/* Serval Distributed Numbering Architecture (DNA) Copyright (C) 2012 Paul Gardner-Stephen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "serval.h" #include struct callback_stats { long long max_time; long long total_time; int calls; }; #define MAX_ALARMS 128 typedef struct callback_alarm { void (*func)(); long long next_alarm; long long repeat_every; struct callback_stats stats; } callback_alarm; callback_alarm alarms[MAX_ALARMS]; int alarmcount=0; #define MAX_WATCHED_FDS 128 struct pollfd fds[MAX_WATCHED_FDS]; int fdcount=0; void(*fd_functions[MAX_WATCHED_FDS])(int fd); struct callback_stats fd_stats[MAX_WATCHED_FDS]; struct callback_stats poll_stats={0,0,0}; /* @PGS/20120615 */ int last_valid=0; int last_line; const char *last_file; const char *last_func; long long last_time; /* @PGS/20120615 */ void TIMING_PAUSE() { last_valid=0; } /* @PGS/20120615 */ void _TIMING_CHECK(const char *file,const char *func,int line) { long long now=overlay_gettime_ms(); if (last_valid) { if (now-last_time>5) { // More than 5ms spent in a given task, complain char msg[1024]; snprintf(msg,1024,"Spent %lldms between %s:%d in %s() and here", now-last_time,last_file,last_line,last_func); logMessage(LOG_LEVEL_WARN,file,line,func,"%s",msg); } } last_valid=1; last_file=file; last_func=func; last_line=line; last_time=now; } int fd_watch(int fd,void (*func)(int fd),int events) { if (fd<0||fd>=MAX_WATCHED_FDS) return WHYF("Invalid file descriptor (%d) - must be between 0 and %d", MAX_WATCHED_FDS-1); if (fdcount>=MAX_WATCHED_FDS) return WHYF("Currently watching too many file descriptors. This should never happen; report a bug."); int i; for(i=0;i=MAX_ALARMS) return WHY("Too many alarms"); if (!first_alarm_in) { /* remove old alarm */ alarms[i]=alarms[--alarmcount]; return 0; } else { /* Create new alarm, or update existing one */ if (alarms[i].func!=func) { alarms[i].stats.calls=0; alarms[i].stats.max_time=0; alarms[i].stats.total_time=0; } alarms[i].func=func; alarms[i].next_alarm=overlay_gettime_ms()+first_alarm_in; alarms[i].repeat_every=repeat_every; if (i>=alarmcount) alarmcount=i+1; return 0; } } void fd_update_stats(struct callback_stats *s,long long elapsed) { s->total_time+=elapsed; if (elapsed>s->max_time) s->max_time=elapsed; s->calls++; } int fd_checkalarms() { long long now=overlay_gettime_ms(); int i; long long next_alarm_in=15000; TIMING_PAUSE(); for(i=0;i(alarms[i].next_alarm-now)) next_alarm_in=(alarms[i].next_alarm-now); } return next_alarm_in; } int fd_poll() { int i; /* See if any alarms have expired before we do anything. This also returns the time to the next alarm that is due. */ int ms=fd_checkalarms(); /* Make sure we don't have any silly timeouts that will make us wait for ever. */ if (ms<1) ms=1; /* Wait for action or timeout */ long long now=overlay_gettime_ms(); int r=poll(fds, fdcount, ms); long long elapsed=overlay_gettime_ms()-now; fd_update_stats(&poll_stats,elapsed); /* If file descriptors are ready, then call the appropriate functions */ if (r>0) { for(i=0;itotal_time+=a->total_time; total->calls+=a->calls; if (a->max_time>total->max_time) total->max_time=a->max_time; return 0; } int fd_showstat(struct callback_stats *total, struct callback_stats *a, const char *msg) { WHYF("%lldms (%2.1f%%) in %d calls (max %lldms, avg %.1fms) : %s", a->total_time,a->total_time*100.0/total->total_time, a->calls, a->max_time,a->total_time*1.00/a->calls, msg); return 0; } int fd_clearstat(struct callback_stats *s) { s->calls=0; s->max_time=0; s->total_time=0; return 0; } int fd_clearstats() { int i; fd_clearstat(&poll_stats); for(i=0;i=MAX_FUNCS) return MAX_FUNCS-1; fd_clearstat(&called_funcs[func_count]); called_func_names[func_count]=funcname; return func_count++; } int fd_func_enter(int funcid) { if (call_stack_depth>=MAX_CALL_DEPTH) return 0; call_stack[call_stack_depth].func_id=funcid; call_stack[call_stack_depth].enter_time=overlay_gettime_ms(); call_stack[call_stack_depth].child_time=0; call_stack_depth++; return 0; } int fd_func_exit(int funcid) { if (funcid!=call_stack[call_stack_depth-1].func_id) exit(WHYF("func_id mismatch: entered through %s(), but exited through %s()", called_func_names[call_stack[call_stack_depth-1].func_id], called_func_names[funcid])); long long elapsed=overlay_gettime_ms()-call_stack[call_stack_depth-1].enter_time; long long self_elapsed=elapsed-call_stack[call_stack_depth-1].child_time; if (call_stack_depth>1) { int d=call_stack_depth-2; call_stack[d].child_time+=elapsed; } fd_update_stats(&called_funcs[funcid],self_elapsed); call_stack_depth--; return 0; }