/* Serval Distributed Numbering Architecture (DNA) Copyright (C) 2010 Paul Gardner-Stephen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "serval.h" overlay_buffer *ob_new(int size) { overlay_buffer *ret=calloc(sizeof(overlay_buffer),1); if (!ret) return NULL; ob_unlimitsize(ret); return ret; } int ob_free(overlay_buffer *b) { if (!b) return WHY("Asked to free NULL"); if (b->bytes) free(b->bytes); b->bytes=NULL; b->allocSize=0; b->sizeLimit=0; free(b); return 0; } int ob_checkpoint(overlay_buffer *b) { if (!b) return WHY("Asked to checkpoint NULL"); b->checkpointLength=b->length; return 0; } int ob_rewind(overlay_buffer *b) { if (!b) return WHY("Asked to rewind NULL"); b->length=b->checkpointLength; return 0; } int ob_limitsize(overlay_buffer *b,int bytes) { if (!b) return WHY("Asked to limit size of NULL"); if (b->length>bytes) return WHY("Length of data in buffer already exceeds size limit"); if (b->checkpointLength>bytes) return WHY("Checkpointed length of data in buffer already exceeds size limit"); if (bytes<0) return WHY("Cant limit buffer to a negative size"); b->sizeLimit=bytes; return 0; } int ob_unlimitsize(overlay_buffer *b) { if (!b) return WHY("b is NULL"); b->sizeLimit=-1; return 0; } int ob_makespace(overlay_buffer *b,int bytes) { if (b->sizeLimit!=-1) { if (b->length+bytes>b->sizeLimit) { if (debug&DEBUG_PACKETFORMATS) WHY("Asked to make space beyond size limit"); return -1; } } if (0) printf("ob_makespace(%p,%d)\n b->bytes=%p,b->length=%d,b->allocSize=%d\n", b,bytes,b->bytes,b->length,b->allocSize); if (b->length+bytes>=b->allocSize) { int newSize=b->length+bytes; if (newSize<64) newSize=64; if (newSize&63) newSize+=64-(newSize&63); if (newSize>1024) { if (newSize&1023) newSize+=1024-(newSize&1023); } if (newSize>65536) { if (newSize&65535) newSize+=65536-(newSize&65535); } if (1) printf(" realloc(b->bytes=%p,newSize=%d)\n", b->bytes,newSize); #warning useless malloc() call to make sure that heap corruption check runs before we do any real work void *p=malloc(1); unsigned char *r=realloc(b->bytes,newSize); if (!r) return WHY("realloc() failed"); b->bytes=r; b->allocSize=newSize; return 0; } else return 0; } int ob_setbyte(overlay_buffer *b,int ofs,unsigned char value) { if (ofs<0||ofs>b->allocSize) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Asked to set byte %d in overlay buffer %p, which has only %d allocated bytes.\n", ofs,b,b->allocSize); exit(-1); } b->bytes[ofs]=value; return 0; } int ob_bcopy(overlay_buffer *b,int from, int to, int len) { if (from<0||to<0||len<0||(from+len)>=b->allocSize||(to+len)>=b->allocSize) { fprintf(stderr,"call to ob_bcopy would corrupt memory. Aborting.\n"); exit(-1); } bcopy(&b->bytes[from],&b->bytes[to],len); return 0; } int ob_append_byte(overlay_buffer *b,unsigned char byte) { if (ob_makespace(b,1)) return WHY("ob_makespace() failed"); bcopy(&byte,&b->bytes[b->length],1); b->length++; return 0; } int ob_append_bytes(overlay_buffer *b,unsigned char *bytes,int count) { if (ob_makespace(b,count)) return WHY("ob_makespace() failed"); bcopy(bytes,&b->bytes[b->length],count); b->length+=count; return 0; } int ob_append_short(overlay_buffer *b,unsigned short v) { unsigned short s=htons(v); return ob_append_bytes(b,(unsigned char *)&s,sizeof(unsigned short)); } int ob_append_int(overlay_buffer *b,unsigned int v) { unsigned int s=htonl(v); return ob_append_bytes(b,(unsigned char *)&s,sizeof(unsigned int)); } unsigned int ob_get_int(overlay_buffer *b,int offset) { if (!b) return WHY("b is NULL"); if (offset<0) return WHY("passed illegal offset (<0)"); if ((offset+sizeof(unsigned int))>b->length) return WHY("passed offset too large"); // Some platforms require alignment if (((unsigned long long)&b->bytes[offset])&3) { unsigned char bb[4]; bcopy(&b->bytes[offset],&bb[0],4); return ntohl(*(unsigned int *)&bb[0]); } else return ntohl(*((unsigned int *)&b->bytes[offset])); } int ob_append_rfs(overlay_buffer *b,int l) { /* Encode the specified length and append it to the buffer */ if (l<0||l>0xffff) return -1; /* First work out how long the field needs to be, then write dummy bytes and use ob_patch_length to set the value. That way we have only one lot of code that does the encoding. */ b->var_length_offset=b->length; b->var_length_bytes=rfs_length(l); unsigned char c[3]={0,0,0}; if (ob_append_bytes(b,c,b->var_length_bytes)) { b->var_length_offset=0; return -1; } return ob_patch_rfs(b,l); } int rfs_length(int l) { if (l<0) return -1; if (l<250) return 1; else if (l<(255+250+(256*4))) return 2; else if (l<=0xffff) return 3; else return -1; } int rfs_encode(int l, unsigned char *b) { if (l<250) { b[0]=l; } else if (l<(255+250+(256*4))) { b[0]=RFS_PLUS250+(l-250)/256; b[1]=l-((l-250)/256); } else { b[0]=RFS_3BYTE; b[1]=l>>8; b[2]=l&0xff; } return 0; } int rfs_decode(unsigned char *b,int *ofs) { int rfs=b[*ofs]; switch(rfs) { case RFS_PLUS250: case RFS_PLUS456: case RFS_PLUS762: case RFS_PLUS1018: case RFS_PLUS1274: rfs=250+256*(rfs-RFS_PLUS250)+b[++(*ofs)]; break; case RFS_3BYTE: rfs=(b[(*ofs)+1]<<8)+b[(*ofs)+2]; (*ofs)+=2; default: /* Length is natural value of field, so nothing to do */ break; } (*ofs)++; return rfs; } int ob_indel_space(overlay_buffer *b,int offset,int shift) { if (shift>0) { /* make space */ if (ob_makespace(b,-shift)) return -1; bcopy(&b->bytes[offset],&b->bytes[offset+shift],b->length-(offset+shift)); } else if (shift<0) { /* free up space */ bcopy(&b->bytes[offset],&b->bytes[offset-shift],b->length-(offset-shift)); } b->length+=shift; return 0; } int ob_patch_rfs(overlay_buffer *b,int l) { if (l<0||l>0xffff) return -1; /* Adjust size of field */ int new_size=rfs_length(l); int shift=new_size-b->var_length_bytes; if (ob_indel_space(b,b->var_length_offset,shift)) return -1; if (rfs_encode(l,&b->bytes[b->var_length_offset])) return -1; return 0; } int asprintable(int c) { if (c<' ') return '.'; if (c>0x7e) return '.'; return c; } int ob_dump(overlay_buffer *b,char *desc) { fprintf(stderr,"Dumping overlay_buffer '%s' at %p : length=%d\n",desc,b,b->length); int i,j; for(i=0;ilength;i+=16) { fprintf(stderr,"%04x :",i); for(j=0;j<16&&(i+jlength);j++) fprintf(stderr," %02x",b->bytes[i+j]); for(;j<16;j++) fprintf(stderr," "); fprintf(stderr," "); for(j=0;j<16&&(i+jlength);j++) fprintf(stderr," %c",asprintable(b->bytes[i+j])); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } return 0; }