#include "serval.h" #include "conf.h" #include "log.h" /* SLIP-style escape characters used for serial packet radio interfaces */ #define SLIP_END 0xc0 #define SLIP_ESC 0xdb #define SLIP_0a 0x0a #define SLIP_0d 0x0d #define SLIP_0f 0x0f #define SLIP_1b 0x1b #define SLIP_ESC_END 0xdc #define SLIP_ESC_ESC 0xdd #define SLIP_ESC_0a 0x7a #define SLIP_ESC_0d 0x7d #define SLIP_ESC_0f 0x7f #define SLIP_ESC_1b 0x6b /* interface decoder state bits */ #define DC_VALID 1 #define DC_ESC 2 int slip_encode(int format, unsigned char *src, int src_bytes, unsigned char *dst, int dst_len) { switch(format) { case SLIP_FORMAT_SLIP: { int offset=0; int i; if (offset+2>dst_len) return WHY("Dest buffer full"); dst[offset++]=SLIP_END; uint32_t crc=Crc32_ComputeBuf( 0, src, src_bytes); // (I'm assuming there are 4 extra bytes in memory here, which is very naughty...) write_uint32(src+src_bytes, crc); for (i=0;idst_len) return WHY("Dest buffer full"); switch(src[i]) { case SLIP_END: dst[offset++]=SLIP_ESC; dst[offset++]=SLIP_ESC_END; break; case SLIP_ESC: dst[offset++]=SLIP_ESC; dst[offset++]=SLIP_ESC_ESC; break; case SLIP_0a: dst[offset++]=SLIP_ESC; dst[offset++]=SLIP_ESC_0a; break; case SLIP_0d: dst[offset++]=SLIP_ESC; dst[offset++]=SLIP_ESC_0d; break; case SLIP_0f: dst[offset++]=SLIP_ESC; dst[offset++]=SLIP_ESC_0f; break; case SLIP_1b: dst[offset++]=SLIP_ESC; dst[offset++]=SLIP_ESC_1b; break; default: dst[offset++]=src[i]; } } dst[offset++]=SLIP_END; return offset; } case SLIP_FORMAT_UPPER7: /* The purpose of this encoder is to work nicely with the RFD900 radios, including allowing the reception of RSSI information in the middle of packets. RSSI reports look like: L/R RSSI: 48/0 L/R noise: 62/0 pkts: 0 txe=0 rxe=0 stx=0 srx=0 ecc=0/0 temp=21 dco=0 So we are using 0x80-0xff to hold data, and { and } to frame packets. */ if (config.debug.slip) dump("pre-slipped packet",src,src_bytes); { if (src_bytes<1) return 0; if (src_bytes>0x3fff) return WHYF("UPPER7 SLIP encoder packets must be <=0x3fff bytes"); if (dst_len<(9+src_bytes+(src_bytes/7)+1)) return WHYF("UPPER7 SLIP encoder requires 9+(8/7)*bytes to encode"); int i,j; int out_len=0; // Start of packet marker dst[out_len++]='{'; // Length of (unencoded) packet dst[out_len++]=0x80+((src_bytes>>7)&0x7f); dst[out_len++]=0x80+((src_bytes>>0)&0x7f); // Add 32-bit CRC // (putting the CRC at the front allows it to be calculated progressively // on the receiver side, if we decide to support that) uint32_t crc=Crc32_ComputeBuf( 0, src, src_bytes); dst[out_len++]=0x80|((crc>>25)&0x7f); dst[out_len++]=0x80|((crc>>(25-7))&0x7f); dst[out_len++]=0x80|((crc>>(25-7-7))&0x7f); dst[out_len++]=0x80|((crc>>(25-7-7-7))&0x7f); dst[out_len++]=0x80|((crc>>0)&0x7f); for(i=0;idst_len) return WHYF("Ran out of space in UPPER7 SLIP encoder (used all %d bytes after encoding %d of %d bytes)", dst_len,i,src_bytes); // We could use a nice for loop to do this, but for 8 bytes, let's // just do it explicitly. dst[out_len++]=0x80| (v[0]>>1); dst[out_len++]=0x80|((v[0]&0x01)<<6)|(v[1]>>2); dst[out_len++]=0x80|((v[1]&0x03)<<5)|(v[2]>>3); dst[out_len++]=0x80|((v[2]&0x07)<<4)|(v[3]>>4); dst[out_len++]=0x80|((v[3]&0x0f)<<3)|(v[4]>>5); dst[out_len++]=0x80|((v[4]&0x1f)<<2)|(v[5]>>6); dst[out_len++]=0x80|((v[5]&0x3f)<<1)|(v[6]>>7); dst[out_len++]=0x80|((v[6]&0x7f)<<0); } // Mark end of packet dst[out_len++]='}'; // Detect fatal miscalculations on byte counts if (out_len>dst_len) { FATALF("overran output buffer in SLIP UPPER7 encapsulation of packet (used %d of %d bytes)",out_len,dst_len); } return out_len; } default: return WHYF("Unsupported slip encoding #%d",format); } } unsigned long long last_rssi_time=0; int last_radio_rssi=-999; int last_radio_temperature=-999; int last_radio_rxpackets=0; int parse_rfd900_rssi(char *s) { int lrssi,rrssi,lnoise,rnoise,rxpackets,temp; // L/R RSSI: 48/0 L/R noise: 62/0 pkts: 0 txe=0 rxe=0 stx=0 srx=0 ecc=0/0 temp=21 dco=0 if (sscanf(s,"L/R RSSI: %d/%d L/R noise: %d/%d pkts: %d txe=%*d rxe=%*d stx=%*d srx=%*d ecc=%*d/%*d temp=%d dco=%*d", &lrssi,&rrssi,&lnoise,&rnoise,&rxpackets, &temp)==6) { int lmargin=(lrssi-lnoise)/1.9; int rmargin=(rrssi-rnoise)/1.9; int maxmargin=lmargin; if (rmargin>maxmargin) maxmargin=rmargin; last_radio_rssi=maxmargin; last_radio_temperature=temp; last_radio_rxpackets=rxpackets; if (config.debug.packetradio||(gettime_ms()-last_rssi_time>30000)) { INFOF("Link budget = %+ddB, temperature=%dC",maxmargin,temp); last_rssi_time=gettime_ms(); } } return 0; } #define UPPER7_STATE_NOTINPACKET 0 #define UPPER7_STATE_L1 1 #define UPPER7_STATE_L2 2 #define UPPER7_STATE_C1 3 #define UPPER7_STATE_C2 4 #define UPPER7_STATE_C3 5 #define UPPER7_STATE_C4 6 #define UPPER7_STATE_C5 7 #define UPPER7_STATE_D0 8 #define UPPER7_STATE_D1 9 #define UPPER7_STATE_D2 10 #define UPPER7_STATE_D3 11 #define UPPER7_STATE_D4 12 #define UPPER7_STATE_D5 13 #define UPPER7_STATE_D6 14 #define UPPER7_STATE_D7 15 int u7d_calls=0; int upper7_decode(struct slip_decode_state *state,unsigned char byte) { IN() u7d_calls++; if (config.debug.slipdecode) snprintf(crash_handler_clue,1024, "upper7_decode() call #%d: state=%d, byte=0x%02x, rssi_len=%d, dst_offset=%d", u7d_calls,state->state,byte,state->rssi_len,state->dst_offset); if (config.debug.slipbytestream) WHYF("call #%d: state=%d, byte=0x%02x, rssi_len=%d, dst_offset=%d", u7d_calls,state->state,byte,state->rssi_len,state->dst_offset); // Parse out inline RSSI reports if (byte=='{') { state->state=UPPER7_STATE_L1; state->packet_length=0; RETURN(0); } else if (byte=='}') { // End of packet marker -- report end of received packet to caller // for CRC verification etc. state->state=UPPER7_STATE_NOTINPACKET; RETURN(1); } else if (byte>=' '&&byte<=0x7f) { if (state->rssi_len<0) state->rssi_len=0; if (state->rssi_lenrssi_text[state->rssi_len++]=byte; RETURN(0); } else if (byte=='\r'||byte=='\n') { if (state->rssi_len>=RSSI_TEXT_SIZE) state->rssi_len=RSSI_TEXT_SIZE-1; if (state->rssi_len<0) state->rssi_len=0; state->rssi_text[state->rssi_len]=0; parse_rfd900_rssi(state->rssi_text); state->rssi_len=0; } // Non-data bytes (none currently used, but we need to catch them before // moving onto processing data bytes) if (byte<0x80) { RETURN(0); } // Data bytes and packet fields byte&=0x7f; if (state->packet_length>=OVERLAY_INTERFACE_RX_BUFFER_SIZE ||(state->dst_offset+7)>=OVERLAY_INTERFACE_RX_BUFFER_SIZE ||state->dst_offset<0) { WARNF("state=%p, state->dst_offset=%d, ->packet_length=%d, ->state=%d. State reset.", state,state->dst_offset,state->packet_length,state->state); state->state=UPPER7_STATE_NOTINPACKET; state->dst_offset=0; state->packet_length=0; RETURN(0); } switch(state->state) { case UPPER7_STATE_NOTINPACKET: RETURN(0); case UPPER7_STATE_L1: state->packet_length=byte<<7; state->state++; RETURN(0); case UPPER7_STATE_L2: state->packet_length|=byte; // Make sure packet length can fit in RX buffer, including that we might // need upto 7 bytes extra temporary space due to blocking if ((state->packet_length+7)state++; state->dst_offset=0; } else { if (config.debug.packetradio) DEBUGF("Ignoring jumbo packet of %d bytes",state->packet_length); state->state=UPPER7_STATE_NOTINPACKET; } RETURN(0); case UPPER7_STATE_C1: state->crc=byte<<25; state->state++; RETURN(0); case UPPER7_STATE_C2: state->crc|=byte<<(25-7); state->state++; RETURN(0); case UPPER7_STATE_C3: state->crc|=byte<<(25-7-7); state->state++; RETURN(0); case UPPER7_STATE_C4: state->crc|=byte<<(25-7-7-7); state->state++; RETURN(0); case UPPER7_STATE_C5: state->crc|=byte<<0; state->state++; RETURN(0); case UPPER7_STATE_D0: if (state->packet_length>=OVERLAY_INTERFACE_RX_BUFFER_SIZE ||(state->dst_offset+7)>=OVERLAY_INTERFACE_RX_BUFFER_SIZE ||state->dst_offset<0) { WARNF("state->dst_offset=%d, ->packet_length=%d, ->state=%d. State reset (again).", state->dst_offset,state->packet_length,state->state); state->state=UPPER7_STATE_NOTINPACKET; state->dst_offset=0; state->packet_length=0; RETURN(0); } state->dst[state->dst_offset]=byte<<1; state->state++; RETURN(0); case UPPER7_STATE_D1: state->dst[state->dst_offset+0]|=(byte>>6)&0x01; state->dst[state->dst_offset+1]=(byte<<2); state->state++; RETURN(0); case UPPER7_STATE_D2: state->dst[state->dst_offset+1]|=(byte>>5)&0x03; state->dst[state->dst_offset+2]=(byte<<3); state->state++; RETURN(0); case UPPER7_STATE_D3: state->dst[state->dst_offset+2]|=(byte>>4)&0x07; state->dst[state->dst_offset+3]=(byte<<4); state->state++; RETURN(0); case UPPER7_STATE_D4: state->dst[state->dst_offset+3]|=(byte>>3)&0x0f; state->dst[state->dst_offset+4]=(byte<<5); state->state++; RETURN(0); case UPPER7_STATE_D5: state->dst[state->dst_offset+4]|=(byte>>2)&0x1f; state->dst[state->dst_offset+5]=(byte<<6); state->state++; RETURN(0); case UPPER7_STATE_D6: state->dst[state->dst_offset+5]|=(byte>>1)&0x3f; state->dst[state->dst_offset+6]=(byte<<7); state->state++; RETURN(0); case UPPER7_STATE_D7: state->dst[state->dst_offset+6]|=(byte>>0)&0x7f; state->dst_offset+=7; state->state=UPPER7_STATE_D0; RETURN(0); default: state->state=UPPER7_STATE_NOTINPACKET; RETURN(0); } OUT(); } /* state->src and state->src_size contain the freshly read bytes we must accumulate any partial state between calls. */ int slip_decode(struct slip_decode_state *state) { switch(state->encapsulator) { case SLIP_FORMAT_SLIP: { /* Examine received bytes for end of packet marker. The challenge is that we need to make sure that the packet encapsulation is self-synchronising in the event that a data error occurs (including failure to receive an arbitrary number of bytes). */ while(state->src_offset < state->src_size){ // clear the valid bit flag if we hit the end of the destination buffer if (state->dst_offset>=sizeof(state->dst)) state->state&=~DC_VALID; if (state->state&DC_ESC){ // clear escape bit state->state&=~DC_ESC; switch(state->src[state->src_offset]) { case SLIP_ESC_END: // escaped END byte state->dst[state->dst_offset++]=SLIP_END; break; case SLIP_ESC_ESC: // escaped escape character state->dst[state->dst_offset++]=SLIP_ESC; break; case SLIP_ESC_0a: state->dst[state->dst_offset++]=SLIP_0a; break; case SLIP_ESC_0d: state->dst[state->dst_offset++]=SLIP_0d; break; case SLIP_ESC_0f: state->dst[state->dst_offset++]=SLIP_0f; break; case SLIP_ESC_1b: state->dst[state->dst_offset++]=SLIP_1b; break; default: /* Unknown escape character. This is an error. */ if (config.debug.packetradio) WARNF("Packet radio stream contained illegal escaped byte 0x%02x -- resetting parser.",state->src[state->src_offset]); state->dst_offset=0; // skip everything until the next SLIP_END state->state=0; } }else{ // non-escape character switch(state->src[state->src_offset]) { case SLIP_ESC: // set escape bit state->state|=DC_ESC; break; case SLIP_END: if (state->dst_offset>4){ uint32_t src_crc = read_uint32(state->dst + state->dst_offset -4); uint32_t crc=Crc32_ComputeBuf( 0, state->dst, state->dst_offset -4); if (src_crc != crc){ DEBUGF("Dropping frame due to CRC failure (%08x vs %08x)", src_crc, crc); dump("frame", state->dst, state->dst_offset); state->dst_offset=0; state->state=0; break; } // return once we've successfully parsed a valid packet that isn't empty state->packet_length=state->dst_offset -4; return 1; } // set the valid flag to begin parsing the next packet state->state=DC_VALID; break; default: if (state->state&DC_VALID) state->dst[state->dst_offset++]=state->src[state->src_offset]; } } state->src_offset++; } return 0; } case SLIP_FORMAT_UPPER7: { if (config.debug.slip) { if (state->rssi_len<0) state->rssi_len=0; if (state->rssi_len>=RSSI_TEXT_SIZE) state->rssi_len=RSSI_TEXT_SIZE-1; state->rssi_text[state->rssi_len]=0; DEBUGF("RX state=%d, rssi_len=%d, rssi_text='%s',src=%p, src_size=%d", state->state,state->rssi_len,state->rssi_text, state->src,state->src_size); } while(state->src_offsetsrc_size) { if (upper7_decode(state,state->src[state->src_offset++])==1) { if (config.debug.slip) { dump("de-slipped packet",state->dst,state->packet_length); } // Check that CRC matches uint32_t crc=Crc32_ComputeBuf( 0, state->dst, state->packet_length); if (crc!=state->crc) { if (config.debug.packetradio||config.debug.rejecteddata) DEBUGF("Rejected packet of %d bytes due to CRC mis-match (%08x vs %08x)", state->packet_length,crc,state->crc); if (config.debug.rejecteddata) { dump("bad packet",state->dst,state->packet_length); } } else { if (config.debug.packetradio) DEBUGF("Accepted packet of %d bytes (CRC ok)",state->packet_length); return 1; } } } } return 0; default: return WHYF("Unknown SLIP encapsulation format #%d",state->encapsulator); } }