/* Serval Distributed Numbering Architecture (DNA) Copyright (C) 2012 Paul Gardner-Stephen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "serval.h" struct profile_total *stats_head=NULL; struct call_stats *current_call=NULL; void fd_clearstat(struct profile_total *s){ s->max_time = 0; s->total_time = 0; s->child_time = 0; s->calls = 0; } int fd_tallystats(struct profile_total *total,struct profile_total *a) { total->total_time+=a->total_time; total->calls+=a->calls; if (a->max_time>total->max_time) total->max_time=a->max_time; return 0; } int fd_showstat(struct profile_total *total, struct profile_total *a) { INFOF("%lldms (%2.1f%%) in %d calls (max %lldms, avg %.1fms, +child avg %.1fms) : %s", a->total_time, a->total_time*100.0/total->total_time, a->calls, a->max_time, a->total_time*1.00/a->calls, (a->total_time+a->child_time)*1.00/a->calls, a->name); return 0; } // sort the list of call times struct profile_total *sort(struct profile_total *list){ struct profile_total *first = list; // the left hand list will contain all items that took longer than the first item struct profile_total *left_head = NULL; struct profile_total *left_tail = NULL; // the right hand list will contain all items that took less time than the first item struct profile_total *right_head = NULL; struct profile_total *right_tail = NULL; // most of the cpu time is likely to be the same offenders // don't sort a list that's already sorted int left_already_sorted = 1; int right_already_sorted = 1; if (!list) return NULL; list = list->_next; first->_next = NULL; // split the list into two sub-lists based on the time of the first entry while(list){ if (list->total_time > first->total_time){ if (left_tail){ left_tail->_next = list; if (list->total_time > left_tail->total_time) left_already_sorted = 0; }else left_head=list; left_tail=list; }else{ if (right_tail){ right_tail->_next = list; if (list->total_time > right_tail->total_time) right_already_sorted = 0; }else right_head=list; right_tail=list; } list = list->_next; } // sort the left sub-list if (left_tail){ left_tail->_next=NULL; if (!left_already_sorted){ left_head = sort(left_head); // find the tail again left_tail = left_head; while(left_tail->_next) left_tail = left_tail->_next; } // add the first item after the left list left_tail->_next = first; }else left_head = first; left_tail = first; // sort the right sub-list if (right_tail){ right_tail->_next=NULL; if (!right_already_sorted) right_head = sort(right_head); left_tail->_next = right_head; } return left_head; } int fd_clearstats() { struct profile_total *stats = stats_head; while(stats!=NULL){ fd_clearstat(stats); stats = stats->_next; } return 0; } int fd_showstats() { struct profile_total total={NULL, 0, "Total", 0,0,0}; stats_head = sort(stats_head); struct profile_total *stats = stats_head; while(stats!=NULL){ /* Get total time spent doing everything */ fd_tallystats(&total,stats); stats = stats->_next; } INFOF("servald time usage stats:"); stats = stats_head; while(stats!=NULL){ /* Get total time spent doing everything */ if (stats->calls) fd_showstat(&total,stats); stats = stats->_next; } fd_showstat(&total,&total); return 0; } void fd_periodicstats(struct sched_ent *alarm) { fd_showstats(); fd_clearstats(); alarm->alarm = gettime_ms()+3000; alarm->deadline = alarm->alarm+1000; schedule(alarm); } void dump_stack(){ struct call_stats *call = current_call; while(call){ if (call->totals) INFOF("%s",call->totals->name); call=call->prev; } } int fd_func_enter(struct call_stats *this_call) { this_call->enter_time=gettime_ms(); this_call->child_time=0; this_call->prev = current_call; current_call = this_call; return 0; } int fd_func_exit(struct call_stats *this_call) { if (current_call != this_call) WHYF("stack mismatch, exited through %s()",this_call->totals->name); long long now = gettime_ms(); long long elapsed=now - this_call->enter_time; current_call = this_call->prev; if (this_call->totals && !this_call->totals->_initialised){ this_call->totals->_initialised=1; this_call->totals->_next = stats_head; fd_clearstat(this_call->totals); stats_head = this_call->totals; } if (current_call) current_call->child_time+=elapsed; elapsed-=this_call->child_time; if (this_call->totals){ this_call->totals->total_time+=elapsed; this_call->totals->child_time+=this_call->child_time; this_call->totals->calls++; if (elapsed>this_call->totals->max_time) this_call->totals->max_time=elapsed; } return 0; }