# The "client" source files do not depend on "serval.h" or "rhizome.h", ie, # they can be linked into executables other than servald. SERVAL_CLIENT_SOURCES = \ cli.c \ conf.c \ conf_om.c \ conf_parse.c \ conf_schema.c \ console.c \ dataformats.c \ fdqueue.c \ fifo.c \ instance.c \ limit.c \ logMessage.c \ log_util.c \ mem.c \ net.c \ os.c \ performance_timing.c \ randombytes.c \ rotbuf.c \ sighandlers.c \ socket.c \ srandomdev.c \ strbuf.c \ strbuf_helpers.c \ str.c \ strlcpy.c \ uuid.c \ whence.c \ xprintf.c # These objects do not belong in the Serval DNA daemon but are available for # client applications. SERVAL_LIB_SOURCES = \ log_stderr.c # These source files are imported and do not depend on any local header files. # They also take a long time to compile, so their dependencies should be as # narrow as possible to avoid unnecessary recompilations when developers modify # header files. SQLITE3_SOURCES = \ sqlite-amalgamation-3070900/sqlite3.c # The source files for building the Serval DNA daemon. SERVAL_DAEMON_SOURCES = \ commandline.c \ crypto.c \ directory_client.c \ dna_helper.c \ encode.c \ golay.c \ httpd.c \ http_server.c \ keyring.c \ log.c \ lsif.c \ main.c \ radio_link.c \ meshms.c \ meshms_restful.c \ msp_client.c \ msp_proxy.c \ monitor.c \ monitor-client.c \ monitor-cli.c \ nonce.c \ overlay.c \ overlay_address.c \ overlay_buffer.c \ overlay_interface.c \ overlay_link.c \ overlay_packetradio.c \ overlay_queue.c \ overlay_mdp.c \ overlay_mdp_services.c \ mdp_filter.c \ overlay_olsr.c \ overlay_packetformats.c \ overlay_payload.c \ route_link.c \ rhizome.c \ rhizome_bundle.c \ rhizome_crypto.c \ rhizome_database.c \ rhizome_direct.c \ rhizome_direct_http.c \ rhizome_fetch.c \ rhizome_http.c \ rhizome_restful.c \ rhizome_packetformats.c \ rhizome_store.c \ rhizome_sync.c \ serval_packetvisualise.c \ server.c \ sha2.c \ vomp.c \ vomp_console.c \ fec-3.0.1/ccsds_tables.c \ fec-3.0.1/decode_rs_8.c \ fec-3.0.1/encode_rs_8.c \ fec-3.0.1/init_rs_char.c \ context1.c MDP_CLIENT_SOURCES = \ mdp_client.c \ mdp_net.c SIMULATOR_SOURCES = \ simulator.c MONITOR_CLIENT_SRCS = \ monitor-client.c