,{"id","self|peers|allpeers",NULL}, 0, "Return identity(s) as URIs of own node, or of known routable peers, or all known peers"}, {app_id_pin, {"id", "enter", "pin", "", NULL}, 0, "Unlock any pin protected identities and enable routing packets to them"}, {app_revoke_pin, {"id", "relinquish", "pin", "", NULL}, 0, "Unload any identities protected by this pin and drop all routes to them"}, {app_revoke_pin, {"id", "relinquish", "sid", "", NULL}, 0, "Unload a specific identity and drop all routes to it"}, {app_route_print, {"route","print",NULL}, 0, "Print the routing table"}, {app_network_scan, {"scan","[
]",NULL}, 0, "Scan the network for serval peers. If no argument is supplied, all local addresses will be scanned."}, {app_count_peers,{"peer","count",NULL}, 0, "Return a count of routable peers on the network"}, {app_dna_lookup,{"dna","lookup","","[]",NULL}, 0, "Lookup the subscribers (SID) with the supplied telephone number (DID)."}, {app_reverse_lookup, {"reverse", "lookup", "", "[]", NULL}, 0, "Lookup the phone number (DID) and name of a given subscriber (SID)"}, {app_monitor_cli,{"monitor",NULL}, 0, "Interactive servald monitor interface."}, {app_crypt_test,{"test","crypt",NULL}, 0, "Run cryptography speed test"}, {app_nonce_test,{"test","nonce",NULL}, 0, "Run nonce generation test"}, {app_mem_test,{"test","memory",NULL}, 0, "Run memory speed test"}, {app_byteorder_test,{"test","byteorder",NULL}, 0, "Run byte order handling test"}, {app_msp_connection,{"msp", "listen", "[--once]", "[--forward=]", "[--service=]", "", NULL}, 0, "Listen for incoming connections"}, {app_msp_connection,{"msp", "connect", "[--once]", "[--forward=]", "", "", NULL}, 0, "Connect to a remote party"}, {NULL,{NULL},0,NULL} };