/* Serval Distributed Numbering Architecture (DNA) Copyright (C) 2010 Paul Gardner-Stephen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "serval.h" #include "rhizome.h" #include #include #include char *gatewayspec=NULL; char *outputtemplate=NULL; char *instrumentation_file=NULL; char *importFile=NULL; int debug=0; int timeout=3000; /* 3000ms request timeout */ int serverMode=0; int clientMode=0; int returnMultiVars=0; int hexdigit[16]={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'}; struct mphlr_variable vars[]={ /* Variables that can have only a single value */ {VAR_EOR,"eor","Marks end of record"}, {VAR_CREATETIME,"createtime","Time HLR record was created"}, {VAR_CREATOR,"creator","Device that created this HLR record"}, {VAR_REVISION,"revision","Revision number of this HLR record"}, {VAR_REVISOR,"revisor","Device that revised this HLR record"}, {VAR_PIN,"pin","Secret PIN for this HLR record"}, /* GSM encoded audio, so a 16KB MPHLR maximum size shouldn't pose a problem. 8KB = ~4.5 seconds, which is a long time to say your name in, leaving 8KB for other variables. */ {VAR_VOICESIG,"voicesig","Voice signature of this subscriber"}, {VAR_HLRMASTER,"hlrmaster","Location where the master copy of this HLR record is maintained."}, {VAR_NAME, "name", "Published name of this subscriber"}, /* Variables that can take multiple values */ {VAR_DIDS,"dids","Numbers claimed by this subscriber"}, {VAR_LOCATIONS,"locations","Locations where this subscriber wishes to receive calls"}, {VAR_IEMIS,"iemis","GSM IEMIs claimed by this subscriber"}, {VAR_TEMIS,"temis","GSM TEMIs claimed by this subscriber"}, /* Each entry here has a flag byte (unread, ...) */ {VAR_CALLS_IN,"callsin","Calls received by this subscriber"}, {VAR_CALLS_MISSED,"callsmissed","Calls missed by this subscriber"}, {VAR_CALLS_OUT,"callsout","Calls made by this subscriber"}, {VAR_SMESSAGES,"smessages","SMS received by this subscriber"}, {VAR_DID2SUBSCRIBER,"did2subscriber","Preferred subscribers for commonly called DIDs"}, {VAR_HLRBACKUPS,"hlrbackups","Locations where backups of this HLR record are maintained."}, {VAR_NOTE,"note","Free-form notes on this HLR record"}, {0x00,NULL,NULL} }; int sock=-1; #ifndef HAVE_BZERO /* OpenWRT doesn't have bzero */ void bzero(void *m,size_t len) { unsigned char *c=m; int i; for(i=0;i=' '&&addr[i+j]<0x7f?addr[i+j]:'.'); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } return 0; } int dumpResponses(struct response_set *responses) { struct response *r; if (!responses) {fprintf(stderr,"Response set is NULL\n"); return 0; } fprintf(stderr,"Response set claims to contain %d entries.\n",responses->response_count); r=responses->responses; while(r) { fprintf(stderr," response code 0x%02x\n",r->code); if (r->next) if (r->next->prev!=r) fprintf(stderr," !! response chain is broken\n"); r=r->next; } return 0; } int setReason(char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap,ap2; char msg[8192]; va_start(ap,fmt); va_copy(ap2,ap); vsnprintf(msg,8192,fmt,ap2); msg[8191]=0; va_end(ap); fprintf(stderr,"Error: %s\n",msg); return -1; } int hexvalue(unsigned char c) { if (c>='0'&&c<='9') return c-'0'; if (c>='A'&&c<='F') return c-'A'+10; if (c>='a'&&c<='f') return c-'a'+10; return setReason("Invalid hex digit in SID"); } int parseAssignment(unsigned char *text,int *var_id,unsigned char *value,int *value_len) { /* Parse an assignment. Valid formats are: var=@file - value comes from named file. var=[[$]value] - value comes from string, and may be empty. $ means value is in hex Values are length limited to 65535 bytes. */ int i,v; int max_len=*value_len; int vlen=0; int tlen=strlen((char *)text); if (tlen>3072) { return setReason("Variable assignment string is too long, use =@file to read value from a file"); } /* Identify which variable */ for(i=0;i=tlen) return setReason("Variable value has an odd number of hex digits."); b|=hexvalue(text[i++]); if (b<0) return setReason("That doesn't look like hex to me"); if (vlen>=max_len) return setReason("Variable hex value too long"); value[vlen++]=b; } *value_len=vlen; return 0; break; case '@': /* file */ { FILE *f=fopen((char *)&text[i+1],"r"); int flen; fseek(f,0,SEEK_END); flen=ftell(f); if (flen>max_len) return setReason("Variable value from file too long"); fseek(f,0,SEEK_SET); vlen=fread(value,1,flen,f); if (vlen!=flen) return setReason("Could not read all of file"); fclose(f); *value_len=vlen; return 0; } break; default: /* literal string */ vlen=strlen((char *)&text[i]); if (vlen>max_len) return setReason("Variable value too long"); bcopy(&text[i],value,vlen); *value_len=vlen; return 0; } return 0; } int usage(char *complaint) { fprintf(stderr,"dna: %s\n",complaint); fprintf(stderr,"usage:\n"); fprintf(stderr," dna [-v ] -S [-f HLR backing file] [-I import.txt] [-N interface,...] [-G gateway specification] [-r rhizome path]\n"); fprintf(stderr,"or\n"); fprintf(stderr," dna [-v ] -f -E \n"); fprintf(stderr,"or\n"); fprintf(stderr," dna -r -M \n"); fprintf(stderr,"or\n"); fprintf(stderr," dna <-d|-s> id -A\n"); fprintf(stderr,"or\n"); fprintf(stderr," dna <-d|-s> id [-p pin] [-i variable instance] <-R variable[=value]>\n"); fprintf(stderr," [-v ] [-t request timeout in ms] [-O output file name template]\n"); fprintf(stderr,"or\n"); fprintf(stderr," dna <-d|-s> id [-p pin] [-i variable instance] <-W|-U|-D variable[=[$|@]value]>\n"); fprintf(stderr," [-v ] [-t request timeout in ms]\n"); fprintf(stderr,"or\n"); fprintf(stderr," dna [-v ] [-t timeout] -d did -C\n"); fprintf(stderr,"or\n"); fprintf(stderr," dna [-v ] -f -E \n"); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fprintf(stderr," -v - Set verbosity.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -E - Export specified HLR database into specified flat text file.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -I - Import a previously exported HLR database into this one.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -A - Ask for address of subscriber.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -b - Specify BATMAN socket to obtain peer list (flaky).\n"); fprintf(stderr," -l - Specify BATMAN socket to obtain peer list (better, but requires Serval patched BATMAN).\n"); fprintf(stderr," -L - Log mesh statistics to specified file.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -m - Return multiple variable values instead of only first response.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -M - Create and import a new bundle from the specified manifest.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -n - Do not detach from foreground in server mode.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -S - Run in server mode with an HLR of the specified size.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -f - Use the specified file as a permanent store for HLR data.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -d - Search by Direct Inward Dial (DID) number.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -s - Search by Subscriber ID (SID) number.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -p - Specify additional DNA nodes to query.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -P - Authenticate using the supplied pin.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -r - Enable Rhizome store-and-forward transport using the specified data store directory.\n"); fprintf(stderr," To limit the storage: echo space=[KB] > path/rhizome.conf\n"); fprintf(stderr," -R - Read a variable value.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -O - Place read variable value into files using argument as a template.\n"); fprintf(stderr," The following template codes can be used (interpretted by sprintf):\n"); fprintf(stderr," %%1$s - Subscriber ID\n"); fprintf(stderr," %%2$d - Variable ID (0-255)\n"); fprintf(stderr," %%3$d - Variable instance number (0-255)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -W - Write a variable value, keeping previous values.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -U - Update a variable value, replacing the previous value.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -D - Delete a variable value.\n"); fprintf(stderr," $value means interpret value as hexidecimal bytes.\n"); fprintf(stderr," @value means read value from file called value.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -C - Request the creation of a new subscriber with the specified DID.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -t - Specify the request timeout period.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -G - Offer gateway services. Argument specifies locations of necessary files.\n"); fprintf(stderr," Use -G [potato|android|custom:...] to set defaults for your device type.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -N - Specify one or more interfaces for the DNA overlay mesh to operate.\n"); fprintf(stderr," Interface specifications take the form <+|->[interface[=type][,...]\n"); fprintf(stderr," e.g., -N -en0,+ to use all interfaces except en0\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); exit(-1); } #ifndef DNA_NO_MAIN char *exec_args[128]; int exec_argc=0; int servalShutdown=0; char *thisinstancepath=NULL; char *serval_instancepath() { if (thisinstancepath) return thisinstancepath; char *instancepath=getenv("SERVALINSTANCE_PATH"); if (!instancepath) instancepath=DEFAULT_INSTANCE_PATH; return instancepath; } void servalShutdownCleanly() { WHY("Shutting down as requested."); /* Try to remove shutdown and PID files and exit */ char *instancepath=serval_instancepath(); char filename[1024]; snprintf(filename,1024,"%s/doshutdown",instancepath); unlink(filename); snprintf(filename,1024,"%s/serval.pid",instancepath); unlink(filename); if (mdp_client_socket==-1) { snprintf(filename,1024,"%s/mdp.socket",instancepath); unlink(filename); } else { overlay_mdp_client_done(); } exit(0); } void signal_handler( int signal ) { if (signal==SIGQUIT) servalShutdownCleanly(); if (signal==SIGHUP||signal==SIGINT) { /* Shut down. The shutting down should be done from the main-line code rather than here, so we first try to tell the mainline code to do so. If, however, this is not the first time we have been asked to shut down, then we will do it here. */ if (servalShutdown) { /* We have been asked before, so shut down cleanly */ servalShutdownCleanly(); } else { WHY("Asking Serval process to shutdown cleanly"); servalShutdown=1; } return; } /* oops - caught a bad signal -- exec() ourselves fresh */ char signalName[64]; snprintf(signalName,63,"signal %d",signal); signalName[63]=0; switch(signal) { #ifdef SIGHUP case SIGHUP: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","hangup",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGINT case SIGINT: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","interrupt",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGQUIT case SIGQUIT: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","quit",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGILL case SIGILL: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","illegal instruction (not reset when caught)",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGTRAP case SIGTRAP: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","trace trap (not reset when caught)",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGABRT case SIGABRT: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","abort()",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGPOLL case SIGPOLL: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","pollable event ([XSR] generated, not supported)",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGEMT case SIGEMT: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","EMT instruction",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGFPE case SIGFPE: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","floating point exception",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGKILL case SIGKILL: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","kill (cannot be caught or ignored)",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGBUS case SIGBUS: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","bus error",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGSEGV case SIGSEGV: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","segmentation violation",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGSYS case SIGSYS: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","bad argument to system call",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGPIPE case SIGPIPE: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","write on a pipe with no one to read it",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGALRM case SIGALRM: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","alarm clock",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGTERM case SIGTERM: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","software termination signal from kill",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGURG case SIGURG: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","urgent condition on IO channel",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGSTOP case SIGSTOP: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","sendable stop signal not from tty",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGTSTP case SIGTSTP: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","stop signal from tty",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGCONT case SIGCONT: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","continue a stopped process",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGCHLD case SIGCHLD: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","to parent on child stop or exit",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGTTIN case SIGTTIN: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","to readers pgrp upon background tty read",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGTTOU case SIGTTOU: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","like TTIN for output if (tp->t_local<OSTOP)",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGIO #if SIGIO != SIGPOLL case SIGIO: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","input/output possible signal",signal); break; #endif #endif #ifdef SIGXCPU case SIGXCPU: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","exceeded CPU time limit",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGXFSZ case SIGXFSZ: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","exceeded file size limit",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGVTALRM case SIGVTALRM: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","virtual time alarm",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGPROF case SIGPROF: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","profiling time alarm",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGWINCH case SIGWINCH: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","window size changes",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGINFO case SIGINFO: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","information request",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGUSR1 case SIGUSR1: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","user defined signal 1",signal); break; #endif #ifdef SIGUSR2 case SIGUSR2: snprintf(signalName,63,"SIG %s (%d)","user defined signal 2",signal); break; #endif } signalName[63]=0; fprintf(stderr,"Caught terminal signal %s -- respawning.\n",signalName); if (sock>-1) close(sock); int i; for(i=0;i-1) close(overlay_interfaces[i].fd); execv(exec_args[0],exec_args); /* Quit if the exec() fails */ exit(-3); } int setVerbosity(char *optarg) { long long old_debug=debug; debug=strtoll(optarg,NULL,10); if (strstr(optarg,"interfaces")) debug|=DEBUG_OVERLAYINTERFACES; if (strstr(optarg,"packetxfer")) debug|=DEBUG_PACKETXFER; if (strstr(optarg,"verbose")) debug|=DEBUG_VERBOSE; if (strstr(optarg,"verbio")) debug|=DEBUG_VERBOSE_IO; if (strstr(optarg,"peers")) debug|=DEBUG_PEERS; if (strstr(optarg,"dnaresponses")) debug|=DEBUG_DNARESPONSES; if (strstr(optarg,"dnarequests")) debug|=DEBUG_DNAREQUESTS; if (strstr(optarg,"simulation")) debug|=DEBUG_SIMULATION; if (strstr(optarg,"dnavars")) debug|=DEBUG_DNAVARS; if (strstr(optarg,"packetformats")) debug|=DEBUG_PACKETFORMATS; if (strstr(optarg,"gateway")) debug|=DEBUG_GATEWAY; if (strstr(optarg,"hlr")) debug|=DEBUG_HLR; if (strstr(optarg,"sockio")) debug|=DEBUG_IO; if (strstr(optarg,"frames")) debug|=DEBUG_OVERLAYFRAMES; if (strstr(optarg,"abbreviations")) debug|=DEBUG_OVERLAYABBREVIATIONS; if (strstr(optarg,"routing")) debug|=DEBUG_OVERLAYROUTING; if (strstr(optarg,"security")) debug|=DEBUG_SECURITY; if (strstr(optarg,"rhizome")) debug|=DEBUG_RHIZOME; if (strstr(optarg,"filesync")) debug|=DEBUG_RHIZOMESYNC; if (strstr(optarg,"monitorroutes")) debug|=DEBUG_OVERLAYROUTEMONITOR; if (strstr(optarg,"queues")) debug|=DEBUG_QUEUES; if (strstr(optarg,"broadcasts")) debug|=DEBUG_BROADCASTS; if (old_debug==debug) { fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: Option '%s' had no effect on existing debug/verbosity level.\n", optarg); } return 0; } int main(int argc,char **argv) { int c; char *pin=NULL; char *did=NULL; char *sid=NULL; char *hlr_file=NULL; int instance=-1; int foregroundMode=0; memabuseInit(); #if defined WIN32 WSADATA wsa_data; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1,1), &wsa_data); #else /* Catch sigsegv and other crash signals so that we can relaunch ourselves */ for(exec_argc=0;exec_argc16384) usage("HLR must be 0.1MB - 16384MB in size."); hlr_size=(int)(atof(optarg)*1048576.0); serverMode=1; break; case 'i': instance=atoi(optarg); if (instance<-1||instance>255) usage("Illegal variable instance ID."); break; case 'f': if (clientMode) usage("Only servers use backing files"); hlr_file=strdup(optarg); break; case 'p': /* additional peers to query */ if (additionalPeer(optarg)) exit(-3); break; case 'P': /* Supply pin */ pin=strdup(optarg); clientMode=1; break; case 'd': /* Ask by DID */ clientMode=1; did=strdup(optarg); break; case 's': /* Ask by subscriber ID */ clientMode=1; sid=strdup(optarg); break; case 't': /* request timeout (ms) */ timeout=atoi(optarg); break; case 'v': /* set verbosity */ setVerbosity(optarg); break; case 'A': /* get address (IP or otherwise) of a given peer */ peerAddress(did,sid,3 /* 1 = print list of addresses to stdout, 2 = set peer list to responders */); break; case 'R': /* read a variable */ { unsigned char buffer[65535]; int len=0; requestItem(did,sid,(char *)optarg,instance,buffer,sizeof(buffer),&len,NULL); } break; case 'W': /* write a variable */ { int var_id; unsigned char value[65536]; int value_len=65535; if (parseAssignment((unsigned char *)optarg,&var_id,value,&value_len)) return -1; value[value_len]=0; return writeItem(did?did:sid,var_id,instance,value,0,value_len,SET_NOREPLACE,-1,NULL); } break; case 'U': /* write or update a variable */ { int var_id; unsigned char value[65536]; int value_len=65535; if (parseAssignment((unsigned char *)optarg,&var_id,value,&value_len)) return -1; value[value_len]=0; return writeItem(did?did:sid,var_id,instance,value,0,value_len,SET_REPLACE,-1,NULL); } break; case 'C': /* create a new HLR entry */ { if (optind=80) return WHY("quantity string >=80 characters"); if (sscanf(q,"%d%s",&m,units)==2) { if (units[1]) return WHY("Units should be single character"); switch(units[0]) { case 'k': return m*1000LL; case 'K': return m*1024LL; case 'm': return m*1000LL*1000LL; case 'M': return m*1024LL*1024LL; case 'g': return m*1000LL*1000LL*1000LL; case 'G': return m*1024LL*1024LL*1024LL; default: return WHY("Illegal unit: should be k,K,m,M,g, or G."); } } if (sscanf(q,"%d",&m)==1) { return m; } else { return WHY("Could not parse quantity"); } }