#include "serval.h" #include "overlay_address.h" #include "overlay_buffer.h" #include "overlay_packet.h" #include "str.h" #include "conf.h" #include /* Link state routing; - each node sends a packet on a heartbeat - on recieving a packet, update a link cost calculation (initially up/down only) - when the cost changes, update a version field - every heartbeat interval, send link cost details - send link cost for every neighbour, they need to know we can still hear them. - after parsing incoming link details, if anything has changed, mark routes as dirty */ #define INCLUDE_ANYWAY (200) #define MAX_LINK_STATES 512 #define FLAG_HAS_INTERFACE (1<<0) #define FLAG_NO_PATH (1<<1) #define FLAG_BROADCAST (1<<2) #define FLAG_UNICAST (1<<3) #define FLAG_HAS_ACK (1<<4) #define FLAG_HAS_DROP_RATE (1<<5) #define ACK_WINDOW (16) struct link{ struct link *_left; struct link *_right; struct subscriber *transmitter; struct link *parent; struct network_destination *destination; struct subscriber *receiver; // What's the last ack we've heard so we don't process nacks twice. int last_ack_seq; // neighbour path version when path scores were last updated char path_version; // link quality stats; char link_version; char drop_rate; // calculated path score; int hop_count; int path_drop_rate; // loop prevention; char calculating; }; // statistics of incoming half of network links struct link_in{ struct link_in *_next; // which of our interfaces did we hear it on? overlay_interface *interface; // which of their interfaces did they send it from? int neighbour_interface; // very simple time based link up/down detection; // when will we consider the link broken? time_ms_t link_timeout; // unicast or broadcast? int unicast; int ack_sequence; uint64_t ack_mask; int ack_counter; }; struct link_out{ struct link_out *_next; time_ms_t timeout; struct network_destination *destination; }; struct neighbour{ struct neighbour *_next; struct subscriber *subscriber; // whenever we hear about a link change, update the version to mark all link path scores as dirty char path_version; // when do we assume the link is dead because they stopped hearing us or vice versa? time_ms_t link_in_timeout; // if a neighbour is telling the world that they are using us as a next hop, we need to send acks & nacks with high priority // otherwise we don't care too much about packet loss. char using_us; // is this neighbour still sending selfacks? char legacy_protocol; // when a neighbour is using us as a next hop *and* they are using us to send packets to one of our neighbours, // we must forward their broadcasts time_ms_t routing_through_us; // which of their mdp packets have we already heard and can be dropped as duplicates? int mdp_ack_sequence; uint64_t mdp_ack_mask; // next link update time_ms_t next_neighbour_update; time_ms_t last_update; int last_update_seq; time_ms_t rtt; // un-balanced tree of known link states struct link *root; // list of incoming link stats struct link_in *links, *best_link; // list of outgoing links struct link_out *out_links; }; // one struct per subscriber, where we track all routing information, allocated on first use struct link_state{ // what is the current best hop count? (via subscriber->next_hop) struct subscriber *next_hop; struct subscriber *transmitter; int hop_count; int route_version; // if a neighbour is free'd this link will point to invalid memory. // don't use this pointer directly, call find_best_link instead struct link *link; char calculating; // when do we need to send a new link state message. time_ms_t next_update; }; static void link_send(struct sched_ent *alarm); static struct profile_total link_send_stats={ .name="link_send", }; static struct sched_ent link_send_alarm={ .function = link_send, .stats = &link_send_stats, }; struct neighbour *neighbours=NULL; int route_version=0; struct network_destination * new_destination(struct overlay_interface *interface, char encapsulation){ assert(interface); struct network_destination *ret = emalloc_zero(sizeof(struct network_destination)); if (ret){ ret->_ref_count=1; ret->encapsulation = encapsulation; ret->interface = interface; ret->resend_delay = 1000; // DEBUGF("Create ref %p, %d - %s", ret, ret->_ref_count, ret->interface->name); } return ret; } struct network_destination * create_unicast_destination(struct sockaddr_in addr, struct overlay_interface *interface){ if (!interface) interface = overlay_interface_find(addr.sin_addr, 1); if (!interface){ WHY("I don't know which interface to use"); return NULL; } if (interface->state!=INTERFACE_STATE_UP){ WHY("The interface is down."); return NULL; } if (addr.sin_addr.s_addr==0 || addr.sin_port==0){ // WHY("Invalid unicast address"); return NULL; } struct network_destination *ret = new_destination(interface, ENCAP_OVERLAY); if (ret){ ret->address = addr; ret->unicast = 1; ret->tick_ms = interface->destination->tick_ms; ret->sequence_number = -1; } return ret; } struct network_destination * add_destination_ref(struct network_destination *ref){ ref->_ref_count++; // DEBUGF("Add ref %p, %d - %s", ref, ref->_ref_count, ref->interface->name); return ref; } void release_destination_ref(struct network_destination *ref){ if (ref->_ref_count<=1){ // DEBUGF("Free ref %p, %d - %s", ref, ref->_ref_count, ref->interface->name); free(ref); }else{ ref->_ref_count--; // DEBUGF("Drop ref %p, %d - %s", ref, ref->_ref_count, ref->interface->name); } } int set_destination_ref(struct network_destination **ptr, struct network_destination *ref){ if (ref==*ptr) return 0; if (ref) add_destination_ref(ref); if (*ptr) release_destination_ref(*ptr); *ptr = ref; return 1; } static int NumberOfSetBits(uint32_t i) { i = i - ((i >> 1) & 0x55555555); i = (i & 0x33333333) + ((i >> 2) & 0x33333333); return (((i + (i >> 4)) & 0x0F0F0F0F) * 0x01010101) >> 24; } static struct link_state *get_link_state(struct subscriber *subscriber) { if (!subscriber->link_state){ subscriber->link_state = emalloc_zero(sizeof(struct link_state)); subscriber->link_state->route_version = route_version -1; } return subscriber->link_state; } static struct neighbour *get_neighbour(struct subscriber *subscriber, char create) { struct neighbour *n = neighbours; while(n){ if (n->subscriber==subscriber) return n; n = n->_next; } if (create){ n = emalloc_zero(sizeof(struct neighbour)); n->subscriber = subscriber; n->_next = neighbours; n->last_update_seq = -1; n->mdp_ack_sequence = -1; // TODO measure min/max rtt n->rtt = 120; neighbours = n; if (config.debug.linkstate) DEBUGF("LINK STATE; new neighbour %s", alloca_tohex_sid(n->subscriber->sid)); } return n; } static void free_links(struct link *link) { if (!link) return; free_links(link->_left); link->_left=NULL; free_links(link->_right); link->_right=NULL; if (link->destination) release_destination_ref(link->destination); free(link); } static struct link *find_link(struct neighbour *neighbour, struct subscriber *receiver, char create) { struct link **link_ptr=&neighbour->root, *link=neighbour->root; while(1){ if (link==NULL){ if (create){ link = *link_ptr = emalloc_zero(sizeof(struct link)); link->receiver = receiver; link->path_version = neighbour->path_version -1; link->last_ack_seq = -1; link->link_version = -1; } break; } if (receiver == link->receiver) break; if (memcmp(receiver->sid, link->receiver->sid, SID_SIZE)<0){ link_ptr = &link->_left; }else{ link_ptr = &link->_right; } link = *link_ptr; } return link; } static struct link *get_parent(struct neighbour *neighbour, struct link *link) { // root of the routing table. if (link->receiver == neighbour->subscriber || link->transmitter == NULL) return NULL; if (!link->parent) link->parent = find_link(neighbour, link->transmitter, 0); return link->parent; } static void update_path_score(struct neighbour *neighbour, struct link *link){ if (link->path_version == neighbour->path_version) return; if (link->calculating) return; link->calculating = 1; int hop_count = -1; int drop_rate = 0; if (link->transmitter == my_subscriber){ if (link->receiver==neighbour->subscriber){ hop_count = 1; } }else{ struct link *parent = get_parent(neighbour, link); if (parent && (!parent->calculating)){ update_path_score(neighbour, parent); // TODO more interesting path cost metrics... if (parent->hop_count>0){ hop_count = parent->hop_count+1; drop_rate = parent->path_drop_rate; } } } // ignore occasional dropped packets due to collisions if (link->drop_rate>2) drop_rate += link->drop_rate; if (config.debug.verbose && config.debug.linkstate && hop_count != link->hop_count) DEBUGF("LINK STATE; path score to %s via %s version %d = %d", alloca_tohex_sid(link->receiver->sid), alloca_tohex_sid(neighbour->subscriber->sid), neighbour->path_version, hop_count); link->hop_count = hop_count; link->path_version = neighbour->path_version; link->path_drop_rate = drop_rate; link->calculating = 0; } // pick the best path to this network destination static struct link * find_best_link(struct subscriber *subscriber) { IN(); if (subscriber->reachable==REACHABLE_SELF) RETURN(NULL); struct link_state *state = get_link_state(subscriber); if (state->route_version == route_version) RETURN(state->link); if (state->calculating) RETURN(NULL); state->calculating = 1; struct neighbour *neighbour = neighbours; struct network_destination *destination = NULL; int best_hop_count = 99; int best_drop_rate = 99; struct link *best_link = NULL; struct subscriber *next_hop = NULL, *transmitter=NULL; time_ms_t now = gettime_ms(); while (neighbour){ if (neighbour->link_in_timeout < now) goto next; struct link *link = find_link(neighbour, subscriber, 0); if (!(link && link->transmitter)) goto next; if (link->transmitter != my_subscriber){ struct link_state *parent_state = get_link_state(link->transmitter); find_best_link(link->transmitter); if (parent_state->next_hop != neighbour->subscriber) goto next; } update_path_score(neighbour, link); if (link->hop_count>0){ if (link->path_drop_rate < best_drop_rate || (link->path_drop_rate == best_drop_rate && link->hop_count < best_hop_count)){ next_hop = neighbour->subscriber; best_hop_count = link->hop_count; best_drop_rate = link->path_drop_rate; transmitter = link->transmitter; destination = link->destination; best_link = link; } } next: neighbour = neighbour->_next; } int changed =0; if (state->transmitter != transmitter || state->link != best_link) changed = 1; state->next_hop = next_hop; state->transmitter = transmitter; state->hop_count = best_hop_count; state->route_version = route_version; state->calculating = 0; state->link = best_link; if (next_hop == subscriber) next_hop = NULL; if (set_reachable(subscriber, destination, next_hop)) changed = 1; if (changed){ monitor_announce_link(best_hop_count, transmitter, subscriber); state->next_update = now+5; } RETURN(best_link); } static int monitor_announce(struct subscriber *subscriber, void *context){ if (subscriber->reachable & REACHABLE){ struct link_state *state = get_link_state(subscriber); monitor_announce_link(state->hop_count, state->transmitter, subscriber); } return 0; } int link_state_announce_links(){ enum_subscribers(NULL, monitor_announce, NULL); return 0; } static int append_link_state(struct overlay_buffer *payload, char flags, struct subscriber *transmitter, struct subscriber *receiver, int interface, int version, int ack_sequence, uint32_t ack_mask, int drop_rate) { if (interface!=-1) flags|=FLAG_HAS_INTERFACE; if (!transmitter) flags|=FLAG_NO_PATH; if (ack_sequence!=-1) flags|=FLAG_HAS_ACK; if (drop_rate!=-1) flags|=FLAG_HAS_DROP_RATE; int length_pos = ob_position(payload); if (ob_append_byte(payload, 0)) return -1; if (ob_append_byte(payload, flags)) return -1; if (overlay_address_append(NULL, payload, receiver)) return -1; if (ob_append_byte(payload, version)) return -1; if (transmitter) if (overlay_address_append(NULL, payload, transmitter)) return -1; if (interface!=-1) if (ob_append_byte(payload, interface)) return -1; if (ack_sequence!=-1){ if (ob_append_byte(payload, ack_sequence)) return -1; if (ob_append_ui32(payload, ack_mask)) return -1; } if (drop_rate!=-1) if (ob_append_byte(payload, drop_rate)) return -1; // TODO insert future fields here // patch the record length int end_pos = ob_position(payload); if (ob_set(payload, length_pos, end_pos - length_pos)) return -1; ob_checkpoint(payload); return 0; } static int append_link(struct subscriber *subscriber, void *context) { if (subscriber == my_subscriber) return 0; struct overlay_buffer *payload = context; struct link_state *state = get_link_state(subscriber); time_ms_t now = gettime_ms(); if (subscriber->reachable==REACHABLE_SELF){ if (state->next_update - INCLUDE_ANYWAY <= now){ // Other entries in our keyring are always one hop away from us. if (append_link_state(payload, 0, my_subscriber, subscriber, -1, 1, -1, 0, 0)){ link_send_alarm.alarm = now+5; return 1; } // include information about this link every 5s state->next_update = now + 5000; } } else { struct link *best_link = find_best_link(subscriber); if (state->next_update - INCLUDE_ANYWAY <= now){ if (append_link_state(payload, 0, state->transmitter, subscriber, -1, best_link?best_link->link_version:-1, -1, 0, best_link?best_link->drop_rate:32)){ link_send_alarm.alarm = now+5; return 1; } // include information about this link every 5s state->next_update = now + 5000; } } if (state->next_update < link_send_alarm.alarm) link_send_alarm.alarm = state->next_update; return 0; } static void free_neighbour(struct neighbour **neighbour_ptr){ struct neighbour *n = *neighbour_ptr; if (config.debug.linkstate && config.debug.verbose) DEBUGF("LINK STATE; all links from neighbour %s have died", alloca_tohex_sid(n->subscriber->sid)); struct link_in *link = n->links; while(link){ struct link_in *l=link; link = l->_next; free(l); } struct link_out *out = n->out_links; while (out){ struct link_out *l=out; out = l->_next; release_destination_ref(l->destination); free(l); } free_links(n->root); n->root=NULL; *neighbour_ptr = n->_next; free(n); } static void clean_neighbours(time_ms_t now) { struct neighbour **n_ptr = &neighbours; while (*n_ptr){ struct neighbour *n = *n_ptr; struct link_in **list = &n->links; while(*list){ struct link_in *link = *list; if (link->interface->state!=INTERFACE_STATE_UP || link->link_timeout < now){ if (config.debug.linkstate) DEBUGF("LINK STATE; link expired from neighbour %s on interface %s", alloca_tohex_sid(n->subscriber->sid), link->interface->name); *list=link->_next; free(link); }else{ list = &link->_next; } } struct link_out **out = &n->out_links; int alive=0; while(*out){ struct link_out *link = *out; if (link->destination->interface->state!=INTERFACE_STATE_UP){ *out = link->_next; release_destination_ref(link->destination); free(link); }else{ if (link->timeout >= now) alive=1; out = &link->_next; } } // when all links to a neighbour that we are routing through expire, force a routing calculation update struct link_state *state = get_link_state(n->subscriber); if (state->next_hop == n->subscriber && (n->link_in_timeout < now || !n->links || !alive) && state->route_version == route_version) route_version++; if (!n->links || !alive){ free_neighbour(n_ptr); }else{ n_ptr = &n->_next; } } } static void link_status_html(struct strbuf *b, struct subscriber *n, struct link *link) { if (!link) return; link_status_html(b, n, link->_left); int best=0; if (link->receiver->next_hop==n) best=1; else if(link->receiver==n && n->reachable&REACHABLE_DIRECT) best=1; strbuf_sprintf(b, "%s* -%s H: %d, C: %d, via %s*
", alloca_tohex(link->receiver->sid,8), best?" *best*":"", link->hop_count, link->path_drop_rate, link->transmitter?alloca_tohex(link->transmitter->sid,8):"unreachable"); link_status_html(b, n, link->_right); } void link_neighbour_short_status_html(struct strbuf *b, const char *link_prefix) { struct neighbour *n = neighbours; if (!n) strbuf_puts(b, "No peers
"); while(n){ strbuf_sprintf(b, "%s*, seq=%d, mask=%08"PRIx64";
", link_prefix, alloca_tohex_sid(n->subscriber->sid), alloca_tohex(n->subscriber->sid,8), n->mdp_ack_sequence, n->mdp_ack_mask); n=n->_next; } } void link_neighbour_status_html(struct strbuf *b, struct subscriber *neighbour) { time_ms_t now = gettime_ms(); struct neighbour *n = neighbours; while(n){ if (n->subscriber == neighbour){ strbuf_sprintf(b, "Neighbour %s*;
", alloca_tohex(n->subscriber->sid,8)); strbuf_sprintf(b, "Seq=%d, mask=%08"PRIx64"
", n->mdp_ack_sequence, n->mdp_ack_mask); struct link_in *link_in = n->links; while(link_in){ strbuf_sprintf(b, "In: %s%s, seq=%d, mask=%08"PRIx64"
", link_in->interface->name, link_in == n->best_link?" *best":"", link_in->ack_sequence, link_in->ack_mask); link_in = link_in->_next; } struct link_out *link_out = n->out_links; while(link_out){ if (link_out->timeout >= now){ strbuf_sprintf(b, "Out: %s %s
", link_out->destination->interface->name, link_out->destination->unicast?"unicast":"broadcast"); } link_out = link_out->_next; } strbuf_puts(b, "Links;
"); link_status_html(b, n->subscriber, n->root); return; } n = n->_next; } strbuf_puts(b, "Not found
"); } static int send_legacy_self_announce_ack(struct neighbour *neighbour, struct link_in *link, time_ms_t now){ struct overlay_frame *frame=emalloc_zero(sizeof(struct overlay_frame)); frame->type = OF_TYPE_SELFANNOUNCE_ACK; frame->ttl = 6; frame->destination = neighbour->subscriber; frame->source = my_subscriber; frame->payload = ob_new(); ob_append_ui32(frame->payload, neighbour->last_update); ob_append_ui32(frame->payload, now); ob_append_byte(frame->payload, link->neighbour_interface); frame->queue=OQ_MESH_MANAGEMENT; if (overlay_payload_enqueue(frame)){ op_free(frame); return -1; } return 0; } static int neighbour_find_best_link(struct neighbour *n) { // TODO compare other link stats to find the best... struct link_in *best_link=n->links; if (best_link){ struct link_in *link=best_link->_next; while(link){ // find the link with the best interface switch(overlay_interface_compare(best_link->interface, link->interface)){ case -1: break; case 0: if (link->unicast < best_link->unicast) break; // fall through case 1: best_link = link; } link = link->_next; } } if (n->best_link != best_link){ n->best_link = best_link; n->next_neighbour_update = gettime_ms()+5; if (config.debug.linkstate){ if (best_link){ DEBUGF("LINK STATE; best link from neighbour %s is %s on interface %s", alloca_tohex_sid(n->subscriber->sid), best_link->unicast?"unicast":"broadcast", best_link->interface->name); }else{ DEBUGF("LINK STATE; no best link from neighbour %s", alloca_tohex_sid(n->subscriber->sid)); } } } return 0; } static int neighbour_link_sent(struct overlay_frame *frame, int sequence, void *context) { struct subscriber *subscriber = context; struct neighbour *neighbour = get_neighbour(subscriber, 0); if (!neighbour) return 0; neighbour->last_update_seq = sequence; if ((config.debug.linkstate && config.debug.verbose)||config.debug.ack) DEBUGF("LINK STATE; ack sent to neighbour %s in seq %d", alloca_tohex_sid(subscriber->sid), sequence); return 0; } static int send_neighbour_link(struct neighbour *n) { IN(); if (!n->best_link) RETURN(-1); time_ms_t now = gettime_ms(); if (n->legacy_protocol){ // send a self announce ack instead. send_legacy_self_announce_ack(n, n->best_link, now); n->last_update = now; } else { struct overlay_frame *frame=emalloc_zero(sizeof(struct overlay_frame)); frame->type=OF_TYPE_DATA; frame->source=my_subscriber; frame->ttl=1; frame->queue=OQ_MESH_MANAGEMENT; frame->payload = ob_new(); frame->send_hook = neighbour_link_sent; frame->send_context = n->subscriber; frame->resend=-1; if (n->subscriber->reachable & REACHABLE){ frame->destination = n->subscriber; }else{ // no routing decision yet? send this packet to all probable destinations. if ((config.debug.linkstate && config.debug.verbose)|| config.debug.ack) DEBUGF("Sending link state ack to all possibilities"); struct link_out *out = n->out_links; while(out){ if (out->timeout >= now) frame->destinations[frame->destination_count++].destination = add_destination_ref(out->destination); out = out->_next; } } ob_limitsize(frame->payload, 400); overlay_mdp_encode_ports(frame->payload, MDP_PORT_LINKSTATE, MDP_PORT_LINKSTATE); char flags=0; if (n->best_link->unicast) flags|=FLAG_UNICAST; else flags|=FLAG_BROADCAST; if (config.debug.ack) DEBUGF("LINK STATE; Sending ack to %s for seq %d", alloca_tohex_sid(n->subscriber->sid), n->best_link->ack_sequence); append_link_state(frame->payload, flags, n->subscriber, my_subscriber, n->best_link->neighbour_interface, 1, n->best_link->ack_sequence, n->best_link->ack_mask, -1); if (overlay_payload_enqueue(frame)) op_free(frame); n->best_link->ack_counter = ACK_WINDOW; n->last_update = now; } n->next_neighbour_update = n->last_update + n->best_link->interface->destination->tick_ms; if (config.debug.ack) DEBUGF("Next update for %s in %lldms", alloca_tohex_sid(n->subscriber->sid), n->next_neighbour_update - gettime_ms()); OUT(); return 0; } static int link_send_neighbours() { time_ms_t now = gettime_ms(); clean_neighbours(now); struct neighbour *n = neighbours; while (n){ neighbour_find_best_link(n); if (n->next_neighbour_update - INCLUDE_ANYWAY <= now){ send_neighbour_link(n); } if (n->next_neighbour_update < link_send_alarm.alarm) link_send_alarm.alarm = n->next_neighbour_update; struct link_out *out = n->out_links; while(out){ if (out->destination->tick_ms>0 && out->destination->unicast){ if (out->destination->last_tx + out->destination->tick_ms < now) overlay_send_tick_packet(out->destination); if (out->destination->last_tx + out->destination->tick_ms < link_send_alarm.alarm) link_send_alarm.alarm = out->destination->last_tx + out->destination->tick_ms; } out=out->_next; } n = n->_next; } return 0; } // send link details static void link_send(struct sched_ent *alarm) { time_ms_t now = gettime_ms(); alarm->alarm=now + 60000; // TODO use a separate alarm link_send_neighbours(); struct overlay_frame *frame=emalloc_zero(sizeof(struct overlay_frame)); frame->type=OF_TYPE_DATA; frame->source=my_subscriber; frame->ttl=1; frame->queue=OQ_MESH_MANAGEMENT; frame->payload = ob_new(); ob_limitsize(frame->payload, 400); overlay_mdp_encode_ports(frame->payload, MDP_PORT_LINKSTATE, MDP_PORT_LINKSTATE); ob_checkpoint(frame->payload); int pos = ob_position(frame->payload); enum_subscribers(NULL, append_link, frame->payload); ob_rewind(frame->payload); if (ob_position(frame->payload) == pos) op_free(frame); else if (overlay_payload_enqueue(frame)) op_free(frame); if (neighbours){ alarm->deadline = alarm->alarm; schedule(alarm); }else alarm->alarm=0; } static void update_alarm(time_ms_t limit){ if (link_send_alarm.alarm>limit || link_send_alarm.alarm==0){ unschedule(&link_send_alarm); link_send_alarm.alarm = limit; link_send_alarm.deadline = limit+10; schedule(&link_send_alarm); } } struct link_in * get_neighbour_link(struct neighbour *neighbour, struct overlay_interface *interface, int sender_interface, int unicast) { struct link_in *link = neighbour->links; if (unicast){ if (interface->prefer_unicast) unicast=1; else unicast=-1; } while(link){ if (link->interface == interface && link->neighbour_interface == sender_interface && link->unicast == unicast) return link; link=link->_next; } link = emalloc_zero(sizeof(struct link_in)); link->interface = interface; link->unicast = unicast; link->neighbour_interface = sender_interface; link->ack_sequence = -1; link->ack_mask = 0; link->_next = neighbour->links; if (config.debug.linkstate) DEBUGF("LINK STATE; new possible %s link from neighbour %s on interface %s/%d", unicast?"unicast":"broadcast", alloca_tohex_sid(neighbour->subscriber->sid), interface->name, sender_interface); neighbour->links = link; return link; } int link_add_destinations(struct overlay_frame *frame) { if (frame->destination){ frame->next_hop = frame->destination; // if the destination is unreachable, but we have a reachable directory service // forward it through the directory service if (frame->next_hop->reachable==REACHABLE_NONE && directory_service && frame->next_hop!=directory_service && directory_service->reachable&REACHABLE) frame->next_hop = directory_service; if (frame->next_hop->reachable==REACHABLE_NONE){ // if the destination is a neighbour, add all probable destinations struct neighbour *n = get_neighbour(frame->destination, 0); if (n){ struct link_out *out = n->out_links; time_ms_t now = gettime_ms(); while(out){ if (out->timeout>=now && frame->destination_count < MAX_PACKET_DESTINATIONS) frame->destinations[frame->destination_count++].destination = add_destination_ref(out->destination); out = out->_next; } } } if ((frame->next_hop->reachable&REACHABLE)==REACHABLE_INDIRECT) frame->next_hop = frame->next_hop->next_hop; if (frame->next_hop->reachable&REACHABLE_DIRECT){ if (frame->destination_count < MAX_PACKET_DESTINATIONS) frame->destinations[frame->destination_count++].destination=add_destination_ref(frame->next_hop->destination); } }else{ char added_interface[OVERLAY_MAX_INTERFACES]; bzero(added_interface, sizeof(added_interface)); struct neighbour *neighbour = neighbours; for(;neighbour;neighbour = neighbour->_next){ if (neighbour->subscriber->reachable&REACHABLE_DIRECT){ struct network_destination *dest = neighbour->subscriber->destination; // TODO set packet version per destination if (frame->packet_version > neighbour->subscriber->max_packet_version) frame->packet_version = neighbour->subscriber->max_packet_version; if (!dest->unicast){ if (!dest->interface->send_broadcasts) continue; // make sure we only add broadcast interfaces once int id = dest->interface - overlay_interfaces; if (added_interface[id]){ continue; } } if (frame->destination_count < MAX_PACKET_DESTINATIONS) frame->destinations[frame->destination_count++].destination=add_destination_ref(dest); } } } return 0; } // do we need to forward any broadcast packets transmitted by this neighbour? int link_state_should_forward_broadcast(struct subscriber *transmitter) { struct neighbour *neighbour = get_neighbour(transmitter, 0); if (!neighbour) return 1; time_ms_t now = gettime_ms(); // it's only safe to drop broadcasts if we know we are in this neighbours routing table, // and we know we are not vital to reach someone else. // if we aren't in their routing table as an immediate neighbour, we may be hearing this broadcast packet over an otherwise unreliable link. // since we're going to process it now and assume that any future copies are duplicates, its better to be safe and forward it. if (neighbour->using_us && neighbour->routing_through_us < now) return 0; return 1; } // when we receive a packet from a neighbour with ourselves as the next hop, make sure we send an ack soon(ish) int link_state_ack_soon(struct subscriber *subscriber){ IN(); struct neighbour *neighbour = get_neighbour(subscriber, 0); if (!neighbour) RETURN(0); time_ms_t now = gettime_ms(); if (neighbour->using_us && subscriber->reachable & REACHABLE_DIRECT && subscriber->destination){ if (neighbour->next_neighbour_update > now + subscriber->destination->min_rtt){ neighbour->next_neighbour_update = now + subscriber->destination->min_rtt; if (config.debug.ack) DEBUGF("Asking for next ACK Real Soon Now"); } } update_alarm(neighbour->next_neighbour_update); OUT(); return 0; } // our neighbour is sending a duplicate frame, did we see the original? int link_received_duplicate(struct subscriber *subscriber, struct overlay_interface *interface, int sender_interface, int payload_seq, int unicast) { struct neighbour *neighbour = get_neighbour(subscriber, 0); if (!neighbour) return 0; if (neighbour->mdp_ack_sequence != -1){ if (neighbour->mdp_ack_sequence == payload_seq){ return 1; } int offset = (neighbour->mdp_ack_sequence - 1 - payload_seq)&0xFF; if (offset < 64){ if (neighbour->mdp_ack_mask & (1<mdp_ack_mask |= (1<mdp_ack_sequence - 1)&0xFF; neighbour->mdp_ack_mask = (neighbour->mdp_ack_mask << 1) | 1; neighbour->mdp_ack_mask = neighbour->mdp_ack_mask << offset; neighbour->mdp_ack_sequence = payload_seq; } }else neighbour->mdp_ack_sequence = payload_seq; return 0; } // remote peer has confirmed hearing a recent unicast packet int link_unicast_ack(struct subscriber *subscriber, struct overlay_interface *interface, struct sockaddr_in addr) { // TODO find / create network destination, keep it alive return 0; } static struct link_out *create_out_link(struct neighbour *neighbour, overlay_interface *interface, struct sockaddr_in *addr, char unicast){ struct link_out *ret=emalloc_zero(sizeof(struct link_out)); if (ret){ ret->_next=neighbour->out_links; neighbour->out_links=ret; if (unicast) ret->destination = create_unicast_destination(*addr, interface); else ret->destination = add_destination_ref(interface->destination); if (config.debug.linkstate) DEBUGF("LINK STATE; Create possible %s link_out for neighbour %s on interface %s", unicast?"unicast":"broadcast", alloca_tohex_sid(neighbour->subscriber->sid), interface->name); ret->timeout = gettime_ms()+ret->destination->tick_ms*3; update_alarm(gettime_ms()+5); } return ret; } static void create_out_links(struct neighbour *neighbour, overlay_interface *interface, struct sockaddr_in *addr){ struct link_out *l = neighbour->out_links; while(l){ if (l->destination->interface==interface) return; l=l->_next; } // if this packet arrived in an IPv4 packet, assume we need to send them unicast packets if (addr && addr->sin_family==AF_INET && addr->sin_port!=0 && addr->sin_addr.s_addr!=0) create_out_link(neighbour, interface, addr, 1); // if this packet arrived from the same IPv4 subnet, or a different type of network, assume they can hear our broadcasts if (!addr || addr->sin_family!=AF_INET || (addr->sin_addr.s_addr & interface->netmask.s_addr) == (interface->address.sin_addr.s_addr & interface->netmask.s_addr)) create_out_link(neighbour, interface, addr, 0); } // track stats for receiving packets from this neighbour int link_received_packet(struct decode_context *context, int sender_seq, char unicast) { if (!context->sender) return 0; struct neighbour *neighbour = get_neighbour(context->sender, 1); // get stats about incoming packets struct link_in *link=get_neighbour_link(neighbour, context->interface, context->sender_interface, unicast); time_ms_t now = gettime_ms(); create_out_links(neighbour, context->interface, &context->addr); link->ack_counter --; // for now we'll use a simple time based link up/down flag + dropped packet count if (sender_seq >=0){ if (link->ack_sequence != -1){ int offset = (link->ack_sequence - 1 - sender_seq)&0xFF; if (offset < 64){ if (config.debug.verbose && config.debug.linkstate) DEBUGF("LINK STATE; late seq %d from %s on %s", sender_seq, alloca_tohex_sid(context->sender->sid), context->interface->name); link->ack_mask |= (1<ack_mask = (link->ack_mask << 1) | 1; while(1){ link->ack_sequence = (link->ack_sequence+1)&0xFF; if (link->ack_sequence == sender_seq) break; // missed a packet? send a link state soon if ((config.debug.verbose && config.debug.linkstate)||config.debug.ack) DEBUGF("LINK STATE; missed seq %d from %s on %s", link->ack_sequence, alloca_tohex_sid(context->sender->sid), context->interface->name); link->ack_mask = link->ack_mask << 1; link->ack_counter --; // if we need to nack promptly if (neighbour->using_us && link==neighbour->best_link){ neighbour->next_neighbour_update = now + 10; if (link->ack_counter <=0){ neighbour_find_best_link(neighbour); send_neighbour_link(neighbour); } } } } }else link->ack_sequence = sender_seq; } // force an update when we start hearing a new neighbour link if (link->link_timeout < now){ if (neighbour->next_neighbour_update > now + 10); neighbour->next_neighbour_update = now + 10; } link->link_timeout = now + (context->interface->destination->tick_ms *5); // force an update soon when we need to promptly ack packets if (neighbour->using_us > now && link == neighbour->best_link && link->ack_counter <=0){ neighbour_find_best_link(neighbour); send_neighbour_link(neighbour); } update_alarm(neighbour->next_neighbour_update); return 0; } // parse incoming link details int link_receive(struct overlay_frame *frame, overlay_mdp_frame *mdp) { IN(); struct overlay_buffer *payload = ob_static(mdp->out.payload, mdp->out.payload_length); ob_limitsize(payload, mdp->out.payload_length); struct subscriber *sender = find_subscriber(mdp->out.src.sid, SID_SIZE, 0); struct neighbour *neighbour = get_neighbour(sender, 1); struct decode_context context; bzero(&context, sizeof(context)); context.interface = frame->interface; time_ms_t now = gettime_ms(); char changed = 0; while(ob_remaining(payload)>0){ context.invalid_addresses=0; struct subscriber *receiver=NULL, *transmitter=NULL; struct overlay_interface *interface = NULL; int start_pos = ob_position(payload); int length = ob_get(payload); if (length <=0) break; int flags = ob_get(payload); if (flags<0) break; if (overlay_address_parse(&context, payload, &receiver)) break; int version = ob_get(payload); if (version < 0) break; if (!(flags & FLAG_NO_PATH)){ if (overlay_address_parse(&context, payload, &transmitter)) break; } int interface_id = -1; if (flags & FLAG_HAS_INTERFACE){ interface_id = ob_get(payload); if (interface_id < 0) break; if (interface_id >= OVERLAY_MAX_INTERFACES) continue; } int ack_seq = -1; uint32_t ack_mask = 0; int drop_rate = 0; if (flags & FLAG_HAS_ACK){ ack_seq = ob_get(payload); ack_mask = ob_get_ui32(payload); drop_rate = 15 - NumberOfSetBits((ack_mask & 0x7FFF)); // we can deal with low packet loss, and with fast packet transmission rates we're going to see lots of broadcast collisions. // we only want to force a link update when packet loss due to interference is high. Otherwise ignore it. if (drop_rate <=3) drop_rate = 0; } if (flags & FLAG_HAS_DROP_RATE){ drop_rate = ob_get(payload); if (drop_rate <0) break; } // jump to the position of the next record, even if there's more data we don't understand payload->position = start_pos + length; if (context.invalid_addresses) continue; if ((config.debug.verbose && config.debug.linkstate)||config.debug.ack) DEBUGF("LINK STATE; record - %d, %s, %s, %d, %d, %x, %d", flags, receiver?alloca_tohex_sid(receiver->sid):"NULL", transmitter?alloca_tohex_sid(transmitter->sid):"NULL", interface_id, ack_seq, ack_mask, drop_rate); if (receiver == my_subscriber){ // track if our neighbour is using us as an immediate neighbour, if they are we need to ack / nack promptly neighbour->using_us = (transmitter==sender?1:0); // for routing, we can completely ignore any links that our neighbour is using to route to us. // we can always send packets to ourself :) continue; } struct network_destination *destination=NULL; if (receiver == sender){ // ignore other incoming links to our neighbour if (transmitter!=my_subscriber || interface_id==-1) continue; interface = &overlay_interfaces[interface_id]; // ignore any links claiming to be from an interface we aren't using if (interface->state != INTERFACE_STATE_UP) continue; struct link_out *out = neighbour->out_links; char unicast = flags&FLAG_UNICAST?1:0; while(out){ if (out->destination->interface==interface && out->destination->unicast==unicast) break; out=out->_next; } if (!out){ if (flags&FLAG_UNICAST) continue; else out = create_out_link(neighbour, interface, NULL, 0); } // start sending sequence numbers when our neighbour has acked a packet if (out->destination->sequence_number<0) out->destination->sequence_number=0; out->timeout=now + out->destination->tick_ms * 5; destination = out->destination; }else if(transmitter == my_subscriber){ // if our neighbour starts using us to reach this receiver, we have to treat the link in our routing table as if it just died. transmitter = NULL; if (receiver->reachable != REACHABLE_SELF){ // also we should forward this neighbours broadcast packets to ensure they reach this receiver. // since we won't remember this link for routing purposes, we'll just use a simple timer. neighbour->routing_through_us = now + 2500; } } struct link *link = find_link(neighbour, receiver, transmitter?1:0); if (!link) continue; if (transmitter == my_subscriber && receiver == sender && interface_id != -1 && destination){ // they can hear us? we can route through them! version = link->link_version; // which network destination can they hear us from? if (set_destination_ref(&link->destination, destination)){ changed = 1; version++; } if (neighbour->link_in_timeout < now || version<0){ changed = 1; version++; } neighbour->link_in_timeout = now + interface->destination->tick_ms * 5; if (drop_rate != link->drop_rate || transmitter != link->transmitter) version++; // process acks / nacks if (ack_seq!=-1){ // TODO unicast overlay_queue_ack(sender, interface->destination, ack_mask, ack_seq); // did they miss our last ack? if (neighbour->last_update_seq!=-1){ int seq_delta = (ack_seq - neighbour->last_update_seq)&0xFF; if (seq_delta <= 32 && (seq_delta==0 || ack_mask&(1<<(seq_delta-1)))){ neighbour->last_update_seq = -1; }else if(seq_delta < 128){ // send another ack asap if (config.debug.ack) DEBUGF("LINK STATE; neighbour %s missed ack %d, queue another", alloca_tohex_sid(sender->sid), neighbour->last_update_seq); neighbour->next_neighbour_update=now+5; update_alarm(neighbour->next_neighbour_update); } } } link->last_ack_seq = ack_seq; }else{ set_destination_ref(&link->destination, NULL); } if (link->transmitter != transmitter || link->link_version != version){ changed = 1; link->transmitter = transmitter; link->link_version = version & 0xFF; link->drop_rate = drop_rate; // TODO other link attributes... } } send_please_explain(&context, my_subscriber, sender); if (changed){ route_version++; neighbour->path_version ++; if (link_send_alarm.alarm>now+5 || link_send_alarm.alarm==0){ unschedule(&link_send_alarm); link_send_alarm.alarm=now+5; // read all incoming packets first link_send_alarm.deadline=now+15; schedule(&link_send_alarm); } } OUT(); return 0; } // if a neighbour asks for a subscriber explaination, make sure we repeat relevant link information immediately. void link_explained(struct subscriber *subscriber) { time_ms_t now = gettime_ms(); struct link_state *state = get_link_state(subscriber); state->next_update = now+5; update_alarm(now+5); } void link_interface_down(struct overlay_interface *interface) { clean_neighbours(gettime_ms()); } /* if an ancient node on the network uses their old protocol to tell us that they can hear us; - send the same format back at them - treat the link as up. - but we aren't going to use this link in either routing protocol */ int link_state_legacy_ack(struct overlay_frame *frame, time_ms_t now) { if (frame->payload->sizeLimit<9) return WHY("selfannounce ack packet too short"); ob_get_ui32(frame->payload); ob_get_ui32(frame->payload); int iface=ob_get(frame->payload); overlay_interface *interface = &overlay_interfaces[iface]; // record that we have a possible link to this neighbour struct neighbour *neighbour = get_neighbour(frame->source, 1); struct link *link = find_link(neighbour, frame->source, 1); int changed = 0; if (!neighbour->legacy_protocol){ changed = 1; if (config.debug.linkstate) DEBUGF("LINK STATE; new legacy neighbour %s", alloca_tohex_sid(frame->source->sid)); } if (neighbour->link_in_timeout < now) changed = 1; if (link->transmitter != my_subscriber) changed = 1; link->transmitter = my_subscriber; link->link_version = 1; link->destination = interface->destination; // give this link a high cost, we aren't going to route through it anyway... link->drop_rate = 32; // track the incoming link so we remember to send broadcasts struct link_in *nl = get_neighbour_link(neighbour, frame->interface, iface, 0); nl->link_timeout = now + (link->destination->tick_ms *5); neighbour->legacy_protocol = 1; neighbour->link_in_timeout = now + link->destination->tick_ms * 5; if (changed){ route_version++; neighbour->path_version ++; if (link_send_alarm.alarm>now+5 || link_send_alarm.alarm==0){ unschedule(&link_send_alarm); link_send_alarm.alarm=now+5; // read all incoming packets first link_send_alarm.deadline=now+15; schedule(&link_send_alarm); } } return 0; }