/** * Copyright (C) 2011 The Serval Project * * This file is part of Serval Software (http://www.servalproject.org) * * Serval Software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this source code; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package org.servalproject.servaldna; import java.io.File; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class ServalDCommand { private ServalDCommand(){ } static { System.loadLibrary("serval"); } public static final int STATUS_ERROR = 255; public static String toString(String[] values) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.append(' '); sb.append(values[i]); } return sb.toString(); } // copies the semantics of serval-dna's confParseBoolean private static boolean parseBoolean(String value, boolean defaultValue) { if (value == null || "".equals(value)) return defaultValue; return "off".compareToIgnoreCase(value) != 0 && "no".compareToIgnoreCase(value) != 0 && "false".compareToIgnoreCase(value) != 0 && "0".compareToIgnoreCase(value) != 0; } /** * Low-level JNI entry point into servald command line. * * @param results Interface that will receive each value from the command * @param args The words to pass on the command line (ie, argv[1]...argv[n]) * @return The servald exit status code (normally 0 indicates success) */ private static native int rawCommand(IJniResults results, String[] args); /** * Common entry point into servald command line. * * @param callback * Each result will be passed to callback.result(String) * immediately. * @param args * The parameters as passed on the command line, eg: res = * servald.command("config", "set", "debug", "peers"); * @return The servald exit status code (normally0 indicates success) */ public static synchronized int command(final IJniResults callback, String... args) throws ServalDFailureException { int ret = ServalDCommand.rawCommand(callback, args); if (ret == STATUS_ERROR) throw new ServalDFailureException("Command \"" + toString(args)+"\" returned an error"); return ret; } public static synchronized JniResult command(String... args) throws ServalDFailureException { JniResult result = new JniResult(); result.setCommand(args); result.setResult(ServalDCommand.rawCommand(result, args)); return result; } public static class Status extends JniResult{ public int pid; public int tries; public String instancePath; public String status; @Override public void putString(String value) { if (columnName.equals("instancepath")) instancePath=value; if (columnName.equals("status")) status=value; } @Override public void putLong(long value) { if (columnName.equals("pid")) pid = (int)value; if (columnName.equals("tries")) tries = (int)value; } @Override public String toString() { return "Status{" + "pid=" + pid + ", tries=" + tries + ", instancePath='" + instancePath + '\'' + ", status='" + status + '\'' + '}'; } } /** Start the servald server process if it is not already running. * * @author Andrew Bettison */ public static Status serverStart() throws ServalDFailureException { Status result = new Status(); result.setResult(command(result, "start")); return result; } public static Status serverStart(String execPath) throws ServalDFailureException { Status result = new Status(); result.setResult(command(result, "start", "exec", execPath)); return result; } public static Status serverStop() throws ServalDFailureException { Status result = new Status(); result.setResult(command(result, "stop")); return result; } public static Status serverStatus() throws ServalDFailureException { Status result = new Status(); result.setResult(command(result, "status")); return result; } public static class IdentityResult extends JniResult { public String did; public String name; public SubscriberId subscriberId; @Override public void putString(String value) { if (this.columnName.equals("did")) this.did = value; if (this.columnName.equals("name")) this.name = value; if (this.columnName.equals("sid")) try { this.subscriberId = new SubscriberId(value); } catch (AbstractId.InvalidHexException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void putBlob(byte[] value) { if (this.columnName.equals("sid")) try { this.subscriberId = new SubscriberId(value); } catch (AbstractId.InvalidBinaryException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public String toString() { return "IdentityResult{" + "did='" + did + '\'' + ", name='" + name + '\'' + ", subscriberId=" + subscriberId + '}'; } } public static IdentityResult keyringAdd() throws ServalDFailureException { IdentityResult result = new IdentityResult(); command(result, "keyring", "add"); return result; } public static IdentityResult keyringSetDidName(SubscriberId sid, String did, String name) throws ServalDFailureException { IdentityResult result = new IdentityResult(); command(result, "keyring","set","did", sid.toHex(), did==null?"":did, name==null?"":name); return result; } public static int keyringList(final AsyncResult results) throws ServalDFailureException { return keyringList(new JniResultList(results) { @Override public IdentityResult create() { return new IdentityResult(); } }); } public static int keyringList(IJniResults results) throws ServalDFailureException{ return command(results, "keyring", "list"); } public static IdentityResult reverseLookup(final SubscriberId sid) throws ServalDFailureException { IdentityResult result = new IdentityResult(); command(result, "reverse", "lookup", sid.toHex()); return result; } public static class LookupResult extends JniResult { public SubscriberId subscriberId; public String did; public String name; public String uri; @Override public void putString(String value) { if (this.columnName.equals("did")) this.did = value; if (this.columnName.equals("name")) this.name = value; if (this.columnName.equals("uri")) this.uri = value; } @Override public String toString() { return "LookupResult{" + "subscriberId=" + subscriberId + ", did='" + did + '\'' + ", name='" + name + '\'' + ", uri='" + uri + '\'' + '}'; } } public static int dnaLookup(AsyncResult results, String did, int timeout) throws ServalDFailureException { return dnaLookup(new JniResultList(results) { @Override public LookupResult create() { return new LookupResult(); } }, did, timeout); } public static int dnaLookup(IJniResults results, String did, int timeout) throws ServalDFailureException { return command(results, "dna", "lookup", did, Integer.toString(timeout)); } public static class ManifestResult extends JniResult{ public BundleId manifestId; public long version; public long fileSize; public FileHash fileHash; public BundleKey bundleKey; public long date; public int crypt; public String service; public String name; public boolean readonly=true; public byte[] manifest; public String secret; public SubscriberId author; public long rowId; public long insertTime; @Override public void putString(String value) { try { if (value!="" && (columnName.equals("manifestid")||columnName.equals("id"))) manifestId = new BundleId(value); if (value!="" && columnName.equals("filehash")) fileHash = new FileHash(value); if (value!="" && columnName.equals("BK")) bundleKey = new BundleKey(value); if (value!="" && columnName.equals(".author")) author = new SubscriberId(value); } catch (AbstractId.InvalidHexException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (columnName.equals("service")) service = value; if (columnName.equals("name")) name = value; if (columnName.equals("secret")) secret = value; } @Override public void putBlob(byte[] value) { if (columnName.equals("manifest")) this.manifest = value; } @Override public void putLong(long value) { if (columnName.equals("version")) version = value; if (columnName.equals("filesize")) fileSize = value; if (columnName.equals("date")) date = value; if (columnName.equals("crypt")) crypt = (int)value; if (columnName.equals(".readonly")) readonly = value>0; if (columnName.equals(".fromhere")) readonly = value==0; if (columnName.equals(".rowid") || columnName.equals("_id")) rowId = value; if (columnName.equals(".inserttime")) insertTime = value; } } public static ManifestResult rhizomeAddFile(File payloadPath, File manifestPath, SubscriberId author, String pin) throws ServalDFailureException { List args = new LinkedList(); args.add("rhizome"); args.add("add"); args.add("file"); if (pin != null) { args.add("--entry-pin"); args.add(pin); } args.add(author == null ? "" : author.toHex()); if (payloadPath != null) args.add(payloadPath.getAbsolutePath()); else if (manifestPath != null) args.add(""); if (manifestPath != null) args.add(manifestPath.getAbsolutePath()); ManifestResult result = new ManifestResult(); result.setResult(command(result, args.toArray(new String[args.size()]))); return result; } public static int rhizomeList(AsyncResult result, String service, String name, SubscriberId sender, SubscriberId recipient, int offset, int numRows) throws ServalDFailureException { return rhizomeList(new JniResultList(result) { @Override public ManifestResult create() { return new ManifestResult(); } }, service, name, sender, recipient, offset, numRows); } public static int rhizomeList(IJniResults result, String service, String name, SubscriberId sender, SubscriberId recipient, int offset, int numRows) throws ServalDFailureException { List args = new LinkedList(); args.add("rhizome"); args.add("list"); args.add(service == null ? "" : service); args.add(name == null ? "" : name); args.add(sender == null ? "" : sender.toHex()); args.add(recipient == null ? "" : recipient.toHex()); if (offset > 0) args.add("" + offset); else if (numRows > 0) args.add("0"); if (numRows > 0) args.add("" + numRows); return command(result, args.toArray(new String[args.size()])); } public static ManifestResult rhizomeImportBundle(File payloadFile, File manifestFile) throws ServalDFailureException { ManifestResult result = new ManifestResult(); result.setResult(command(result, "rhizome", "import", "bundle", payloadFile.getAbsolutePath(), manifestFile.getAbsolutePath())); return result; } public static ManifestResult rhizomeExtractBundle(BundleId manifestId, File manifestFile, File payloadFile) throws ServalDFailureException{ ManifestResult result = new ManifestResult(); result.setResult(command(result, "rhizome", "extract", "bundle", manifestId.toHex(), manifestFile == null ? "-" : manifestFile.getAbsolutePath(), payloadFile.getAbsolutePath())); return result; } public static ManifestResult rhizomeExportManifest(BundleId manifestId, File manifestFile) throws ServalDFailureException{ ManifestResult result = new ManifestResult(); result.setResult(command(result, "rhizome", "export", "manifest", manifestId.toHex(), manifestFile == null ? "-" : manifestFile.getAbsolutePath())); return result; } public static ManifestResult rhizomeExtractFile(BundleId manifestId, File payloadFile) throws ServalDFailureException{ ManifestResult result = new ManifestResult(); result.setResult(command(result, "rhizome", "extract", "file", manifestId.toHex(), payloadFile.getAbsolutePath())); return result; } /** * Push Rhizome bundles to all configured direct hosts. * * @author Andrew Bettison */ public static void rhizomeDirectPush() throws ServalDFailureException { command("rhizome", "direct", "push"); } /** * Pull Rhizome bundles from all configured direct hosts. * * @author Andrew Bettison */ public static void rhizomeDirectPull() throws ServalDFailureException { command("rhizome", "direct", "pull"); } /** * Sync (push and pull) Rhizome bundles from all configured direct hosts. * * @author Andrew Bettison */ public static void rhizomeDirectSync() throws ServalDFailureException { command("rhizome", "direct", "sync"); } public static class ConfigItems extends JniResult{ public Map values = new HashMap(); @Override public void putString(String value) { values.put(this.columnName, value); } } public static ConfigItems getConfig(String pattern) throws ServalDFailureException { ConfigItems results = new ConfigItems(); results.setResult(command(results, "config", "get", pattern)); return results; } public static String getConfigItem(String name) throws ServalDFailureException{ Object result = getConfig(name).values.get(name); if (result == null) return null; if (result instanceof byte[]){ return new String((byte[])result); } return result.toString(); } public static void deleteConfig(String name) throws ServalDFailureException { ServalDCommand.command("config", "del", name); } public static void setConfigItem(String name, String value) throws ServalDFailureException { ServalDCommand.command("config", "set", name, value); } public static boolean getConfigItemBoolean(String name, boolean defaultValue) { try { String value = getConfigItem(name); return parseBoolean(value, defaultValue); } catch (ServalDFailureException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return defaultValue; } } public static int getConfigItemInt(String name, int defaultValue) throws ServalDFailureException{ try { return Integer.parseInt(getConfig(name).values.get(name)); } catch (ServalDFailureException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return defaultValue; } } private static class PeerCount extends JniResult{ long count; @Override public void putLong(long value) { count = value; } } public static int peerCount() throws ServalDFailureException { PeerCount result = new PeerCount(); result.setResult(ServalDCommand.command(result, "peer", "count")); return (int)result.count; } // Note that the result values will only have a subscriber id public static int idPeers(AsyncResult results) throws ServalDFailureException { return idPeers(new JniResultList(results) { @Override public IdentityResult create() { return new IdentityResult(); } }); } public static int idPeers(IJniResults results) throws ServalDFailureException { return command(results, "id", "peers"); } public static class Conversation extends JniResult{ public long id; public SubscriberId recipient; public String read; public long last_message; public long read_offset; @Override public void putString(String value) { if (columnName.equals("read")) this.read = value; } @Override public void putBlob(byte[] value) { if (columnName.equals("recipient")) try { this.recipient = new SubscriberId(value); } catch (AbstractId.InvalidBinaryException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void putLong(long value) { if (columnName.equals("_id")) this.id = value; if (columnName.equals("last_message")) this.last_message = value; if (columnName.equals("read_offset")) this.read_offset = value; } } public static int listConversations(AsyncResult result, final SubscriberId sender, int offset, int numRows) throws ServalDFailureException { return listConversations(new JniResultList(result) { @Override public Conversation create() { return new Conversation(); } }, sender, offset, numRows); } public static int listConversations(IJniResults callback, final SubscriberId sender, int offset, int numRows) throws ServalDFailureException { return command(callback, "meshms", "list", "conversations", sender.toHex(), ""+offset, ""+numRows); } public static class Message extends JniResult{ public long id; public long offset; public String type; public String message; @Override public void putString(String value) { if (columnName.equals("type")) this.type = value; if (columnName.equals("message")) this.message = value; } @Override public void putLong(long value) { if (columnName.equals("_id")) this.id = value; if (columnName.equals("offset")) this.offset = value; } } public static int listMessages(AsyncResult result, final SubscriberId sender, final SubscriberId recipient) throws ServalDFailureException { return listMessages(new JniResultList(result) { @Override public Message create() { return new Message(); } }, sender, recipient); } public static int listMessages(IJniResults callback, final SubscriberId sender, final SubscriberId recipient) throws ServalDFailureException { return ServalDCommand.command(callback, "meshms", "list", "messages", sender.toHex(), recipient.toHex()); } public static void sendMessage(final SubscriberId sender, final SubscriberId recipient, String message) throws ServalDFailureException { command("meshms", "send", "message", sender.toHex(), recipient.toHex(), message); } public static void readMessage(final SubscriberId sender, final SubscriberId recipient) throws ServalDFailureException { command("meshms", "read", "messages", sender.toHex(), recipient.toHex()); } public static void readMessage(final SubscriberId sender, final SubscriberId recipient, long offset) throws ServalDFailureException { command("meshms", "read", "messages", sender.toHex(), recipient.toHex(), "" + offset); } public static int printCommand(final String fieldDelim, final String rowDelim, String... args){ return rawCommand(new IJniResults() { int columns =-1; int column =-1; @Override public void startResultSet(int columns) { this.columns=columns; } @Override public void setColumnName(int column, String name) { System.out.print(name + fieldDelim); if (column>=0 && column+1==columns) System.out.println(); } private void eol(){ if (columns==-1 || ++column==columns){ System.out.print(rowDelim); column=-1; } } @Override public void putString(String value) { System.out.print(value); eol(); } @Override public void putBlob(byte[] value) { System.out.print(new String(value)); eol(); } @Override public void putLong(long value) { System.out.print(value); eol(); } @Override public void putDouble(double value) { System.out.print(value); eol(); } @Override public void totalRowCount(int rows) { } }, args); } public static void main(String... args) { System.exit(printCommand(":","\n",args)); } }