
# Tests for MeshMS Messaging
# Copyright 2012 Serval Project, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

source "${0%/*}/../testframework.sh"
source "${0%/*}/../testdefs.sh"
source "${0%/*}/../testdefs_rhizome.sh"

teardown() {

setup_logging() {
   executeOk_servald config \
      set debug.meshms on \
      set debug.rhizome on \
      set debug.rhizome_manifest on \
      set debug.rejecteddata on \
      set log.console.level debug \
      set log.console.show_time on

doc_MessageDelivery="Send messages, ack and read them in a 2 party conversation"
setup_MessageDelivery() {
   set_instance +A
   create_identities 2
test_MessageDelivery() {
   # 1. empty list
   executeOk_servald meshms list messages $SIDA1 $SIDA2
   assertStdoutIs --stdout --line=1 -e '4\n'
   assertStdoutIs --stdout --line=2 -e '_id:offset:type:message\n'
   assertStdoutLineCount '==' 2
   # 2. create a manifest with a single message and list it back
   executeOk_servald meshms send message $SIDA1 $SIDA2 "Hi"
   executeOk_servald meshms list messages $SIDA1 $SIDA2
   assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 ":>:Hi\$"
   assertStdoutLineCount '==' 3
   # 3. append a second message and list them both
   executeOk_servald meshms send message $SIDA1 $SIDA2 "How are you"
   executeOk_servald meshms list messages $SIDA1 $SIDA2
   assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 ":>:How are you\$"
   assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 ":>:Hi\$"
   assertStdoutLineCount '==' 4
   # 4. list the messages from the receivers point of view (which ACKs them)
   executeOk_servald meshms list messages $SIDA2 $SIDA1
   assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^0:19:<:How are you\$"
   assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^1:5:<:Hi\$"
   assertStdoutLineCount '==' 4
   CONV_BID=$(replayStderr | sed -n -e '/MESHMS CONVERSATION BUNDLE/s/.*bid=\([0-9A-F]*\).*/\1/p')
   CONV_SECRET=$(replayStderr | sed -n -e '/MESHMS CONVERSATION BUNDLE/s/.*secret=\([0-9A-F]*\).*/\1/p')
   # 5. mark the first message as read
   executeOk_servald meshms read messages $SIDA2 $SIDA1 5
   executeOk_servald meshms list messages $SIDA2 $SIDA1
   assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^0:19:<:How are you\$"
   assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^1:5:MARK:read\$"
   assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^2:5:<:Hi\$"
   assertStdoutLineCount '==' 5
   # 6. mark all messages as read
   executeOk_servald meshms read messages $SIDA2
   executeOk_servald meshms list messages $SIDA2 $SIDA1
   assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^0:19:MARK:read\$"
   assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^1:19:<:How are you\$"
   assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^2:5:<:Hi\$"
   assertStdoutLineCount '==' 5
   # 7. list messages from the senders point of view after they have been delivered
   executeOk_servald meshms list messages $SIDA1 $SIDA2
   assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^0:3:ACK:delivered\$"
   assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^1:19:>:How are you\$"
   assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^2:5:>:Hi\$"
   assertStdoutLineCount '==' 5

check_meshms_bundles() {
   # Dump the MeshMS bundles to the log and check consistency
   # The only "file" bundle should be the conversation list
   executeOk_servald rhizome list file
   rhizome_list_unpack X
   assert [ $XNROWS -eq 1 ]
   assert [ ${XBID[0]} = $CONV_BID ]
   executeOk_servald rhizome extract bundle $CONV_BID manifest.conv payload.conv $CONV_SECRET
   tfw_cat -v manifest.conv --hexdump payload.conv
   # The only "MeshMS2" bundles should be the two ply bundles
   executeOk_servald rhizome list MeshMS2
   rhizome_list_unpack X
   assert [ $XNROWS -eq 2 ]
   local bid
   for bid in ${XBID[*]}; do
      executeOk_servald rhizome extract bundle $bid manifest.$bid payload.$bid
      tfw_cat -v manifest.$bid --hexdump payload.$bid

has_unread_messages() {
   executeOk_servald meshms list conversations $1
   if ! grep ":unread:" $_tfw_tmp/stdout; then
     return 1

messages_delivered() {
   executeOk_servald meshms list messages $1 $2
   if ! grep ":ACK:" $_tfw_tmp/stdout; then
     return 1

doc_MessageThreading="Messages sent at the same time, thread differently"
setup_MessageThreading() {
   foreach_instance +A +B create_single_identity
   foreach_instance +A +B setup_logging
   set_instance +A
   executeOk_servald meshms send message $SIDA $SIDB "Hello can you hear me"
   executeOk_servald meshms send message $SIDA $SIDB "Still waiting"
   set_instance +B
   executeOk_servald meshms send message $SIDB $SIDA "Help Im trapped in a test case factory"
   executeOk_servald meshms send message $SIDB $SIDA "Never mind"
   start_servald_instances +A +B
test_MessageThreading() {
   set_instance +B
   wait_until has_unread_messages $SIDB
   executeOk_servald meshms list messages $SIDB $SIDA
   assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^0:40:<:Still waiting\$"
   assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^1:24:<:Hello can you hear me\$"
   assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^2:54:>:Never mind\$"
   assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^3:41:>:Help Im trapped in a test case factory\$"
   assertStdoutLineCount '==' 6
   set_instance +A
   wait_until has_unread_messages $SIDA
   wait_until messages_delivered $SIDA $SIDB
   executeOk_servald meshms list messages $SIDA $SIDB
   assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^0:54:<:Never mind\$"
   assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^1:41:<:Help Im trapped in a test case factory\$"
   assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^2:57:ACK:delivered\$"
   assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^3:40:>:Still waiting\$"
   assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^4:24:>:Hello can you hear me\$"
   assertStdoutLineCount '==' 7

doc_listConversations="List multiple conversations, with different numbers of messages"
setup_listConversations() {
   set_instance +A
   create_identities 5
   # create 3 threads, with all permutations of incoming and outgoing messages
   executeOk_servald meshms send message $SIDA1 $SIDA2 "Message1"
   executeOk_servald meshms send message $SIDA3 $SIDA1 "Message2"
   executeOk_servald meshms send message $SIDA1 $SIDA4 "Message3"
   executeOk_servald meshms send message $SIDA4 $SIDA1 "Message4"
test_listConversations() {
   executeOk_servald meshms list conversations $SIDA1
   tfw_cat --stdout
   assertStdoutIs --stderr --line=1 -e '5\n'
   assertStdoutIs --stderr --line=2 -e '_id:recipient:read:last_message:read_offset\n'
   assertStdoutGrep --stderr --matches=1 ":$SIDA2::0:0\$"
   assertStdoutGrep --stderr --matches=1 ":$SIDA3:unread:11:0\$"
   assertStdoutGrep --stderr --matches=1 ":$SIDA4:unread:14:0\$"
   assertStdoutLineCount '==' 5
   executeOk_servald meshms list conversations $SIDA1 1
   tfw_cat --stderr
   assertStdoutLineCount '==' 4
   executeOk_servald meshms list conversations $SIDA1 1 1
   tfw_cat --stderr
   assertStdoutLineCount '==' 3
   # mark all incoming messages as read
   executeOk_servald meshms read messages $SIDA1
   tfw_cat --stderr
   executeOk_servald meshms list conversations $SIDA1
   assertStdoutGrep --stderr --matches=1 ":$SIDA2::0:0\$"
   assertStdoutGrep --stderr --matches=1 ":$SIDA3::11:11\$"
   assertStdoutGrep --stderr --matches=1 ":$SIDA4::14:14\$"
   assertStdoutLineCount '==' 5

runTests "$@"