/* Serval testing command line functions Copyright (C) 2014 Serval Project Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cli.h" #include "serval_types.h" #include "dataformats.h" #include "os.h" #include "conf.h" #include "commandline.h" #include "mem.h" #include "str.h" DEFINE_FEATURE(cli_tests); DEFINE_CMD(app_byteorder_test, 0, "Run byte order handling test", "test","byteorder"); static int app_byteorder_test(const struct cli_parsed *UNUSED(parsed), struct cli_context *UNUSED(context)) { uint64_t in=0x1234; uint64_t out; unsigned char bytes[8]; write_uint64(&bytes[0],in); out=read_uint64(&bytes[0]); if (in!=out) cli_printf(context,"Byte order mangled (0x%016"PRIx64" should have been %016"PRIx64")\n", out,in); else cli_printf(context,"Byte order preserved.\n"); return -1; } DEFINE_CMD(app_crypt_test, 0, "Run cryptography speed test", "test","crypt"); static int app_crypt_test(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { DEBUG_cli_parsed(verbose, parsed); unsigned char nonce[crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_NONCEBYTES]; unsigned char k[crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_BEFORENMBYTES]; unsigned char plain_block[65536]; randombytes_buf(nonce,sizeof(nonce)); randombytes_buf(k,sizeof(k)); int len,i; cli_printf(context, "Benchmarking CryptoBox Auth-Cryption:\n"); int count=1024; for(len=16;len<=16384;len*=2) { time_ms_t start = gettime_ms(); for (i=0;i1.00) count/=2; } cli_printf(context, "Benchmarking CryptoSign signature verification:\n"); { unsigned char sign_pk[crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES]; unsigned char sign_sk[crypto_sign_SECRETKEYBYTES]; if (crypto_sign_keypair(sign_pk,sign_sk)) return WHY("crypto_sign_keypair() failed.\n"); unsigned char plainText[1024]; unsigned char sig[crypto_sign_BYTES]; bzero(plainText,sizeof plainText); snprintf((char *)&plainText[0],sizeof plainText,"%s","No casaba melons allowed in the lab."); int plainLenIn=64; time_ms_t start = gettime_ms(); for(i=0;i<10;i++) { if (crypto_sign_detached(sig, NULL, plainText, plainLenIn, sign_sk)) return WHY("crypto_sign_detached() failed.\n"); } time_ms_t end=gettime_ms(); cli_printf(context, "mean signature generation time = %.2fms\n", (end-start)*1.0/i); start = gettime_ms(); for(i=0;i<10;i++) { if (crypto_sign_verify_detached(sig, plainText, plainLenIn, sign_pk)) return WHYF("crypto_sign_verify_detached() failed (i=%d).\n",i); } end = gettime_ms(); cli_printf(context, "mean signature verification time = %.2fms\n", (end-start)*1.0/i); } /* We can't do public signing with a crypto_box key, but we should be able to do shared-secret generation using crypto_sign keys. */ { cli_printf(context, "Verifying CryptoSign implementation:\n"); unsigned char sign1_pk[crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES]; unsigned char sign1_sk[crypto_sign_SECRETKEYBYTES]; if (crypto_sign_keypair(sign1_pk,sign1_sk)) return WHY("crypto_sign_keypair() failed.\n"); /* Try calculating public key from secret key */ unsigned char pk[crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES]; if (memcmp(&sign1_sk[32], sign1_pk, crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES)) { WHY("Could not calculate public key from private key.\n"); dump("calculated",&pk,sizeof(pk)); dump("original",&sign1_pk,sizeof(sign1_pk)); } else cli_printf(context, "Public key is contained in private key.\n"); /* Now use a pre-tested keypair and make sure that we can sign and verify with it, and that the signatures are as expected. */ unsigned char key[crypto_sign_SECRETKEYBYTES]={ 0xf6,0x70,0x6b,0x8a,0x4e,0x1e,0x4b,0x01, 0x11,0x56,0x85,0xac,0x63,0x46,0x67,0x5f, 0xc1,0x44,0xcf,0xdf,0x98,0x5c,0x2b,0x8b, 0x18,0xff,0x70,0x9c,0x12,0x71,0x48,0xb9, 0x32,0x2a,0x88,0xba,0x9c,0xdd,0xed,0x35, 0x8f,0x01,0x18,0xf7,0x60,0x1b,0xfb,0x80, 0xaf,0xce,0x74,0xe0,0x85,0x39,0xac,0x13, 0x15,0xf6,0x79,0xaa,0x68,0xef,0x5d,0xc6}; unsigned char plainText[1024]; unsigned char sig[crypto_sign_BYTES]; bzero(plainText,1024); snprintf((char *)&plainText[0],sizeof plainText,"%s","No casaba melons allowed in the lab."); int plainLenIn=64; dump("plaintext", plainText, 64); if (crypto_sign_detached(sig, NULL, plainText, plainLenIn, key)) return WHY("crypto_sign_detached() failed.\n"); dump("signature", sig, sizeof sig); unsigned char casabamelons[crypto_sign_BYTES]={ 0xa4,0xea,0xd0,0x7f,0x11,0x65,0x28,0x3f, 0x90,0x45,0x87,0xbf,0xe5,0xb9,0x15,0x2a, 0x9a,0x2d,0x99,0x35,0x0d,0x0e,0x7b,0xb0, 0xcd,0x15,0x2e,0xe8,0xeb,0xb3,0xc2,0xb1, 0x13,0x8e,0xe3,0x82,0x55,0x6c,0x6e,0x34, 0x44,0xe4,0xbc,0xa3,0xd5,0xe0,0x7a,0x6a, 0x67,0x61,0xda,0x79,0x67,0xb6,0x1c,0x2e, 0x48,0xc7,0x28,0x5b,0xd8,0xd0,0x54,0x0c, }; if (memcmp(casabamelons, sig, 64)) { WHY("Computed signature for stored key+message does not match expected value.\n"); dump("expected signature",casabamelons,sizeof(casabamelons)); } if (crypto_sign_verify_detached(sig, plainText, plainLenIn, &key[32])) WHY("Cannot open rearranged ref/ version of signature.\n"); else cli_printf(context, "Signature open fine.\n"); } return 0; } void context_switch_test(int); DEFINE_CMD(app_mem_test, 0, "Run memory speed test", "test","memory"); static int app_mem_test(const struct cli_parsed *UNUSED(parsed), struct cli_context *UNUSED(context)) { size_t mem_size; size_t addr; uint64_t count; // First test context switch speed context_switch_test(1); for(mem_size=1024;mem_size<=(128*1024*1024);mem_size*=2) { uint8_t *mem=malloc(mem_size); if (!mem) { fprintf(stderr,"Could not allocate %zdKB memory -- stopping test.\n",mem_size/1024); return -1; } // Fill memory with random stuff so that we don't have memory page-in // delays when doing the reads for(addr=0;addr"); static int app_config_test(const struct cli_parsed *UNUSED(parsed), struct cli_context *UNUSED(context)) { const char *filename; if (cli_arg(parsed, "file", &filename, NULL, NULL)==-1) return -1; int fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) return WHY_perror("open"); struct stat st; fstat(fd, &st); char *buf = emalloc(st.st_size); if (!buf) return -1; if (read(fd, buf, st.st_size) != st.st_size) return WHY_perror("read"); struct cf_om_node *root = NULL; int ret = cf_om_parse(filename, buf, st.st_size, &root); close(fd); DEBUGF(verbose, "ret = %s", strbuf_str(strbuf_cf_flags(strbuf_alloca(128), ret))); //cf_dump_node(root, 0); struct config_main config; memset(&config, 0, sizeof config); cf_dfl_config_main(&config); int result = root ? cf_opt_config_main(&config, root) : CFEMPTY; cf_om_free_node(&root); free(buf); DEBUGF(verbose, "result = %s", strbuf_str(strbuf_cf_flags(strbuf_alloca(128), result))); DEBUGF(verbose, "config.log.file.path = %s", alloca_str_toprint(config.log.file.path)); DEBUGF(verbose, "config.log.file.show_pid = %d", config.log.file.show_pid); DEBUGF(verbose, "config.log.file.show_time = %d", config.log.file.show_time); DEBUGF(verbose, "config.server.chdir = %s", alloca_str_toprint(config.server.chdir)); DEBUGF(verbose, "config.debug.verbose = %d", config.debug.verbose); DEBUGF(verbose, "config.directory.service = %s", alloca_tohex_sid_t(config.directory.service)); DEBUGF(verbose, "config.rhizome.api.addfile.allow_host = %s", inet_ntoa(config.rhizome.api.addfile.allow_host)); unsigned j; for (j = 0; j < config.dna.helper.argv.ac; ++j) { DEBUGF(verbose, "config.dna.helper.argv.%u=%s", config.dna.helper.argv.av[j].key, config.dna.helper.argv.av[j].value); } for (j = 0; j < config.rhizome.direct.peer.ac; ++j) { DEBUGF(verbose, "config.rhizome.direct.peer.%s", config.rhizome.direct.peer.av[j].key); DEBUGF(verbose, " .protocol = %s", alloca_str_toprint(config.rhizome.direct.peer.av[j].value.protocol)); DEBUGF(verbose, " .host = %s", alloca_str_toprint(config.rhizome.direct.peer.av[j].value.host)); DEBUGF(verbose, " .port = %u", config.rhizome.direct.peer.av[j].value.port); } for (j = 0; j < config.interfaces.ac; ++j) { DEBUGF(verbose, "config.interfaces.%u", config.interfaces.av[j].key); DEBUGF(verbose, " .exclude = %d", config.interfaces.av[j].value.exclude); DEBUGF(verbose, " .match = ["); unsigned k; for (k = 0; k < config.interfaces.av[j].value.match.patc; ++k) DEBUGF(verbose, " %s", alloca_str_toprint(config.interfaces.av[j].value.match.patv[k])); DEBUGF(verbose, " ]"); DEBUGF(verbose, " .type = %d", config.interfaces.av[j].value.type); DEBUGF(verbose, " .port = %u", config.interfaces.av[j].value.port); DEBUGF(verbose, " .broadcast.drop = %d", (int) config.interfaces.av[j].value.broadcast.drop); DEBUGF(verbose, " .unicast.drop = %d", (int) config.interfaces.av[j].value.unicast.drop); DEBUGF(verbose, " .drop_packets = %u", (unsigned) config.interfaces.av[j].value.drop_packets); } for (j = 0; j < config.hosts.ac; ++j) { char sidhex[SID_STRLEN + 1]; tohex(sidhex, SID_STRLEN, config.hosts.av[j].key.binary); DEBUGF(verbose, "config.hosts.%s", sidhex); DEBUGF(verbose, " .interface = %s", alloca_str_toprint(config.hosts.av[j].value.interface)); DEBUGF(verbose, " .address = %s", inet_ntoa(config.hosts.av[j].value.address)); DEBUGF(verbose, " .port = %u", config.hosts.av[j].value.port); } return 0; }