/* Serval Distributed Numbering Architecture (DNA) Copyright (C) 2010 Paul Gardner-Stephen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include "serval.h" #include "rhizome.h" /* HTTP server and client code for rhizome transfers. */ int rhizome_server_socket=-1; rhizome_http_request *rhizome_live_http_requests[RHIZOME_SERVER_MAX_LIVE_REQUESTS]; int rhizome_server_live_request_count=0; // Format icon data using: // od -vt u1 ~/Downloads/favicon.ico | cut -c9- | sed 's/ */,/g' unsigned char favicon_bytes[]={ 0,0,1,0,1,0,16,16,16,0,0,0,0,0,40,1 ,0,0,22,0,0,0,40,0,0,0,16,0,0,0,32,0 ,0,0,1,0,4,0,0,0,0,0,128,0,0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0,0,0,16,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,104,158 ,168,0,163,233,247,0,104,161,118,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,17,17 ,17,17,17,18,34,17,17,18,34,17,17,18,34,17,17,2 ,34,17,17,18,34,17,16,18,34,1,17,17,1,17,1,17 ,1,16,1,16,17,17,17,17,1,17,16,16,17,17,17,17 ,1,17,18,34,17,17,17,16,17,17,2,34,17,17,17,16 ,17,16,18,34,17,17,17,16,17,1,17,1,17,17,17,18 ,34,17,17,16,17,17,17,18,34,17,17,18,34,17,17,18 ,34,17,17,18,34,17,17,16,17,17,17,18,34,17,17,16 ,17,17,17,17,17,0,17,1,17,17,17,17,17,17,0,0 ,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; int favicon_len=318; int rhizome_server_start() { if (rhizome_server_socket>-1) return 0; /* Only try to start http server periodically */ if (rhizome_server_socket<-1) { rhizome_server_socket++; return -1; } struct sockaddr_in address; int on=1; if (debug&DEBUG_RHIZOME) WHYF("Trying to start rhizome server."); rhizome_server_socket=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); if (rhizome_server_socket<0) { rhizome_server_socket=-1000; return WHY("socket() failed starting rhizome http server"); } setsockopt(rhizome_server_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&on, sizeof(on)); bzero((char *) &address, sizeof(address)); address.sin_family = AF_INET; address.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; address.sin_port = htons(RHIZOME_HTTP_PORT); if (bind(rhizome_server_socket, (struct sockaddr *) &address, sizeof(address)) < 0) { close(rhizome_server_socket); rhizome_server_socket=-1000; if (debug&DEBUG_RHIZOME) WHY("bind() failed starting rhizome http server"); return -1; } int rc = ioctl(rhizome_server_socket, FIONBIO, (char *)&on); if (rc < 0) { perror("ioctl() failed"); close(rhizome_server_socket); exit(-1); } if (listen(rhizome_server_socket,20)) { close(rhizome_server_socket); rhizome_server_socket=-1; return WHY("listen() failed starting rhizome http server"); } return 0; } int rhizome_poll_httpP=0; int rhizome_server_poll() { struct sockaddr addr; unsigned int addr_len=0; int sock; int rn; if (!rhizome_poll_httpP) return 0; /* Having the starting of the server here is helpful in that if the port is taken by someone else, we will grab it fairly swiftly once it becomes available. */ if (rhizome_server_socket<0) rhizome_server_start(); if (rhizome_server_socket<0) return 0; /* Process the existing requests. XXX - should use poll or select here */ if (0&&debug&DEBUG_RHIZOME) WHYF("Checking %d active connections", rhizome_server_live_request_count); for(rn=0;rnrequest_type) { case RHIZOME_HTTP_REQUEST_RECEIVING: /* Keep reading until we have two CR/LFs in a row */ r->request[r->request_length]=0; WHYF("http request so far: [%s]",r->request); sigPipeFlag=0; /* Make socket non-blocking */ fcntl(r->socket,F_SETFL,fcntl(r->socket, F_GETFL, NULL)|O_NONBLOCK); errno=0; int bytes=read(r->socket,&r->request[r->request_length], RHIZOME_HTTP_REQUEST_MAXLEN-r->request_length-1); /* If we got some data, see if we have found the end of the HTTP request */ if (bytes>0) { int i=r->request_length-160; int lfcount=0; if (i<0) i=0; r->request_length+=bytes; if (r->request_lengthrequest[r->request_length]=0; dump("request",(unsigned char *)r->request,r->request_length); for(;i<(r->request_length+bytes);i++) { switch(r->request[i]) { case '\n': lfcount++; break; case '\r': /* ignore CR */ break; case 0: /* ignore NUL (telnet inserts them) */ break; default: lfcount=0; break; } if (lfcount==2) break; } if (lfcount==2) { /* We have the request. Now parse it to see if we can respond to it */ rhizome_server_parse_http_request(rn,r); } r->request_length+=bytes; } /* Make socket blocking again for poll()/select() */ fcntl(r->socket,F_SETFL,fcntl(r->socket, F_GETFL, NULL)&(~O_NONBLOCK)); if (sigPipeFlag||((bytes==0)&&(errno==0))) { /* broken pipe, so close connection */ WHY("Closing connection due to sigpipe"); rhizome_server_close_http_request(rn); continue; } break; default: /* Socket already has request -- so just try to send some data. */ rhizome_server_http_send_bytes(rn,r); break; } } /* Deal with any new requests */ /* Make socket non-blocking */ fcntl(rhizome_server_socket,F_SETFL, fcntl(rhizome_server_socket, F_GETFL, NULL)|O_NONBLOCK); while ((rhizome_server_live_request_count-1)) { rhizome_http_request *request = calloc(sizeof(rhizome_http_request),1); request->socket=sock; /* We are now trying to read the HTTP request */ request->request_type=RHIZOME_HTTP_REQUEST_RECEIVING; rhizome_live_http_requests[rhizome_server_live_request_count++]=request; } fcntl(rhizome_server_socket,F_SETFL, fcntl(rhizome_server_socket, F_GETFL, NULL)&(~O_NONBLOCK)); return 0; } int rhizome_server_close_http_request(int i) { close(rhizome_live_http_requests[i]->socket); rhizome_server_free_http_request(rhizome_live_http_requests[i]); /* Make it null, so that if we are the list in the list, the following assignment still yields the correct behaviour */ rhizome_live_http_requests[i]=NULL; rhizome_live_http_requests[i]= rhizome_live_http_requests[rhizome_server_live_request_count-1]; rhizome_server_live_request_count--; return 0; } int rhizome_server_free_http_request(rhizome_http_request *r) { if (r->buffer&&r->buffer_size) free(r->buffer); if (r->blob_table) free(r->blob_table); if (r->blob_column) free(r->blob_column); free(r); return 0; } long long rhizome_last_http_send=0; int rhizome_server_get_fds(struct pollfd *fds,int *fdcount,int fdmax) { int i; if ((*fdcount)>=fdmax) return -1; rhizome_poll_httpP=0; /* Don't send quickly during voice calls */ long long now=overlay_gettime_ms(); if (nownow) return 0; } rhizome_last_http_send=now; rhizome_poll_httpP=1; if (rhizome_server_socket>-1) { if (debug&DEBUG_IO) { WHYF("rhizome http server is poll() slot #%d (fd %d)", *fdcount,rhizome_server_socket); } fds[*fdcount].fd=rhizome_server_socket; fds[*fdcount].events=POLLIN; (*fdcount)++; } for(i=0;i=fdmax) return -1; if (debug&DEBUG_IO) { WHYF("rhizome http request #%d is poll() slot #%d (fd %d)", i,*fdcount,rhizome_live_http_requests[i]->socket); } fds[*fdcount].fd=rhizome_live_http_requests[i]->socket; switch(rhizome_live_http_requests[i]->request_type) { case RHIZOME_HTTP_REQUEST_RECEIVING: fds[*fdcount].events=POLLIN; break; default: fds[*fdcount].events=POLLOUT; break; } (*fdcount)++; } return 0; } void hexFilter(char *s) { char *t; for (t = s; *s; ++s) if (isxdigit(*s)) *t++ = *s; *t = '\0'; } int rhizome_server_sql_query_http_response(int rn,rhizome_http_request *r, char *column,char *table,char *query_body, int bytes_per_row,int dehexP) { /* Run the provided SQL query progressively and return the values of the first column it returns. As the result list may be very long, we will add the LIMIT , clause to do it piece by piece. Otherwise, the response is prefixed by a 256 byte header, including the public key of the sending node, and allowing space for information about encryption of the body, although encryption is not yet implemented here. */ if (r->buffer) { free(r->buffer); r->buffer=NULL; } r->buffer_size=16384; r->buffer=malloc(r->buffer_size); if (!r->buffer) return WHY("malloc() failed to allocate response buffer"); r->buffer_length=0; r->buffer_offset=0; r->source_record_size=bytes_per_row; r->source_count = 0; sqlite_exec_int64(&r->source_count, "SELECT COUNT(*) %s", query_body); /* Work out total response length */ long long response_bytes=256+r->source_count*r->source_record_size; rhizome_server_http_response_header(r,200,"servalproject.org/rhizome-list", response_bytes); WHYF("headers consumed %d bytes.",r->buffer_length); /* Clear and prepare response header */ bzero(&r->buffer[r->buffer_length],256); r->buffer[r->buffer_length]=0x01; /* type of response (list) */ r->buffer[r->buffer_length+1]=0x01; /* version of response */ WHYF("Found %lld records.",r->source_count); /* Number of records we intend to return */ r->buffer[r->buffer_length+4]=(r->source_count>>0)&0xff; r->buffer[r->buffer_length+5]=(r->source_count>>8)&0xff; r->buffer[r->buffer_length+6]=(r->source_count>>16)&0xff; r->buffer[r->buffer_length+7]=(r->source_count>>24)&0xff; r->buffer_length+=256; /* copy our public key in to bytes 32+ */ WHY("no function yet exists to obtain our public key?"); /* build templated query */ strbuf b = strbuf_local(r->source, sizeof r->source); strbuf_sprintf(b, "SELECT %s,rowid %s", column, query_body); if (strbuf_overrun(b)) WHYF("SQL query overrun: %s", strbuf_str(b)); r->source_index=0; r->source_flags=dehexP; r->blob_column=strdup(column); r->blob_table=strdup(table); DEBUGF("buffer_length=%d",r->buffer_length); /* Populate spare space in buffer with rows of data */ return rhizome_server_sql_query_fill_buffer(rn,r); } int rhizome_server_sql_query_fill_buffer(int rn,rhizome_http_request *r) { unsigned char blob_value[r->source_record_size*2+1]; WHYF("populating with sql rows at offset %d",r->buffer_length); if (r->source_index>=r->source_count) { /* All done */ return 0; } int record_count=(r->buffer_size-r->buffer_length)/r->source_record_size; if (record_count<1) { WHYF("r->buffer_size=%d, r->buffer_length=%d, r->source_record_size=%d", r->buffer_size, r->buffer_length, r->source_record_size); return WHY("Not enough space to fit any records"); } char query[1024]; snprintf(query,1024,"%s LIMIT %lld,%d",r->source,r->source_index,record_count); sqlite3_stmt *statement; WHY(query); switch (sqlite3_prepare_v2(rhizome_db,query,-1,&statement,NULL)) { case SQLITE_OK: case SQLITE_DONE: case SQLITE_ROW: break; default: sqlite3_finalize(statement); sqlite3_close(rhizome_db); rhizome_db=NULL; WHY(query); WHY(sqlite3_errmsg(rhizome_db)); return WHY("Could not prepare sql statement."); } while(((r->buffer_length+r->source_record_size)buffer_size) &&(sqlite3_step(statement)==SQLITE_ROW)) { r->source_index++; if (sqlite3_column_count(statement)!=2) { sqlite3_finalize(statement); return WHY("sqlite3 returned multiple columns for a single column query"); } sqlite3_blob *blob; const unsigned char *value; int column_type=sqlite3_column_type(statement, 0); switch(column_type) { case SQLITE_TEXT: value=sqlite3_column_text(statement, 0); break; case SQLITE_BLOB: WHYF("table='%s',col='%s',rowid=%lld", r->blob_table,r->blob_column, sqlite3_column_int64(statement,1)); if (sqlite3_blob_open(rhizome_db,"main",r->blob_table,r->blob_column, sqlite3_column_int64(statement,1) /* rowid */, 0 /* read only */,&blob)!=SQLITE_OK) { WHY("Couldn't open blob"); continue; } if (sqlite3_blob_read(blob,&blob_value[0], /* copy number of bytes based on whether we need to de-hex the string or not */ r->source_record_size*(1+(r->source_flags&1)),0) !=SQLITE_OK) { WHY("Couldn't read from blob"); sqlite3_blob_close(blob); continue; } WHY("Did read blob"); value=blob_value; sqlite3_blob_close(blob); break; default: /* improper column type, so don't include in report */ WHY("Bad column type"); WHYF("colunnt_type=%d",column_type); continue; } if (r->source_flags&1) { /* hex string to be converted */ int i; for(i=0;isource_record_size;i++) /* convert the two nybls and make a byte */ r->buffer[r->buffer_length+i] =(hexvalue(value[i<<1])<<4)|hexvalue(value[(i<<1)+1]); } else /* direct binary value */ bcopy(value,&r->buffer[r->buffer_length],r->source_record_size); r->buffer_length+=r->source_record_size; WHYF("wrote row %lld, buffer_length=%d", r->source_index,r->buffer_length); } sqlite3_finalize(statement); return 0; } int rhizome_server_parse_http_request(int rn,rhizome_http_request *r) { char id[1024]; /* Clear request type flags */ r->request_type=0; if (strlen(r->request)<1024) { if (!strncasecmp(r->request,"GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.", strlen("GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1."))) { r->request_type=RHIZOME_HTTP_REQUEST_FAVICON; rhizome_server_http_response_header(r,200,"image/vnd.microsoft.icon", favicon_len); } else if (!strncasecmp(r->request,"GET /rhizome/groups HTTP/1.", strlen("GET /rhizome/groups HTTP/1."))) { /* Return the list of known groups */ WHYF("get /rhizome/groups (list of groups)"); rhizome_server_sql_query_http_response(rn,r,"id","groups","from groups",32,1); } else if (!strncasecmp(r->request,"GET /rhizome/files HTTP/1.", strlen("GET /rhizome/files HTTP/1."))) { /* Return the list of known files */ WHYF("get /rhizome/files (list of files)"); rhizome_server_sql_query_http_response(rn,r,"id","files","from files",32,1); } else if (!strncasecmp(r->request,"GET /rhizome/bars HTTP/1.", strlen("GET /rhizome/bars HTTP/1."))) { /* Return the list of known files */ WHYF("get /rhizome/bars (list of BARs)"); rhizome_server_sql_query_http_response(rn,r,"bar","manifests","from manifests",32,0); } else if (sscanf(r->request,"GET /rhizome/file/%s HTTP/1.", id)==1) { /* Stream the specified file */ int dud=0; int i; hexFilter(id); WHYF("get /rhizome/file/ [%s]",id); WHY("Check for range: header, and return 206 if returning partial content"); for(i=0;i

That doesn't look like hex to me.

\r\n"); else { str_toupper_inplace(id); long long rowid = -1; sqlite_exec_int64(&rowid, "select rowid from files where id='%s';", id); sqlite3_blob *blob; if (rowid>=0) if (sqlite3_blob_open(rhizome_db,"main","files","data",rowid,0,&blob) !=SQLITE_OK) rowid=-1; if (rowid<0) { rhizome_server_simple_http_response(r,404,"

Sorry, can't find that here.

\r\n"); WHY("File not found / blob not opened"); } else { r->blob_table=strdup("files"); r->blob_column=strdup("data"); r->blob_rowid=rowid; r->source_index=0; r->blob_end=sqlite3_blob_bytes(blob); rhizome_server_http_response_header(r,200,"application/binary", r->blob_end-r->source_index); r->request_type|=RHIZOME_HTTP_REQUEST_BLOB; sqlite3_blob_close(blob); WHY("opened blob and file -- but still need to send file body."); } } } else if (sscanf(r->request,"GET /rhizome/manifest/%s HTTP/1.", id)==1) { /* Stream the specified manifest */ hexFilter(id); WHYF("get /rhizome/manifest/ [%s]",id); rhizome_server_simple_http_response(r,400,"

A specific manifest

\r\n"); } else rhizome_server_simple_http_response(r,400,"

Sorry, couldn't parse your request.

\r\n"); } else rhizome_server_simple_http_response(r,400,"

Sorry, your request was too long.

\r\n"); /* Try sending data immediately. */ rhizome_server_http_send_bytes(rn,r); return 0; } /* Return appropriate message for HTTP response codes, both known and unknown. */ #define A_VALUE_GREATER_THAN_FOUR (2+3) char *httpResultString(int id) { switch (id) { case 200: return "OK"; break; case 206: return "Partial Content"; break; case 404: return "Not found"; break; default: case A_VALUE_GREATER_THAN_FOUR: if (id>4) return "A suffusion of yellow"; /* The following MUST be the longest string returned by this function */ else return "THE JUDGEMENT OF KING WEN: Chun Signifies Difficulties At Outset, As Of Blade Of Grass Pushing Up Against Stone."; } } int rhizome_server_simple_http_response(rhizome_http_request *r,int result, char *response) { if (r->buffer) free(r->buffer); r->buffer_size=strlen(response)+strlen("HTTP/1.0 000 \r\n\r\n")+strlen(httpResultString(A_VALUE_GREATER_THAN_FOUR))+100; r->buffer=(unsigned char *)malloc(r->buffer_size); snprintf((char *)r->buffer,r->buffer_size,"HTTP/1.0 %03d %s\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\nContent-length: %d\r\n\r\n%s",result,httpResultString(result),(int)strlen(response),response); r->buffer_size=strlen((char *)r->buffer)+1; r->buffer_length=r->buffer_size-1; r->buffer_offset=0; r->request_type=RHIZOME_HTTP_REQUEST_FROMBUFFER; return 0; } /* return codes: 1: connection still open. 0: connection finished. <0: an error occurred. */ int rhizome_server_http_send_bytes(int rn,rhizome_http_request *r) { sqlite3_blob *blob; int bytes; fcntl(r->socket,F_SETFL,fcntl(r->socket, F_GETFL, NULL)|O_NONBLOCK); if (debug&DEBUG_RHIZOME) WHYF("Request #%d, type=0x%x\n",rn,r->request_type); /* Flush anything out of the buffer if present, before doing any further processing */ if (r->request_type&RHIZOME_HTTP_REQUEST_FROMBUFFER) { bytes=r->buffer_length-r->buffer_offset; bytes=write(r->socket,&r->buffer[r->buffer_offset],bytes); if (bytes>0) { WHYF("wrote %d bytes\n",bytes); dump("bytes written",&r->buffer[r->buffer_offset],bytes); r->buffer_offset+=bytes; if (r->buffer_offset>=r->buffer_length) { /* Our work is done. close socket and go home */ r->request_type&=~RHIZOME_HTTP_REQUEST_FROMBUFFER; r->buffer_offset=0; r->buffer_length=0; if (!r->request_type) { WHY("Finished sending data"); return rhizome_server_close_http_request(rn); } else { if (debug&DEBUG_RHIZOME) { WHYF("request type = 0x%x after sending buffer.", r->request_type); } } } else { /* Still more stuff in the buffer, so return now */ return 1; } } } switch(r->request_type&(~RHIZOME_HTTP_REQUEST_FROMBUFFER)) { case RHIZOME_HTTP_REQUEST_FAVICON: if (r->buffer_sizebuffer); r->buffer_size=0; r->buffer=malloc(favicon_len); if (!r->buffer) r->request_type=0; } if (r->buffer) { int i; for(i=0;ibuffer[i]=favicon_bytes[i]; r->buffer_length=i; printf("buffer_length for favicon is %d\n",r->buffer_length); r->request_type=RHIZOME_HTTP_REQUEST_FROMBUFFER; } break; case RHIZOME_HTTP_REQUEST_BLOB: /* Get more data from the file and put it in the buffer */ r->buffer_length=r->blob_end-r->source_index; if (r->buffer_length<=0) { /* end of blob reached */ r->request_type=0; break; } if (r->buffer_size<65536) { free(r->buffer); r->buffer=malloc(65536); if (!r->buffer) { if (debug&DEBUG_RHIZOME) WHY("malloc() failed"); r->request_type=0; break; } r->buffer_size=65536; } if (r->buffer_length>r->buffer_size) r->buffer_length=r->buffer_size; if (sqlite3_blob_open(rhizome_db,"main",r->blob_table,r->blob_column, r->blob_rowid,0,&blob)==SQLITE_OK) { if(sqlite3_blob_read(blob,&r->buffer[0],r->buffer_length,r->source_index) ==SQLITE_OK) { r->request_type|=RHIZOME_HTTP_REQUEST_FROMBUFFER; r->source_index+=r->buffer_length; } else r->request_type=0; sqlite3_blob_close(blob); } else { if (debug&DEBUG_RHIZOME) WHY("could not open blob to send more data"); r->request_type=0; } break; case RHIZOME_HTTP_REQUEST_FROMBUFFER: /* This really shouldn't happen! */ return WHY("Something impossible happened."); break; default: WHY("sending data from this type of HTTP request not implemented"); break; } if (!r->request_type) return rhizome_server_close_http_request(rn); fcntl(r->socket,F_SETFL,fcntl(r->socket, F_GETFL, NULL)&(~O_NONBLOCK)); return 1; } int rhizome_server_http_response_header(rhizome_http_request *r,int result, char *mime_type,unsigned long long bytes) { if (!r->buffer) { r->buffer_size=bytes+strlen("HTTP/1.0 000 \r\n\r\n")+strlen(httpResultString(A_VALUE_GREATER_THAN_FOUR))+100; r->buffer=(unsigned char *)malloc(r->buffer_size); } snprintf((char *)r->buffer,r->buffer_size,"HTTP/1.0 %03d \r\nContent-type: %s\r\nContent-length: %lld\r\n\r\n",result,mime_type,bytes); r->buffer_length=strlen((char *)r->buffer); r->buffer_offset=0; r->request_type|=RHIZOME_HTTP_REQUEST_FROMBUFFER; return 0; }