/* Serval DNA command-line interface Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Serval Project Inc. Copyright (C) 2016 Flinders University This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <assert.h> #include "cli.h" #include "fdqueue.h" #include "str.h" #include "strbuf_helpers.h" #include "log.h" #include "debug.h" int cli_usage(const struct cli_schema *commands, const struct cli_schema *end_commands, XPRINTF xpf) { return cli_usage_args(0, NULL, commands, end_commands, xpf); } int cli_usage_parsed(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, XPRINTF xpf) { if (parsed->varargi == -1) return cli_usage(parsed->commands, parsed->end_commands, xpf); return cli_usage_args(parsed->argc - parsed->varargi, &parsed->args[parsed->varargi], parsed->commands, parsed->end_commands, xpf); } static int cli_usage_print(const int argc, const char *const *args, const struct cli_schema *command, XPRINTF xpf) { int opt; const char *word; for (opt = 0; opt < argc && (word = command->words[opt]); ++opt) if (strncmp(word, args[opt], strlen(args[opt])) != 0) return 0; for (opt = 0; (word = command->words[opt]); ++opt) { if (word[0] == '|') ++word; xprintf(xpf, " %s", word); } xputc('\n', xpf); if (command->description && command->description[0]) xprintf(xpf, " %s\n", command->description); return 1; } static int cmp_command(const void *one, const void *two) { const struct cli_schema *cone = *(const struct cli_schema **)one; const struct cli_schema *ctwo = *(const struct cli_schema **)two; unsigned i; for (i=0; ; i++){ if (!cone->words[i] || !ctwo->words[i]){ if (cone->words[i]) return 1; if (ctwo->words[i]) return -1; return 0; } int r = strcmp(cone->words[i],ctwo->words[i]); if (r) return r; } } int cli_usage_args(const int argc, const char *const *args, const struct cli_schema *commands, const struct cli_schema *end_commands, XPRINTF xpf) { unsigned count; for (count=0; (!end_commands || &commands[count] < end_commands) && commands[count].function; ++count) ; const struct cli_schema *cmds[count]; unsigned cmd; for (cmd = 0; cmd < count; cmd++) cmds[cmd] = &commands[cmd]; qsort(cmds, count, sizeof(struct cli_schema *), cmp_command); unsigned matched_any = 0; for (cmd = 0; cmd < count; cmd++){ if (cli_usage_print(argc,args,cmds[cmd],xpf)==1) matched_any = 1; } if (!matched_any && argc) { strbuf b = strbuf_alloca(160); strbuf_append_argv(b, argc, args); xprintf(xpf, " No commands matching %s\n", strbuf_str(b)); } return 0; } /* Returns 0 if a command is matched and parsed, with the results of the parsing in the '*parsed' * structure. * * Returns 1 and logs an error if no command matches the argument list, contents of '*parsed' are * undefined. * * Returns 2 if the argument list is ambiguous, ie, matches more than one command, contents of * '*parsed' are undefined. * * Returns -1 and logs an error if the parsing fails due to an internal error (eg, malformed command * schema), contents of '*parsed' are undefined. * * @author Andrew Bettison <andrew@servalproject.com> */ int cli_parse(const int argc, const char *const *args, const struct cli_schema *commands, const struct cli_schema *end_commands, struct cli_parsed *parsed) { int ambiguous = 0; int matched_cmd = -1; int cmd; for (cmd = 0; (!end_commands || &commands[cmd] < end_commands) && commands[cmd].function; ++cmd) { struct cli_parsed cmdpa; memset(&cmdpa, 0, sizeof cmdpa); cmdpa.commands = commands; cmdpa.end_commands = end_commands; cmdpa.cmdi = cmd; cmdpa.args = args; cmdpa.argc = argc; cmdpa.labelc = 0; cmdpa.varargi = -1; const char *pattern = NULL; int arg = 0; unsigned opt = 0; while ((pattern = commands[cmd].words[opt])) { //DEBUGF(cli, "cmd=%d opt=%d pattern='%s' args[arg=%d]='%s'", cmd, opt, pattern, arg, arg < argc ? args[arg] : ""); unsigned patlen = strlen(pattern); if (cmdpa.varargi != -1) return WHYF("Internal error: commands[%d].word[%d]=\"%s\" - more words not allowed after \"...\"", cmd, opt, commands[cmd].words[opt]); /* These are the argument matching rules: * * "..." consumes all remaining arguments * * "word" consumes one argument that exactly matches "word", does not label it (this is the * "simple" case in the code below; all other rules label something that matched) * * "word1|word2|...|wordN" consumes one argument that exactly matches "word1" or "word2" etc. * or "wordN", labels it with the matched word (an empty alternative, eg "|word" does not * match an empty argument) * * (as a special case of the above rule, "|word" consumes one argument that exactly matches * "word" and labels it "word", but it appears in the help description as "word") * * "<label>" consumes exactly one argument "ANY", records it with label "label" * * "prefix=<any>" consumes one argument "prefix=ANY" or two arguments "prefix" "ANY", * and records the text matching ANY with label "prefix" * * "prefix <any>" consumes one argyment "prefix ANY" if available or two arguments "prefix" * "ANY", and records the text matching ANY with label "prefix" * * "prefix<any>" consumes one argument "prefixANY", and records the text matching ANY with * label "prefix" * * "[ANY]..." consumes all remaining arguments which match ANY, as defined below * * "[word]" consumes one argument if it exactly matches "word", records it with label * "word" * * "[word1|word2|...|wordN]" consumes one argument if it exactly matches "word1" or "word2" * etc. or "wordN", labels it with the matched word * * "[<label>]" consumes one argument "ANY" if available, records it with label "label" * * "[prefix=<any>]" consumes one argument "prefix=ANY" if available or two arguments * "prefix" "ANY" if available, records the text matching ANY with label "prefix" * * "[prefix <any>]" consumes one argument "prefix ANY" if available or two arguments * "prefix" "ANY" if available, records the text matching ANY with label "prefix" * * "[prefix<any>]" consumes one argument "prefixANY" if available, records the text matching * ANY with label "prefix" */ if (patlen == 3 && pattern[0] == '.' && pattern[1] == '.' && pattern[2] == '.') { cmdpa.varargi = arg; arg = argc; ++opt; } else { int optional = 0; int repeating = 0; if (patlen > 5 && pattern[0] == '[' && pattern[patlen-4] == ']' && pattern[patlen-3] == '.' && pattern[patlen-2] == '.' && pattern[patlen-1] == '.') { optional = repeating = 1; pattern += 1; patlen -= 5; } else if (patlen > 2 && pattern[0] == '[' && pattern[patlen-1] == ']') { optional = 1; pattern += 1; patlen -= 2; } int oarg = arg; const char *text = NULL; const char *label = NULL; unsigned labellen = 0; const char *word = pattern; unsigned wordlen = 0; char simple = 0; unsigned alt = 0; if (patlen && *word == '|') { ++alt; ++word; } if (patlen == 0) return WHYF("Internal error: commands[%d].word[%d]=\"%s\" - empty words not allowed", cmd, opt, commands[cmd].words[opt]); for (; word < &pattern[patlen]; word += wordlen + 1, ++alt) { // Skip over empty "||word" alternative (but still count it). if (*word == '|') return WHYF("Internal error: commands[%d].word[%d]=\"%s\" - empty alternatives not allowed", cmd, opt, commands[cmd].words[opt]); // Find end of "word|" alternative. wordlen = 1; while (&word[wordlen] < &pattern[patlen] && word[wordlen] != '|') ++wordlen; // Skip remaining alternatives if we already got a match. if (text) continue; // Look for a match. const char *prefix = NULL; unsigned prefixlen = 0; unsigned prefixarglen = 0; const char *caret = strchr(word, '<'); if (wordlen > 2 && caret && word[wordlen-1] == '>') { if ((prefixarglen = prefixlen = caret - word)) { prefix = word; if (prefixlen > 1 && (prefix[prefixlen-1] == '=' || prefix[prefixlen-1] == ' ')) --prefixarglen; label = prefix; labellen = prefixarglen; if (arg < argc) { unsigned arglen = strlen(args[arg]); if (arglen >= prefixlen && strncmp(args[arg], prefix, prefixlen) == 0) { text = args[arg++] + prefixlen; } else if (arg + 1 < argc && arglen == prefixarglen && strncmp(args[arg], prefix, prefixarglen) == 0) { ++arg; text = args[arg++]; } } } else { label = &word[1]; labellen = wordlen - 2; if (arg < argc) text = args[arg++]; } } else if (arg < argc && strlen(args[arg]) == wordlen && strncmp(args[arg], word, wordlen) == 0) { simple = 1; text = args[arg]; label = word; labellen = wordlen; ++arg; } } assert(alt > 0); if (arg == oarg && !optional) break; if (labellen && text && (optional || !simple || alt > 1)) { if (cmdpa.labelc >= NELS(cmdpa.labelv)) return WHYF("Internal error: commands[%d].word[%d]=\"%s\" - label limit exceeded", cmd, opt, commands[cmd].words[opt]); cmdpa.labelv[cmdpa.labelc].label = label; cmdpa.labelv[cmdpa.labelc].len = labellen; cmdpa.labelv[cmdpa.labelc].text = text; ++cmdpa.labelc; if (!repeating) ++opt; } else ++opt; } } //DEBUGF(cli, "cmd=%d opt=%d args[arg=%d]='%s'", cmd, opt, arg, arg < argc ? args[arg] : ""); if (!pattern && arg == argc) { /* A match! We got through the command definition with no internal errors and all literal args matched and we have a proper number of args. If we have multiple matches, then note that the call is ambiguous. */ if (matched_cmd >= 0) ++ambiguous; if (ambiguous == 1) { NOWHENCE(WHY_argv("Ambiguous command:", argc, args)); NOWHENCE(HINT("Matches the following:")); NOWHENCE(HINT_argv(" ", argc, commands[matched_cmd].words)); } if (ambiguous) NOWHENCE(HINT_argv(" ", argc, commands[cmd].words)); matched_cmd = cmd; *parsed = cmdpa; } } /* Don't process ambiguous calls */ if (ambiguous) return 2; /* Complain if we found no matching calls */ if (matched_cmd < 0) { if (argc) NOWHENCE(WHY_argv("Unknown command:", argc, args)); return 1; } return 0; } void _debug_cli_parsed(struct __sourceloc __whence, const char *tag, const struct cli_parsed *parsed) { strbuf t = strbuf_alloca(strlen(tag) + 3); strbuf_putc(t, '{'); strbuf_puts(t, tag); strbuf_putc(t, '}'); _DEBUG_argv(strbuf_str(t), parsed->argc, parsed->args); strbuf b = strbuf_alloca(1024); unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < parsed->labelc; ++i) { const struct labelv *lab = &parsed->labelv[i]; strbuf_sprintf(b, " %s=%s", alloca_toprint(-1, lab->label, lab->len), alloca_str_toprint(lab->text)); } if (parsed->varargi >= 0) strbuf_sprintf(b, " varargi=%d", parsed->varargi); _DEBUGF_TAG(tag, "parsed%s", strbuf_str(b)); } int cli_invoke(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context) { IN(); int ret = parsed->commands[parsed->cmdi].function(parsed, context); RETURN(ret); OUT(); } int _cli_arg(struct __sourceloc __whence, const struct cli_parsed *parsed, char *label, const char **dst, int (*validator)(const char *arg), char *defaultvalue) { unsigned labellen = strlen(label); if (dst) *dst = defaultvalue; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < parsed->labelc; ++i) { if (parsed->labelv[i].len == labellen && strncasecmp(label, parsed->labelv[i].label, labellen) == 0) { const char *value = parsed->labelv[i].text; if (validator && !(*validator)(value)) return WHYF("Invalid '%s' argument \"%s\"", label, value); if (dst) *dst = value; return 0; } } /* No matching valid argument was found, so return default value. It might seem that this should never happen, but it can because more than one version of a command line option may exist, one with a given argument and another without, and allowing a default value means we can have a single function handle both in a fairly simple manner. */ return 1; } /* Output primitive dispatch. */ void cli_delim(struct cli_context *context, const char *opt) { (context->vtable->delim)(context, opt); } void cli_write(struct cli_context *context, const char *buf, size_t len) { (context->vtable->write)(context, buf, len); } void cli_puts(struct cli_context *context, const char *str) { (context->vtable->puts)(context, str); } void cli_printf(struct cli_context *context, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); (context->vtable->vprintf)(context, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } void cli_put_long(struct cli_context *context, int64_t value, const char *delim_opt) { (context->vtable->put_long)(context, value, delim_opt); } void cli_put_string(struct cli_context *context, const char *value, const char *delim_opt) { (context->vtable->put_string)(context, value, delim_opt); } void cli_put_hexvalue(struct cli_context *context, const unsigned char *value, int length, const char *delim_opt) { (context->vtable->put_hexvalue)(context, value, length, delim_opt); } void cli_put_blob(struct cli_context *context, const unsigned char *blob, int length, const char *delim_opt) { (context->vtable->put_blob)(context, blob, length, delim_opt); } void cli_start_table(struct cli_context *context, size_t column_count, const char *column_names[]) { (context->vtable->start_table)(context, column_count, column_names); } void cli_end_table(struct cli_context *context, size_t row_count) { (context->vtable->end_table)(context, row_count); } void cli_field_name(struct cli_context *context, const char *name, const char *delim_opt) { (context->vtable->field_name)(context, name, delim_opt); } void cli_flush(struct cli_context *UNUSED(context)) { (context->vtable->flush)(context); } /* Parsing validator functions. */ #include "numeric_str.h" #include "serval_types.h" #include "dataformats.h" #include "rhizome_types.h" int cli_lookup_did(const char *text) { return text[0] == '\0' || strcmp(text, "*") == 0 || str_is_did(text); } int cli_path_regular(const char *arg) { return arg[0] != '\0' && arg[strlen(arg) - 1] != '/'; } int cli_absolute_path(const char *arg) { return arg[0] == '/' && arg[1] != '\0'; } int cli_optional_sid(const char *arg) { return !arg[0] || str_is_subscriber_id(arg); } int cli_optional_bundle_secret_key(const char *arg) { return !arg[0] || str_to_rhizome_bsk_t(NULL, arg) != -1; } int cli_bid(const char *arg) { return str_to_rhizome_bid_t(NULL, arg) != -1; } int cli_optional_bid(const char *arg) { return !arg[0] || is_xsubstring(arg, sizeof(rhizome_bid_t)); } int cli_fileid(const char *arg) { return is_xsubstring(arg, sizeof(rhizome_filehash_t)); } int cli_optional_bundle_crypt_key(const char *arg) { return !arg[0] || rhizome_str_is_bundle_crypt_key(arg); } int cli_uint(const char *arg) { register const char *s = arg; while (isdigit(*s)) ++s; return s != arg && *s == '\0'; } int cli_interval_ms(const char *arg) { return str_to_uint64_interval_ms(arg, NULL, NULL); } int cli_optional_did(const char *text) { return text[0] == '\0' || str_is_did(text); } int cli_optional_identity_name(const char *text) { return text[0] == '\0' || str_is_identity_name(text); }