/* Serval keyring command line functions Copyright (C) 2014 Serval Project Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include "lang.h" #include "cli.h" #include "serval_types.h" #include "str.h" #include "dataformats.h" #include "os.h" #include "conf.h" #include "mdp_client.h" #include "commandline.h" #include "keyring.h" DEFINE_FEATURE(cli_keyring); DEFINE_CMD(app_keyring_create, 0, "Create a new keyring file.", "keyring","create"); static int app_keyring_create(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *UNUSED(context)) { DEBUG_cli_parsed(verbose, parsed); keyring_file *k = keyring_create_instance(); if (!k) return -1; keyring_free(k); return 0; } DEFINE_CMD(app_keyring_dump, 0, "Dump all keyring identities that can be accessed using the specified PINs", "keyring","dump" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS,"[--secret]","[]"); static int app_keyring_dump(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *UNUSED(context)) { DEBUG_cli_parsed(verbose, parsed); const char *path; if (cli_arg(parsed, "file", &path, cli_path_regular, NULL) == -1) return -1; int include_secret = 0 == cli_arg(parsed, "--secret", NULL, NULL, NULL); assert(keyring == NULL); if (!(keyring = keyring_open_instance_cli(parsed))) return -1; FILE *fp = path ? fopen(path, "w") : stdout; if (fp == NULL) return WHYF_perror("fopen(%s, \"w\")", alloca_str_toprint(path)); int ret = keyring_dump(keyring, XPRINTF_STDIO(fp), include_secret); if (fp != stdout && fclose(fp) == EOF) return WHYF_perror("fclose(%s)", alloca_str_toprint(path)); return ret; } DEFINE_CMD(app_keyring_load, 0, "Load identities from the given dump text and insert them into the keyring using the specified entry PINs", "keyring","load" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS,"","[]..."); static int app_keyring_load(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *UNUSED(context)) { DEBUG_cli_parsed(verbose, parsed); const char *path; if (cli_arg(parsed, "file", &path, cli_path_regular, NULL) == -1) return -1; unsigned pinc = 0; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < parsed->labelc; ++i) if (strn_str_cmp(parsed->labelv[i].label, parsed->labelv[i].len, "entry-pin") == 0) ++pinc; const char *pinv[pinc]; unsigned pc = 0; for (i = 0; i < parsed->labelc; ++i) if (strn_str_cmp(parsed->labelv[i].label, parsed->labelv[i].len, "entry-pin") == 0) { assert(pc < pinc); pinv[pc++] = parsed->labelv[i].text; } assert(keyring == NULL); if (!(keyring = keyring_open_instance_cli(parsed))) return -1; FILE *fp = path && strcmp(path, "-") != 0 ? fopen(path, "r") : stdin; if (fp == NULL) return WHYF_perror("fopen(%s, \"r\")", alloca_str_toprint(path)); if (keyring_load_from_dump(keyring, pinc, pinv, fp) == -1) return -1; if (keyring_commit(keyring) == -1) return WHY("Could not write new identity"); return 0; } DEFINE_CMD(app_keyring_list, 0, "List identities that can be accessed using the supplied PINs", "keyring","list" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS); static int app_keyring_list(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { DEBUG_cli_parsed(verbose, parsed); assert(keyring == NULL); if (!(keyring = keyring_open_instance_cli(parsed))) return -1; const char *names[]={ "sid", "identity", "did", "name" }; cli_start_table(context, NELS(names), names); size_t rowcount = 0; keyring_iterator it; keyring_iterator_start(keyring, &it); const keyring_identity *id; while((id = keyring_next_identity(&it))){ const char *did = NULL; const char *name = NULL; keyring_identity_extract(id, &did, &name); cli_put_string(context, alloca_tohex_sid_t(*id->box_pk), ":"); cli_put_string(context, alloca_tohex_identity_t(&id->sign_keypair->public_key), ":"); cli_put_string(context, did, ":"); cli_put_string(context, name, "\n"); rowcount++; } cli_end_table(context, rowcount); return 0; } static void cli_output_identity(struct cli_context *context, const keyring_identity *id) { cli_field_name(context, "sid", ":"); cli_put_string(context, alloca_tohex_sid_t(*id->box_pk), "\n"); cli_field_name(context, "identity", ":"); cli_put_string(context, alloca_tohex_identity_t(&id->sign_keypair->public_key), "\n"); keypair *kp=id->keypairs; while(kp){ switch(kp->type){ case KEYTYPE_DID: { char *str = (char*)kp->private_key; int l = strlen(str); if (l){ cli_field_name(context, "did", ":"); cli_put_string(context, str, "\n"); } str = (char*)kp->public_key; l=strlen(str); if (l){ cli_field_name(context, "name", ":"); cli_put_string(context, str, "\n"); } } break; case KEYTYPE_PUBLIC_TAG: { const char *name; const unsigned char *value; size_t length; if (keyring_unpack_tag(kp->public_key, kp->public_key_len, &name, &value, &length)==0){ cli_field_name(context, name, ":"); cli_put_string(context, alloca_toprint_quoted(-1, value, length, NULL), "\n"); } } break; case KEYTYPE_CRYPTOBOX: case KEYTYPE_CRYPTOSIGN: case KEYTYPE_CRYPTOCOMBINED: case KEYTYPE_RHIZOME: break; case KEYTYPE_INVALID: FATALF("ktype = 0x%02x(%s)", kp->type, keytype_str(kp->type, "unknown")); } kp=kp->next; } } DEFINE_CMD(app_keyring_list2, 0, "List the full details of identities that can be accessed using the supplied PINs", "keyring", "list", "--full" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS); static int app_keyring_list2(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { assert(keyring == NULL); if (!(keyring = keyring_open_instance_cli(parsed))) return -1; keyring_iterator it; keyring_iterator_start(keyring, &it); const keyring_identity *id; while((id = keyring_next_identity(&it))){ unsigned fields=0; // count the number of fields that we will output keypair *kp=id->keypairs; fields+=2; while(kp){ switch (kp->type) { case KEYTYPE_PUBLIC_TAG: fields++; break; case KEYTYPE_DID: if (strlen((char*)kp->private_key)) fields++; if (strlen((char*)kp->public_key)) fields++; break; case KEYTYPE_CRYPTOBOX: case KEYTYPE_CRYPTOSIGN: case KEYTYPE_CRYPTOCOMBINED: case KEYTYPE_RHIZOME: break; case KEYTYPE_INVALID: FATALF("ktype = 0x%02x(%s)", kp->type, keytype_str(kp->type, "unknown")); } kp=kp->next; } cli_field_name(context, "fields", ":"); cli_put_long(context, fields, "\n"); cli_output_identity(context, id); } return 0; } DEFINE_CMD(app_keyring_add, 0, "Create a new identity in the keyring protected by the supplied PIN (empty PIN if not given)", "keyring","add" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS,"[]"); static int app_keyring_add(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { DEBUG_cli_parsed(verbose, parsed); const char *pin; cli_arg(parsed, "pin", &pin, NULL, ""); assert(keyring == NULL); if (!(keyring = keyring_open_instance_cli(parsed))) return -1; keyring_enter_pin(keyring, pin); const keyring_identity *id = keyring_create_identity(keyring, pin); if (id == NULL) return WHY("Could not create new identity"); if (keyring_commit(keyring) == -1) return WHY("Could not write new identity"); cli_output_identity(context, id); return 0; } DEFINE_CMD(app_keyring_remove, 0, "Remove an identity from the keyring", "keyring","remove" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS,""); static int app_keyring_remove(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { DEBUG_cli_parsed(verbose, parsed); const char *sidhex; if (cli_arg(parsed, "sid", &sidhex, str_is_subscriber_id, "") == -1) return -1; sid_t sid; if (str_to_sid_t(&sid, sidhex) == -1) return WHY("str_to_sid_t() failed"); assert(keyring == NULL); if (!(keyring = keyring_open_instance_cli(parsed))) return -1; keyring_identity *id = keyring_find_identity_sid(keyring, &sid); if (!id) return WHY("No matching SID"); keyring_destroy_identity(keyring, id); if (keyring_commit(keyring) == -1) return WHY("Could not destroy identity"); cli_output_identity(context, id); keyring_free_identity(id); return 0; } DEFINE_CMD(app_keyring_set_did, 0, "Set the DID for the specified SID (must supply PIN to unlock the SID record in the keyring)", "keyring", "set","did" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS,"","","", "[]"); static int app_keyring_set_did(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { DEBUG_cli_parsed(verbose, parsed); const char *sidhex, *did, *name, *new_pin; if (cli_arg(parsed, "sid", &sidhex, str_is_subscriber_id, "") == -1 || cli_arg(parsed, "did", &did, cli_optional_did, "") == -1 || cli_arg(parsed, "name", &name, cli_optional_identity_name, "") == -1) return -1; int set_pin = cli_arg(parsed, "new_pin", &new_pin, NULL, "") == 0; sid_t sid; if (str_to_sid_t(&sid, sidhex) == -1){ return WHY("str_to_sid_t() failed"); } assert(keyring == NULL); if (!(keyring = keyring_open_instance_cli(parsed))) return -1; keyring_identity *id = keyring_find_identity_sid(keyring, &sid); if (!id) return WHY("No matching SID"); if (keyring_set_did_name(id, did, name) == -1) return WHY("Could not set DID/Name"); if (set_pin && keyring_set_pin(id, new_pin)) return WHY("Could not set new pin"); if (keyring_commit(keyring)) return WHY("Could not write updated keyring record"); cli_output_identity(context, id); return 0; } DEFINE_CMD(app_keyring_set_tag, 0, "Set a named tag for the specified SID (must supply PIN to unlock the SID record in the keyring)", "keyring", "set","tag" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS,"","",""); static int app_keyring_set_tag(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { DEBUG_cli_parsed(verbose, parsed); const char *sidhex, *tag, *value; if (cli_arg(parsed, "sid", &sidhex, str_is_subscriber_id, "") == -1 || cli_arg(parsed, "tag", &tag, NULL, "") == -1 || cli_arg(parsed, "value", &value, NULL, "") == -1 ) return -1; assert(keyring == NULL); if (!(keyring = keyring_open_instance_cli(parsed))) return -1; sid_t sid; if (str_to_sid_t(&sid, sidhex) == -1) return WHY("str_to_sid_t() failed"); keyring_identity *id = keyring_find_identity_sid(keyring, &sid); if (!id) return WHY("No matching SID"); int length = strlen(value); if (keyring_set_public_tag(id, tag, (const unsigned char*)value, length)) return WHY("Could not set tag value"); if (keyring_commit(keyring)) return WHY("Could not write updated keyring record"); cli_output_identity(context, id); return 0; } static int handle_pins(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *UNUSED(context), int revoke) { const char *pin, *sid_hex; if (cli_arg(parsed, "entry-pin", &pin, NULL, "") == -1 || cli_arg(parsed, "sid", &sid_hex, str_is_subscriber_id, "") == -1) return -1; int ret=1; struct mdp_header header={ .remote.port=MDP_IDENTITY, }; int mdp_sock = mdp_socket(); set_nonblock(mdp_sock); unsigned char request_payload[1200]; struct mdp_identity_request *request = (struct mdp_identity_request *)request_payload; if (revoke){ request->action=ACTION_LOCK; }else{ request->action=ACTION_UNLOCK; } size_t len = sizeof(struct mdp_identity_request); if (pin && *pin) { request->type=TYPE_PIN; size_t pin_siz = strlen(pin) + 1; if (pin_siz + len > sizeof(request_payload)) return WHY("Supplied pin is too long"); bcopy(pin, &request_payload[len], pin_siz); len += pin_siz; }else if(sid_hex && *sid_hex){ request->type=TYPE_SID; sid_t sid; if (str_to_sid_t(&sid, sid_hex) == -1) return WHY("str_to_sid_t() failed"); bcopy(sid.binary, &request_payload[len], sizeof(sid)); len += sizeof(sid); } if (mdp_send(mdp_sock, &header, request_payload, len) == -1) goto end; time_ms_t timeout=gettime_ms()+5000; while(1){ struct mdp_header rev_header; unsigned char response_payload[1600]; ssize_t len = mdp_poll_recv(mdp_sock, timeout, &rev_header, response_payload, sizeof(response_payload)); if (len==-1) break; if (len==-2){ WHYF("Timeout while waiting for response"); break; } if (rev_header.flags & MDP_FLAG_CLOSE){ ret=0; break; } } end: mdp_close(mdp_sock); return ret; } DEFINE_CMD(app_revoke_pin, 0, "Unload any identities protected by this pin and drop all routes to them", "id", "relinquish", "pin", ""); DEFINE_CMD(app_revoke_pin, 0, "Unload a specific identity and drop all routes to it", "id", "relinquish", "sid", ""); int app_revoke_pin(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { return handle_pins(parsed, context, 1); } DEFINE_CMD(app_id_pin, 0, "Unlock any pin protected identities and enable routing packets to them", "id", "enter", "pin", ""); static int app_id_pin(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { return handle_pins(parsed, context, 0); } DEFINE_CMD(app_id_list, 0, "Search unlocked identities based on an optional tag and value", "id", "list", "[]", "[]"); static int app_id_list(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { const char *tag, *value; if (cli_arg(parsed, "tag", &tag, NULL, "") == -1 || cli_arg(parsed, "value", &value, NULL, "") == -1 ) return -1; int ret=-1; struct mdp_header header={ .remote.port=MDP_SEARCH_IDS, }; int mdp_sock = mdp_socket(); set_nonblock(mdp_sock); unsigned char request_payload[1200]; size_t len=0; if (tag && *tag){ size_t value_len=0; if (value && *value) value_len = strlen(value); len = sizeof(request_payload); if (keyring_pack_tag(request_payload, &len, tag, (unsigned char*)value, value_len)) goto end; } if (mdp_send(mdp_sock, &header, request_payload, len) == -1) goto end; const char *names[]={ "sid" }; cli_start_table(context, NELS(names), names); size_t rowcount=0; time_ms_t timeout=gettime_ms()+5000; while(1){ struct mdp_header rev_header; unsigned char response_payload[1600]; ssize_t len = mdp_poll_recv(mdp_sock, timeout, &rev_header, response_payload, sizeof(response_payload)); if (len==-1) break; if (len==-2){ WHYF("Timeout while waiting for response"); break; } if ((size_t)len>=SID_SIZE){ rowcount++; sid_t *id = (sid_t*)response_payload; cli_put_hexvalue(context, id->binary, sizeof(sid_t), "\n"); // TODO receive and decode other details about this identity } if (rev_header.flags & MDP_FLAG_CLOSE){ ret=0; break; } } cli_end_table(context, rowcount); end: mdp_close(mdp_sock); return ret; }